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Resolved, That the power of conciliating the confidence and affections of children is an indispensable qualification for a good teacher and that this faculty ought especially to be exercised in imparting moral instruction.

These resolutions were subsequently adopted.

the love of God and man, and of the great and Resolved, That teachers ought carefully to benevolent rule of doing to others as we would avoid all undue appeals to the baser passions of that others should do to us, involves no sectarian our nature, such as the love of distinction, the or illiberal spirit, because all sects and classes of love of power, and the love of wealth. men adopt all those principles, and thus stand up. | on common ground and are united by a common bond. Such teaching must form one part of instruction in common schools. On the other hand, dishonesty, dissipation, lying, intemperance, cru. elty, disobedience to parents and disregard of. proper authority and law, contempt of the divine Being and disregard of his commands and of the rights and interests of our fellow men, are as uni. versally condemned by all sects in religion and all classes in society. The criminality and dishonor of all these and their kindred vices and crimes! Resolved, That the infliction of corporal punmust form one part of the instruction of all teach-ishment as a means of school discipline, has no ers of children and youth. sanction but usage, and that this convention wholThe moral power of man is the highest and ly disapprove of the practice, and recommend its noblest and most important of his endowments discontinuance.



The convention proceeded to the consideration of Mr. Randall's resolution on corporal punishment, which reads as follows:

rous origin, and that it was an absurd idea that physical force could, in the light of the nineteenth century, convey moral instruction. Appeals to reason and moral principle, were considered sufficient in all cases. He had a child whom no

from the hand of his Maker. All education Mr. Henry of Herkimer, addressed the conmust be very imperfect, which does not respect vention. He was unable to tell as well as oththis power. This power comes into action earlyers, what the inspired volume taught on this subin life. Children know and feel moral obliga-ject. It was contended that the practice of cortion; the sense of right and wrong is an early poral punishment was barbarous and of barbadevelopment. The teacher must make it an important part of his effort to bear upon this sense of right and wrong, and enlist the conscience of the pupil as a propelling power to his action in the school and through life. To all the extent in which moral suasion shall be substitut-persuasion could induce to open his mouth to ed for corporal punishment, there must be intro- have a tooth drawn, and was obliged to interpose duced moral instruction. The teacher will in his authority to effect the object. We have not evitably fail, unless he shall introduce the latter yet arrived at that state of perfection that we simultaneously with the diminution of the form-say to every man, "do as you please." If so, There are only these two modes of govern. why was every house in this city locked? Why ment and discipline-moral influence and phy- all the immense machinery of law? The mob sical force. In society and enlightened govern- at Philadelphia were deaf to moral suasion.vernments, as well as under the beneficient go. The appeal to arms was one which they undervernment of our Creator, these two modes are stood. He ventured to say, that those very perunited. The reason alone is inefficient; and we sons were educated under a mild system of moral must bring into constant operation the conscience suasion. Napoleon in quelling mobs, fired the and the heart. The teacher must reiterate the grape shot first, and blank cartridges afterwards. questions on conduct--is it right? is it proper? He would not give the snap of his finger for the is it reasonable? is it consistent with good and schools of New-York, if it were understood that the pursuit of good? is it becoming? is it doing coercive measures were thrown entirely aside. as you would like to be done by? would your fa-The resolution is radical, and proposes an entire ther approve it? your mother and sister, how revolution. He admired the goodness of heart will they think of it? above all, will God, who that prompted this movement, but the time for its gives you life, or who holds you in life, approve adoption has not yet arrived. Order could not this conduct, action, or feeling? be kept one hour if it were known that physical force were entirely dispensed with.

Mr. Hawley of Buffalo, did not think we could draw general conclusions from particular instances, such as those mentioned by the gentleman from Boston, (Mr. Fowle.) We must first ascertain what corporal punishment is. Any physical restraint would come under that head, and he hoped that those who voted for its abolition would not consider outrageous flogging alone as such. The subject embraced so wide a range

In effecting the great result of moral instruction, a resort to the Bible and the language of the Bible and the authority of the Bible, will be found of the highest consequence. The daily opening of the school with the reading of a select and short portion of the Scriptures and the offering of a short, humble prayer will admirably fit both the teacher and the children for the influence of moral suasion and rational government, as well as for all the duties of the school. The teacher is to show his own cordial subjection to the pow-of principles, that it could hardly be voted uper of these principles.

In conclusion, your committee present the following resolutions, for the consideration of this convention.

on understandingly. He thought the punishment of the intellect often more cruel and more disastrous in its consequences than physical punishment. Every boy, sooner or later must subResolved, That moral instruction ought always mit to his superior. It was good for a man to to be enforced by a corresponding example in the find his superior. There was much argument in teacher, and that occasions arising incidentally the feelings. He would not only say, remove for enlightening children in regard to the true spi-not ancient landmarks," but remove not the anrit and import of moral laws, ought to be care. cient body marks." fully embraced and will frequently prove the most efficient means of moral culture.

Mr. Randall had but very little experience as a teacher. He had arrived at the conclusion

from reading and reflection, that corporal pun- a resolution entirely disapproving its use. The ishment was not in accordance with the enlight-time had not yet arrived for its total abolition. ened philosophy of the day. If physical violence were threatened, it must be repelled by physical force. But if the mind or heart are to be enlightened, moral means must be used. Ministers of the gospel in reforming character, appealed entirely to moral means. Attempts had been made to propagate religion by force, and all the horrors of the inquisition never convinced the mind, although they might have suppressed the free discussion of opinions. By corporal punishment he meant flogging, not physi. cal restraint of every kind. He did not believe this principle conflicted with the Bible. Solomon has said, "foolishness was bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction must bring it out." But a greater than Solomon has said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the king dom of heaven."

Dr. Potter resumed by saying that he was quite sure the practice was rapidly diminishing; and he confidently believed that in time it would fol low the errors of the dark ages. He deprecated the action of this convention in the manner proposed by the resolution. All reformations should be gradual. This sudden innovation upon a long established usage, would be attended with disastrous consequences. He believed the time would come when prisons and the gallows would be done away with; but what would be the ef fect if the legislature were to proclaim throughout the length and breadth of the land that every prison wall was to be razed to the ground and every gallows taken down? Children whom Providence has not blessed with good parents, often go from houses of iniquity and shame to the school-room, where they must be dealt with according to law. What must the teacher do? If the child has become a brute, he must be dealt with in a corresponding manner. How rouse the petrified powers of such child's nature? If you cannot make his intellectual nature feel, you must find a sensitive spot on his bodythe avenue to his nobler nature, and the key that will open the way to his nobler feelings.

Mr. King regretted the tone of this discussion. It should be conducted with calmness and deliberation. When the advocates of mild discipline attack the rod, they arouse the feelings of all those engaged in school teaching. One gentleman, (Mr. Olmsted,) had inflicted punishment when he was ready to weep tears of blood, but he imagined that all the blood flowed from the backs of the flogged children. He had said. however, that he had punished only three times in five years, and it was a source of congratulation that he had come so far over to the side of mo ral suasion. Another gentleman (Prof. Dewey,) had spoken of the stripes inflicted upon his back, in a manner that would lead the audience to believe that he would refuse instruction un-issue proclamations to the children, telling them less accompanied with a certain amount of stripes. He had not read the good book aright, if our Savior had ever used force to inculcate his principles and measures. [Mr. Henry here said" He did in driving the thieves from the temple."]

Mr. Bloss made some remarks on the subject, but gave way before he had fully expressed his views.

Dr. Potter thought it necessary to restrain the range of the discussion. He should therefore confine himself entirely to the subject of punishment in schools, without reference to the gov. ernment of families, except so far as it was connected with schools. He took it for granted that those in favor of the abolition of corporal punishment, were in favor of order; and hoped those who took ground in favor of retaining the asage, would not be considered in favor of stripes for the sake of stripes, and be represent ed as gloating over the pains inflicted upon the subjects of punishment. He believed corporal punishment was decreasing in every part of the country. If this was not the case, he should be glad to be informed of it, and would take his seat, in order that any person might, if the fact had come to his knowledge, state it to the convention.

No one having any such information to communicate, Dr. Potter requested the convention to hear Mr. Northend, of Salem, Mass. This gentleman, a teacher of some years' experience, said that to his knowledge corporal punishment was decreasing, in consequence of the general discussion of the subject; but he thought it would be unwise in this convention to send forth

Physicians pore over a disease, to find the most sensitive part, to commence the work of renovation. After a child has become morally incura ble, he has in his physical nature a sensibility which cannot be destroyed, through which you cannot fail to reach his intellect. Corporal pun ishment has been banished from the schools of Holland and Prussia. But do those governments

that it is not to be used in any case? No. Ev. ery child in those countries knows that it will be used, but used only as a last resort, when every other means have failed.

Dr. P. said he did not commonly use corporal punishment in his family, but when he had occa. sion to use it as a last resort, he did it in a memorable style. If he were to tell his nine children that they were never more to be punished, he should immediately expect a domestic insurrection. Two of his lads, not long ago, came home from school in great glee, informing him that the teacher had told them that they were gentlemen, and that he should punish them no more, as he thought it degrading to punish_gentlemen. And in four weeks' time the school was a perfect bedlam. So great was the confusion and disorder that the teacher was obliged to avail himself of the first opportunity to resume his former practice. Dr. P. regarded the theory of intellectual punishment alone unsound. was not the way that God, in his divine govern ment, dealt with his creatures. He awoke the dormant nature of man through the physical system-by the light that breaks upon the infant's eyes, and the sounds that fall upon his ear. By these means he taught his power and prerogative. He made the body sensible to pains and pleasures, and made use of those physical properties to advance his own divine purposes. Shall we be wiser than God? We should never lay aside our physical nature. All the great en terprises of life were carried on through it. Why were the citizens of Rochester actively engaged, from "early morn to dewy eve," in increasing their comforts and making their capital


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productive? Simply because they heeded the well established physical law, that he who will not work shall not eat." This principle runs through all the progress of society.

Dr. P. made some very able remarks on the graduation of punishment.

When he had concluded, the convention took

a recess.


The Convention, in the afternoon, resumed the subject of corpora punishment.

Dr. Potter move the following substitute for Mr. Randall's resolution:

Resolve, That the substitution of moral for physical punishment be recommended to teachers to be adopted as rapidly as the preservation of good order and the best interests of the schools will allow.

The substitute was accepted by Mr. R. and adopted by the Convention.

Mr. Dwight, from the Library Committee, reported the following resolutions on school libraries, which were laid on the table, but subse. quently adopted:

Whereas, a deplorable indifference prevails in many sections of the state, to the use, fate and condition of the district school libraries, and whereas, doubts of the expediency of maintaining this part of the common school system are gaining strength from the conviction that in many cases the books are now useless; therefore,

Resolved, That every county superintendent shall, in his next annual report. state to the department not only the condition of the library, but the average number of volumes in use during the year, that the actual extent of this indifference may be known, and fit remedies applied.

Resolved, That in the mean time it is expedi. ent, in accordance with the recommendations of the last report of the State Superintendent, to promote the purchase of books adapted to the tastes of children, and that they should be en couraged to draw books from the library, and to read them thoroughly, by the teacher's appropriating a part of the afternoon of the semimonthly return day to discuss with the pupils the object and usefulness of the books read.

Resolved, That the libraries should during term time be kept in the school-house, or in some neighboring dwelling, and that the teacher should in all cases be employed as assistant librarian.

Mr. Reynolds, from the same committee, reported on the District School Journal. Laid on

the table.

Mr. Arnold, of Dutchess, offered the following resolution, in reference to the purchase of text books with the public money.

Resolved, That in order to attain uniformity of text books, and to secure to the indigent an equal participation in the benefits to be derived from attending school, it is expedient that a portion of the public moneys distributed to school districts, be exclusively devoted to the purchase of text books, which shall be the property of each district for the use of its school; that to entitle a district to a share of such text book money, it should raise and add to it an equal amount, to be expended with it: and that the selection of such text books shoull be made by the trustees, subject to the approval of their espective town or county superintendents.

Read and referred to the committee on laws and applications to the legislature.

Mr. Spencer, of Allegany, offered the follow. ing resolution on the subject of the study of Hu. man Physiology. Laid on the table.

Resolved, That the study of human physiolo gy as a general exercise in our common schools, is of great importance, and that in the opinion of this convention no person should be entrusted with the sacred office of teacher, who is not well acquainted with the laws of health and life,

I. F. Mack offered a series of resolutions on the subject of free schools, recommending the passage of a law authorizing each town to raise by tax a sum sufficient for the support of schools. After some discussion, the resolutions were withdrawn.

Mr. Thomas offered a resolution recommend. ing that the Bible or select portions should be read daily in all the common schools, as the best book of Christian morals.

Mr. Hawley of Buffalo, although he agreed with the sentiment of the resolution, yet from his peculiar position, representing, as he did, a large community, composed of all sects of Christians, some of whom would be opposed to it, moved to lay the resolution on the table.

Dr. Potter said he need not inform the conven. tion that he was in favor of the resolution, but he did not think it expedient for the convention to place itself into a controversial position with any class in the community.

Mr. Thomas said he merely wished the introduction of the Bible as a matter of discipline, as it contained the best code of morals under heaven.

Mr. Curtiss adverted to the difficulties attend. ing the same questions in New-York and Philadelphia. He deemed the resolution impolitie. Every thing calculated to excite religious preju dices should be carefully avoided.

Mr. Patchin of Livingston, said he had never known but three persons in his county who ever opposed the introduction of the Bible. He spoke in the highest terms of the Bible as a code of morals. He had never known but one teacher who objected to reading it in schools. Had the moral precepts of the Bible been felt, we should have seen different conduct in the Philadelphia rioters. Unless intellectual cultivation is im proved by moral principle, education will be of no avail.

Mr. Olmsted asked whether it would be dis creet at this time, to recommend the Bible to be read in schools. It would be regarded as an attempt to coerce the people into their opinions, and do more hurt than good.

Mr. Barnes of Onondaga, offered an amend ment recommending the reading of the Scriptures where there are no objections."


Mr. Thomas withdrew the resolution, and Mr. Patchin immediately renewed it. chairman, under the rules, referred it to the business committee.

The convention spent some time in discussing the time and place of the next convention. The subject was finally referred to a committee of eight.

On motion of Mr. Dwight, a committee of nine was appointed to report on the organization of the next convention, as follows: Dwight, Johnson, Cooper, Henry, McKoon, Shumway. Pendleton, Finch and Wheeler.

The convention resolved to attend the public school celebration at the Fitzhugh-street Chapel, on Thursday, at two o'clock.

Some time was spent in hearing Dr. Comstock, of Philadelphia, explain his system of elocution.


Mr. Fowle, of Boston, addressed the school convention on Wednesday evening. He is a practical teacher of great experience, having been engaged in the business of teaching for twenty-one years, and consequently understands well the duties and responsibilities of a teacher, as well as the best modes of imparting instruction to the youthful mind.

The remarks of Mr. Fowle were mostly confined to the subject of Memory-its importance, and liability to abuse. He contended that all discipline of the mind depended upon this one faculty. Teachers have been aware of the im. portance of cultivating the memory, but have generally pursued a very injudicious course, thinking, or practising as though they thought, the mere memory of words all that was neces. sary in a child. The utter inutility, so far as the acquirement of knowledge is concerned, of pursuing such a course, and its ruinous tendency upon the healthy action of the mind. were graphically pictured by the speaker. Ideas are far more important than mere words. Scholars who could repeat a long string of words, with out understanding a single idea they contained, were often considered by their parents and friends as prodigies. Mr. F. said, when a boy, he was taught the catechism from the old New-England Primer. He could repeat it, word for word, from beginning to end, either "backward or forward, and understand it as well one way as the other." Not an idea was gained, for he was taught nothing but the words.

One individual has a memory of ideas, connected with a particular subject. The speaker said his practice was where he found a scholar possessing a great memory upon some particular subject, to endeavor to cultivate a memory upon those subjects retained less easily; but not to the neglect of that point in which the pupil naturalty excelled. Every child remembers what is most interesting to him, therefore it should be the study of every teacher to present knowledge to the pupil in a pleasing and interesting man.


Our limits will not admit of more than a brief glance at the main topic of the address. Those who had the pleasure of listening to Mr. F. were much interested in the subject, and delighted by the happy manner in which it was treated. We hope those who are engaged in the business of teaching "the young idea" may profit by the advice of so distinguished a teacher of youth as Mr. Fowle.

THURSDAY MORNING. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Church.

Dr. Thomas, from the business committee, introduced the following resolution, upon which he moved the previous question.

Resolved, That this convention recommend that the Bible, or select portions of it, be read daily in the common schools.

Mr. Dwight moved, by consent of the mover of the previous question, that it lie on the table. Carried.

Mr. Dwight, from the committee on the orga nization of the next convention, then reported as follows in favor of giving town superintendents seats in the body and a right to vote collectively.

Resolved, That the next convention of superintendents shall be so organized as to include both town and county superintendents as mem. bers, possessing equal rights and privileges.

Resolved, That every fifteen members of said convention, by rising in their places, may require any vote to be taken by counties, and in case such a demand is so made of the presiding offcer, he shall put the question to each county and district of a county, separately, and the county superintendent of each county, or district of a county, shall be entitled to one vote, and the town superintendents collectively, of said county, or said district of a county, shall be entitled to one vote, and unless a majority of the coun ties, and districts of counties be in favor of said question, thus put by the presiding officer, the said question shall be declared lost.

Resolved, That delegates from associations, teachers, and other friends of education who may be present, and who may wish to take part in the proceedings of said convention, may be admitted to all privileges, except the right of voting.

An objection, that the convention would be too large and unwieldy, was discussed at length. Mr. Dwight was of opinion that the largest legislative bodies are the most orderly, as in the case of Massachusetts. The town superintend ents, if denied a seat in the convention, would have a separate convention.


a town superintendent, spoke against admitting the towns. He thought the two bodies were distinct, and that they should not interfere with each other.

Mr. Hamilton, superintendent of Geneseo, protested against excluding the towns.

Mr. Randall preferred delegations from the town superintendents. He moved a re-commit ment.

Mr. Henry spoke at length in favor of the resolutions.

Dr. Potter moved a re-committal.

Mr. Cropsey, of Suffolk, spoke in opposition to the resolution. He did not consider the town officers inferior to those of the counties. If the two bodies are associated in convention, they will come in conflict, and ultimately destroy the benefit of conventions. The county superin tendents would be responsible for all the acts of the convention. On this ground, principally, he was opposed to the measure.

Professor Dewey felt that it was honor enough for those who were not county superintendents to have the privilege of participating in the proceedings, without claiming a right to vote. He believed it ought to be confined to the county superintendents. He should be slow to claim a right to vote, and he hoped the convention would be slow in granting it.

Mr. Van Ingen viewed the question as one of great interest. He had expressed himself in favor of admitting all the towns to a full right in the convention. These were not legislative, but deliberative bodies. It would be desirable to assemble as much wisdom as possible, and for that reason, not only town officers, but parents and teachers should be invited to attend. If it should be found necessary, the votes of the two


orders could be taken separately, as in certain ecclesiastical bodies. The great object should be to assemble so large and dignified an assemblage as to draw out men of talent and ability. He trusted that towns would be fully admitted, and when necessary, vote separately.

Mr. Mekoon said that the town superintendents, by a large majority, approved the resolution.

Mr. Hamilton, of Geneseo, spoke earnestly in favor of admitting the towns.

Mr. Randall, from the committee, offered a resolution, approving the establishment, by the state, of a Normal School, and pledging the cooperation of the convention in the experiment.

Resolved, That the passage by a unanimous vote of the legislature of this state, of the act providing for the establishment of a Normal School at the seat of government, is a source of unfeigned gratification to the members of this convention: that to such an institution, organized upon enlightened principles and conducted Professor Davies, of West Point, thought if under the immediate supervision of the State the project were fully understood, it would find Superintendent, and the Regents of the Univermore favor. It would be desirable to get a full sity, the friends of education may reasonably expression from all parts of the state-an ex-look for the elevation and advancement of the And in order to get character and qualifications of teachers, and pression from the masses. this, it would be necessary to extend the organi- consequently for a decided improvement in the zation of the convention. He did not think it standard of elementary instruction, and that we would be necessary, once in ten years, to take a will cheerfully and cordially co-operate with the vote to protect the convention against local in- department and the friends of education genefluence. He was happy to say that sectional rally, in the efficient accomplishment of so defeeling had hitherto found no place in the con- sirable an object. vention, nor did he think it would.

Mr. Wright. of Washington, spoke of the difficulty of town superintendents, from a distance, attending conventions.

I. F. Mack, of Rochester, took ground against the resolution.

Mr. Ely made the following report in favor of Union Schools in convenient localities:

The committee appointed to report upon Union Schools, ask leave to submit the following for the consideration of the convention :

Whereas, the establishment of schools of seve Mr. Olmsted was of opinion that the conven- ral departments in large districts and densely tion was one of the friends of education, all of populated sections of the country, by affording He increased 'facilities for proper classification and whom should participate in discussion. thought the voting should be entirely confined a suitable division of labor among the teachers, to the counties. The town superintendents awakens a deeper interest in the various branmight, perhaps, be too tenacious of their rights.ches of elementary science, and more clearly Dr. Potter thought this the great-the vital and fully develops the resources and energies of question. They were not legislative bodies. the pupils; Therefore, Resolved, that we recommend the Their measures were only recommendatory. and the less formality the better. There should opening of Union Schools in such villages and be less talk about rights, and more kindly feel districts of the state as are possessed of a popuings. Too many resolutions were passed pre-lation sufficiently large to warrant the employcipitately. The less we said of organization the better. Legislative bodies had lost, in a great measure, the respect of the people, by the abuse of the privileges of debate. The wrang. ling, violence and personalities of many con ventions, were such that their recommendations inspired but little respect. He was of the opinion that numbers would operate as a restraint. He was in favor of the organization proposed by the resolutions.

Mr. Johnson moved the previous question, which was ordered.

Mr. Sprague called for the ayes and nays which were ordered.

ment of two or more teachers.

Messrs. Randall and Van Ingen called for information on the subject. The resolution was laid aside for further consideration.

The Chair stated that so far as his county was concerned, the experiment had been attended with very happy results.

Mr. McKoon, from the committee of town superintendents, submitted the following communication:

The committee of town superintendents, to which was referred the duties of these officers, communicate the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by The main question was taken by ayes and the gentlemen of the committee, about thirty in number, and for which, though not proper sab noes, and was carried-33 ayes, 15 noes. Mr. Fonda, to do away with all the complica-jects for the action of this body, they would reted machinery of organization, moved the fol- spectfully ask a place on the minutes of this convention, as an expression of what they be. lowing resolution: Resolved, That it is inexpedient to call ano-lieve to be the prevailing feeling of the town ther Convention of County Superintendents, as superintendents: such, but that Annual Conventions of the Friends of Education throughout the State, be recommended.

Dr. Potter thought there should be some nucleus around which to form a convention.

Dr. Thomas spoke in favor of the resolution, because he did not wish to bear the responsibility of the acts of others, as we should surely have to, if the towns were admitted to full rights.

Mr. Curtiss followed in opposition, and moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried.

Whereas the success of the common school system of this state depends materially upon the co-operation of all officers concerned in its administration; therefore

Resolved, That we regard the office of county superintendent as an important feature in our school system, as an intermediate tribunal between that of the town and state superinten dents, and affording facilities for the more prompt and efficient administration of the sy tem by the residence of the officer in the im mediate vicinity of the schools under his charge.

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