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about the town is poor and broken; the fields are on the narrow flats, and in the bends of the creek; the broken land is gravelly or stony; the range for cattle, hogs and horses, is the poorest in the nation; the neighborhood of the town and the town itself, has nothing to recommend it. The timber is pine, oak and small hickory; the creek is fifteen feet wide, and joins Tallapoosa fifteen miles above Took-au-bat-che. They have two villages belonging to this town.

1st. Au-che-nau-hat-che; from au-che, cedar; and hatche, a creek. They have a few settlements on this creek, and some fine, thriving peach trees; the land on the creek is broken, but good.

2d. Hat-che chub-bau; from hat-che, a creek; and chubbau, the middle, or half way. This is in the pine forest, a poor, ill-chosen site, and there are but a few people.

The remaining villages of the towns on Coosau and Tallapoosa.

1st. Sou-go-hat-che; from sou-go, a cymbal; and hatche, a creek. This joins on the left side of Tallapoosa, ten miles below Eu-fau-lau. It is a large creek, and the land on the forks and to their sources, is stiff in places, and stony. The timber is red oak and small hickory; the flats on the streams are rich, covered with reed; among the branches the land is waving and fit for culti


They have thirty gun men in this village, who have lately joined Tal-e-see. One of the chiefs. O-fau-mulgau, has some cattle, others have a few, as they have only paid attention to their stock within two years, and their means for acquiring them were slender.

Above this creek, on the waters of Eu-fau-lau-hat-che, there are some settlements well chosen. The upland is stiff and stony or gravelly; the timber is post and red oak, pine and hickory; the trees are small; the soil apparently rich enough, and well suited for wheat, and the streams have some rich flats.

2d. Thlot-lo-gul-gau; from thlot-lo, fish; and ul-gau, all; called by the traders fish ponds. It is on a small, pond-like creek, a branch of Ul-kau-hat-che, which joins Tallapoosa four miles above Ocfuskee, on the right side. The town is fourteen miles up the creek; the land about

it is open and waving; the soil is dark and gravelly; the general growth of trees is the small hickory; they have reed in the branches.

Hannah Hale resides here. She was taken a prisoner from Georgia, when about eleven or twelve years old, and married the head man of this town, by whom she has five children. This woman spins and weaves, and has taught two of her daughters to spin; she has labored under many difficulties; yet by her industry has acquired some property. She has one negro boy, a horse or two, sixty cattle, and some hogs; she received the friendly attention of the agent for Indian affairs, as soon as he came in the nation. He furnished her with a wheel, loom, and cards; she has an orchard of peach and apple trees. Having made her election at the national council, in 1799, to reside in the nation, the agent appointed Hopoithle Haujo to look out for a suitable place for her, to help her to remove to it with her stock, and take care that she receives no insults from the Indians.

3d. O-pil-thluc-co; from O-pil-lo-wau, a swamp; and thluc-co, big. It is situated on a creek of that name, which joins P'uc-cun-tal-lau-has-see on the left side. It is twenty miles from Coosau river; the land about this village is round, flat hills, thickets of hickory saplins, and on the hill sides and their tops, hickory grub and grape vines. The land bordering on the creek is rich, and here are their fields.

4th. Pin-e-hoo-te; from pin-e-wau, a turkey; and choote, house. It is on the right side of a fine little creek, a branch of E-pee-sau-gee. The land is stiff and rich, and lies well; the timber is red oak and hickory; the branches all have reed, and the land on them, above the settlement, is good black oak, saplin and hickory. This, and the neighboring land, is fine for settlement; they have here three or four houses only, some peach trees and hogs, and their fields are fenced. The path from New-yau-cau to Cou-e-tuh-tal-lau-has-see passes by these houses.

5th. Po-chuse-hat-che; from po-chu-so-wau, a hatchet, and hat-che, a creek. This creek joins Coosau, four miles below Puc-cun-tal-lau-has-see, on its right bank; this village is high up the creek, nearly forty miles from its mouth, on a flat bend on the right side of the creek; the

settlements extend up and down the creek for a mile. A mile and a half above the settlements there is a large canebrake, three-quarters of a mile through, and three or four miles in length.

The land adjoining the settlement is waving and rich, with oak, hickory, and poplar. The branches all have reed; the neighboring lands above these settlements, are fine; those below, are high, broken hills. It is situated between Hill-au-bee and Woc-co-coie, about ten miles from each town; three miles west of the town, there is a small mountain; they have some hogs.

6th. Oc-fus-coo-che; (little Ocfuskee ;) is a part of the small village, four miles above New-yau-cau. Some of these people lived at Oc-fus-kee-nene, on the Chat-to-hoche, from whence they were driven by an enterprising volunteer party from Georgia, the 27th September, 1793.

The towns classed, and a Commander appointed over each class.

At a meeting of the national council, convened by order of the agent for Indian affairs, at Tookaubatche, the 27th November, 1799, the chiefs, after a long and solemn deliberation, on the affairs of the nation, which were laid before them by the agent for Indian affairs, came to a resolution to adopt the plan of the agent, "to class all the towns, and to appoint a warrior over each class, denominated the warrior of the nation."

The towns thus classed, with the warriors for the nation,


1st. Hook-choie, We-wo-cau, Puc-cun-tal-lau-has-see, O-pil-thluc-co and Thlot-lo-gul-gau. For these five towns they appointed Sim-mo-me-jee of Wewocau.

2d. Ki-a-li-jee and Eu-fau-lau. For these two towns, they appointed E-maut-lau Hut-ke.

3d. Hill-au-bee, Woc-co-coie and Pochusehatche. For these three towns they appointed Cussetuh Tus-tun-nuggee, of Hill-au-bee, and Thle-chum-me Tustunnuggee, of Woc-co-coie.

4th. Au-bee-coo-che, Nau-che, Coosau and Eu-fau-lauhat-che. For these four towns, they appointed Olohtau Haujo.

5th. Ho-ith-le-wau-le, Ecunhutke, Sauvanogee, Mooklau-sau and Took-au-bat-che. For these five towns, they appointed O-poie E-maut-lau, of Ho-ith-le-wau-le.

These five classes comprise the towns called Ke-pauyau, or warriors of the nation. But on the present occasion, when their existence as a nation depends on their ability to carry the laws into effect, the chiefs assembled unanimously agreed that the E-tall-wau, white towns, should be classed as warriors.

6th. Oc-fus-kee and its villages, Sooc-he-ah, New-yaucau, Im-mook-fau, Took-au-bat-che, Tal-lau-has-see, Tookto-cau-gee, Au-che-nau-ulgau, Oc-fus-coo-che and E-pesau-gee. For this town and its villages, they appointed Hopoie Tus-tun-nug-gee, of Oc-fus-kee, and Tal-lo-wauthlucco Tus-tun-nug-gee.

7th. O-che-au-po-fau and Tus-kee-gee. For these two towns, they appointed Ho-po-ithle Ho-poie.


8th. Tal-e-see, Aut-tos-see, Foosce-hat-che and Coo-loo

For these four towns, they appointed Foosce-hatche Tus-tun-nug-gee, of Tal-e-see, and Eu-fau-lau Tus-tunnug-gee, of Foosce-hat-che.

9th. Hook-choie-oo-che, Coo-sau-dee, E-cun-cha-te, Too-wos-sau, Pau-woc-te, and At-tau-gee. For these towns and villages, they appointed Ho-ith-le-poie Hau-jo and Tus-tun-nuc, of Hook-choie-oo-che.

6 and 8 are E-tall-wau, or white towns.

The towns on Chat-to-ho-che, generally called the Lower Creeks.

The name of this river is from Chat-to, a stone; and ho-che, marked or flowered; there being rocks of that description in the river, above Ho-ith-le-ti-gau, at the old town Chat-to-ho-che.

1. Cow-e-tugh; on the right bank of Chat-to-ho-che, three miles below the falls, on a flat extending back one mile. The land is fine for corn; the settlements extend up the river for two miles on the river flats. These are bordered with broken pine land; the fields of the settlers who reside in the town, are on a point of land formed by a bend of the river, a part of them adjoining the point, are low, then a rise of fifteen feet, spreading back for

half a mile, then another rise of fifteen feet, and flat a half a mile to a swamp adjoining the high lands; the fields are below the town.

The river is one hundred and twenty yards wide, with a deep steady current from the fall; these are over a rough, coarse rock, forming some islands of rock, which force the water into two narrow channels, in time of low water. One is on each side of the river, in the whole. about ninety feet wide; that on the right is sixty feet wide, with a perpendicular fall of twelve feet; the other of thirty feet wide, is a long sloping curve, very rapid, the fall fifteen feet in one hundred and fifty feet; fish may ascend in this channel, but it is too swift and strong for boats; here are two fisheries; one on the right belongs to this town; that on the left, to the Cussetuhs; they are at the termination of the falls; and the fish are taken with scoop nets; the fish taken here are, the hickory shad, rock, trout, perch, cat fish, and suckers; there is sturgeon in the river, but no white shad or herring; during spring and summer, they catch the perch and rock with hooks. As soon as the fish make their appearance, the chiefs send out the women, and make them fish for the square. This expression includes all the chiefs and warriors of the town.

The land on the right bank of the river at the falls, is a poor pine barren, to the water's edge; the pines are small; the falls continue three or four miles nearly of the same width, about one hundred and twenty yards; the river then expands to thrice that width, the bottom being gravelly, shoal and rocky; there are several small islands. within this scope; one at the part where the expansion commences is rich and some part of it under cultivation; it is half a mile in length, but narrow; here the river is fordable; enter the left bank one hundred yards above the upper end of the island, and cross over to it, and down to the fields, thence cross the other channel; at the termination of the falls, a creek twenty feet wide, (O-cow-ocuh-hat-che, falls creek,) joins the right side of the river. Just below this creek, and above the last reef of rocks, is another ford. The current is rapid, and the bottom even.

In ascending the river on this side, on the river path,

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