What his high hatred would affect, wants not SCENE II. Enter Cardinal Wolsey, the purse born before him, cer-tain of the guard, and two secretaries with papers. the Cardinal in his passage fixeth his eye on Bucking-ham, and Buckingham on him, both full of disdain. Wol. The Duke of Buckingham's surveyor? ha!: Where's his examination ? Secr. Here, so please you. Secr. Ay, an't please your Grace. Wol. Well, we shall then know more, And Buckingham shall lessen this big look. [Exeunt Cardinal and his train.. Buck. This butcher's cur is venom-mouth'd, and I Have not the pow'r to muzzle him, therefore best Not wake him in his slumber. A beggar's book Out-worths a noble's blood. Nor. What, are you chaf'd?. Ask God for temperance, that's th' appliance only Buck. I read in's looks Matter against me, and his eye revil'd Me as his abject object; at this instant He bores me with fome trick, he's gone to th' King:: I'll follow and out-stare him. Nor. Stay, my lord, And let your reason with your choler question As Self 1 Self-mettle tires him: Not a man in England Buck. I'll to the King, And from a mouth of honour quite cry down Nor. Be advis'd; Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot Buck. Sir, I'm thankful to you, and I'll go along By your prescription; but this top-proud fellow, And prrofs as clear as founts in July, when. We see each grain of gravel, I do know To be corrupt and treasonous. Nor. Say not, treasonous. Buck. To th' King I'll say't, and make my vouch as strong As shore of rock attend. This holy fox, Nor. Faith, and so it did. 1 ! Buck Buck. Pray give me favour, Sir - this cunning The articles o' th' combination drew Nor. I am forry To hear this of him; and could wish you were Something mistaken in't. Buck. No, not a fyllable: I do pronounce him in that very shape He shall appear in proof. SCENE III. Enter Brandon, a ferjeant at arms before him, and two or three of the guard. Bran. Your office, Serjeant; execute it. b count. Serj Serj. Sir, My lord the Duke of Buckingham, and Earl Buck. Lo you, my lord, The net has fall'n upon me; I shall perifa Bran. I am forry To see you ta'en from liberty, to look on The business present. You shall to th' Tower. 'Tis his Highness pleasure Buck. It will help me nothing To plead mine innocence; for that dye is on me, Which makes my whit'st part black. The will of heav'n Be done in this and all things: I obey. O my lord Aberganny, fare ye well. Bran. Nay, he must bear you company. The King Is pleas'd you shall to the Tower, 'till you know How he determines further. Aber. As the Duke faid, The will of heav'n be done, and the King's pleasure By me obey'd. Bran. Here is a warrant from The King, t'attach lord Mantague, and the bodies Of the Duke's confeffor, John de la Car, And Gilbert Peck, his chancellor. Buck. So, fo; These are the limbs o'th' plot: no more, I hope! Buck. Nicholas Hopkins ? Bran. He. Buck. My furveyor is false, the o'er-great Cardinal Hath shew'd him gold; my life is spann'd already : I am the shadow of poor Buckingham, Whose figure ev'n this instant cloud puts on, By dark'ning my clear fun. My lord, farewel. [Exe. SCENE SCENE IV. Cornet, Enter King Henry, leaning on the Cardinal's shoulder; the Nobles and Sir Thomas Lovel; the Cardinal places himself under the King's feet, on his right fide. King. M it, Y life it felf, and the best heart of Of a full charg'd confed'racy, and give thanks 'A noise, with crying, Room for the Queen. Usher'd by the Duke of Norfolk, Enter the Queen, Norfolk and Suffolk; he kneels. The King riseth from his state, takes her up, kiffes and placeth her by him. Queen. Nay, we must longer kneel, I am a fuitor Never name to us, you have half our power : Queen. Thank your Majesty. That you would love your felf, and in that love King. Lady mine, proceed. Queen. I am follicited, not by a few, And those of true condition, that your subjects Are in great grievance. There have been commiffions Sent down among 'em, which have flaw'd the heart Of all their loyalties; wherein although [To Wolfey. (My |