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Clisconsin State Lunatic Asylum,






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To His Excellency the Governor and the Hon. Legislature: The Commissioners of the Wisconsin State Lunatic Asylumy! pursuant to the requirements of law, make the following


Immediately upon the adjournment of the last legislature, they entered upon the discharge of their duties as such Commissioners: } and first, the selection of a site upon which to erect the buildings of the Institution. Aware how important an influence the location of this hospital, and its construction and general arrangements, would have upon the mental and physical well being of those who' were shortly to become its occupants, the Commissioners have int nearly every particular been guided by the experience of those who have been long familiar with the subject, and who were ac quainted with the defects as well as the advantages of a majority of American asylums. Dr. Kirkbride, in an ably written article upon "Hospitals for the Insane," says, "When it has been determined to erect an hospital, the first object to be attended to is the selection of a suitable site for the buildings. The utmost caution should be observed in taking this step, on which may depend to no small extent the future character and usefulness of the institution; for the best style of building, and the most liberal organi- } zation, can never fully compensate for the loss sustained by a lo-) cation that deprives the patients of many valuable privileges, or ; subject them to varied annoyances."

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Many sites were offered to the Commissioners by citizens of Madison, and other sections of the state, a full account of which is given in the Superintendent's Report. After a caref..l and scruti· nizing examination of the various localities, the Commissioners seleted the lands off red by Ex Goveroo - Farwell, upon the north shore of Lake Mendota, in the town of Westport, about six miles from the Capitol square. This site is one of the no-t beautiful that can be imagined, and, in the opinion of the Commissio ers, pos esses every necessary requisite for such an institution. It is in a healthy, pleasant and fertile region of country; the land is of a good quality and easily tilled, and the ne ghborhood is replete with objects of an intere-t ng characterWhile the asylum will be retired, and its privacy fully sceu ed, views from it will exhibit life in its active form, and the wirang objects of a busy town. The tat embraces one hundred and four acres, in which there is a due proportion of wood and tillable land. A supply of water can be obtained from, the Like, ́n d tho the facilities of drainage are abundant. The general character of the land is such as will admit of a high degree of tasteful and agreeable improvement.


The Commissioners fel that they would not be doing just ce to Governor Farwel, if they should neglect to remind the legisla ture of this public spirit and liberality, made soap, arent, by his deeding to the state this tract of land for the nominal sum, of tifteen hundred hundred dollars, while the real value thereof is not less than six thousand dollars. The commissioners are also mader many obligations to him for valuable suggestions during the pro gress of ti e'r business. 77

The fourth section of the "act to provide for a State, Lunatic Asylum," is as follows:

Such bu ldings shall be constructed in accordance with the plan of the Worcester Hospital for the I sane, as recommend; d by the Committee in their Report to the Senate. Povided, That said Commissioners shall have power to make any a terations the en which they may think necessary, and which will no materially change said plan, or increase the cost of said

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