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President-PETER BARKER, of Evans.
Vice-President--DANIEL TROWBRIDGE, of


which will in the shortest period convey to the pu pil a thorough knowledge of the branches taught, and most fully discipline and expand all his mental faculties. After some discussion the re

Secretary-JOHN G. HOUSE, of Clarence. The President having announced the commit-port was adopted. tees, the convention a ljourned for one hour.


The committee on moral culture reportedWhereas, The aequisition of intellectual knowledge without virtue is but an increase of intellectual power liable to be applied to purposes at variance with the permanent happiness of its possessor, and the highest good of society: therefore

Several resolutions were introduced by different individuals, and after being discussed were adoptel. Among which were the following:Resolved, That the teachers who diligently quality themselves for the important business of educating the rising generation-who are labor- Resolved, That educators ought always. to ing assiduously to promote the great cause of give serious and careful attention to the deve moral and intellectual advancement-who wield lopment and cultivation of the moral senti. the powerful influence they possess in support ments of their pupils; among the best means of of truth and virtue, well deserve the thanks of doing which we recognize those of personal exthis convention and the gratitude of the entire ample and the frequent inculcation of moral community. precepts.

Resolved, That one of the best methods of improving the schools and promoting proper order therein, is, that parents frequently visit them and encourage and sustain teachers, by impressing upon the minds of pupils the importance of strict attention to their several duties as scholars.

Resolved, That we approve of the enlarge. ment of the District School Journal; and, believing its publication of great importance to common schools, will exert ourselves to extend its circulation, and increase the number of its


The committee on examination of teachers reported

Resolved, That we demand from the candidates who present themselves for examination, with whose moral character we are not other. wise acquainted, a certificate of the same from some good authority.

Also, the following heretofore adopted:

Resolved, That for the purpose of ascertaining the qualifications of teachers, it would be proper for the officer to ascertain by appropriate inquiries: First: His ability to govern himself: Second: His love for the business of teaching, and whether he designs making it a temporary or permanent employment: Third: His experi ence and success in teaching: Fourth: Whether he has '8btained a specific preparation : Fifth, The mole he proposes to adopt in teach. ing each branch of elementary science: Sixth, His knowledge of the various branches he may be required to teach: Seventh His ability to communicate instruction in the manner best adapted to develop the faculties of the mind, to form correct habits of thought, to make the studies of the various branches interesting to the minds of his pupils, and above all to inspire them with a love of order and decorum, and to inculcate those moral precepts, without which our schools would be divested of a large share of their usefulness-Report adopted.

The committee on methods of instruction reported

Whereas, Improper modes of instruction tend to render study disagreeable and repulsive to the pupil, discourage his application, and interpose the most embarrassing obstacles to his profi. ciency: therefore→

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The report was supported by several members and gentlemen from abroad, and adopted. Adjourned to half past 7 o'clock.

In the evening an able lecture on the subject of education was delivered by the Rev. Mr. TUCKER, of Buffalo.

The following ode, composed for the occasion by a resident of the town, was, in the course of the exercises of the evening, sung by the village choir:

There is a dawn more blest and bright
Thin ever beams from earthly skies,
It rises like the holy light

That gilded sinless paradise.

As on the wings of cherubim,

It comes in beauty and in power-
No cloud its golden light can dim.
No storm can stay its promised hour.
So strong, no cell its beams can bar;
So mild, the flowers seem glad the while:
So wide, it streams o'er earth afar,
And lights the ocean's utmost isle.

So calm, o soft, so beautiful!
It gladdens e'en the very blind;
It is the morning of the soul,

The day-spring of the deathless mind.
In its warm light shall science rear
Her trees in beauty to the sky,
While the rich fruit and leaves they bear
Shall gladden every weary eye.
Thick, in its soft celestial airs,

The Eden flowers of art shall hang,
And songs go up such as the stars
O'er the young earth in triumph sang.
May God, the Lord of life and light,

Koli this glad morning on its way,
Till its bright beams, to human sight,
Are lost in everlasting day!

Resolutions of thanks to Mr. Tucker, the
choir, and to the author of the ode, were passed,
The Convention then adjourned to nine o'clock,
Sept. 13, Friday morning.

Committee on School Celebrations reported

as follows:

Resolved, That to awaken in the minds of the people a greater degree of interest in the common schools, and secure more fally the co-ope ration necessary to accomplish the object for which they were established, we recommend the holling of school celebrations in the towns of the county as often as one a-year, and that a Resolved. That teachers ought to avail them public examination of the pupils be held in each selves of every practicable opportunity to ac-district, at or near the close of the term. quire a knowledge of the most appropriate me. Adopted. thods of communicating instruction-methods The Chairman of the Committee on Teachers'

Institute stated, that temporary schools for Resolved, That they ought not to be sent to teachers had been found of great practical utility the common school to rob the teacher's time and in other counties, that several friends of educa- the public for nursing to prevent hiring nurses tion might be expected to aid in conducting the at home. exercises of an institute, should one be estab. Resolved, That we recommend to the school lished for a short time near Buffalo, and recom-districts of our respective towns, which have the mended the following resolution: number of volumes in their libraries required by Resolved, That a Teachers' Institute be estab-law, to expend their library money for the ensulished in this county, and that on the 21st of Oc-ing year in the purchase of globes, maps or other tober next, a session of two weeks be com- apparatus for the use of the schools. menced at Williamsville, under the direction of the County Superintendent and Mr. Kinsgley of Buffalo.

After an interesting debate, in which several citizens of the place participated, the report was adopted.

Resolved, That we tender to the inhabitants of Williamsville our thanks for the kind and hospitable manner in which they have received and entertained the members of the convention. Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention be signed by the President and Secretary, and published in the several papers of the county and in the District School Journal. Adjourned, sine die. PETER PARKER, Pres't. JOHN G. HOUSE, Secretary.

[From the Palladium.]


Resolved, That we regard Teacher' Institutes as valuable auxiliaries in the cause of Common Schools, and recommend that such an institution be opened in this county the ensuing autumn, and will use our best exertions to induce the teachers of our respective towns to attend the Institute, and follow in their teaching the recom mendations of the same.

Resolved, That we believe the School Journal worthy of the patronage of teachers especially, and will use our influence to extend its circulation.

Resolved, That we consider it the imperative duty of trustees, parents, and guardians of youth to visit their respective schools, which duty we are compelled to say has been most unreasonably neglected.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention be published in both the county papers. Resolved, That the convention adjourn to

PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY CONVENTION OF meet in the court-house at Malone, on the 2d


Malone, Aug. 20, 1844.

In pursuance of notice given by Ď. H. Stevens, esq., the following town superintendents met in the Court House at Malone:

R. R. Stetson, Bangor; John Ware, Bombay; Cyrus Merrill, Bellmont; James H. Holland, Brandon; Mr. G. W. Darling, Constable; Claudius Hutchins, Dickinson; Dr. Roswell Bates, Ft. Covington; T. K. Phillips, Moira; H. W. Purdy, Westville.

The meeting being called to order, Dr. R. Bates was appointed Chairman, and J. Ware Secretary,

The following resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS, The education needed by our youth is that which shall prepare them physically, intellectually and morally to act well their

Tuesday of May next at 9 o'clock A. M.
R. BATES, President.



We received a notice of the Text. Books adopted at the late Mayfield Convention, with a request that it should be published in the Journal.

For the reasons stated under the head of Erie, our friends will excuse us for not violating a rule long since laid down with the advice of the department and rigidly adhered to.

[From the Mohawk Courier.]

Old Herkimer has won an enviable distinction

part in the great drama of life, whereas most of by the interest and energy shown in the cause of the children and youth of our beloved country

must ever receive their education at the common her district schools. Her motto is-ONWARDS!

school, and whereas the future happiness and prosperity of our nation and the world depend in a great measure upon the instruction there given and the habits there formed; therefore,

Resolved, That the interests of the common schools should arouse and enlist the feelings, and excite all to action who wish to preserve and perpetuate our republican institutions; of all who wish to see mankind shake off the chains of ignorance, superstition and bigotry; and of all who with a pure faith and ardent zeal look forward to that day "when the sword shall be beaten into the ploughshare, and the spear into a praning hook."

WHEREAS, Children under five years of age are not physically fitted to endure the confine. ment of the school-room; their minds are not sufficiently matured to understand the reason of hings, and are not capable of confining their at tion to one object for a length of time:



THE Herkimer County Common School Association held its Anniversary meeting at the Court House, in the village of Herkimer, on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1844. Kev. DAVID CHASSELL, Presi dent, opened the proceedings with prayer.

The meeting though not large was very respectable; its proceedings were conducted in the best spirit and are destined, as we trust, to produce a salutary impression upon the public mind.

On motion of Ezra Graves, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected officers for the ensuing year:

Rev GILBERT MORGAN Vice Pres'ts.

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JAS. HENRY, Jr., Corresponding Secretary. I. E. L. HAMILTON, Recording Secretary. Half past 1 o'clock, P. M. Association again met pursuant to aljournment. 2 P. M. the Association adjourned to the Brick Church to hear the address of Rev. O. R. Howard, orator of the day.

At the conclusion of the oration, Dr. Turtelot of Newport, on invitation of the President, read an essay on Physical Education.

On motion of Rev. G. Morgan. Resolved, That the interests of school districts will be best promoted by employing teachers whose qualifications are of the first order.

On motion of I. E. L. Hamilton, Resolved, That James Henry, Jr. be appointed orator of the next anniversary. Alternate, Ezra Graves.

The following resolution was offered by the county superintendent, and after debate was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That this association recommend to school officers, teachers and parents to hold common school celebrations in each of the towns in this county during the ensuing winter.

The following general resolutions were then offered, debated and adopted unanimously:

Resolved, That virtue and intelligence in the great body of the people are the only sure foundations of republican government, and that it is the imperative duty of all States to make adequate provision for the thorough education of youth of both sexes.

Resolved, That the members of this Association cordially congratulate their fellow-citizens upon the greatly improved state of the Common Schools in this county and in the State generally, and that we again unanimously express our deep conviction that our present school organization is far more perfect and efficient than any other by which it has been preceded, and that to abandon or to essentially change that organization, in the opinion of this association, would be fraught with serious and enduring evils.

hibition at Watertown, from a correspondent of the Watertown Journal, we take much pleasure in transferring to our columns. We are glad to see community waking up to the importance of pri mary Schools--for they are truly the seed time of life to the children of our land-in which we may behold, as in a glass, the future history of our country. "The child is father to the man," is inscribed in letters of living light and truth upon every page of the history of the past, and yet the startling truth is too frequently passed over and forgotten.

The exhibition was held in the Universalist church, which was tastefully decorated with flowers, and banners hung around the house. Too much credit cannot be awarded to the gentlemen who have planned and ably carried out the exhibition.

Mr INGALLS, teacher of the School in district No. 3, of this village, officiated as Marshal; he was prompt, vigilant, appeared well, and acquit ted himself with much credit. The Rev. Mr. KNOX opened the exercises with prayer. Sing. ing by the choir led by Mr. LEONARD, followed; and here it may be as well to remark in full up. on this most cheering part of the exercises.We never listened to sweeter or more harmoni ous voices. The choir was composed of little girls and boys.

Mr. Leonard, the teacher of the choir, is entitled to much praise; he must have spent time and taken much pains to attune so many tongues, and make them move so perfectly together.

H. D. SEWALL, was the first of the gentle men who addressed the audience. His speech was able and profound, perhaps too much so, for the occasion.

Mr. MONTGOMERY, Superintendent of the Southern District of this County, followed Mr. Sewall. He spoke as one interested in his subject, distinctly and energetically-his address contained many excellent sentiments and valua ble suggestions, and was, no doubt, well ap proved by his attentive listeners.

Resolved, That this association does cordially The next speaker was the Rev. J. R. BOYD. approve of the law enacted by the last Legisla. On rising, he remarked that those who had preture of New-York, establishing an experimental ceded him, had addressed the elder members of normal school for the instruction of Common the audience; he wanted to talk to the children. School Teachers: that the city of Albany is the And he did talk to them in a manner that held proper place for making such experiment, as it their attention, and interested and delighted us will afford members of the legislature opportu all. He spoke with his characteristic tender nity personally to inspect its operations and there-ness of heart-as an affectionate father would by to determine conclusively whether its advan-talk to his own children. He reminded them tages are such as to render the permanent that the object that brought them there was establishment of similar schools in other parts of not unimportant. We have come, said he, to

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instruct and benefit you. This celebration was arranged for you. And it has cost considerable time and pains to bring it about. Somebody spread has felt an interest in your welfare or we shoull outside the church, covered with the choicest of close of the meeting. He had no doubt some of delicacies, and ready to welcome them at the them wanted to be there now, for the refreshments were very tempting. He directed their attention to the mottoes on some of the banners, valuable and impressive lesson from the one, explained their import and fitness. He drew a "Tall Oaks from little Acorns grow," and was not less felicitous in his remarks on the two fol. lowing: "We seek for Mental Treasures," and

"Science is Nature's Master."

After the choir had sung one of our favorite

lays, T. DEWEY, Esq., arose and addressed the assemblage in a plain, sensible style. This gen. tleman was succeeded by LYSANDER H. BROWN Esq., Superintendent for the Northern District of this County. Mr. Brown's address was particularly entertaining. He spoke in substance as follows:-


The young are, at all times, objects of interest. The season of youth is, in itself, one of such artlessness and truth as to command our attention and excite our love: but it is when we look to the future that children are chiefly in. teresting; when we contemplate them as grow ing up to assume the responsibilities which are to devolve upon them. Not an interest lies near our hearts that is not soon to pass into their hands. No hope of the patriot, no desire of the philanthropist, no aspiration of the Christian, reaching through the next generation, but which if realized at all, must be realized in the persons, and by the agency of those approaching the stage of action.

our system of education. It is in them that our children receive more or less of the rudiments of their education. These schools are not what they should be; and, there are many reasons why they are not; but the principal one is the fact that they do not receive sufficient attention from those for whose benefit they are designed. I do not propose to speak of the schools in general, but to mention a few reasons why those in our immediate vicinity are not so useful as they should be. The first I shall mention is because we have so many select or private Schools. The Common School has a rightful claim to every dollar squandered in sustaining small, inefficient Select Schools. The number of Select Schools in our village is almost incredible. Scarcely a street or lane is destitute of them. Those who sustain them, excuse themselves by saying that the common school does not present those advantages which their children require. This may be the case, and for the very reason that. instead of laboring to make that school what it should be, they have When we think of the importance of educa. deprived it of the means of becoming so by tation to the children in our midst, we are apt to king their children out of it, and withdrawing confine our reflections to the fact that some of their support. There are many ways in which them are to be our statesmen and jurists-our sustaining select schools operates injuriously great men; and not to the less public, but not upon the Common School. In the first place, less important consideration, that they are, also, those who withdraw their children, thereby re to be the fathers, and mothers-the future teach- fuse it so much pecuniary means as they ought ers of the land. Every child, who lives to be to pay to it for their tuition. In the next place the head of a family, will be intrusted with the their children being withdrawn, their own inmanagement of a little empire, more delicate interest in the welfare of the School is lost; and its nature, and scarcely less important in its re- in the last place, those children that are withsults than any in the political world. Well drawn, are generally the very ones who would Take the best scholregulated families are even more rare than well benefit the school most. regulated governments. It is not always our ars from any school and you prostrate that public characters that are the most useful in the school; you take away its life. Now, I hazard community. The little business world immedi- nothing in saying that your common schools ately around us, for instance, wants very few poor as they are, from the fact that those who public officials to carry on its operations. Some should be their most prominent supporters renbody to take charge of these stores, and shops, der them no aid, are nevertheless better, in every and public houses; to regulate yonder machine. particular, than your select schools. They ry, to cultivate these surrounding farms, whose possess better accommodations, better facilities; prolific bosoms have just yielded an abundant and they are furnished with abler and more eleharvest; that is what our circumtances require; vated teachers. Nothing is wanting to place and it is all that they absolutely require. All these Schools in a condition to furnish every this will be done by these children. This pro- necessary means for educating all the children perty is to fall into their hands, these interests in their immediate vicinity, except the united, are to be committed to their charge. These zealous, and efficient support of all those who fire-sides they are to protect or disgrace; these have children to educate. Our Select Schools family altars to sustain, or prostrate; these so- sap the life blood from the common school; cial relations to adorn, or lay waste; these tem- were they merged in the common school, eduples of public worship to preserve, or desecrate.cation would become cheaper, more uniform, If all these things, which we so ardently cherish, more extensive. Knowledge and virtue would which constitute our life, our joy, our all; if not be confined to the privileged few, but would they are, so soon, to be directed by these minds, become common blessings to the common massand guided by these hands; is other inducement es. Would it not be better that they should be necessary to prompt our efforts for the right edu- universally diffused? that light should encircle cation of these children? the community and beam on every intellect, rather than a few should enjoy it, and all the rest be enveloped in the darkness of midnight? I would not utter a word to injure the feelings of those who support select schools; but my position makes it my duty, (and my inclination coincides with my duty.) to present the superior claims of our common schools. I am directly admonished of my duty by a motto which I saw floating on the breeze as this youthful procession approached the house we now occupy. That motto has not been alluded to. All the others have been eloquently and beautifully il lustrated and explained by one who has already

Our attention is, at this time, particularly called to our Common Schools; not common because they are low, or unimportant in their origin, or design, but because they are, like the air we breathe, or the light by which we see, free to all. The brightest feature in our system of pub. lic instruction, is that by which pecuniary want does not deprive the child of the means of knowledge. In our public schools the child of poverty, and the heir of wealth receive the same kind of physical descipline, the same kind of mental food, the same kind of moral training. Our Common Schools constitute the basis of all

addressed you. My young friends, I like all the devices on those appropriate little flags which you bear to day but this one is the nearest my heart. Will the brave lad who has charge of that banner, shake it out, that the people may see what is written on it :-"SUSTAIN YOUR COMMON SCHOOLS." That is my text; and in obedience to it, I stand here the exclusive advocate of common schools. I see here also another banner. It is our Country's Flag. There it waves in peerless beauty, without mot to or mark, except the "glorious stripes and stars" that have ever adorned it. That banner also points out my duty. I look upon common schools as the hope of my country; and with the flag of my country before me, I dare not do otherwise than advocate the claims of those schools, to the entire exclusion of those of a select or private character. Education, general education, the education of the whole people, just such an education as our common schools ought to be able to furnish, is destined to become the regenerator of the race. Its blessings are rich; let them descend upon all.

Fellow-Citizens, contemplate this assemblage of children. Tell me how many hopes of parents and friends are centered here! and oh! are these hopes not to be realized,are they to be crush. ed by the conduct of these children? Tell me of how much joy, or bitterness they are to be the au. thors to themselves and others. Tell me how many of the issues, not only of this life, but of that which is to come, are awaiting the kind of edu. cation they shall receive. Let me remind you that they are a portion of the children of your common schools, and then tell me if those schools are not worthy of your attention. Why is it that the subject of primary education does not elicit a deep, pervading interest? Our popular excitements take hold of almost every thing else but the common school, which constitutes the basis of our educational system, and which, if rightly directed and attended to, would become a mighty lever to lift up and carry forward all our schemes of benevolent enterprise, all our plans of intellectual and moral advancement, is left to survive as best it can, or to perish for want of the breath of life, which should be breathed into it by our men of wealth and influ ence. Is it thus because the subject is not one of magnitude? True there are only between six and seven hundred thousand children in this Em pire State interested in these schools, in annual attendance upon these schools, and receiving the public money of the State. There are little less than twenty thousand in our own County in terested in these Schools, and are you aware that in ten of the eleven towns north of your noble river, there are near eleven thousand children be. tween the ages of five and sixteen years? What an army to be educated! Will you not obey that motto to which I have alluded? will you not obey it in its letter and in its spirit, and SUS. TAIN YOUR COMMON SCHOOLS"? Show me an interest dear to man, or to life, that does not look, for its advancement, to the edu cation of children such as these. Show me an individual who is not a partner in that interest. If then as parents, you love your children; if as patriots you love your country; if as philan throphists you love the world of mankind; it as Christians you love that heaven whence all your lessings descend-educate! yes! educate tho

roughly, religiously, rightly, these children whom God has given you, and whom He requires you to rear up to his service.


[From the Freeman's Journal.]

The following account of the closing exercises of the Otsego Teachers' Institute will be read with much interest by all who look beyond the exciting scenes of the present hour. For it is upon the Teacher that the destiny of our country depends, and if he can be prepared worthily to discharge his high, his sacred duties, all will be well with us and with our children.

Otsego is fortunate in having a county superintendent equal to the exigencies of his office, and we recognise with pleasure the name of one of the earliest and ablest friends of this movement, among his strong supporters; we mean the president of our first convention, the Hon. Jabez D. Hammond.


The members of the Teachers' Institute for the County of Otsego, assembled and organized at the Court House, in Cooperstown, on the 16th of September, 1844. The students consisted of sixty-four young gentlemen and twenty-six ladies. John G. K. Truair, A. M., Principal of Gilbert's-Ville Academy, Salem Town, A. M.,, of Aurora, Jacob C. Tooker, Esq. of Orange County, late county superintendent, and G. Gillam, A. M, of Aurora, constituted the Board of Instruction.

The exercises of the Institute terminated on the 27th of September, when a public examination of the students took place in the Court Room, in presence of a number of ladies and gentlemen of the village and from other parts of the county. The result of the examination was highly creditable to the members of the insti tute and to the teachers; and the scene was ex ceedingly interesting and gratifying to the friends of popular education.

We have neither time nor space for dilating on the demonstration afforded by the brilliant and successful issue of this experiment, and can only say, that it furnished the most cheering hopes and well founded anticipations to the friend of common schools, to the lover of our civil institutions, and to the philanthropist.

After the exercises were closed, the Institute was briefly addressed by L. R. Palmer, the coun ty superintendent, Jabez D. Hammond, Esq., J. W. Taylor, principal of the Cherry Valley Academy, and in a most able and affectionate manner by the teachers, Messrs. Truair, Town and Tooker. During the delivery of the ad dresses by the teachers, the students, and many of the audience, were much excited, but instead of cheers many tears were shed, and a suppressed sobbing was heard in every part of the room.

Too much praise cannot be bestowed on Mr. Palmer, for his great and successful efforts in forming and organizing the association, in procuring teachers, and, though in feeble and great

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