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whole form, features, countenance, expression, are so debased and brutified by want and fear and ignorance and superstition, that the naturalist would almost doubt where, among living races of animals, to class them. Under governments where superstition, and ignorance have borne most sway, the altered aspect of humanity is assimilating to that of the brute; but where resistless power has been trampling, for centuries, upon a sterner nature and a stronger will, the likeness of the once human face is approximating to that of a fiend. In certain districts of large cities, -those of London, Manchester, Glasgow, for instance, such are the influences that surround children from the day they are brought into the world, and such the fatal education of circumstances and example to which they are subjected, that we may say they are born, in order to be imprisoned, transported or hung, with as exact and literal truth as we can say, that corn is grown to be eaten.

Not in a single generation could either the cruelties of the oppressor, or the sufferings of his victim, have effected these physical and mental transformations. It has taken ages and centuries of wrongs to bend the body into abjectness, to dwarf the stature, to extinguish the light of the eye, and to incorporate into body and soul, the air and movements of a slave. And the weight and full. ness of the curse is this, that it will require other ages and centuries to efface these brands of degradation, to re-edify the frame, to rekindle in the eye the quenched beam of intelligence, to restore height and amplitude to the shrunken brow, and to reduce the over-grown propensities of the animal nature within a manageable compass. Not only is a new spirit to be created, but a new physical apparatus through which it can work. This is the worst, the scorpion sting, in the lash of despotism. There is a moral and a physical entailment, as well as a civil. Posterity is cursed in the debasement inflicted upon its ancestors. In many parts of Europe, the laws both of the material and of the moral nature, have been so long outraged, that neither the third nor the fourth generation will outlive the iniquities done to their fathers.

thus, from parent to child, the race may go on e generating in body and soul, and casting off, one after another, the lineaments and properties of humanity, until the human fades away and is lost in the brutal, or demoniac nature. While the vicious have pecuniary means, they have a choice of vices in which they can indulge; but though stripped of means to the last farthing, their abil ity to be vicious, and all the fatal consequences to society of that viciousness, still remain. Nay, it is then that their vices become most virulent and fatal. However houseless or homeless, however diseased or beggarly, a wretch who is governed only by his instincts may be, marriage is still open to him; or, so far as the condition and character of the next generation are concerned, the same consequences may happen without marriage. This also, the statesman and the moralist should heed, that however adverse to the welfare of human society may be the circumstances under which a fore-doomed class of children are born, yet the doctrine of the sanctity of human life protects their existence. Public hospitals, private charities, step in and rescue them from the hand of death. Hence they swarm into life by myriads, and crowd upwards into the ranks of society. But in society, there are no vacant places to receive them, nor unclaimed bread for their sustenance. Though uninstructed in the arts of industry, though wholly untaught in the restraints and the obligations of duty, still the great primal law of self-preservation works in their blood as vigorously as in the blood of kings. It urges them on to procure the means of gratification; but, having no resources in labor or in frugality, they betake themselves to fraud, violence, incendiarism, and the destruction of human life, as naturally as an honest man engages in an honest employment. Such, literally, is the present condition of large portions of the human race in some countries of Europe. In wide rural districts,-in moral jungles, hidden from public view within the re cesses of great cities, those who are next to be born, and to come upon the stage of action, will come, fifty to one, from the lowest orders of the people,-lowest in intellect and morals and in the qualities of prudence, foresight, judgment, temAgain, the population of a country may be so perance; lowest in health and vigor, and in divided into the extremes of high and low, and all elements of a good mental and physical organeach of these extremes may have diverged so wide- ization; strong only in the fierce strength of the ly from a medium, or standard of nature, that animal nature, and in the absence of all reason there are none, or but a very small intermediate and conscience to restrain its ferocity. Of such body, or middle class of men, left in the nation. stock and lineage must the next generation be. In The high, from luxury and its enervations, will the mean time, while these calamities are deve have but small families, and will be able to rear loping and maturing, a few individuals,—some but few of the children that are born to them. of whom have a deep stake in society, others, The intermediate class, whom affluence has not moved by nobler considerations of benevolence corrupted, nor ignorance blinded to the perception and religion, are striving to discover or devise of consequences, will be too few in number, and the means for warding off these impending dan too cautious about contracting those matrimonial gers. Some look for relief in a change of admin. alliances which they cannot reputably and com- istration, and in the change of policy it will insure. fortably sustain, to contribute largely to the con- With others, compulsory emigration is a remedy tinuation of the species. But the low, the aban--a remedy by which a portion of the household doned, the heedless, those whom no foresight or is to be expelled from the paternal mansion by apprehension of consequences, can restrain, the terrors of starvation. There are still others these, obedient to appetite and passion, will be the fathers and mothers of the next generation. And no truth can be more certain than this:that after the poor, the ignorant, the vicious, have fallen below a certain point of degradation, they become an increasing fund of pauperism and vice, —a pauper-engendering hive, a vital, self enlarg ing, reproductive mass of ignorance and crime. And

who think that the redundant population should be reduced to the existing means of subsistence; and they hint darkly at pestilence and famine, as agents for sweeping away the surplus poor,-as famishing sailors upon a wreck hint darkly at the casting of lots. Smaller in numbers than any of the preceding, is that class who see and know, that while the prolific causes of these evils are

suffered to exist, all the above schemes, though ocean, and the wintry rigors of the clime, and the executed to their fullest extent, can only be palli-privations of a houseless and provisionless coast, atives of the pain, and not remedies for the disease ;-who see and know, how fallacious and nugatory all such measures must be towards the recreation of national character, towards the laying anew of the social foundations of strength and purity. They see and know, that no external appliances can restore soundness to a fabric, where the dry-rot of corruption has penetrated to the innermost fibres of its structure. The only remedy, this side of miracles,-which presents itself to the clear vision of this class, is in a laborious process of renovation, in a thorough physical, mental, spiritual culture of the rising generation, reaching to its depths, extending to its circumference, sustained by the power and resources of the government, and carried forward irrespective of party and of denomination. But a combination of vested interests has hitherto cut off this resource, and hence they stand, appalled and aghast, like one who finds too late that he is in the path of the descending avalanche. Under circumstances so adverse to the well-being of large portions of the race, the best that even hope dares to whisper, is, that in the course of long periods yet to come, the degraded progeny of a degraded parentage may at length be reclaimed, may be uplifted to the level whence their fearful descent began. But if this restoration is ever effected, it can only be by such almost superhuman exertions as will overcome the momentum they have acquired in the fall, and by vast expenditures and sacrifices corresponding to the derelictions of former times.

had assailed in vain. In physical energy and hardihood, such were the progenitors of New.. England. It was said above, that this settlement of our country resembled, in some respects, the creation anew of the race; but had Adam and Eve been created under circumstances so adverse to life, we cannot suppose they would have survived the day on which they were animated. Yet these men and women were the first parents, the Adam and Eve of our Republic. Mighty as were their bodies, their spirits were mightier still. Some of the former did yield to privation, and peril, and disease; but in that whole company, not a heart ever relented. Staunch, undaunted, invincible, they held fast to what they believed to be the dictates of conscience and the oracles of God; and in the great moral epic which celebrates the story of their trials and their triumphs, the word "apostate," is nowhere written,

This transference of the fortunes of our race from the Old to the New World, was a gain to humanity of at least a thousand years ;-I mean, if all the great and good men of Europe, from the 22d of December, 1620, had united their energies to ameliorate the condition of the human family, and had encountered no hostility, either from ci vil or religious despotism, it would have taken ten centuries to bring the institutions and the popu. lation of Europe, to a point where the great experiment of improving the condition of the race, by means of intellectual, moral, and religious culture, could be as favorably commenced as it was commenced on the day when the Pilgrims first set It was from a condition of society like this, foot upon the rock of Plymouth. What mighty obor from one, where principles and agencies were structions and hindrance to human progress did at work tending to produce a condition of society they leave behind them! What dynasties of powerlike this, that our ancestors fled. They came ful men, and the more firmly-seated dynasties of here, as to a newly-formed world. In many re- false opinions! But in the world to which they spects, the colonization of New England was like came, there were no classes upheld by law in feua new creation of the race. History cannot deny dal privilege and prerogative. There were no laws that the founders of that colony had faults. In- of hereditary descent upholding one class in opudeed, the almost incredible fact, that as soon as lence and power, irrespective of merit or vigor; and they escaped from persecution, they became per-degrading other classes to perpetual indigence and secutors themselves; that while the wounds servility, without demerit or imbecility. Here was were still unhealed which the iron fetters of op- no cramped territory whose resources were insuffipression had made in their souls, they began to cient to furnish a healthful competence to all ; nor forge fetters for the souls of others,-this fact any crowded population, struggling so earnestly to would seem mysterious and inexplicable, did we supply their cravings for daily necessities, that not see in it so vivid an illustration of the esta- all the nobler wants of the soul were silenced by blished order of nature and providence, signalizing the clamor of the appetites. No predatory barons to the world the power of a vicious education over had conquered the whole land, and monopolized virtuous men ;-exemplifying the effect of tyranni- it, and, by a course of legislation as iniquitous cal institutions upon human character, by an in- as the original robbery itself, had predestined its stance so conspicuous and flagrant, that it should descent in the line of particular families, through be remembered to the end of time, and should for- all coming time, so that not one in hundreds of all ever supersede the necessity of another warning. who should be born into the state, could own a But, on the other hand, history must concede to rood of ground, which he might till for subsisthe founders of this colony the possession of ex- tence while living, or beneath which he could alted, far-shining, immortal virtues. Not the least have a right of burial when dead.* among the blessings which they brought, were health and a robustness of constitution, that no luxury had enervated, or vicious indulgences ever corrupted. In all that company, there was not a drop of blood which had been tainted by vice, not an act of life that had been stained by crime. Arriving here at a period when winter had converted the land into one broad desert, the inclemency of the season and the extremity of their toils swept away all the less heathful and vigorous, and left not man nor woman, save those whose hardy and powerful frames, the perils of the

Our Pilgrim Fathers also possessed intelligence,-not merely common learning, and information on common affairs, but most of them were men of accomplished education, conversant with the world's history, profoundly thoughtful, and as well qualified as any equally numerous community that had ever existed, to discuss the deepest questions of State or Church, of time or

ber of land-holders in fee, is estimated by the Radicals *The population of England is 16,000,000. The num. at 30,000, and by the Tories at 36,000. A mean of 33,000 would give one land-owner to 494 non-land-owners.

made, and of the Creator who accepted their Vows,-we, their descendants, were devoted to the cause of human freedom, to duty, to justice, to charity, to intelligence, to religion, by those holy men.

eternity. Hence we are not the descendants of an ignorant horde, or pauper colony, driven out from the parent country in quest of food, and leaving all metropolitan art, intelligence and refinement behind them. Besides, almost coeval with the settlement of the colony, they founded It is in no boastful or vain-glorious spirit that I a college, and established common schools. In refer to this heroic period of our country's histo the first clearings of the forest, by the side of the ry. It is in no invidious mood that I contrast the first dwellings which they erected for a shelter, leading features of our civil polity and our social they built the schoolhouse; and of the produce condition, with those of the trans-Atlantic nations of the first crops planted for their precarious sub- of Christendom. Rather must I confess that the sistence, they apportioned a share for the main-contemplation of these historic events, brings tenance of teachers and professors. This they more humiliation than pride. It demands of us, did, that the altar-lights of knowledge and piety whether we have retained our vantage-ground of which they had here kindled, might never go a thousand years. It forces upon the conscience out. This they did, hoping that each generation the solemn question, whether we have been faithwould feed the flame to illumine the path of its ful to duty. Stewards of a more precious treassuccessors, a flame which should not be suffer- ure than was ever before committed to mortal ed to expire, but should shine on forever to en- hands, are we prepared to exhibit our lives and lighten and gladden every soul that should here our history as the record of our stewardship? On be called into existence. the contrary, do we not rather cling to the trust, and vaunt the confidence wherewith we have been honored, without inquiring whether the value of the deposit is not daily diminishing in our hands? Subtract the superiority which, under our more propitious circumstances, we ought to possess, how much will remain as the aliment of pride? It is not enough for us to say, that we are exempt from the wretchedness of the masses, and from the corruptions of the courts, of other lands. With our institutions and resources, these should have been incommunicable evils,-evils, which it would have been alike unmeritorious to avoid, and unpardonable to permit. It is no justification for us, to adduce the vast, the unexampled increase of our population. The question is not, how many millions we have, but what are their character, conduct, and attributes? We can claim neither reward nor approval for the exuberance of our natural resources, or the magnifi. cence of our civil power. The true inquiry is, in what manner that power has been used,-how have those resources been expended? they were convertible into universal elevation and happiness,-have they been so converted? Neither a righteous posterity nor a righteous heaven will adjudicate upon our innocence or guilt, on the same principles or according to the same standards, as those by which other nations shall be judged. A necessity for defence convicts us of delinquency;-for, had our deeds corresponded with our privileges, had duty equalled opportunity, we should have stood as a shining mark and exemplar before the world,-visible as an inscription written in stars upon the blue arch of the firmanent. The question is not whether we have ruled others, but whether we have ruled ourselves. The accusations which we must answer before the impartial tribunals of earth and heaven, are such as these:-Have we, by self-denial, by abSurely, never were the circumstances of a na-stinence from pernicious luxuries, by beneficent tion's birth so propitious to all that is pure in motive, and great in achievement, and redundant in the means of universal happiness, Never before was a land so consecrated to knowledge and virtue. Never were children and children's children so dedicated to God and to humanity, as in those forest-solitudes, that temple of the wide earth and the o'erarching heavens, girt round with the terrors of ocean and wilderness, afar from the pomp of cathedral and court, in the presence only of the conscious spirits of the creatures who

I repeat, that the transference of the fortunes of the race to the New-World, under such auspices, was a gain to humanity of at least a thousand years. By that removal, we were at once placed at a distance of three thousand miles from any spot where the Inquisition had ever tortured, or the fagot of persecution had ever blazed. By that removal, the chains of feudalism were shaken off. The false principle of artificial orders and castes in society, was annulled. The monopolies of chartered companies and guilds, were abolished. Proscriptions by men who knew but one thing, of all knowledge they did not themselves possess, no longer bound the free soul in its quest of truth. Rapacious hordes of vicious and impoverished classes no longer prowled through society, plundering its wealth and jeoparding the life of its members. There were no besotted races, occupying the vanishing point of humanity, to be reclaimed. A free, unbounded career for the development of the facul. ties, and the pursuit of knowledge and happiness, was opened for all. Ample and open as was the territory around them, their spiritual domain was more ample and open still. On the earth there was no arbitrary power to forbid the establishment of righteous and humane institutions and laws; and, as they looked upward, the air was not filled with demon shapes of superstition and fear, interdicting their access to heaven. Opportunity was given to discard whatever old errors should remain; and to adopt whatever new truths, either the course of nature or the providence of God might reveal. Whatever of degeneracy was to come upon themselves or upon their descendants in later times, was to come,-not from hereditary transmission, not from nature or necessity, but from the culpable dereliction or allow ance of themselves or their posterity.

labor, by obedience to the physical and organic laws of our nature, retained that measure of health and longevity to which, but for our own acts of disinherison, we had been rightful heirs? Where temptations are few, vice should be so rare as to become monstrous; where art and nature lavish wealth, a pauper should be a prodigy-but have we prevented the growth of vice and pauperism amongst us, by seeking out every abandoned child within our borders, as the good shepherd seeks after the lambs lost from his flock; and by train


ing all to habits of industry, frugality, temper- increases with its prosperity, and whose virtues ance, and an exemplary life? Have we remem-are equal to its power. For these ends, they bered that, if every citizen has a right to vote enjoin upon us a more earnest, a more universal, when he becomes a man, then the right of every a more religious devotion of our exertions and child to that degree of knowledge which shall resources, to the culture of the youthful mind and qualify him to vote, is a thousand times as strong? heart of the nation. Their gathered voices assert Have the more fortunate classes amongst us,- the eternal truth, that, IN A REPUBLIC, IGNORthe men of greater wealth, of superior knowledge, ANCE IS A CRIME; AND THAT PRIVATE IMMORof more commanding influence,-have they peri- ALITY IS NOT LESS AN OPPROBRIUM TO THE STATE odically arrested their own onward march of im- THAN IT IS GUILT IN THE PERPETRATOR. provement, and sounded the trumpet, and sent back guides and succors to bring up the rear of society? Have we insulated ourselves, as by a wall of fire, from the corruptions and follies engendered in European courts, and practised only by those who abhor the name of Republic? Have we caused the light of our institutions so to shine before the world, that the advocates of liberty in all parts of the earth can boldly point to our frame of government, as the model of those which are yet to bless mankind? Can we answer these questions as the myriad sufferers under oppression, in other lands, would have us answer them? If not, then we have not done to others as we would that others, were circumstances reversed, should do unto us.

Extract from the last report of HORACE MANN. AN uninstructed deaf and dumb child must arrive at a considerable age before he would be conscious of the fact of breathing, that is, before his mind would propose to itself, as a distinct idea, that he actually inhales and exhales air. Having no ear, it would be still later before he would recognize any distinction between such inhalations and expulsions of the air as would be accompanied by sound, and such as would not. The first step, therefore, in the inIn the mines of Siberia, at Olmutz, at Spiel-struction of a deaf and dumb child, is to make berg, in all the dungeons of the Old World, him conscious of these facts. To give him a where the strong champions of freedom are now knowledge of the fact that he breathes, the pining in captivity beneath the remorseless power teacher, seating himself exactly opposite to the of the tyrant,--the morning sun does not send a light, takes the pupil upon his lap or between glimmering ray into their cells, nor does night his knees, so that the pupil's eye shall be on a draw a thicker veil of darkness between them and level with his own, and so that they can look the world, but the lone prisoner lifts his iron-la- each other directly in the face. The teacher den arms to heaven in prayer, that we, the de- now takes the pupil's right hand in his left, and positaries of freedom and of human hopes, may be the pupil's left hand in his right. He places faithful to our sacred trust ;-while, on the other one of the pupil's hands immediately before his hand, the pensioned advocates of despotism, stand own lips, and breathes upon it. He then with listening ear, to catch the first sound of law- brings the pupil's other hand into the same poless violence that is wafted from our shores, to sition before his (the pupil's) lips, and, through note the first breach of faith or act of perfidy the faculty of imitation, leads him to breathe amongst us, and to convert them into arguments upon that, just as his first hand had been against liberty and the rights of man. There is breathed upon by the teacher. This exercise is not a shout sent up by an insane mob, on this varied indefinitely as to stress or intensity of side of the Atlantic, but it is echoed by a thous breathing; and the lessons are repeated again and presses and by ten thousand tongues, along and again, if necessary, until, in each case, the every mountain and valley on the other. There feeling caused by the expulsion of air from the is not a conflagration kindled here by the ruthless pupil's mouth on the back of one hand, becomes hand of violence, but its flame glares over all Eu- identical with the feeling on the back of the rope, from horizon to zenith. On each occurrence other hand, caused by the expulsion of air from of a flagitious scene, whether it be an act of tur- the teacher's mouth. Sometimes a little play bulence and devastation, or a deed of perfidy or mingles with the instruction; and a light ob breach of faith, monarchs point them out as fruits ject, as a feather or a bit of paper, is blown by of the growth and omens of the fate of Republics, the breath. and claim for themselves and their heirs a further extension of the lease of despotism.

The experience of the ages that are past, the hopes of the ages that are yet to come, unite their voices in an appeal to us,-they implore us to think more of the character of our people than of its numbers; to look upon our vast natural resources, not as tempters to ostentation and pride, but as means to be converted by the refining al. chemy of education, into mental and spiritual treasures; they supplicate us to seek for what ever complacency or self-satisfaction we are disposed to indulge, not in the extent of our territory, or in the products of our soil, but in the expansion and perpetuation of the means of human happiness; they beseech us to exchange the luxuries of sense for the joys of charity, and thus give to the world the example of a nation, whose wisdom

Another accompaniment of simple breathing is the expansion and subsidence of the chest, as the air is alternately drawn into it and expelled from it. To make the pupil acquainted with this fact, one of his hands is held before the teacher's mouth, as above described, while the other is laid closely upon his breast. The pupil readily perceives the falling motion of the chest when the air is emitted from the lungs, and the rising motion when it is inhaled. His hands are then transferred to his own mouth and chest, where the same acts, performed by himself, produce corresponding motions and sensa. tions. These processes must, of course, be continued for a greater or less length of time ac cording to the aptitude of the scholar.

The next step is to teach the fact of sounds, and their effect or value. For this purpose, a

third person should be present, standing with | semble those which had been produced by the the back towards the teacher and pupil. The utterance of the teacher. At this stage of the teacher and pupil being placed as before, and instruction the pupil understands perfectly what the teacher holding the back of one of the pu- is desired; and, therefore, he perseveres with pil's hands before his (the teacher's) mouth, and effort after effort, until, at last, perhaps after a placing the other upon his breast, breathes as hundred or five hundred trials, he hits the exbefore. The only effect of this is the mere act sound, when, conscious of the same vibraphysical sensations produced upon the pupil's tion in his own organs which he had before felt hands. But now the teacher speaks with a loud in those of the teacher, at the same moment that voice, and the person present turns round to an- the teacher recognizes the utterance of the true swer. The same effect would be produced by sound, their countenances glow into each other calling upon a dog or other domestic animal. with the original light of joy, and not only is a Here the pupil perceives an entire new state of point gained in the instruction which will never facts. The speaking is accompanied by a new be lost, but the pupil is animated to renewed position of the organs of speech, and by a exertions. greatly increased action of the chest; and it is immediately followed by a movement or recog. nition on the part of the third person. The pupil's hands are then transferred to his own mouth and chest, and he is led to shape his organs of speech in imitation of the teacher's, and to make those strong emissions of breath which produce sound. When this sound has been produced by the pupil, both the teacher and the third person intimate, by their attention and their approval, that a new thing has been done; and from that moment, the peculiar effort and the vibrations, necessary to the utterance of sounds, are new facts added to the pupil's store of knowledge.

These exercises having been pursued for a sufficient length of time, the teacher begins to instruct in the elementary sounds. The letter h is the first taught, being only a hard breathing, and therefore forming the connecting link between simple breathing and the utterance of the vowel sounds.

Here it is obvious that the teacher must be a perfect master of the various sounds of the language, and of the positions into which all the vocal organs must be brought in order to enunciate them. All the combined and diversified motions and positions of lips, teeth, tongue, uvula, glottis, windpipe, and so forth, must be as familiar to him as the position of keys or chords to the performer on the most complicated musical instrument. For this purpose, all the sounds of the language, and of course all the motions and positions of the organs necessary to produce them, are reduced to a regular series or gradation. The variations requisite for the vowel sounds are formed into a regular sequence, and a large table is prepared in which the consonant sounds are arranged in a scientific order. To indicate the difference between a long and a short sound, a long sound is uttered, accompanied by a slow motion of the hand, and then a short sound of the same vowel, accompanied by a quick motion.

The sound of the German vowels being so different from our own, it is difficult to elucidate this subject to one not acquainted with the German language. But let any one lay his finger upon the middle of the upper side of the pomum adami, and press it against the wind-pipe, and then enunciate successively the sounds of the letters a and e, and he will instantaneously perceive how much higher that part of the throat is raised, and how much more it is brought forward in the latter case than in the former. And not only is there a striking difference in the motions of the wind-pipe, when these two vowels are sounded, but in sounding the letter e, almost all the vocal organs are changed from the position which is necessary for enunciating the letter a. The tongue is brought much nearer to the roof of the mouth, the lips are partially drawn together, and the whole under jaw is raised nearer to the upper. Thus every different sound in the language, requires a different position and different motions of the vocal organs. Hence the work of teaching the deaf and dumb to speak, consists in training them to arrange the organs of speech into all these positions, and to practice at will all this variety of motions. When the pupil looks at the organs of the teacher, and feels of them, then their positions and motions become to him a visible and tangible alphabet, just as our spo-ken alphabet is an audible one. For the guttural sounds, the hand must be placed upon the throat. For the nasal, the teacher holds one of the pupil's fingers lightly against one side of the lower or membranous part of the nose, and after the vibration there has been felt, places another of his fingers against the same part of his

own nose.

During all these processes, the eye is most actively employed. The teacher arranges his own organs in the manner necessary for the production of a given sound, and holds them in that position until the pupil can arrange his own in the same way. Sometimes the pupil is furnished with a mirror, that he may see that his own organs are conformed to those of the teacher. If any part of the pupil's tongue is unmanageable, the teacher takes his spatula, (an instrument of ivory or horn, in the shape of a spoon handle,) and raises or depresses it, as the case may require.

As the pupil has no ear, he cannot, strictly speaking, be said to learn sounds; he only learns motions and vibrations, the former by the eye, the latter by the touch. The parties being seated as I have before described, so that the light shines full upon the teacher's face, one of the pupil's hands is placed upon the teacher's throat, while he is required at the same time to But some of the elementary sounds are begun look steadfastly at the teacher's mouth. The or completed with closed lips, and, in such simplest sound of the vowel a is now uttered case,-the cheeks not being made of glass,-the and repeated by the teacher. He then applies pupil cannot see the position or motions of the the pupil's other hand to his, (the pupil's) tongue. To obviate this difficulty, Mr. Reich,. throat, and leads him to enunciate sounds until of Leipsic, uses a tongue made of Indian rub the vibrations produced in his own throat, re-ber, which he can bend or twist at pleasure, till

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