My Little Grandmother Often Forgets

Front Cover
Candlewick Press, 2007 - Juvenile Fiction - 32 pages
'My Little Grandmother Often Forgets' explores the very special bond between a beloved grandmother who is affected by memory loss and her patient, devoted grandson.

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About the author (2007)

Reeve Lindbergh, the daughter of Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, has written many children’s books, including MY HIPPIE GRANDMOTHER, ON MORNING WINGS, and NOBODY OWNS THE SKY, as well as several memoirs for adults. She lives in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.

Kathryn Brown has illustrated numerous books for children, including TOUGH BORIS by Mem Fox, WHEN MOON FELL DOWN by Linda Smith, and MAMA LOVES by Rebecca Kai Dotlich. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

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