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"The provisions of the law for the appointment of town superintendents," says the county superintendent of Genesee, "meet the approbation of the people generally. It is thought to be less expensive and more efficient than the former system. The officers appointed in this county feel the responsibilities of their station, and enter upon the discharge of their duties with zeal and ability."

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"Public opinion has evidently, in this county," says the superintendent of Hamilton county, undergone a radical change on the subject of school supervision; and the law of last winter reducing the number of town officers, has done much to satisfy the inhabitants that it is the wish of our Legislature to improve the schools, without increasing the expense to the districts."

"I was accompanied by the town officers," says the superintendent of Jefferson county," seldom, previous to the first of June last. On the second day of June, the day after he received his appointment, one of the town superintendents commenced his labors by accompanying me in my visits to the schools; and since that time I have been left to visit alone, only about ten days. When there were five officers, it was hard to find one sufficiently interested to go even to see what was doing in the schools; now there is but one, I have always found him ready and generally efficient. This, with me, is sufficient evidence of the excellence of the present system of town of ficers over the former."

"The law of last winter," observes the county superintendent of Rensselaer," abolishing the offices of town inspectors and commissioners, and substituting in their places town superintendents, is almost universally regarded as an act of wise legislation." "These important officers were selected with much care and discretion, by the appointing officers of the several towns. They are good scholars, moral men and faithful officers-ready to co-operate with the State or county superintendent in any measures for the improvement of the schools under their supervision."

"That the present system of conducting the affairs of our schools," observes the county superintendent of Steuben, "is less expensive, more simple and more efficient than the old method, are features in its character which cannot escape common observation, and which are beginning to make a favorable impression on the public mind." "The concentration in the hands of the town superintendents of the powers| formerly vested in the commissioners and inspectors, thus throwing upon this single officer the responsibility which was formerly divided among five, must certainly have a tendency to augment the importance of the office itself in the estimation of the people, and to make them careful in the selection of those who fill it."

"The substitution of town superintendents for inspectors and commissioners," says the superintendent of Sullivan county, "is, without doubt, a valuable improvement in our common school system. In this county, selections have been made solely with reference to the ability of the men for discharging the duties of the of fice; and in every town I have found them able auxiliaries in promoting the interests of the schools."

"I am much gratified in being able to state," says the superintendent of Ulster county, "that"

the present system of supervision and inspection, has had a salutary influence in improving our schools. The standard of qualification for teachers has been materially raised; and at this day it is very rare that a person of low acquirements presents himself as a candidate for teacher. I have no doubt that the act of the last session, abolishing the office of inspectors and commissioners of common schools, and substituting that of town superintendent, has already had an important influence on the prosperity of our schools. In this county that of fice, almost without exception, has been filled by competent men, having a full sense of the importance and responsibility of their station; and the effect has been, that men of low acquire. ments have rarely applied for license as teachers, and when such have applied they have almost uniformly been rejected. There is now a complete co-operation between the town and county superintendents, which has ensured, and will hereafter ensure, the employment of more competent teachers, and of course remove one great hindrance to the elevation of our schools. The town superintendents have been selected with reference more to their ability and learning than to their political creed or party services."

"The law abolishing the offices of commissioner and inspector, and creating that of town superintendent of common schools," says the su perintendent of the northern section of Wash. ington county, "has received the almost unanimous approval of the people. It is a decided improvement in the system. The town superintendent feels that the character of the schools in his town depends very much upon his efforts, and that there is no one else to discharge the duties of his office but himself. The result is, those duties are performed with fidelity and a commendable zeal. The labors of the county superintendent are made much more useful by this change. A correspondence can now be easily kept up with each town, and constant and correct information of the state of all the schools be possessed by the co. superintendent, enabling him properly to direct his efforts, and to make his visits at a time and in a manner most beneficial to the schools."

The correct and harmonious movements of the school machinery of this State depend to a very great extent upon the proper selection of county and town superintendents. However judicious any system may be in theory, yet the perfection of its practical operation is graduated by the skill and ability of those to whose care is committed its administration. Among the various systems which might be devised, it would hardly be a figure of speech to pronounce that

"Whate'er is best administered is best."

The ability, zeal and singleness of purpose of any set of officers, even under an imperfect and disjointed system, might accomplish much good; and without these indispensable qualifi cations, the most simple and perfect organization would prove a failure.

Hitherto the supervisors, with some few exceptions, have appointed individuals as county superintendents who were highly qualified for the station; and in canvassing the State, it will be found that in all those counties where the most happy selections have been made, the po

obtaining a satisfactory account of the affairs of the district from their predecessors; and not unfrequently, large amounts have been recoverunexecuted contracts of the latter, for which no indemnity, short of legislative provision, existed. Under the present system, ample time is afforded for the complete execution of all contracts entered into by the trustees; and on the accession of a new officer, he will always find two colleagues intimately acquainted with the concerns of the district, and prepared to co-ope. rate efficiently in the administration of its af fairs. Every facility will thus be afforded for the systematic transaction of official business, and for the enlightened discharge of official du ty.

pularity of the system is the most firmly established. That these officers by a capable and zealous discharge of their duties, can confer benefits infinitely more valuable than theired by legal process against the former, on the meagre compensation, begins to be understood; and it is fervently hoped that in every election hereafter to be made, of either town or county superintendent, the most competent individual, without reference to sect or party, will be selected. On such a subject, where the good of their children is at stake, men should dismiss their narrow prejudices, and tear in sunder the shackles of party. They should consult only "the greatest good of the greatest number" of the rising generation. They should direct their preferences to those only who are the ardent friends of youthful progress-to those only, the smoke of whose incense offered in this holy cause, daily ascends to heaven; and whose lips have been touched with a burning coal from the altar.

The appellate jurisdiction conferred by the act of the last session on county superintendents, over the several acts and proceedings of town and district officers relating to common schools, has been productive of very beneficial results. Few appeals have been brought, owing to the facility with which controversies arising among the inhabitants and officers of the several districts, are checked in their incipient stages by the prudent counsels of the county superintendents, who by a personal interview with the parties and with the means of obtaining an accurate knowledge of their peculiar situation and wants with reference to school district accommodation, is enabled to harmonize conflicting interests, which experience has demonstrated might otherwise ripen into inveterate neighborhood feuds and lead to protracted litigation. The salutary effects of this pacific system have been extensively felt throughout the State; and it is believed that no more efficient means of dispensing equal, exact and speedy justice, could be devised, than have thus been provided. By the denial of costs in all cases where school officers, acting in good faith, are subjected to legal prosecution, and by providing a tribunal fully competent to settle all controversies grow ing out of the operation of the laws relating to common schools, without cost or delay to either party, the most abundant facilities are afforded for a prompt and peaceful adjustment of the various differences incident to the practical operation of a system comprehending so great a diversity of


Trustees of School Districts.

Apportionment of Public Money.

Owing to the frequent changes in the laws relating to common schools which have occurred during the past few years, and to the irregularity with which the successive provisions of law and the expositions and instructions of the Department in reference thereto, have been received by the officers and inhabitants of the several districts, numerous instances of forfeitures of the public money have unavoidably occurred; and applications for the exercise of the discretionary and equitable powers vested in the Superintendent by law, have uniformly been allowed whenever supported by the requisite evidence of good faith and an unintentional or unavoidable omission to comply with the strict requisitions of the act. Deeming the results of the legisla tion of the last session, in connection with that which had preceded it, as intended to settle the policy of the State in respect to the organization and principal details of our common school system, and to place the system thus adopted on a permanent basis, I have caused the various provisions of law relating to this subject to be consolidated, and arranged under the various heads to which they appertain, and the whole, together with the instructions and expositions of my predecessor and myself, to be published in three successive numbers of the District School Journal, and forwarded to the clerk of each district in the State and to the various town and county officers charged with the performance of any duty under those laws, with specific instructions to the several town and county superintendents to see that they are in every case duly received. I have also deemed it expedient to authorize, by a general order directed to the several town superintendents, the apportionment and distribution of the proportionate share of public money for the ensuing year to each district, the reports from which shall show a substantial compliance with law, or be accompanied with a satisfactory excuse, under oath, for any deficiency in this respect. By the adoption of this measure, the several districts will be enabled to enter upon the new organization of the system, upon an equal footing and with every facility for a future punctual compliance with the various provisions of law; and all pretence or necessity for any subsequent departure from their requisitions, excepting under extraordinary circumstances, will be obvia. ted.

The election of trustees of school districts for a term of three years, in connection with the annual election of one of their number, cannot fail to secure a much more efficient and systematic administration of the affairs of the several districts, than has heretofore been found practicable. The duties and responsibilities of this class of officers are important; and their intelligent performance requires experience, as well as public spirit. Great embarrassments have heretofore been experienced in relation to the pecuniary concerns of the districts, and the fulfilment of contracts with teachers and others, arising from the frequent and entire change of trustees, and the impracticability in many cases, on the part of the new officers, of The aggregate number of volumes in the seve

District Libraries.

in the Circular of Gen. Dix accompanying the publication of the act of 1838, to be" to disseminate works suited to the intellectual improvement of the great body of the people, rather than to throw into school districts for the use of the young, books of a merely juvenile character; and that by collecting a large amount of useful information, where it will be easily accessible, the influence of these establishments can hardly fail to be in the highest degree salutary to those who have finished their common school education, as well as to those who have not. The

ral district libraries, is reported at about 875,000. In consequence of the prevalence of a defective method in the returns heretofore made to the Department in this respect, by which the number of volumes in the libraries of joint districts was reported to the commissioners of each of the towns from parts of which the districts were composed, the aggregate number of volumes in the State has been over-estimated in previous reports of this Department. Measures have been adopted to obviate this source of error in the reports for the past year; and it is believed that the number now stated is as near-object in view will probably be best answered by ly accurate as it is practicable to make it.

The average circulation of the books belong. ing to the several district libraries, is steadily increasing, and a more enlightened appreciation of the value of these repositories of instruction beginning to prevail. Through the indefatigable exertions of the several county and town superintendents, objectionable books have been promptly removed, and their places supplied with other and more suitable works, wherever the attention of trustees and inhabitants has been directed to the subject. The principles by which the selection of books for the several district libraries should be governed, and in subordination to which well written works in the various departments of literature, science, and political and social economy, may advantageously find a place in these institutions, are ably canvassed in the special report of the superintendent of Cortland county; and the results to which that officer arrives in relation to the kind of books proper to be introduced into the common school libraries, as well as those which should be systematically excluded, correspond in all respects with the views of this Depart


There is reason to apprehend that the officers charged with the duty of selecting books for these libraries have too generally failed to appreciate the importance of a suitable provision for the intellectual and moral wants of the children of the district. Much misapprehension has existed on this subject, in consequence of the general prohibition, contained in the instructions heretofore communicated from this Depart. ment, against the introduction into the school libraries of books of "a merely juvenile charac.


The true principles upon which the selections for these institutions should be made, may be clearly inferred as well from the original design of the appropriation, as from the contemporaneous exposition of the Superintendent, under whose immediate auspices it was first carried into effect. The distribution of the fund provided for this purpose, was directed by the act under which it was supplied to be made" in like manner and upon the like condition as the school moneys are now or shall hereafter be distributed, except that the trustees of the several districts shall appropriate the sum received|| to the purchase of a district library." The amount of library money, therefore, under this provision, to which each district became entitled, was in proportion to the number of children between the ages of five and sixteen, residing therein, compared with the aggregate number in all the districts, and not in proportion to the adult population merely, or the whole population combined. The primary object of the institution of district libraries, was declared

having books suitable for all ages above ten or twelve years, though the proportion for those of mature age ought to be by far the greatest." When it is considered that the foundations of education are laid during the period of youth, and that the taste for reading and study is, with rare exceptions, formed and matured at this period, if at all, the importance of furnishing an adequate supply of books, adapted to the comprehension of the immature but expanding intellect-suited to its various stages of mental growth, and calculated to lead it onward by a gradual and agreeable transition, from one field of intellectual and moral culture to another, cannot fail to be appreciated. And even if the intellectual wants of many of the inhabitants of the districts, of more mature age, are duly considered, it admits of little doubt that a due proportion of works of a more familiar and ele. mentary character than are the mass of those generally selected, would have a tendency not only to promote, but often to create that taste for mental pursuits which leads by a rapid and sure progression to a more extended acquaintance with the broad domains of knowledge. Those whose circumstances and pursuits in life, have hitherto precluded any systematic investigation of literary subjects, and who, if they possessed the desire, were debarred the means of intellectual improvement now brought within their reach, can scarcely be expected to pass at once to that high appreciation of useful knowledge, which the perusal of elaborate trea tises on any of the numerous branches of science or metaphysics requires; and the fact brought to view by the annual reports of the county superintendents, that by far the greater proportion of the inhabitants of the several districts neglect to avail themselves of the pri vileges of the library, indicates too general a failure, to supply these institutions with the requisite proportion of elementary books.

In the selection of books for the district libraries, suitable provisions should be made for every gradation of intellectual advancement; from that of a child, whose insatiable curiosity eagerly prompts to a more intimate acquaintance with the world of matter and of mind, to that of the most finished scholar, who is prepared to augment his stock of knowledge by every means which may be brought within his reach. The prevalence of an enlightened appreciation of the requirements of our people in this respect, has already secured the application of the highest grade of mental and moral excellence to the elementary departments of literature; and works adapted to the comprehension of the most immature intellect, and at the same time capable of conveying the most valuable information to more advanced minds, have been provided

ation of $1,200 to each. A first rate teacher in such an establishment cannot be procured short of $1,500 a year: and it is believed that at the commencement of the system, none but the very best should be employed. A different course might lead to a failure; and thus one of the greatimprovements in modern times, might be indefinitely postponed.

wholly free on the one hand from that puerility
which is fit only for the nursery, and on the other
from those generalizations and assumptions
which are adapted only to advanced stages of
mental progress. A more liberal infusion of this
class of publications, sanctioned by the appro-
bation of the most experienced friends of edu.est
cation, into our district libraries, would, it is
confidently believed, remove many of those ob-
stacles to their general utility, which otherwise
are liable to be perpetuated from generation to

Since the appointment of county superintend ents, and under their influence, new and voluntary associations called "Teachers' Institutes," have been organized in several of the counties, District School Journal. from which great improvement has resulted.This valuable periodical continues to exert a The first of these institutions was established favorable influence on the interests of the schools. two years ago under the auspices of the superIts circulation is steadily increasing; and wher. intendent of Tompkins county. A teacher of ever it is regularly received and read, the offi- thirty years' experience (Salem Town, A. M.) cers and inhabitants of districts, and teachers, has attended the sessions of several of these volderive great benefit from its pages. Measures untary associations, and communicated to them have been taken to secure its prompt and regu not only the lights of his long practical knowlar reception in the several districts of the State; ledge, but also the benefits of his ample scientific and it is hoped that those especially to whom it attainments. In a communication from him to is gratuitously sent, at an expense of several this department, which is herewith transmitted, thousands of dollars by the State, will not fail the course of discipline and instruction pursued in to appreciate its importance in the diffusion as these Institutes is clearly explained. It will be well of useful practical information concerning seen that Mr. Town, at the three sessions which the interests of education generally, as of the he has attended, has aided in imparting instruclaws relating to common schools, and the in- tion to four hundred and thirty-six teachers, of structions, exposition and decisions of the de- whom two hundred and sixty-six were females partment under those laws. The county super-associating together for two or three weeks in and one hundred and seventy males. By thus intendents, with very great unanimity, bear the most decisive testimony to the value and the the year, the teachers of a county may commuutility of this periodical; and the fact that its nicate to each other every improvement within editor is himself an efficient co-operator in the the knowledge of any one of them: and by listgreat work of public instruction, as superintendening to lectures, and submitting themselves to ent of the county of Albany, will doubtless give to his suggestions and recommendations that practical cast which is so indispensable to their general adoption by the people. There has hitherto been very great neglect on the part of the officers of the several districts in preserving and binding this periodical at the expiration of the year; but under the instructions recently issued to the town superintendents on this head, it is believed that the provisions of the law will be more generally carried into effect.

the regular discipline of a school, may augment their scientific knowledge, and make great acquisitions in the theory and practice of teaching.

Poorly as teachers are usually paid, [they deserve great credit for the sacrifices of both time mit, in attending these associations. And strongand money, to which they thus voluntarily subly impressed with the utility of such associations in the advancement of educational knowledge, I earnestly recommend to the Legislature the passage of a law by which the sum heretofore appropriated to sustain teachers' departments in Normal Schools and Teachers' Institutes. academies-a system which has to a great exIn the last annual report from this Depart- tent been a failure-shall be applied in equal porment, the subject of normal schools was brought tions among the teachers' Institutes, which may before the Legislature; and it was proposed that be organized and maintained for at least two the money bestowed on sixteen academies, for weeks in each year, in the several counties in the purpose of sustaining teachers' departments, this State. Should the teachers in every county should be divided into four parts of $1,200 each, of the State form associations, the sum of $4,800 and applied to the establishment of four normal divided among fifty-nine associations, would af schools, to be connected with four academies in ford but a very inconsiderable amount to each. different sections of the State. In conformity It would in that case, however, be sufficient to with this suggestion the Regents of the Univer- pay the rent of a room for the meeting of the assity withheld from the sixteen academies in sociation, to procure a few able addresses from which teachers' departments had been estab- competent lecturers, and perhaps some little inlished, the sums which they had previously re-dispensable apparatus. It would be much more ceived. During the last season a very extensive encouraging if the sum was sufficient to cover correspondence with many individuals in respect all the pecuniary expenditures of the teachers to the establishment of these schools has been for board and travel. In such case, many would had, and numerous applications from academies doubtless attend, who would not otherwise be to be selected for this purpose, have been made. able, and the lights of educational science be The result of the examinations which during thus more widely diffused. the last year have been made on this subject, has The sum of $275,000 annually distributed from satisfactorily established the fact that four nor- the School Fund, gives to each of the 657,782 mal schools, although connected with academies, children of the State, less than forty-two cents: and subjected to no expense for rent, or for or whilst it will be perceived, by referring to the dinary academic apparatus, cannot be estab- last annual report of the Regents of the Univerlished and maintained with an annual appropri-sity, that the students in the academies of this

The great mass of the rising generation have no agents specially charged in their behalf to beleaguer the halls of legislation, in order that they may bestow their assiduities upon members, in the solicitation of special favors. They agents: and if they were allowed to speak on this subject, actuated as they would be by the generous and confiding impulses of the youthful heart, they would ask no more from their rulers than equal care and equal justice.

State, who are generally the sons of the rich, and intellectual development of the six hundred receive annually from the avails of the Litera-thousand children of this State? ture Fund, the sum of $3.55 each; and this is wholly independent of the $4,800 heretofore applied to teachers' departments. On the subject of normal schools, which last year was brought before the Legislature, no law was passed, nor was any legislative action had. From the his-have not the means of employing or paying such tory of their operation in Europe, as well as in this country, and from additional information and reflection as to their details, an increasing conviction of their great utility in simplifying and expediting the communication of knowledge to the young, is entertained; and it is believed that the appropriation of a sum sufficient to establish|tional concerns of more than half a million of and maintain four such schools properly located by the Legislature, or some other tribunal, could in no other way be so usefully expended. If there are prejudices in the public mind against such schools, on the ground that they are innovations upon existing customs, it would result in great good if even one could be established at the seat of government, where it could be annually inspected by members of the Legislature, who would thus be enabled to diffuse among their constituents, a knowledge of its utility.

That a teacher of proper capacity and acquirements, thoroughly educated in a normal school, can communicate more learning to his pupils in six months, than is usually communicated under the old system of teaching in double that period, is fully believed. If it were affirmed that a mechanic who had been carefully instructed in the theoretical and practical departments of his trade, could do twice as much work, and do it twice as well, as one who should assume that without previous discipline he was possessed of the trade by instinct, the affirmation could hardly fail to be credited. And is it not equally apparent that the educator, whose functions embrace in an eminent degree both art and science; who is required to study and to understand the different dispositions and propensities of the children committed to his care; to whose culture is confided the embryo blossoms of the mind; who is carefully to watch their daily growth, and to aid and accelerate their expansion, so that they may yield rich fruit in beauty and abundance; in short, who in the incipient stage of its existence is to attune the delicate and complicated chords of the human soul into the moral and intellectual harmonies of social life; is it not equally apparent that such a mission cannot be worthily performed without careful preparation?

In 1838, the sum of $15,000 from the avails of the U. S. Deposit Fund, was granted to three colleges, annually for five years, "and until otherwise directed by law." This sum, divided among the students of these institutions, gives to each, annually, the sum of about $47. A strong contrast is here presented to the forty-two cents bestowed annually from the funds of the State upon the children of the poor. To add to the wealth of the rich and the poverty of the poor, seems to have formed a prominent feature in the policy of past legislation. Has not the time come to abandon this policy? The five|| years for which this large sum was granted has fully expired; and will not these three institutions now willingly relinquish this sum, in order that it may be applied to the establishment of normal schools, and thus accelerate the moral||

Charged with the supervision of the educachildren on whose instruction and well-being all the prospects and hopes of the future repose, may not the undersigned regard himself as their humble advocate, and earnestly supplicate the Legislature to do more for their advancement in knowledge than has heretofore been accomplished? S. YOUNG.

[For Abstract of Reports of County Superintendente, see pages 174 and 175.--ED.]


of Common Schools have been granted, under
State Certificates of qualification as Teachers
the 10th section of the Act of April 17, 1843, to
commendations of the County Superintendents
the following named persons, on the special re-
of the respective counties in which such persons
reside, or on such other testimonials of charac-
ter and capacity as was deemed satisfactory to
the Department. Such of the certificates as
have not already been received, will remain in
this office until called or sent for by those to
whom they belong.


George W. Fitch,.
Linus H. Reynolds,.
John M. Sherman,.
William W. Foster,..
Archibald Nichols,
Nathan F. Winslow,
Kingsley L. Durbon,.
Jonas G. French,.
William S. Carr,.
Isaac Swift,
Loring Danforth,.
Lorenzo J. Ellsworth,.
Amos S. Gregory,.
Thomas E. Burdick,.
Peleg A. Spencer,.
Parker Jenkins,.
John C. Sellick,.
Samuel Steele,.
J. W. Bulkley,
Ebenezer W. Carney,
James Parker,.
Henry Dean,.
Matthias Bunce,.
Anson Boright,.
James Carver,.
Frederick Smith,
Samuel Cole,..
Edwin S. Adams,.
Isaac N. Mason,..

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