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or even of the finally successful party, which is so indispensable to the efficient perforinance of their supervisory duties.

and increase the public respect and confidence by the salutary restraint they may exercise over each other, and by the means they will thus possess of excluding unworthy associates. The regular and steady increase) It will be perceived by the eighth section of the new in the rate of wages paid to teachers, proves that their act, that county superintendents are authorized hereprofession is advancing in public estimation. The un-after to grant two classes of certificates of qualification natural augmentation of the numbers of those who have to candidates for teachers: the one similar to those heretofore devoted themselves to other professions, par- which they are now authorized to grant, and the other ticularly that of the law, has produced the usual effect of the same description with those which town superof a redundancy; and many of the best educated young intendents may grant, and that the consent of the town men in our State are now turning their attention to the superintendent is not requisite to the annulling of either business of instruction, as the pursuit of their lives class. This discretionary power will enable them to In this state of things more depends on the teachers discriminate between applicants of different qualificathemselves, than on any other cause, to elevate the tions, and at the same time to supply the demand for character of their profession, and with it, the standard legally qualified teachers. A judicious exercise of the of education, and thus expand to the utmost extent the discretion thus vested in them, will speedily create a blessings of our schools. desirable competition among teachers for the higher except to teachers of undoubted ability and qualifications, and should ordinarily be reserved until the county superintendent has thoroughly tested such ability and qualifications by a visit to the school.

4. The county superintendents should make them-grade of certificate, which ought never to be granted selves familiar with the laws concerning common schools, the regulations of the Superintendent, and his decisions and instructions in explanation of them, which will be furnished to each. They will find this knowledge equally indispensable to the performance of their own duties, and to enable them to impart the information and furnish the advice for which they will be constantly solicited, and which is, indeed, one principal object of their appointment.

5. No stronger or more gratifying evidence can be afforded of the approbation with which the Legislature regarded the system of county supervision as at present established, than is comprised in the fact of devolving upon the officers charged or to be charged with these functions, the duty and responsibility of deciding in the first instance, upon all appeals now authorized to be preferred to this department. Under this provision, they are not only vested with most important powers

6. By the tenth section, the State Superintendent is authorized, on the recommendation of the County Superintendent, or on such other evidence as he may deem satisfactory, to grant certificates of qualification of the highest grade This power must of necessity be sparingly exercised; and will be reserved as the suitable reward of thoroughly tested superiority in teaching. The several County Superintendents are hereby directed in their next and each succeeding annual report to specity the names and distinctive qualifications of any number of teachers not exceeding five within their jurisdictions, whom they are willing to recommend as candidates for such State certificate; having particular reference to ability and success in the communication of mental and moral instruction, and of the power of self-culture and the formation of those habits and principles best adapted to develop and strengthen the various physical, intellectual and moral faculties.

in reference to the settement of the numerous controversies which spring up in the several districts, but enabled to exert a prevading influence of permanent utility as peace-makers, in that extensive class of cases where the paramount interests of education are now too frequently sacrificed to the attainment of a temporary triumph, or the gratification of a domineering, avaricious or Selfish spirit. There can be no doubt tha: the pre-answer letters from inhabitants and officers of school sence and explanations and friendly counsels of one in whom all parties can contide-who e integrity is above suspicion-who comes to them, not with the dictatorial assumption of power, but as one deeply interested in their welfare and that of their children, and anxious only to restore harmony and peace where harmony and peace are indispensable to the common welfare, will, within the compass of a very short period, materially reduce the number of vexatious, protracted and fitable school district controversies and dissensions. There will still, however, be left a wide field for the exercise of sound judgment, nice discrimination and untiring patience and equanimity.


7. In the discharge of the various duties imposed upon them by the late law, the several County Superintendents will occasionally be called upon to receive and districts. The expense so incurred is made a legal charge on the county; and the respective Boards of Supervisors are authorized to audit and allow the same. As such allowance, however, is discretionary with the Board, the Superintendents will find it advisable to curtail the expenses which may accrue from this source within as narrow bounds as possible. The facility with which personal communication may in most instances be had, and especially the opportunity which will be afforded by their periodical visitations of the districts, will obviate to a very great extent the necessity for epistolary correspondence. Cases will, however, fre. quently occur where such communications may be neTo qualify themselves for the judicious and enlight-cessary and when so certified under oath by the Counened discharge of the duties and responsibilities thus ty Superintendent, the requisite amount will doubtless devolved upon them, the county superintendents must promptly be allowed by Boards of Supervisors. first render themselves familiar with the various laws 8. The power of removal from office vested in the Surelating to common schools and with the published de-perintendent will, it can scarcely be necessary to say, cisions of the department under those laws. In order never be exercised unless upon the most pressing exito secure as far as may be possible, perfect uniformity geney, and in cases of flagrant neglect, violation or of decision throughout the State, it is recommended to perversion of duty, where the action of the appointing the several county superintendents to refer at once to power cannot be had in season to avert the evil. While the head of the department, every question respecting the Superintendent will, in no case undertake to review the proper interpretation of any given statute or prin or in any manner to control, by the exercise of this ciple, not clearly apparent or specifically settled by the power, the designation by the respective Boards of the published decisions. It is of the utmost importance individual de-med most suitable to discharge the duties that the administration of the system should be uniform of the office of County Superintendent, he will take in every section of the State. Discordant principles and care that the confidence reposed in such individual, is clashing decisions in reference to the same point, must, neither abused nor betrayed: and especially that the it is obvious, fatally weaken the influence of that adini. great interests of education, and the salutary provirable organization which now prevails, and introducesions of the legiglature for their advancement are not anarchy and confusion in the place of order and justice. rendered obnoxious to the people in consequence of the In the settlement and disposition of the various ques-incompetency or unfaithfulness of the agent selected to tions which will come up before them, the county super-vindicate the one and enforce the other. intendents can preserve and extend their influence and promote their usefulness, only by a strict impartiality between the contending parties, and a calm, temperate, dispassionate, but at the same time, firm and dignified examination and decision of the points at issue. If they err, either in reference to the facts or the law, a prompt remedy is afforded by an appeal to this depart ment; but if they have imprudently made themselves, either by an overweening confidence in their construction of the law with reference to the particular facts of any given case, or otherwise, parties to the controversy; they will find it exceedingly difficult to regain that influence over the minds and feelings of the disappointed, ||


9. It is believed that the period has now arrived when an earnest and systematic effort should be made, under the auspices of the Town and County Superintendents, to relieve our institutions of elementary in truction from the serious embarrassments resulting from the diversity and constant change of text books. The several County Superintendents are therefore enjoined to avall themselves of the earliest practicable opportunity to cause an uniform series of text books, embracing all the elementary works ordinarily used in the common schools, to be adopted in each of the districts subject

to their supervision, under the direction and with the
consent of the Trustees; and when so adopted, not to
be changed for the term of three years. Whenever such
uniformity can be extended throughout all the districts
of the town, and throughout all the towns of the conn-
ty, it is very desirable that such extension should be
made; but from the great diversity of views in relation
to the relative merit of different works, the progress of
this extension must necessarily be slow. The founda-
tions may, however, be laid by the attainment of uni-
formity in the respective districts, for an ultimate har-
mony of views and concert of action on a wider thea-


10. The compensation of the County Superintendents
is provided for by § 39 of the act of 1841, (No. 174.) They
should make out an account of the number of days
"necessarily spent in the discharge of their duties,"
which should be verified in the manner required by the
board of supervisors, which is usually by oath. The
board is then to audit and certify the whole amount to
be paid. Upon producing to the county treasurer a cer-
tified copy of the resolution of the board, he is to pay
one equal moiety out of the moneys in his hands for the
contingent charges of the county Another copy of the
resolution of the board, certified by the chairman and
clerk should then be procured. To this should be at-
tached an order signed by the co. sup. drawing it, to the
Treasurer of the State, directing the payment of the re-
maining moiety, the amount of which should be speci-
fied, to some person to be designated therein. The per-
son in whose favor the order is drawn will present it to
the Comptroller, with the certified copy of the resolu-
tion, and that officer will draw his warrant on the Trea-
surer, who will pay the amount, on the receipt of the
person presenting the order.

It is believed that under the provision allowing com-
pensation for the days necessarily spent in the dis-
charge of their duties," the superintendents will have
a right to charge for the time employed by them in visit
ing the schools and districts, in licensing teachers, in
annulling their certificates, in collecting the materials
for their reports, in visiting the academies in which de-
partments are established for the instruction of teachers,
in preparing the reports required of them, and copying
those made by the commissioners of towns.

As their pay cannot exceed $500 in each year, which
will only cover 250 days, and as in the counties gene-
rally, more than that number of days will be required
for inspections and preparing reports, there will be lit
tle occasion for very minute inquiries respecting the
services entitled to compensation.

11. County Visiters. The authority to appoint these
visiters given by the act of 1839, (No. 3.) remains in
full force, and the gentlemen heretofore selected re-
tain the powers conferred by their appointment and the
statute. Although the same exigency for their servi-
ces does not exist, yet they can still be eminently use.
ful in awakening public attention and concentrating pub.
lic opinion on the subject of primary education, by
co-operating with the deputy superintendents. They
are, therefore, to be encouraged and assisted in any ef-
forts they may make to visit the schools and improve
their condition. The County Superintendents will find
them efficient and able auxiliaries.

A review of the several heads of these instructions
will impress the County Superintendents with the ex-
tent, variety and importance of the duties they have
assumed. They will perceiye that their stations will
not be sinecures; and that upon the faithful and con-
scientious discharge of their obligations will depend
the success or failure of what is believed to be the
greatest improvement in our system of common school
instruction that has been made since its establishment.
It can scarcely be necessary to say that they are in-
vited to communicate freely with this department; and
that all the aid in its power will be cheerfully rendered
to facilitate the performance of duties, to which the
hopes and expectations of the friends of education are
so anxiously directed, and from which so much is ex-
S. YOUNG, Sup't of Common Schools.



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Assessment roll of town,
Klack boards,
Blank books, ......








Board of Supervisors, 19, 20, 22, 40, 41, 75, 112 to 114,
171, 172, 174, 174(d)
Book case, ·
153, 156, 157
Certificates of teachers, 28, 55 to 62, 142, 171, 171(a), 172
Certificates of Town Superintendents,-
76, 85
Chamberlain of the city of New-York,
137, 139 to 141
Clerk of Board of Supervisors,...... 22, 23, 171, 171(a)
Colored children,
∙10, 13, 14, 23, 114, 174, 174(c) 187
50, SS, 147
County Clerk,-
............. 18, 165, 172, 173
County poor house,
County Superintendents,
171 to 174,
County Treasuser,.. .......... 15 to 17, 21, 34, 111 to 114
Decisions of Superintendent,--
District Clerk, 74, 76, 79, 86, 87, 95 to 102, 166, 177
District Collector, 74, 75, 99 to 101, 103, 109, 181, 132,
District Libraries,
District Librarian,


Errors in tax lists and rate bills,.

Forms and instructions,





145, 154, 156 to 159
176, to 177, 179 to 187
177, 180 to 183

103, 104, 119, 124
11, 12, 170, 186
74,76, 103, 123 to 126



107 to 114
103, 104, 124

General Deputy Superintendent,-
Incorporated Companies,
Indian children,
Indigent persons,
Inhabitants of school districts, 66 to 74, 76, 77, 79,
S8, 103, 104, 107, 116, 123, 124, 160, 161, 175, 176
Inspectors of schools,
54 to 64, 171, 171(a)
Joint libraries,.
Joint districts,.
Justices of the Peace,
Laws, certain, repealed, .
Library moneys,

New towns,··
Non residents,

25, 84, 143


..... 197(a)

179, 195

76, 187



107 to 115, 133, 140
66, 79, 82, 87, 102, 103

74, 75, 79 to 1

25, 66, 68, 92, 93
39 to 41, 46 to 49,

Officers of school districts, ...
Organization of school districts,
Penalties and forfeitures, 21, 37,
69, 73, 100, 145, 150 to 152, 158, 159, 163, 166, 180 to 182
Property of school districts,
88 to 97, 122, 147
Qualifications of voters,
71, 72
Rate Bills,
Record Book,
Renewals of warrants,
Repairs to school house,
Residents, .
School acts,.
School districts,
School Journal, a periodical,
School money, 5 to 10, 14 to 24, 27 to 35, 39 to 45,
103, 122, 135, 148 to 153, 166, 168, 179, 185

103 to 106, 122, 126, 128, 131 to 134


The annual reports of Trustees of school districts
are hereafter required by law to be made and transmit
ted to the town superintendents between the first and
fifteenth day of January in each year, instead of "
or before the 1st of March," as erroneously stated on
page 140 ante. Add to No. 137, sub. 4, that No school
has been taught for more than a month in the district,
by other than a qualified teacher.” Add same on page | State Treasurer,۰۰۰
140, after sub. 6. of No. 2.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Taxes, 74, 76, 77, 103, 106, 119, 121, 127, 155, 175 to 178

[ocr errors]

Tax list,

Town Clerks,

Town Collector,


Qualifications of voters,
Resolution creating a new district,·
Renewal of warrants,.
Reports, what to contain,
Reconsideration of proceedings,
Sale of school house and site,..

... 147












103, 106 to 120, 127, 134, 161, 180||Supervisors of towns, duties of,-...
57 to 62, 64, 103, 106, 122, 169, 171 School house, tax for building,·
121Statement of unoccupied and unimproved lands,·
52, 53, 165Suits by and against trustees,
19, 20, 21 School district notice, form of,
Special district meeting, form of notice for,..
Trustees of school districts, how chosen, their du-
ties, &c.
131, 132, 137, 140, 141
Town Superintendent of schools, his duties, 129, 130
Tax list when to be made out,

Town Superintendent, 16, 25 to 52, 55 to 64, 66, 68,
75, 76, 84, 85, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 185 to 140, 143 to
145, 160, 161, 165 to 168, 179, 179(a)
Trustees of school districts, 26, 63, 73 to 75, 79 to 81,
83 to 91, 94 to 101, 103 to 111, 115 to 120, 122, 124
to 131, 133 to 141, 143 to 153, 155 to 161, 166 to 168,.
170, 171, 179 to 184, 18
117, 11

Valuation of taxable property,
Visiters of schools,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]



Annual and special meetings,

Application of school money, &c.........

Applications to the State Superintendent,

Assessment and collection of district taxes,.
Ayes and Noes, list of,


Appeals to the County Superintendent,

to the State Superintendent,

Board of supervisors, their duty,

Bond to be required of the collector,
Bond, form of,

Building, furnishing, &c. of school house,.
County Treasurers,

Clerks of Boards of Supervisors,

of towns,

of counties,

Contracts with teachers,

Colored children, schools for,

Collectors of school districts,-

their jurisdiction,

County Superintendents, their duty,..... 153,

their mode of proceeding,

what property liable, &c..

Change of site of school house,.

Division of teachers' money into portions,

Duties of Town Superintendents,

District Clerk, his duties,

District School Journal, directions in relation
Designation of site of school house,..

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


In consequence of the irregular receipt of the District
School Journal containing the act of last winter in re-
152 lation to Common Schools, the requisitions of the law
143 entitling the several school districts to their proportion
125 of the public money for the ensuing year, have in nu-
merous instances been disregarded. Measures having
now been adopted, calculated to secure the regular and
148 punctual receipt of this paper in future, and sufficient
126 time having elapsed since the passage and publication
125 of the act referred to, and of the several acts and in.
126 structions relating to Common Schools, to enable the
126 officers and inhabitants of the several districts to be-
139 come acquainted with their provisions, the Superinten-
142 dent, in the exercise of the power conferred on him by
145 the 2d § of the act of 1941, (No. 30, Laws, &c.) and by
145 the latter clause of the 6th of the act of 1839, relative
145 to District Libraries, (No. 185,) hereby directs the Town
145 Superintendents to include in their apportionment of
teachers' and library money for the ensuing year, every
district within their respective jurisdictions, from which
reports shall be received, shewing either a substantial
conformity to law, or accompanied by a reasonable and
satisfactory excuse, under oath, for non-compliance :
and in every case where public money is withheld for a
failure to show such excuse, to report the facts specifi-
cally to this department.

155, 156
129, 130
144, 147
to, 144

Form of draft on State treasurer for school moneys,
Form of notice to trustees not giving their consent
to alteration of district,..
Form of resolution for the alteration of a district,
Form of teacher's certificate,

of instrument annulling do.

of district tax list, and warrant for its col

of assessment, rate-bill and warrant,
General Provisions in relation to taxes, &c......
Instructions to teachers,

Inspections, form of account of,

Jurisdiction of Collector,

Liabilities of Town Superintendents,








The means of enabling the several districts to parti-
cipate in the apportionment of the public money for the
present year, having thus been provided, the Superin-
tendent trusis that no future relaxation of the provi-
128sions of the school law will become necessary. Every
130 officer charged with the performance of any duty under
130 that act, has been furnished with a copy of the law and
of all the instructions and expositions of the Depart
ment and there can hereafter be no valid excuse for
139 a neglect of its provisions. The efficiency and success
134 of the system depend so materially upon its faithful ad
143 ministration, and upon the prompt and punctual per-
... 144formance of the various duties devolved upon those
145 charged with that administration, that a rigid adherence
131 in future, to the requisitions of the law, will in all ca-
149 ses be insisted upon, where no unavoidable necessity
exists for a departure from its strict provisions. No
excuse will hereafter be received for a failure to comply
with the law, based upon ignorance of its provisions,
or neglect or carelessness to carry them into effect:
and the inhabitants of the several districts, desirous of
securing a participation hereafter in the public money,
will take care to elect officers upon whose fidelity and
punctuality they can depend. Every reasonable facili
ty for compliance with the laws and instructions of the
Department, will be furnished by the State, County and
Town Superintendents, whenever applied to for that
purpose: and those districts which have not been alrea
dy provided with the Laws, Instructions, Blanks and
Journals, should make immediate application therefor.
Albany, January 1, 1844,
S. YOUNG, Supt.


Libraries, district,


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ALBANY, FEB., 1844.

No. 11.


shall not have been appointed, unless by order

Of the Superintendent of Common Schools to the Le. of the Superintendent of Common Schools." Afgislature of the State of New-York.

Albany, January 13th, 1844. The undersigned, as Superintendent of Com. mon Schools, in pursuance of the provisions of law, respectfully submits the following


There are in this State fifty-nine counties, comprising nine cities, containing sixty-two wards and 835 towns: total towns and wards, 897. Each county in the State, with the exception of Lewis, has now appointed a county superintendent, under the act of 1841, as amended by the act of 1843; and in the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Dutchess, Jefferson, Oneida, Onondaga, Monroe and Washington, each comprising more than one hundred and fifty school districts, two county superintendents have been appointed, and these counties have been divided into two convenient districts, to each of which a superintendent has been assigned, in pursuance of the 4th section of the act of 1843.

In the county of Richmond, no superintendent was appointed until the late meeting of the board of supervisors in that county, consequently no other statistical report has been received than that of the county clerk, transmitting copies of the annual reports of the commissioners and town superintendents of common schools; the aggregate footings of which, as well as those received from the clerk of Lewis county, have been transferred to the abstract of the annual reports of the several town superintendents, accompanying this report.

ter the ineffectual ballotting and final adjournment of the board, an application for such an order was made to this Department by the clerk of the board, under a resolution to that ef fect adopted by them. But upon full consideration, it was believed that the whole responsibility, ought to rest upon the supervisors, who might at any time before the first of February rext, meet and make the appointment; and that this Department ought not, without the strongest and most satisfactory reasons, to sanction a nullification of the laws of this State. The clerk of the board of supervisors was accordingly apprised that unless the appointment should be made in season, the distributive share of the School Fund for the present year, would not be apportioned to the county.

From each of the counties in which superintendents had been appointed under the act of 1841, reports in accordance with law, and the instructions of the Department, have been received, and are herewith transmitted to the Legislature.

Number of School Districts.

There were in the State on the first day of October last, as appears from the returns, 10,875 districts; showing a considerable diminution from the number reported last year. This diminution has been caused by the union or consolidation of small districts, and by the refusal on the part of the town superintendents generally, to increase the number of existing districts by the formation of new ones, excepting under peculiar circumstances; and it is earnestly hoped that the same policy will be steadily pursued in future, in every The supervisors of the county of Lewis, not practicable case, throughout the State. Small withstanding the positive and mandatory provi- and consequently inefficient districts have, heresions of the acts of 1841 and 1843, have entirely tofore for a long period, been the source of many neglected to comply with these provisions; and formidable evils. Miserable school houses, poor this county is now the only one in the State which and cheap teachers, interrupted and temporary is destitute of a superintendent. No effort with- instruction, and heavy rate-bills, are among the in the knowledge of this Department has been permanent calamities incident to small school made by the supervisors, since the passage of districts. The ordinary pretext for the division the act of 1841, to appoint such an officer, until and subdivision of districts, is the greater proxOctober last; and the whole character of the pro-imity to be afforded to a portion of the inhabiceedings at that time, as communicated to this tants to the school house. To this single fancied Department by the clerk of the board of supervisors, the result of the three days' ballotting, and the determination not to meet at any future period, nor to make any further effort to comply with the provisions of the statute, would seem to school; and that those individuals are the most to justify the belief, that a preconcerted understanding existing to put the law at defiance.

By the 4th section of the act of the 17th of April, 1843, it is provided that "no share of the public money shall hereafter be apportioned to any county in which a county superintendent

benefit, considerations of much greater importance are often sacrificed. The idea seems to be entertained by many, that it is a great hardship for children to travel a mile, or even half a mile,

favored, who find the school house nearest to their homes. It is true that there are a few stormy days in the year, when the nearness of the school house may be deemed a convenience. But all children of ten or twelve years of age, must, in order to maintain health, and secure the due de

Private and Select Schools.
The number of unincorporated select and pri

the city of New-York, from which no returns on this head have been received, is reported at 954; and the aggregate number of pupils in attendance at such schools, at 34,105. The number so attending in the several private and select schools in the city of New-York, cannot, it is believed, fall short of 30,000.

velopment of their physical functions, exercise ber thus under instruction, during the preceding daily, to a much greater extent than is produced year. by one or even two miles' travel. Unrestrained exercise in the open air is indispensable to the health of the young. It is one of the laws whichvate schools in the State, exclusive of those in has been strongly impressed by the Creator upon the animal organization; and obedience to this law is enforced by a powerful instinct which impels the young of all animals, while in a state of growth, to daily muscular exertion. The human race is as subject to this law, as any other part of animated nature: and it is a fact established by all experience, that those children are the most healthful in body and vigorous in mind, whose corporeal motions are least constrained, and whose lungs are most in contact with the pure and open air. The most aged and experienced teachers will testify that, as a general rule, those children who live farthest from the school house, are the most punctual in their daily attendance, and make the greatest progress in their studies.

Number of Children taught.

Average period of Tuition.

The average length of time during which the schools have been taught in the several districts from which reports have been received, was eight months. In the city and county of New-York, and in the city of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, the schools were kept open during the whole year; in the county of Richmond, an average period of eleven months; in the county of Queens, an average period of ten months; in each of the counties of Columbia and Rockland, an average period of nine and a half months; and in each of the counties of Dutchess, Monroc, Orange, Schenectady, Suffolk, Ulster, and Westchester, for an average period of nine months

Attendance of Pupils.

The number of pupils reported as having attended their respective schools during the entire year, was 23,608; the number attending for ten months and upwards, 34, 896; eight months and upwards, 70,178; six months and upwards, 144, 422; four months and upwards, 270,996; 2 months and upwards, 478,029; and the number in attendance for a less period than 2 months, 162,325.

The aggregate number of children actually in attendance at the period of the visitations of the schools by the several county superintendents during the winter terms, is reported at 213,129; during the summer terms at 189,048.

The aggregate number of children between the ages of five and sixteen years, residing in the several districts from which reports were received, exclusive of those in the city of New-York, was, as appears by the returns, 607,995; and the number of children of all ages, who have been in attendance in the several district schools, for a longer or shorter period, during the year ending on the first day of January, 1843, exclu. sive of those in the city of New-York, is reported at 610,354. There is reason to apprehend that these returns are in some instances defective; but as the enumeration of the number of chil. dren between the ages of five and sixteen is made the basis of the annual distribution of the school moneys to the several districts, and the names and number of children between these ages of the several inhabitants are required to be specifically reported, with severe penalties for any intentional variation in point of accuracy, it Of the number thus in attendance at the periis presumable that no serious error has occurred; od of the winter visitations in 6,666 districts, 9,and after making due allowance on the one hand 855 were in the alphabet; 28,056 in spelling; for the number of children under instruction in 197,403 in reading; 99,032 engaged in the study academies and private schools of every grade, of arithmetic; 55,118 in the study of geography; and on the other for the considerable number of 11,139 in that of history; 42,301 in that of those over the age of sixteen and under that of English grammar; 2,343 were in the use of globes twenty or twenty-one, who are permitted to par- and other scientific apparatus; 2,316 in the study ticipate in the benefits of common school instruc- of algebra; 644 in that of geometry, surveying tion, the number reported cannot, it is believed, and the higher mathematics; 4,712 in that of vary essentially from the truth. There are no natural philosophy; 558 in that of the philosomeans of ascertaining with precision the number phy of the mind; 76 in that of physiology; 903 of children between the ages of five and sixteen in that of book-keeping; 6,000 in composition; residing in the city of New-York; no returns on 10,220 in vocal music; 189 in chemistry; 8,949 this head being required by law in that city; but in the definition of words; 217 in astronomy; and it is presumed, from the most accurate calcula-1,173 in other branches not specifically enution which can be made from the materials fur-merated.


Course and extent of Study.

nished by the last census, that the number does Of the pupils in attendance at the summer vi. not vary far from 75,000, of which 47,428 are sitations in 6,942 districts, 17,616 were in the returned as having been under instruction during | alphabet; 38,730 in spelling; 148,007 in reading; a longer or shorter period of time in the schools 51,229 in arithmetic; 50,335 in geography; 7,210 of the Public School Society, the several incor-in history; 22,727 in English grammar; 3,283 in porated institutions entitled to participate in the the use of globes and other scientific apparatus; distribution of the public money, and the several 1,276 in algebra; 394 in geometry and the highdistrict schools organized in pursuance of law. er mathematics; 2,769 in natural philosophy; The aggregate number of children of all ages, 386 in mental philosophy; 92 in physiology; 730 therefore, who have been under instruction in the in book-keeping; 4,499 in composition; 17,632 in several district schools of the State during the vocal music; 43 in chemistry; 9,975 in definition; year reported, may be stated at 657,782; showing || 191 in astronomy; and 1,814 in other branches an increase of upwards of 59,000 over the num- not enumerated."

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