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The Five Cistercian Houses of Devon. J. Brooking Rowe, F.B.A., F.L.B.

I. Buckland

Anthracite; or, Culm of North Devon. Townshend M. Hall, F.G.S.
Devonshire Gleanings from Manning-W. Pengelly, P.R.S., P.G.B., &C.

ham's Diary

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In the evening the Association Dinner took place at the Globe Hotel, when about eighty members and associates sat down together, under the Presidency of R. J. King, Esq., who was supported by the Mayor and several of the Vice-Presidents. The dinner was an excellent one, and well served. The company then adjourned to the Town Hall, to be present at an attractive concert, to be given by the members of the Torrington Choral Society, under the conductorship of Mr. Weymss Morfill, and at which Mr. Charles Fowler, the eminent pianist of Torquay, who is a native of Torrington, was announced to play. The programme was of a most classical order, and reflected great credit on the conductor's good taste in catering for a scientific society's entertainment. The thanks of the Association were conveyed by the President to the ladies and gentlemen who had afforded such a thoroughly enjoyable treat.

On Thursday, the 29th, the Association met at 10 a.m., and the reading and discussion of the residue of papers from the previous day was resumed, and continued without interruption until the programme was exhausted, at about 3 p.m.

A Council Meeting and General Meeting then followed; and in the evening about forty of the members, under the President's guidance, in three large waggonettes, made a most delightful excursion to Frithelstock and Weir Gifford, a pleasant termination to the Torrington Meeting, which may be ranked among the most successful the Association has held. The Local Secretary was indefatigable in his exertions, and the Local Committee performed their duties in a spirit of thorough devotion.

It having been decided that the next Meeting be held at Ashburton, the following were elected officers for that


President Rev. Treasurer Hawker, M.A. Vice-Presidents: P. F. S. Amery, Esq., Portreeve of Ashburton; Baldwin J. P. Bastard, Esq.; J. B. Paige-Browne, Esq., M.A.; R. Dymond, Esq., F.S.A.; A. Champernowne, Esq., M.A., F.G.S.; F. H. Firth, Esq.; C. J. Follett, Esq.; R. Jardine, Esq.; Rev. P. Jackson, M.A.; R. J. King, Esq., M.A.; J. Robinson, Esq.; J. Tozer, Esq.; Robert Tucker, Esq.; Rev. W. H. Thornton, B.A.; J. Woodley, Esq.; Rev. C. Worthy, M A. Hon. Treasurer: E. Vivian, Esq., M.A., Torquay. Hon. Local Treasurer: W. S. Gervis, Esq., M.D., F.G.S. Hon. Secretary: Rev. W. Harpley, M.A., F.C.P.S., Clayhanger, Tiverton. Hon. Local Secretary: John S. Amery, Esq.

The Council have published the President's Address, together with the papers read before the Association; also the Treasurer's Report, a list of Members, and the Rules, Standing Orders, and Bye-Laws.

Copies of the Transactions have been sent to each member, and to the following societies: The Royal Society, Linnæan Society, Geological Society, Ethnological Society, Royal Institution (Albemarle Street), Devon and Exeter Institution (Exeter), Plymouth Institution, Torquay Natural History Society, Honiton Literary Institution, Barnstaple Literary and Scientific Institution, Royal Institution (Cornwall), the Library of the British Museum, and the Secretaries of the London and South Western and South Devon Railway Companies.

The Council desire to call the attention of the members to what may be termed a new feature in the working of the Association; namely, the appointment of Committees for special purposes. In July last a Committee of this kind was appointed for the purpose of making and obtaining observations on a uniform system on the Meteorology of Devonshire; also a Committee for the purpose of noting the discovery or occurrence of such Facts in any department of scientific inquiry, and connected with Devonshire, as it may be desirable to place on permanent record, but may not be of sufficient importance in themselves to form the subjects of separate papers; and a Committee for the purpose of collecting notes on Devonshire Folk-Lore; and at their winter meeting another was added, viz., a Committee to prepare a report on public and private Collections of Works of Art in Devonshire. The Council thought that the objects sought by these Committees would be attained more efficiently by the conjoint efforts of several, than by the unaided exertions of individual members.

Treasurer's Report of Income and Expenditure during the Year ending July 25th, 1876.

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Deposited at Interest in Torquay Bank

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8. d.

8. d.


1 8




45 0 0

Brendon & Son for Printing "Transactions" (1875).






Illustrating ditto

26 0 0


11 18 6

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Postage and Carriage of Parcels
Printing Cards, Circulars, &c.

Fowler for Printing Programmes

Torquay Directory Co. for Printing Circulars
Hon. General Treasurer for Petty Expenses
Hon. General Secretary

Advertising in 1875


Balance in Treasurer's hand 21st July, 1876

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We have compared the Books and Vouchers presented to us, and find them correct,

Torquay, July 22nd, 1876.


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“When the number of copies on hand of any part of the 'Transactions' is reduced to twenty, the price per copy shall be increased 25 per cent.; and when the number has been reduced to ten copies, the price shall be increased 50 per cent. on the original price."-Standing Order, No. 20.


Made by the Council at the Meeting at Ashburton,

JULY, 1876.

That Mr. C. S. Bate, Rev. W. Harpley, Rev. Treasurer Hawker, Mr. R. J. King, and Mr. W. Pengelly be a Committee for the purpose of considering at what place the Association shall hold its Meeting in 1878, and who shall be invited to be the Officers at that Meeting; that Mr. Pengelly be the Secretary; that their attention be directed to the fact that an invitation was received from Stonehouse a few years ago; and that they be requested to report to the next Winter Meeting of the Council.

That Mr. P. F. S. Amery, Mr. H. S. Ellis, Mr. H. S. Gill, Dr. W. C. Lake, Mr. E. Parfitt, Mr. W. Pengelly, Dr. W. T. Radford, Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, and Mr. E. Vivian be a Committee for the purpose of making and obtaining observations on a uniform system on the Meteorology of Devonshire; and that Dr. Lake be the Secretary.

That Mr. George Doe, Rev. W. Harpley, Mr. N. S. Heineken, Mr. H. S. Gill, Mr. R. J. King, Mr. E. Parfitt, Mr. W. Pengelly, and Mr. J. Brooking Rowe be a Committee for the purpose of noting the discovery or occurrence of such Facts in any department of scientific inquiry, and connected with Devonshire, as it may be desirable to place on permanent record, but may not be of sufficient importance in themselves to form the subjects of separate papers; and that Mr. Pengelly be the Secretary.

That Mr. P. F. S. Amery, Mr. R. Dymond, Rev. W. Harpley, Mr. P. Q. Karkeek, Mr. R. J. King, and Mr. J. Brooking Rowe be a Committee for the purpose of collecting notes on Devonshire FolkLore; and that Mr. King be the Secretary.

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