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tants. They considered it a useless innovation, and after considerable altercation succeeded in expelling it from the school room. Now, with all due sympathy for the teacher, and without palliating at all, the ignorance or the conduct of his district; we may be permitted to say that we want, if possible, teachers of sufficient weight of character, discretion, and with all confidence in their own plans to encounter such obstacles successfully, without compromising their views of right, or plans of instruction. This, although an extreme case, will serve to illustrate others less aggravated, but of the same general kind.


Resort is had less frequently to corporal punishment and other arbitrary measures than form. erly. Teachers, under the influence of doc trines somewhat extensively promulgated, are almost universally inclined to endeavor to succeed without appeal to the rod. That this is desirable, and to a considerable extent practicable, is confirmed by extensive observation.— Those schools that afford the best specimens of discipline and of good order, in which obedience is prompt, and as it were a matter of pleasure, have not been made such to any extent, by the virtues of the rod. A different kind of influence has operated; in some this instrument has not been introduced at all. With the full con. viction that the use of it is an evil, yet we regard it as a less evil than insubordination in school. There are respectable teachers who cannot in all instances sustain their authority without resort to it; I know not but some may do it; certain it is they can do it in some places -possibly in all. This however, so far as my observation has extended, is yet a matter of ex. periment.

ers that are qualified and none other, and by a thorough supervision and inspection of the schools by the inspectors, deputy superintendents, and the inhabitants themselves. But as many of the inhabitants are poor, and the districts in most cases are small, they have hardly the means to defray the expense of a school, even for the length of time required by law to entitle them to a share of the public money. If a male teacher of the requisite qualifications is employed, an enlargement of the districts seems to be necessary. This, in many cases, can be done with the greatest ease. I know of sections of this county, where three, and in some instances, four districts can be united in one, while the public generally would be great. without any serious inconvenience to any one, would have further to go to get to school, but ty benefitted by it. True, some individuals from this union of strength they could command times. But if a union of districts cannot be effunds sufficient to ensure a good school at all fected, the expenses might be greatly lessened schools greatly enhanced, by employing females. and the moral and literary character of the An objection to this, however, is that while females are better calculated than males, to deal with children under the age of 12 or 15, they are not so well calculated to instruct male pupils from 15 to 20 and upwards. But this objection can be removed by establishing in every town a sufficient number of schools, taught by males, named ages, leaving the younger pupils to be taught by females in the districts as they now are. If some plan of this kind could be adopted and schools could be established on the common school system, by dividing a town into two, three or more districts, as circumstances might rebe instructed, it is believed the progress of puquire, where all the larger class of pupils might pils generally would be greatly increased, while the expenses of the system would be diminished. Male pupils from fifteen to twenty years of age, or twelve years of age, might walk two or three miles to a good school, without much dif ficulty.

to accommodate all male scholars of the last

I am apprehensive from what I have observed, that there is danger that teachers, in their anxiety to refrain from this vulgar mode of punish ment, may in some instances run into another extreme by which they measurably compromise their authority. They have recourse to a species of coaxing or flattery, which tends very much to weaken their authority in the estimaSomething seems necessary to be done to raise tion of the scholar. The impression is made upon his mind-an impression that he very now are, and place them in the condition they our schools from the condition in which they readily receives, that the teacher does not really should be, and it is to be hoped that parents expect to exact implicit confidence, and consequently that he is not under obligation to render who have a regard for the welfare of their offNow in dispensing with the rod, the spring, who wish for happiness and repose in teacher does not surrender one iota of his au- subsequent life,and who love their country, will thority. He is only supposed to resort to a bet-give this subject the consideration which its ter mode of effectually sustaining it. Some teach- importance requires at their hands. ers will tell you they never punish; yet they pull or cuff the ears, pull the hair, throw violently upon the floor, and resort to other similar modes of correction. This is the most exceptionable kind of corporal punishment.


Dept. Supt. Chautauque county.

Westfield, Sept. 30, 1842.



Dept. Supt. of Com. Schools of Chenango co.
Pitcher, Sept. 10th, 1842.



I shall divide teachers in reference to their qualifications, into four classes: The first class is composed of those teachers who combine the ability to impart instruction in a plain, varied and interesting manner, and the ability to go. vern, which consists mainly in interesting, and This can be done by building good and con- making permanent the interest of the pu venient school houses, taking care that they pils, with a consistent and abiding conviction of have the necessary appendages, providing the the high responsibilities and important duties necessary fuel, apparatus, &c. employing teach-involved in the office of instructor. The se

cond class consists of those who perhaps attach as much importance to the business of teaching, and are as anxious to excel, or rather to become successful teachers, and labor with untiring and commendable zeal; but from want of sufficient experience, natural tact, or ability, fail in some points, but are generally acceptable teachers. The third class is of those possessing much ability not brought into requisition, who teach while they abhor the business; because with them it is the easiest way to make money. Some of these have sufficient principle, others sufficient pride to induce them to do their duty; while others labor as little as possible, and dread the calls of visiters and inspectors, dig. nifying them with the name of interlopers. The fourth class of teachers are those who are totally unfit for the business, and contrive to while away the time in a monotonous series of most melancholy exercises of some of the physical organs, without ever disturbing the death-like quiet of the mental energies. Of this class I say nothing, fearing this is not a case where endurance ceases to be a virtue. Of the first mentioned class there are only about 20; of the second class there are about 100; of the third class about 50; of the fourth class about 30. The demand for good teachers is increasing, and higher wages are offered than formerly. Many districts, where the people were satisfied with cheap and incompetent teachers, now demand good teachers and offer good compensation. Cheap teachers are not considered the best teachers.


In the libraries of this county there are about eight thousand volumes. In many of the districts they are highly valued, well preserved, and much read. In some districts they are abused; being lent out without having been covered, they become much worn, and the binding being miserable, is soon spoiled. In some districts, where they are covered with cambric, though much used, they are in a good state of preservation. In comparatively few libraries are the books covered. In some they are covered when purchased, but were coverless in one week, and have been so since. I have told the librarians that unless they were covered I should report every case of delinquency to the Department. In a majority of the cases the books have all been read by the reading part of the districts, and sometimes half, one-third, and frequently all the books are in circulation. In the joint library of this village there are over one thousand volumes, with an average circulation of one hundred volumes. The books are beautifully covered, and the affairs of the library well managed.


Deputy Superintendent.


MODE OF TEACHING ADOPTED IN THE SCHOOLS. With some exceptions the teachers have been superficial in their manner of instructing; and although they differ in many respects, yet the greater proportion of them agree in not requiring their pupils to investigate the subject of their studies for themselves, do not teach them how to learn in such a manner as to apply their

knowledge to the best advantage, in being useful to themselves and beneficial to their fellow creatures, by adapting that knowledge to the ordinary occupations of life: but confine their attention to the book, and in too many instances hear the lesson without giving any explanation to the scholar or any illustration of the exercise, and the scholar leaves the teacher without receiving any benefit from the recitation. One of the most prominent faults of teachers is, that they do not illustrate the different rules of arithmetic or grammar, as much as they ought, but permit their classes to pass over their lessons instead of understanding them, or giving evidence of a perfect knowledge by a proper explanation, pointing out a reason for each operation. Another fault in most teachers is, their failure to convey a instruction to the scholars in language suitable to their capaci ties; the child not understanding the meaning of the words, takes no interest in the exercise, and receives no instruction or advantage. Another obstacle in the way of improvement in our common schools is, that scholars are advanced too fast,not understanding their lessons as they proceed, and are put into studies above their capacity, and being incapable of comprehending the subject of their lessons, make no progress, thus not only wasting their time and the means of improvement, but become discouraged, and never make that proficiency which they would have made if they had not been improperly taught when commencing their education. I have seen scholars who were studying philosophy and algebra that could not bound their own town, read intelligibly or even spell correctly. But there are some exceptions; there are some teachers who understand their profession, and have the ability to instruct and commune with their pupils; who correctly explain the elements to their scholars, and proceed regularly, thoroughly investigating every principle in the various branches of study, in such a manner that the scholar is capable of compreheng it, and the mind expands as the different subjects are unfolded, the scholar becomes interested and the improvement is rapid,-beyond our antici pations.


Perhaps the best barometer to ascertain the importance attached to the cause of education, and the interest manifested towards it, by any community, is the school house; and certainly nothing affords more tangible evidence of the want of interest exhibited by the inhabitants of this county, towards district schools, than the number school houses in a dilapidated state which are still occupied though entirely unfit for schools. In some the broken windows are nailed up in such a manner, as to admit the wet and keep out the light in many instances hats are used to supply the place of boards and glass, as more convenient, not only to keep out the cold and keep in the heat, but can be moved with less exertion. Some have the doors broken off from the hinges and then broken to pieces, rendering it almost impossible to secure the tenement from being occupied in the night as a stable; in others the clapboards are wanting in sufficient numbers to admit the pupils without the inconvenience of opening and shutting the door. The roofs of some are so destitute of

Shingles that rain, and in winter snow, is admitted in such quantities as to cause the plastering to fall, and leave a free circulation of air through roof and wall overhead. Others are in such condition that the scholars cannot be warm or comfortable in ordinary weather, in the winter. Others are in such a situation, that a good teacher will not engage in the school on account of the condition of the house. Others again are located in a place, the most unpleasant for children, near a swamp or marsh, as the land there is of the least value, or on some bleak summit, rendered inaccessible by ice or snow a considerable portion of the time in winter, or on the north side of a hill, the last place which should be selected as a site for a school house, with no play ground to make it a pleasant retreat for children. And a privy is considered as such an unnecessary appendage to a school house, that there are a number of towns in this county that have none in them. In other towns they are not, I regret to say, in a much better situation, on account of their being kept in such a miserable condition. But there are districts which have large and commodious school houses, kept in good repair, with seats furnished with backs for the smaller scholars, and arranged in such a manner as to make them comfortable for the whole school. The room being ventilated in the proper manner, by lowering the up. per sash of the windows, to let the impure air pass off and to protect the children from currents of air; these have a good supply of fuel for winter, wood sawed and piled up in the woodhouse, ready for use, and a good well of pure water near, with fit accommodations for the children to enjoy exercise.


without having any opportunity of explaining or illustrating the lesson.

That a more thorough examination of teachers and schools is required, in order to promote their welfare, is evident; and until this is accomplished, our schools will not flourish, and af. ford suitable means for the improvement of the juvenile mind, or satisfy the expectations of the community. DAVID G. WOODIN, Dept, Supt. Com. Schools of Columbia Co. Austerlitz, Sept. 29, 1842.



The cardinal, and to a greater or less extent, universal defect in the system of teaching in our schools, consists in a constant appeal made to the memory, instead of the understanding-the thinking and reflective faculties. The higher powers of the mind are thus not called into action. Mere names or facts, isolated from their meanings and logical connexions, though stamped in characters seemingly indelible, on the memory, are soon swept away by the abrasion of that mighty current of incidents which fill up the sum of human life; and if retained, to what end? The boy who has been shewn merely mechanically, how to obtain the answer to his problem, though he should be able in after life to recollect the process, so far as that particular problem is concerned, is as incapable as he would otherwise have been, of solving other questions resting on principles precisely analo gous. Instead of a principle, he learned a fact -a mere fact, barren and worthless for all the practical purposes of life.

I do not believe the full and glaring extent of the evil here complained of, is known to the proprietors of our schools. It was not certainly by myself, before the execution of official duties forced upon me the painful discovery. If the evil is generally understood, its consequences would seem to be but very imperfectly appreciated. Take, for example, the study of our language. The pupil is taught to spell words-to read words-and as if to carry absurdity to its climax, to parse words-utterly ignorant of the meaning of those words! Not only their precise definitions are not known, but in the words not in common colloquial use, in most instances no approximation to their meaning can be giv. en. And, as would be the natural inference, where such a state of things exists, this ignorance is not confined to the pupil. Many teach

There is evidently an improvement in the character and condition of the district schools in this county. In many districts a higher grade in the qualification of teachers is required; and the people realize that, the character of the school depends entirely upon the character of the teachers. Acting upon this opinion, the services of those teachers are secured who can accomplish something more than merely instruct the young, in the first principles of an education; who inspire a thirst for knowledge, believing the object of school instruction is to implant in the youthful mind a desire for improvement, and to teach things and not words. But still there is very much to be done. In some districts there is a diversity of opinion upon the subject of our schools, some wishing to employ a teacher who is well qualified, and others act-ers of much experience, and respectable reputaing upon the principle that a cheap teacher will answer and endeavor to thwart the designs of those who want a good school; thus causing a division, and the consequence is they have no school for half of the time, and the school while continued is often worse than none. In many schools, the scholars are so irregular in their attendance that they make but little or no proficiency in their studies. Another evil loudly complained of is the variety of text books. Teachers cannot classify their scholars; in numerous instances, there are as many different books as scholars; thus preventing any arrangements of pupils into classes, obliging the teacher to hear each scholar separately, the recitations being gone through in a hurried manner,

tion, when called upon to define the words they have pronounced for spelling, heard read, and heard parsed for twenty years, fail utterly!

Resolvable to the same radical error in the theory of teaching, the want of a systematic habit of familiar explanation and demonstration, of analysis and synthesis, on the part of the teacher and pupil, is observable in the other departments of science pursued in our schools. In arithmetic, for example, though the black-board hangs in the school-room, it was rarely used for explanation or demonstration, when I entered upon my official duties. The ability to explain and elucidate is one of the highest and rarest accomplishments of the teacher, and one which does not always accompany the highest grade

of scientific attainment. The evils which result from its disuse in schools are obvious. Unpractised by the teacher, the more intricate propositions in the higher branches of study are not clearly grasped by the yet untrained mind of the pupil; unpractised by the pupils, in the first place, the teacher can have no surety that the proposition is fully mastered by the learner; and in the second, if so mastered, that the impression on the understanding and memory are sufficiently clear and well defined to be permaNo scholar can be unaware of the fact that the mind will often grasp with seeming clearness, the solution or demonstration given by another, yet if left here, will subsequently find itself utterly unable to repeat the steps of that solution; and the indistinct perception of the truth will grow dimmer and dimmer until entirely lost.



That the government of the school should be a moral government, instead of one of mere force; that the higher and better parts of the child's nature should be appealed to, to keep him in the path of duty, instead of his dread of bodily suffering, is a truth much more generally recognized and acted upon than formerly. The practice of laying down a set of rules, or bylaws, for the regulation of the school, and using the rod or the ferule for every infraction of them, the only gradation in punishment being in the number of the blows inflicted, is fast wearing away. So far as severity or laxity of discipline is concerned, in the ordinary acceptation of those terms, more err on the side of the latter than the former. Yet, among those who incline to neither extreme of bad government, it is rare to find a decided instance of good govern


The mild, dignified and uniform exterior, the same to-day and to-morrow, and under every change of circumstance; the earnest an ever manifest solicitude in the pupil's welfare; the kind and well timed word of encouragement to the well-doer; the no less kind, and the fervent appeal to the moral sense, the pride and the feelings of the wrong-doer; the cool, patient, and strictly equitable examination, and subsequent punishment in cases of gross delinquency; how rarely do we find qualities and practices like these united in the same person?

all intermediate times, the air and aspect of a beast of prey ready to pounce upon its victim. "I do not find it necessary to whip often," is the self-gratulatory remark frequently made by such men, "but when I do, I make a business of it."

That order and obedience are the first aim of school government, is most true. That it is necessary for the good of the scholar, for its effects on his mind and character, as well as on his present literary progress, is a proposition which will never be disputed by a man of intelligence. But in securing this end, the teacher should never forget that he is dealing with moral and accountable beings. Children are capable of understanding and appreciating the distinctions between right and wrong, far earlier in life than is generally supposed. Appealing to these considerations, teaches the child self respect. "Treat him like a man," as the phrase is, and he will attempt to act up to the character thus assigned him. I have seen a boy who had been pronounced an incorrigible reprobate, and flogged almost into a state of physical callousness, become dutiful, affectionate, and emulous in the path of duty, by a new teacher assuming the control of him, who commenced by treating and trusting him as if he had never departed from that path. The teacher who assumes the charge of a school should fortify his mind with more than "triple brass" against the entrance of those prejudices against particular pupils, which injudicious persons are usually found so willing to instil into him, under the mistaken idea that they are friendly cautions. And should there be those, who by their own or by the fault of their teachers, have become hardened and are prone to disobey, they should, beyond all question, be objects of peculiar charity and forbearance-of the gentle and attractive inflences of sympathy and kindness. Where force has been tried and failed to break the stubbornness of the disposition, its continuance only hardens, as pounding hardens steel; the attempt should then be made to fuse the feelings of the offender in the crucible of love.

That the rod must be resorted to in some extreme cases, cannot be denied. Its use is sanctioned by intelligent experience, and if it were wanting, the high authority of inspiration. But I hold the following to be well established principles: That it should not be used, except as a There are, in fact, very few teachers who last resort, and after all other suitable means properly appreciate the high importance of a have failed; that its use should never be threatcorrect system of school government, or have ened, as "do this, or I will whip you," or congiven to the subject anything like a proper de- sidered the common and only penalty of offence; gree of investigation and reflection. And the that it is better for both teacher and pupil to public have investigated and considered the sub- to keep the rod out of sight, as if it were exject still less. With both, the mere preserva-pected and anticipated that it would never be tion of a certain degree of order, or rather, a certain degree of silence and submission, during school hours, appears to be all that is regarded as coming within this department of duty; and it would seem to matter little by what means subordination is preserved, if it can be done without too great a severity and frequency of corporal discipline. If it is effected by hiring, by scolding, by threatening, or by a mixture of all three, it is all the same; and I have seen teachers who were regarded as prodigies of successful government, who kept their pupils in a state of crouching alarm, by occasional instances of terrible severity, and by wearing at

necessary to resort to it.

Grotesque punishments, calculated to expose the offender to laughter and derision, though frequently very effectual in deterring from the repetition of the offence, are not, on the whole, profitable. They blunt the sensibilities and degrade the pupil in his own estimation With what hope of success could the higher and bet. ter feelings and principles of the child be invok ed, who had just been treated as if he possessed none, and made to play the ape, for the diver. sion and scorn of his fellows?

The best method to keep children orderly in schools is, as a general rule, to keep them em.

ployed and amused. Should any reasonable advancement of education. Many of them ori. man expect the child of five or six years, or in- ginally the pioneers in an untrod wilderness, deed of any age, to sit bolt upright for three few or none of them having possessed early adwhole hours, except during one or two recita- vantages at all equal to those which their lations of five minutes each, and a play spell of bors and their privations have procured for about the same length? Should the scholar, their children. they little dream that they can during the remaining two hours and three-quar- become the efficient coadjutors of scholars and ters, be required to sit immovable and silent as educationists, in the high task of improving our a statue, with the mind and body equally unem- common school system; still less, that their coployed, and this too, on a seat, as it often hap-operation would prove the mightiest lever of pens, too high to allow his feet to reach the educational progress. To correct this error, floor, with no back to it, or one which is entirely and enlist this co-operation, I conceive to be one perpendicular? Let him who thinks so, try the of the first and most important duties of a deputy effects of such an experiment on himself. There superintendent. are innumerable devices by which the teacher of tact can divert the attention of his pupils, and preserve them from lethargy on the one hand, and disorder, uneasiness or mischief on the other. More frequent play spells, in the case of very small children; permitting them to stand on their feet when fatigued; the use of slates to form letters or pictures, and a thousand indescribable expedients, conduce to this end, and add to the happiness, progress, and the physical health of the pupil. When it actually becomes necessary to directly punish with the rod, the circumstances of the case should be coolly and patiently inquired into; the decision or sentence pronounced without anger, and on strict principles of equity; and the penalty inflicted as though it were a painful but unavoidable duty. When revenge nerves the arm and anger gives impetus to the blow, and when these passions speak their revolting language through the countenance and the words of the misnamed instructer, it requires no vaticinatory spirit to foretell the effects of his ministrations-of the living example, opposed though it may be, to the dead precept.



As a general thing, the great preventive of popular co-operation, is popular apathy, or rather a want of knowledge of the necessity of such co-operation. It is common to charge the inactivity of the people in educational matters, entirely to indifference in reference to the whole subject, in other words, indifference to the good of their offspring. Observation has brought me to a different conclusion. That there are instances of stolid and brutal indifference; that there are occasional instances of those who are so ignorant themselves as to be entirely insensible to the benefits of education, is no doubt true. But having again and again seen the tear of uncontrollable emotion start from the eyes of those pronounced the most callous and indifferent, at even the casual praise bestowed on the progress and attainments of their children; having again and again listened to the earnest and feeling promise to thereafter discharge the duties which a parent owes to the schools," from not only those who are usually the most active in such matters, but from men even whose entrance into the school-room excited a smile of wonder and derision, I have learned to be slow in arriving at that conclusion which pronounces a father or mother ever indifferent to the welfare of their offspring. The people at large have not been taught that they have a duty and a labor to perform in this matter, or brought to the knowledge that they can so effectually aid in the

The District School Journal.-This valuable publication, containing in a condensed form the most important educational statistics and information of the day, and by a beneficent provision in our laws, sent gratuitously to every school district in the state, is doing an incredible amount of good, in popularizing a species of knowledge so important, and hitherto so little attended to; and by keeping every portion of the state advertised of the educational improvements, discoveries, etc., made in the most favored regions of it, and in other countries. As the vehicle of the official communications of the Superintendent, it possesses a peculiar value to all in any way connected with our common schools. Yet I am ashamed to say, there are districts in Cortland county which do not take this paper from the post-office. The prejudices and misapprehensions which have existed in relation to it, are however fast wearing away.


Districts too large or too small.-In densely populated districts, particularly in villages, the school is frequently entirely too large to be placed under the care of a single teacher, and in sparsely populated country districts, the opposite evil prevails. In the former, the overtasked teacher has no time to do justice to his school. Every suggestion for improvement is met, and necessarily so, with the plea of a want of time. Every exercise is hurried, and the proper explanations or illustrations are entirely precluded. Schools in many of our villages, are kept in this condition for years, from a reluc tance to weaken them by division. If the district is divided, and as it would generally result, two small ones formed out of it, the expense of maintaining two highly qualified male teachers, becomes onerous. The gradation or union system offers a ready and unexpensive method of obviating the effects of an over-crowded school, without falling into the opposite difficulty. By placing the advanced scholars under a teacher of corresponding attainments, and the smaller under a female teacher whose services can be more cheaply obtained, and who is better calculated to teach them, the progress of both departments is sufficiently accelerated to far more than compensate for the small additional expense. Strange as it may appear, a system, the benefits of which would seem to be so obvious, is too great an innovation on long estab lished customs, to be introduced without ditliculty. Crowded districts continue to submit to the disadvantages of their situation, or prostrate their energies, and place it out of

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