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nightsticks, 226 club sockets for belt, 6 bed ends, 78 chairs (No. 22), 1 chair (office rev.), 6 fetlock clippers, 1 desk (T. W. roll top), 2 hay forks, 2 harness (single sets), 4 boots (shoe boil), 6 watering bridles, 88 surcingles, 26 curry combs, 5 mess stools (No. 37), 2 veterinary trochars, 1 harness horse, 24 waist belts (leather), 350 pairs steel twisters, 3 stable brooms, 6 chairs (No. 281), 5 chairs (office), 1 cane seat, 1 desk (roll top), 3 manure forks, 1 harness (double set), 6 curb bridles, 12 stock saddles, 47 stable blankets, 16 glass ink wells, 2 heating stoves (Monica. 20), 2 wheelbarrows, 1 oil pump, 24 revolver holsters, 375 police whistles.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Fire Department-Assignment to, of 150 Pitch Mops, Etc., Etc., Turned Over by Street Cleaning Department.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

September 27, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York:

Gentlemen-The Department of Street Cleaning on September 21, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Fire Department, in a communication dated September 21, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended.

Respect fully.

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Fire Department the following property turned over by the Department of Street Cleaning as no longer required: 150 pitch mops, 737 blacksmiths' twist drills (various sizes), 250 Jenning's Auger bits, 334 round rough files, 84 small flat files, 200 sticks of graphite grease, 18 vise clamps, 123 swedges, 138 top swedges. 8 set hammers, 5 round punches, 100 pounds of upholsterers' paste. 75 pounds of Dixon's graphite grease, 200 pounds of lye, 280 bottles "Three-in-One" oil. 25 pairs of iron strap hinges, galvanized, 12 inches long, 65 malleable iron elbows, from 1 inch to 2 inches, 304 Tees (various sizes), 30 bars 13% inch cold rolled steel, 46 sash weights (various sizes), 8 square punches.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Department of Correction-Assignment to, of One Horse, Turned Over by the Sheriff of New York County.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

September 26, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York: Gentlemen-The Sheriff of New York County on September 7, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Department of Correction in a communication dated September 15, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended.

Respectfully, ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Resolved. That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Department of Correction the following property turned over by the Sheriff of New York County, as no longer required:

One (1) horse.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Department of Correction-Assignment to, of One Passenger Wagon, Turned Over by Department of Public Charities.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

September 26, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York:

Gentlemen-The Department of Public Charities on Sept 12. 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Department of Correction in a communication dated September 15, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby_assign to the Department of Correction the following property turned over by the Department of Public Charities as no longer required:

One (1) passenger wagon.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Department of Public Charities-Assignment to, of Four Iron Posts, Etc..
Turned Over by Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.
The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered
the following resolution:

October 2, 1916.

To the Commisioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York:

Gentlemen-The Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity on September 11, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Department of Public Charities, in a communication dated September 26, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Department of Public Charities the following property turned over by the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity as no longer required: Four (4) cast iron posts 6 feet 2 inches long, 10 inches in diameter; fifteen (15) lin. ft. wrought iron railing, 2 feet wide; two (2) channel beams, 7 feet 6 inches long; four (4) iron domes.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Fire Department—Assignment to, of Two Dictaphone Machines Turned Over by the Armory Board.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

October 6, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, the City of New York: Gentlemen-The Armory Board on September 29, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Fire Department, in a communication dated September 29, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Fire Department the following property, turned over by the Armory Board as no longer required:

One (1) dictaphone dictating machine.

One (1) dictaphone transcribing machine.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Board of Standards and Appeals-Assignment to, of One Safe, Etc., Etc., Turned Over by the Board of Examiners.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

October 6, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York: Gentlemen-The Board of Examiners on September 30. 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Board of Standards and Appeals, in a communication dated October 2, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Board of Standards and Appeals the following property turned over by the Board of Examiners as no longer required:

One Safe, 1 filing case, steel; 1 supply closet, oak; 1 letter press, oak stand; 2 toilet cabinets, oak, with mirrors; 2 wall clocks, 1 time clock, 3 coat and hat racks, oak; 3 Remington typewriting machines, No. 10, RK 531,38, No. 10, 184,061, No. 8, 29,355; 1 bookcase, oak, sectional; 1 bookcase, oak, sliding doors; 1 card index case, oak, 12 drawers; 1 board table, oak, 4 x 8 feet; 10 board chairs, oak and green leather; 4 desks, oak, roll top (3 have typewriter wells); 4 desk chairs, oak, revolving; 2 tables, oak, about 3 x 6 feet; 9 waiting room chairs, oak and leather; 3 rugs; 1 Daghestan (Bigelow) 15 feet by 11 feet 3 inches; 1 Daghestan (Bigelow), 31 feet by 6 feet; 1 Saxony, 9 feet by 12 feet; 6 cuspidors, brass; 2 fans, electric; 4 chair cushions, leather; 1 settee, oak, length 6 feet; 6 maps, New York by Boroughs, with wall case; 1 desk lamp, electric, with green shade; 1 screen, folding, oak frame and burlap; 1 step-ladder, 1 chair-ladder, 1 wooden plan rack (top of safe), 2 boxes flat head No. 1 fasteners, 1 box McGill No. 4 fasteners, 1 box Eureka clips.

Pens Two boxes Spencerian, No. 28; 2 boxes Spencerian, No. 41; 1 box Spencerian, No. 1: 1 box Esterbrook, No. 284; 1 box Esterbrook, No. 130; 2 boxes Eagle No, 530; 1 box Eagle No. 370; 1 box Eagle No. 130.

One spool legal red tape, 7 memo books, 3 typewriter ribbons, 2 boxes bank pins, 4 bottles Carter's paste, 54 boxes rubber bands, 2 Hotchkiss No. 1 fasteners; 9 boxes Hotchkiss staples; 5 boxes Diamond fasteners; 5 Weldon No. 779 Typewriter erasers, 8 Faber No. 411 pencil erasers, 9 Eagle No. 1065 typewriter erasers, 10 Faber No. 410 ink and pencil erasers, 10 Eagle No. 493, desk erasers, 11 Faber No 480 desk erasers; 1 dozen Eagle No. 2 penholders, 9 Eagle No. 1015 Carter penholders, 9 Dixon No. 2060 Eterno pencils, 4 Eagle reporter pencils, 2 dozen Eagle pencils, 4 Faber No. 555 blue pencils, 2 dozen Faber blue pencils, 2 dozen Faber red pencils, 1 dozen Mikado pencils, 5 pairs shears, 3 roll desk pins, 2 one-foot rulers.

Typewriter Papers-Eight boxes Brown's No. 1 (10-copy), 1 box No. 1034E, 3 boxes "minute book sheets," perforated; 2 boxes letter size, linen finish; 3 boxes Roman bond 8 by 13 inches, No. 10; 3 boxes Whiting's No. 23, legal ruled; 1 box Whiting's No. 23, plain.

Five packages foolscap, 7 boxes carbon, 8 by 13; 3 boxes MSS covers, blue; 6 letter books, scratch pads, 3 dozen small pads; 3 dozen medium pads, 11⁄2 dozen large pads; 3 dozen small blotters, 4 by 91⁄2 inches; 2 dozen steno note books, 4 boxes index cards, assorted, twine, 10 balls large size; 18 balls, medium; 30 sponges, small.

Ink-Two bottles, quart size. Carter's Carmine; 6 bottles, quart size, Carter's Black; 3 bottles, quart size, mucilage.

8 glass inkwells, 7 glass sponge-cups, 7 mucilage bottles, small; 3 two-foot rules, damaged; 10 deskpads, leather corners; 12 desk-size blotters, green.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Board of Parole-Assignment to, of Five Large Cabinets, Etc., Turned Over by the Municipal Civil Service Commission.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

October 6, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York: Gentlemen-The Municipal Civil Service Commission on September 15, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Board of Parole in a communication dated September 29, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, hereby assign to the Board of Parole the following property turned over by the Municipal Civil Service

Commission as no longer required: Five (5) large cabinets, two (2) small cabinets, one (1) drawer cabinet about 7 in. by 12 in., one (1) closet 5 ft. by 3 ft. by 14 in. - The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Department of Street Ceaning-Assignment to, of Two Oak Tables, Turned Over by the Municipal Civil Service Commission.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

October 6, 1916.

To the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, The City of New York:

Gentlemen-The Municipal Civil Service Commission on September 15, 1916, surrendered to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund as no longer required, the property described in the accompanying resolution.

The Department of Street Cleaning in a communication dated September 28, 1916, requested the assignment of this property. The adoption of the said resolution authorizing the assignment is therefore recommended. Respectfully,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 205 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby assign to the Department of Strect Cleaning the following property, turned over by the Municipal Civil Service Commission as no longer required:

Two (2) 60-inch oak tables.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Refund of Croton Water Rents Overpaid in Error.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

Honorable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

September 29, 1916.

Gentlemen-Applications have been made, as per statement herewith, for refund of Croton Water Rents paid in error. The applications are severally approved by the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity and the amount so paid ($193.54) has been deposited in the City Treasury to the credit of the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt.

The attached resolution is necessary to reimburse the account "Croton Water Rent Refunding Account" for amount so overpaid. Yours very truly,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Receiver of Taxes, $7.20; Andrew J. Robinson, $17.20; Lewis S. Davis, $15.75; Andrew J. Robinson, $4.30; Andrew J. Robinson, $3.55; John D. Connelly, $5; James P. Eadie, $10; Louis Rosenthal, $8; Fany Korn, $26; Emanuel T. Ullmann, $3.15 The Maloch Realty Company, $17.33; Charles Hilton Brown, $7.10; Burnside Contracting Co., $1.45; Burnside Contracting Co., $1.32; Burnside Contracting Co., 64 cents; Burnside Contracting Co., $4.43; George F. Wagner, $61.12; total, $193.54.

Resolved, That a warrant, payable from the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt, be drawn in favor of the Chamberlain in the sum of $193.54 for deposit in the City Treasury to the credit of "Croton Water Rent Refunding Account" for refunding of erroneous and overpayments of Croton Water Rents, as per statement submitted.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Refund of Jury Fees Paid in Cases Settled Before Trial. The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

Honorable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

September 29, 1916.

Gentlemen-On various dates the attorneys mentioned in the schedule attached paid as jury fees to the clerks of the several District Municipal Courts of the City of New York the sums stated in said schedule.

Pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 118 of the Municipal Court Code and in accordance with the directions and order of the Bureau of Law and Adjustment of the Department of Finance, approved by the Deputy Comptroller, these sums are to be returned to the payees, the actions having been settled or discontinued and not brought to trial.

Said amounts were deposited to the credit of the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt and the refunds will be made from that fund through an account known and designated on the books in this office as Code T52, "Juror's Fees Fefunding Account."

The attached resolution is necessary to reimburse the said account for the amounts so paid and now refunded. Yours very truly,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Lui Dlugasz (paid Sept. 23, 1916, $4.50, out of Judg. Fund) (to reimburse said fund); Samuel B. Pollak, $16.50; Joseph Schottland, $3; Morrison & Schiff, $3; G. Arnold Moses, $3; Benjamin A. Hartstein, $3; Edw. J. McCrossin, $3; George D. Yeomans, $6; Charles M. Heisiger, $4.50; Meyer Glickstein, $3; Gustave Posner, $4.50; Francis D. Dowley, $3; total, $57.

Resolved, That a warrant payable from the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt be drawn in favor of the City Chamberlain for the sum of $57 for deposit in the City Treasury to the credit of Jury Fees Refunding Account for refunding of jury fees as per statement submitted.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Refund to George Goldenberg of Amount of Fine.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

Honorable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

September 29, 1916.

Gentlemen-In the matter of "The People on complaint of Cornelius Doneghy against George Goldenberg," the defendant appealed at a Term of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, Part I, held in the Criminal Courts Building, in and for the County of New York, on the 11th day of August, 1916, from a judgment of conviction in the City Magistrates' Court for the Third District, Borough of Manhattan, on the 27th day of May, 1916, wherein said defendant was found guilty of disorderly conduct and fined $10, which was paid and subsequently deposited in the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt.

This appeal was argued on August 11th, 1916, and the judgment of conviction was reversed and it was further ordered that the Comptroller of the City of New York refund to said George Goldenberg the sum of $10 so paid.

In order to carry into effect the order of the Court I attach hereto a resolution for your adoption. Yours very truly,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

Resolved, That, in accordance with an order of the Court of General Sessions of the County of New York, a warrant payable from the Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Interest on the City Debt, be drawn in favor of George Goldenberg for the sum of $10, refunding him that amount paid as a fine in the City Magistrate's Court. Third District, Borough of Manhattan, on the 27th day of May, 1916.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Refund to Horatio Morris of Amount Due on Revoked Taxicab Licenses. The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution: September 29, 1916.

Honorable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

Gentlemen-Application has been made by Horatio Morris for amount due on taxicab license which was revoked by the Mayor on July 31, 1913.

On June 23, 1914, the Board of Aldermen passed an ordinance granting refunds to licensees whose licenses were so revoked. The ordinance took effect July 7, 1914, and the application has been approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Licenses and the amount to be refunded is certified to by him.

The total amount to be refunded, $5.12, is a proper charge against the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of City Debt No. 1.

The attached resolution is necessary to reimburse the account "Refunds-Licenses, Taxicabs, etc.," for amount to be refunded. Yours very truly,

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Commissioner. Resolved, That a warrant payable from the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of City Debt No. 1. be drawn in favor of the Chamberlain of the City of New York in the sum of $5.12 for deposit in the City Treasury to the credit of "Refunds

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