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No. 8.



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who owns or hires real property in such district, subject to taxation for school purposes, is, with

For one copy, in all cases, (per annum,)....... 50 cts. out any other qualification, entitled to vote upon "one hundred copies, each, Postmasters will forward silver.




Teachers' Drills will be held at New Salem, for the town of New Scotland, on the 12th of November; at Bangall's, for Guilderland, on the 13th; at Adams, for Bethlehem, on the 14th; at the Hollow, for Coeymans, on the 15th; and at Troy, for Watervliet, on the 16th.

The Teacher's Convention adjourned to meet at Albany on the 23d inst. at 10 A. M., when Dr. Potter, of Union college, will address them. All who heard Dr. Potter's address on the 19th ult., will make an effort to secure the general attendance of our teachers. In no way can the day be so profitably and so pleasantly spent. To the County Superintendents of Schools:

GENTLEMEN-Many of you expressed a wish in extending your invitations to me, that my visit could be delayed till after election, on account of the violent political excitement which now generally prevails. I cheerfully accord with your wish. But as bad roads and inclement weather will quickly follow after the time speci. fied, I have thought it best to postpone further operations till the months of May or June next, when we may reasonably look both for a pleasant season for travelling, and a more peaceful state of the public mind. Ample notice will be given of the resumption of my tour, through the Jour


[blocks in formation]


DEAR SIR-In answer to yours of the 5th inst. respecting the qualifications of voters in school district meetings. I reply:

any question, at any school district meeting held
in such district. This class includes all oceu-
pants of real estate taxable in the district,
whether owners or tenants, and it is immaterial,
if the property which they occupy is taxable for
to and paid by the owner or occupant.
district purposes, whether such tax is assessed

2. No other inhabitant of the district, except the owners or occupants of real estate, can vote at district meetings: unless they are voters at town meetings, and unless in addition to this, they possess one or more of the following quali fications:

such district, within one year preceding the time 1. Have paid a rate bill for teachers' wages in of offering their vote: or,


2. Have paid a district tax within two years:

3. Own personal property liable to be taxed for school purposes in such district, exceeding $50 in value, exclusive of such as is exempt

from execution.

The owners or occupants of real property, taxable in the district for school purposes, may vote at school district meetings, whether they are voters at town meetings and elections, or not: Provided only they are males of full age, and (in the case of aliens,) entitled to hold lands in this State. But these inhabitants, who are neither the owners nor occupants, (and by occupancy is, of course, to be understood, legal occupancy by tenancy, either for years or at will derived from the owner,) must, at all events, be voters at town meetings, and in addition to this, in some way directly interested in the school, either by paying taxes for district purposes, (not highway taxes,) or rate bills, or having personai property to the amount of $50 liable to taxation for school purposes.

Yours, &c.


NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS. The Montgomery County Common School Association has appointed a committee consisting of J. R. Herrick, D. B. Hagar, F. P. Mout ton, C. Patterson and C. E. Dubois, to select a series of text books for the schools of said county, and report the same at the next annual meeting of the association, which convenes in April next, at the village of Fonda.

1. Every male person, of full age, (21 years or upwards,) residing in any school district, and entitled to hold lands in this State, (including Authors and publishers are requested to furaliens not naturalized, but who have filed in the office of the Secretary of State, a certificate of nish copies of such works as may be published their intention to become citizens, thereby enti-by them, directed to the care of the chairman of tling themselves to take and hold real estate,) the committee, at Mirraville, Mont. Co. J. R. HERRICK, Chair. Com.




No. II.

only as a due regard to the preservation and
general diffusion of the books require-the in-
dispensable necessity of unity, harmony and
concert of action, to the accomplishment of the
beneficial results contemplated by the school

THE officers, either separately or in conjunction with the respective Town Superintendents, are re-act-and more than all, the importance of a uniquired to inquire into all matters relating to form manifestation of an enlightened interest in the government, course of instruction, books, behalf of elementary education, by every memstudies, discipline and conduct of the schools, ber of the community-these are considerations and the condition of the school-houses, and of which the County Superintendent should press the districts generally." The faithful perform-upon the attention of officers and inhabitants of ance of this duty, in all its parts, is obviously districts, with an earnestness and an urgency The government and discipline of the schools, essential, in order to enable the Superintendents commensurate with their value and importance. to possess themselves of an accurate and practical knowledge of existing evils or imperfections including the mode of teaching pursued, constiin every department of the school, and to apply tute an essential feature in their character and the appropriate remedy. They are then "to ad- means of usefulness, and should be faithfully vise and counsel with the trustees and other offi-and thoroughly scrutinized. In the absence of cers of the district in relation to their duties, a systematic preparation of teachers, through particularly in relation to the erection of school the agency of a seminary expressly devoted to houses; and to recommend to such trustees, and this purpose, the officers called upon to investithe teachers employed by them, the proper stu-gate their qualifications can of necessity look dies, discipline and conduct of the schools, the course of instruction to be pursued, and the books of elementary instruction to be used therein."

tice-his system of government and discipline, and its effects; and they must critically observe, from time to time, the progress which, under his direction, his pupils have made not in knowledge merely-but in that sound mental and moral culture which forms and matures character.

no farther than their general moral character, and intellectual attainments. They possess no nicating instruction to others, even in those means of knowing their capability of commaIn the discharge of the important functions branches in which they are themselves most thus devolved upon them, they will naturally thoroughly conversant and familiar. They candirect their attention in the first instance to the not penetrate behind the veil of that external general condition of the district-its organiza- moral deportment which may nevertheless contion-territorial boundaries-taxable property- ceal deplorable inequalities of temper, unconnumber of children entitled to attend the school- geniality of spirit, with the vocation of the location and extent of its site for a school teacher, and a total want of affinity to the nature house, the condition of its finances and the of youthful mind-a nature sure to be attracted mode of their administration-its resources and as the needle to the pole, towards the magnet of liabilities-its library-number of volumes- a congenial mind. They must see the teacher fications for the discharge of the duties which average circulation-and the character of the in his school-room-ascertain his practical quali books the existence of dissensions of any nature calculated to interrupt the harmony or af- he has undertaken-his views of the science of fect the efficiency and prosperity of the school, education, and the practical result of those and the practicability of their amicable adjust-views-his mode of developing the intellectual ment-the interest manifested by the inhabitants faculties and cultivating the moral nature of his in reference to the affairs of the district gene- pupils, under the diversified manifestations of rally, and particularly in reference to the school-each, which are constantly presented to his noin short, all those elements which favorably or unfavorably affect the external interests of the school and the district. The importance and necessity of such an arrangement of the territory of the district as suitably to accommodate each inhabitant with the necessary facilities for keep. Under the vast impulse which has been given ing his children in regular attendance at the school, and at the same time secure a sufficient amount of taxable property to be able to meet, to the philosophy of the human mind during the without embarrassment or difficulty, the ordina- past half century, elementary education has asry expenditures for the support of the school, sumed the rank, and we may almost add the prethe building and repair of the school-house, &c., cision and certainty of a science. Its principles together with an adequate number of children to have been thoroughly investigated by the ablest keep up an efficient organization.-the advanta. and most profound minds; and all its details ges resulting from an ample ani if practicable, have been subjected to the test of practical a cultivated play ground-a neat and substan- analysis, under circumstances well adapted to tial school-house, constructed in reference to the the ascertainment of truth. The teacher, there most appoved models, and furnished with the va. fore, who feels the dignity and importance of rious conveniences of every description which his profession, and honestly desires to discharge the physical or mental wants of the pupils re- his whole duty, has it in his power to familiar. quire the value of such an administration of ize himself with the results of the experience the financial affairs of the district as shall pre- of those who, in his own and other countries, clude the possibility of embarrassment in this have sought out and applied the best methods of respect, arising either from the neglect, dishon-instruction and discipline: and he owes esty or want of judgment of its officers-the in- himself as well as to his employers and the comestimable benefits of a well selected library,munity, to attain and avail himself of this knowembracing works adapted to every grade of men-ledge to the utmost practicable extent. His systal improvement and every class of readers, and tem of instruction should be in accordance with rendered accessible to all, with such restrictions the soundest principles of educational science


adapted to the moral and intellectual require-slight influence on the progress and advancement ments of every grade of mind-eminently practi- of the school. He will rely wholly upon the cal in all its departments-and so administered richly furnished stores of his own mind; and as to carry forward the mental faculties of each from the treasures of experience, reflection and and every pupil to the attainment, in the shortest constant study, be at all times prepared to meet possible period, of that power of self culture and the various exigencies of each individual mind self-control, which shall enable him, in every placed under his supervision. Familiar with emergency of life, to "act well his part," and the elementary principles of each science he is fulfil the various duties appertaining to him as called upon to teach, he will readily be able to a moral and intelligent being. If the teacher is reconcile every apparent diversity in different radically deficient in these high requisites of his text books; and instead of communicating to calling-if he lacks practical efficiency-if he is his pupils a transcript, however accurate and wanting in that aptitude in the communication of clear, of the results to which any given author instruction, without which the highest degree of may have attained, he will communicate to them learning is of no avail beyond the precincts of the fundamental principles of the science itself, his own mind-above all, if he manifests no in- and thereby enable them to master it in all its terest in his vocation-no sympathy with the details, however complicated or extensive. The expanding minds around him-no enlight more general adoption of this system of instrucened appreciation of the interests committed tion will relieve our schools at once of all the to his charge-and no capability of drawing embarrassments arising from the great diversity forth and developing the immortal germ of mind of text-books, without necessarily excluding in the rich and various soil spread out before from them any work which, in the judgment of him-he should be frankly and fully advised of either parent or teacher, may be best adapted to his deficiency, and promptly removed from a sta- the wants of the respective pupils. There can tion where his longer continuance must be pro- be no question of the vast superiority of oral inductive of unmitigated evil-evil, the conse- struction in every branch of science which the quences of which, immediate and remote, is, teacher himself thoroughly understands. and must from the nature of the case, be incalculable.



S. S. R.




The day was unpropitious, but the schools assembled at the appointed hour, and moved in procession from the Capitol park with music and banners. The Governor, owing to illness, was absent, but a few distinguished strangers, some of the clergy and Regents of the Univer sity, together with the Mayor and a few other citizens, manifested their interest by walking in procession with the happy youth of our city.

With reference to the "books of elementary instruction to be used in the schools," a great diversity of opinion must undoubtedly exist in the minds of the different officers charged with the duty of recommending such works as they may deem best adapted to the improvement and advancement of the school. All attempts to secure entire uniformity in this respect, will, it is believed, as they hitherto have done, prove fruitless. Indeed, it is very problematical, to say the least, whether such an uniformity is, in the existing condition of educational science, on the whole desirable. Improvements are constantly making in elementary treatises on all the branches of youthful instruction; and it would be premature to assume that any work, however standard or approved, has reached perfection in any of the numerous departments of learning. The best interests of education, however, imperatively require such an approximation to uniformity in this respect as is attainable consistently with a due regard to manifest improvement, and to the rights and interests of authors and pub. lishers. The permanent employment of a duly qualified teacher is probably the first and most indispensable step in the accomplishment of this desirable object. The frequent change of teachers, now so common in the various school districts, has a direct and powerful tendency to impede its attainment; inasmuch as the views of each teacher will be very likely essentially to differ in reference to the proper text-books to be used in nearly every branch of learning. But a system of instruction once adopted upon mature reflection and after dispassionate investigation, by a competent teacher, will be perpetuated by his continuance in the district, and whatever At 1 o'clock the schools were seated in the may be its comparative excellence, will, in his North Dutch Church which had been most courhands, develop its best tendencies, and accom.teously offered for the occasion. After an implish the best results of which it is capable. pressive prayer from Dr. Kennely, the exercises Modern investigations have, however, gone far began; recitations, declamations, &c. alternatto demonstrate that in the hands of a thoroughly ing with sweet music from the choir, under the prepared and well qualified teacher, uniformity respective charge of Dr. Flagler and Prof. Ilsor diversity of text.books will exercise but a ley,-music which touched every heart-wilt

The Orphans of the Asylum led on the van, with their simple white banner; then followed the schools in their numerical order, some fourteen hundred strong, as orderly, happy and beautiful an array of children as ever assembled. Some of the schools had tasteful and appropriate banners, and the pupils of one of them, we believe it was No. 2, wore badges. Among the banners, that of District No. 8 had on its reverse a new demonstration of the 47th proposition, and Districts 1, 2, 7, 9, and 10, had each upon its banner an appropriate and beautiful device. On one we noticed the simple word "Try,”-on another, Rulers we are coming," with many more, all well adapted to the occasion, and fitted to deepen the impressions of the day.

Two fine looking schools from the country, one from Coeymans, and the other from Guilder. land, with their banners, closed the long procession.

iull sweet cadences swelling forth from more than five hundred happy hearted youth. In truth nothing gratified, nothing impressed us more than the harmony and taste displayed by this multitude of little singers.

Of the comparative merits of the schools we shall venture no opinion-all did well, some ad. mirably; but among the incidents of the day, one of the most pleasing was the presentation of a little token of respect to the Commissioners, from the girls of District School No. 1. We are sure it gave the gentlemen of the Board more pleasure than any single incident of this happy day.

coming pride the arrival of the youthful band.

In the church the exercises were of a happy and gratifying character. After the customary forms of organization, and an appropriate and fervent prayer by the Pastor of the Church, the teachers in succession examined their respective schools in the elements of Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Vocal Music, &c., the band, or some one of the schools, performing a piece of music at the different intervals. Though the time allowed to each teacher was only a quarter of an hour, the amount and character of the exercises crowded into that limited space, gave pleasing evidence that the schools had not been kept merely, but taught.

After the exercises of the schools were over, J. O. Cole, Esq., one of the Commissioners, in behalf of the President of the Board, who was The banners, hung around the house, had a necessarily absent, expressed in strong but most charming effect to heighten and give spirit and appropriate language, the gratification of the interest to the exercises. One of them in partiBoard in witnessing the admirable condition of cular, was peculiarly chaste and elegant. It be the schools, and proudly challenged the private longed to a lady every way worthy of it. It was schools of the city to show a nobler body of silk, displaying in gilt letters at the top the num neat, orderly and well taught pupils. He claim- ber of the district to which it belonged, and at ed that in no private school were children bet- the bottom the unpretending motto “ OUR OB ter taught than in our district schools, and laJECT IS TO IMPROVE." In the middle was a mented the indifference which hitherto had chill-large Bible, well painted, and opened at "THE ed the hearts of their teachers and their friends. GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW." I saw other liteDr. KENNEDY followed in a few admirable re-rary and patriotic devices; and such mottoes as marks, to which more than a thousand gentle KNOWLEDGE IS POWER;" "THERE IS NO MOvoices responded. He succeeded in interesting NOPOLY IN KNOWLEDGE;"" WE ARE OUR COUN his little auditors, while he instructed them-a TRY'S STANDING ARMY OF FREEDOM," &c. rare gift.

Dr. POHLMAN closed with an anecdote and an aphorism from the Sandwich Islands, which will not soon be forgotten by his gratified auditors.

We must not close this sketch without ex. pressing again the surprise and pleasure manifested on all sides by our fellow-citizens at the admirable appearance of the schools; and if this exhibition has in any degree lessened the unjust prejudice which has heretofore existed in regard to our district schools, then the Commissioners must feel that this celebration has not been had in vain.

To the excellent Marshal of the day, the Commissioner, Col. Haswell, all award the merit of discharging most creditably his numerous and arduous duties.-Alb. Eve. Journal.


Ar the request of Mr. DWIGHT, the county superintendent of common schools, I took a ride with him last Saturday, to witness the celebra


As to the relative merit of the different schools, it may not be proper to advance an opinion; but of the whole it may be said with great truth, that they did themselves very great honor. There was a difference, indeed, in the appearance and performance of the schools; and to some one of them belongs, in justice, the crown of excellence; but which one deserves this distinction, I doubt whether any two of the intelligent gentlemen present would agree.

When these exercises were completed, there was a recess for half an hour, and the schools partook of a repast, served upon temporary ta bles placed in the grove, and ornamented with boughs of evergreen. They then re-assembled in the Church, attended to some farther exercises in Algebra and Grammar, and were addressed briefly but, in general, very happily and appro priately, by several speakers. The benediction was then pronounced and the assembly dismissed.

be but one intelligent opinion. Every lover of Of the utility of such celebrations, there can his country and his race must hail them with enthusiastic piety and patriotism.


I am informed that some other towns in this county are going to have-or have already had similar festivals; among these are New Scot land, Coeymans, Watervliet, &c. In conclusion, am glad that in this county, at least, the eye of general supervision which is over them, is, though keen and prying-connected with a heart of sym best interests of the schools and competent teach pathy and discriminating kindness; alive to the ers, but indignant at idle and unqualified quack.

tion of the schools in the town of Bethlehem. The day was fine, and nearly all the schools in the town were present. I know not when I have witnessed a festival in which I took a deep er or more lively interest. The schools assem bled at the school-house nearest the church, in very beautiful grove, with banners and a band of music. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, a procession was formed, and the teachers and their schools, and a long line of visitants, proceeded in excellent order to the church. As we passed along through a field of green velvet to the national air of Hail Columbia," every heart instinctively responded." This is indeed a HAPPY LAND!" The different schools had appro priate banners, differing in devices and mottoes, but all in good taste and happily adapted to the occasion. As we neared the church we could see the happy and smiling faces of the parents and relatives of the scholars, waiting with be the County and Town Superintendents, for the



J. R.

We received a list of text-books adopted by


use of the schools of Chautauque, which, for the reasons briefly hinted at under the head "Erie," our friends will excuse us for not publishing in the Journal.

As soon as all of the counties have acted on this subject, measures will be taken to obtain a perfect list of the text-books recommended throughout the State, to ascertain what books are in most general use, and what approach has been made towards uniformity.

Perhaps a uniform system of orthography and pronunciation may be found practicable, by arrangements with the publishers of the books in general use.


The old county of Dutchess is rousing to the work of educational reform, and we doubt not that it will be carried on with enlightened zeal. Few counties have exerted more decided influence on the past history of the State. May her youth be so educated that her future will be even more prosperous than the past,


The Dutchess county Convention of Teachers, &c., met pursuant to adjournment at the house of S. Tomlinson, Pleasant Valley, Oct. 5th, 1844. On motion, Mr. A. S. CLEMENT was called to the Chair, and Mr. M. V. CAVERT was appoin ted Secretary.

The object of the meeting was stated to be, the unfinished business of the last meeting.

On motion of Mr. INGRAHAM, a committee of three was appointed to prepare business for the meeting. A. R. McCORD, H COFFIN, and E. B. JOHNSON. were appointed said committee. Convention then adjourned for dinner.

Afternoon Session.-The committee reported the following resolutions.

1. Resolved, That an annual convention shall hereafter be held, consisting of the County and Town Superintendents, Teachers, both male and female, and that all friends of education be invited to attend.

2. Resolved, That such convention be held on the first Saturday in June of each year; and due notice shall be given by the county super intendents in at least two of the county papers and the District School Journal.

3. Resolved, That the County Superintendent engage some person to deliver an address at each Convention.

4 Resolved, That there is great lack of activity on the part of trustees; and a want of attention on the part of teachers, to the cleanliness of their pupils, and also a deficiency in the supply of books, which demand attention and a remedy.

Resolved, That the office of a teacher of youth is eminently high and honorable, and should be regarded with great respect. The first minds in the community should be encouraged to assume it, in view of the momentous consequences result. ing from it, and we pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to set the public mind right on this subject.


Mr. GEO. WRIGHT offered the following resolution;

demonstrate more fully that they feel an interResolved, That Town Superintendents would est in the cause of Education, if they would attend the county meetings on that subject. Passed unanimously.

On motion of Mr. WRIGHT,Smith's Geography, (edition of 1844) was adopted, and recommended to be used in our district schools.

Also Kendall's Astronomy, or Geography of the Heavens.

On motion a committee of five was appointed, consisting of H. H. INGRAHAM, M. V. CAVERT, H. COFFIN, A. R. McCORD, and A. S. CLEMENT, to prepare and present business for the action of the next convention.

On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the county papers and in the District School Journal.

On motion the convention adjourned.

A. S. CLEMENT, Chairman. The above resolutions were discussed fully and ably and adopted by large majorities. The greatest harmony prevailed throughout the meeting, and we trust good will result from it.


THE proceedings of this convention are most honorable evidence of intelligent interest in the cause of general education. The resolutions are wisely drawn, presenting distinctly many of the great leading principles which should be adhered to in promoting the reform of the schools. The first resolution, declaring that the good teacher merits something more than his pay, we commend to every reader, trusting that the time is at hand when the faithful and able educator of our youth will rank second to none in the estimation of his fellow citizens.

It may be noticed that in publishing these and other similar reports of the proceedings of school conventions, we have omitted the resolutions in relation to text-books. This is in accordance with the advice of the head of the department, that there should not be the slightest ground for charging upon it any wish to influence the free action of the several counties on this difficult subject.

We need hardly add that we regret to omit any part of the proceedings of these conventions, but want of room oftentimes compels us to mutilate the most interesting reports.

[From the Buffalo Gazette.]


A Convention of Superintendents of Schools of Erie county, assembled at Williamsville, at 10 o'clock, Sept. 12, 1844, pursuant to public notice.

The meeting was called to order, its objects stated, and a chairman appointed pro tem. Prayer was offered by Mr. Daniel Trow bridge.

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