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Apple Valley, Calif., November 4, 1965.

Hon. WALTER S. BARING, Chairman, Public Lands Subcommittee, Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

DEAR CONGRESSMAN BARING: In recent months we at Radio Station KAVR have watched with interest the developments in regards to the controversy surrounding H.R. 6891, the San Gorgonio Bill.

During this time we have heard all sides of the issue. We had as our guests, on a discussion program we air daily, representatives from both sides of the issue. The newspaper coverage has been such that we gained a good deal of knowledge from there. It is therefore, after a thorough study that we have come to feel not only is a family winter recreation area of the quality of the type available in San Gorgonio needed, but that it is imperative to have it as soon as possible to aid in alleviating a growing need for recreational facilities in a booming southern California.

The views of KAVR are further expressed in the enclosed KAVR Editorial that was aired on November 2nd and 3rd.

We strongly urge you and your fellow congressmen to favorably consider this bill. We further request that this letter and the enclosed editorial copy be included in the official report of the hearing in San Bernardino on November 16, 1965.


ALAN F. BEACH, General Manager.

In past months something of a controversy has arisen over the introduction of a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. It provides that a portion of the 35,000 acres in the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area be opened for the purpose of allowing family winter recreational facilities. In these same months, two organizations have been formed, one that has taken a positive stand, the San Bernardino County Citizens for San Gorgonio and the so-called Defenders of San Gorgoino, who have taken the negative side of the issue.

The opponents of this legislation say the introduction of these facilities will harm the area, interfering with the present use of the area by a relatively few campers, hikers, and hunters. Taking into consideration the location and proposed safeguards, which we will go into in a moment, it is our feeling that the two uses of the area are completely compatible. Investigation has shown there is an acute need for a family winter recreation area of the quality possible in San Gorgonio.

The potential to use the area, for developing our youth and winter sports athletes, is a matter that also has to be considered at a time when there is a dire need for new recreational facilities in southern California.

Apart from the direct benefit to the people, the economic value has to be examined. It can't be measured, but when one considers things such as potential tax revenues, trade dollars spent in the area, the increase in value of properties and attractiveness of the area to potential residents and industries (due to a winter recreational facility of the quality possible at San Gorgonio) one can't help but believe that it would be of tremendous value to San Bernardino County. Even our local ski areas will benefit. Since no overnight facilities will be available in San Gorgonio, overnight visitors to the area will depend on the surrounding resorts. Many more people who are drawn here by San Gorgonio will want to try the other slopes also.

At the present a relatively large area is being used by a small number of persons. With the passage of this bill, a great number of our citizens would be able to use a small portion of this territory.

The opopsition, the so-called Defenders of San Gorgonio is a vociferous minority that exerts influence far out of proportion to their actual number. These same people have time and again been able to influence legislation and impede progress that could have been beneficial to great numbers of our citizens.

Because of this, KAVR feels we must make our voices heard and support the San Bernardino Citizens for San Gorgonio, and the safeguards they propose to be included in the pending legislation. These proposals are:

1. The area be limited to 3,500 acres of the 35,000 acres in the wilderness and to be in what is called the San Gorgonio bowl area north of Mount San Gorgonio and Jepson Peak, and east of Charlton Peak;

2. Any access road shall be east of the south fork of the Santa Ana River and shall not be visible from or pass through the areas now used principally for hiking and camping in South Fork (Slushy) meadow;

3. No public overnight accommodations permitted;

4. Ski facilities shall not interfere with the watershed;

5. Sanitation shall comply with all State and county requirements;

6. That operator of lift facilities contribute 22 percent of gross receipts to a trust fund to be administered jointly by the U.S. Forest Service district ranger and the executive board of the Sierra Club for the improvement and extension of camping, hiking and outdoor facilities generally in the San Bernardino National Forest.

After having carefuly weighed these and many other facts, opinions and statistics, KAVR feels we must support the bill of Congressman Ken W. Dyal. Time is short. Hearings on this bill will be held in San Bernardino on November 16th and 17th. So make your voices heard, give your support and write today to Congressman Ken W. Dyal and Walter S. Baring, House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

For more information and copies of this KAVR editorial write San Gorgonio, KAVR, Apple Valley, California.


KAVR, Apple Valley, Calif.

Chairman, Subcommittee Public Lands, Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

DEAR CONGRESSMAN BARING: I'm writing this letter to encourage the passage of Congressman Dyal's bill on San Gorgonio. I feel that a ski resort in this vicinity would be a great asset to our communities and would serve thousands more than are currently being served because of its inaccessibility. This is the only location in this entire area that would guarantee the winter sportsman snow for his skiing since it's a much higher area for a winter sport area than any other we have here. It would also give families a place to go to enjoy winter recreation and activities in this area. I personally look forward to spending my hours in this resort area rather than traveling hundreds of miles to find snow in other areas. The dollars spent by the people who live here would be spent in our vicinity rather than in another community if the San Gorgonio bill is passed. I once again urge passage of Congressman Dyal's bill and request that this letter be part of the official report of the hearings. Very truly,


Chairman, Public Lands Subcommittee,
House Office Building,

Washington, D.C.


Yucca Valley, Calif., October 27, 1965.

DEAR SIR: This is to advise that the Yucca Valley Board of Realtors at a general meeting approved and endorsed the bill #6891. It is our wish that this letter be made a part of the official report of the hearings.


ALFRED M. FISHER, Executive Secretary.

APPLE VALLEY, CALIF., November 15, 1965.


Chairman, Subcommittee on Public Lands of House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

DEAR MR. BARING: I am writing to state my objection to the proposed legislation, dealing with the San Gorgonio wilderness area, which is about 50 miles from my home. (I live near Victorville, California.)

I am fourteen years old and I am a Boy Scout. I have camped and hiked with my troop and with my family all over California and the West. So, being a Scout and a camper, I tend to side with the conservationists. I feel that if the

areas is opened with roads and facilities, it would ruin the area. America is swiftly destroying its natural resources. An area of this sort should be left in its natural state.

The people who are opening the area claim that nature lovers need not fear that the area will be destroyed. But once you put roads into it, that allows anyone who wants to drive a motor vehicle to come into the place. Soon beer cans and trash will litter up the area. Also many people are often careless and start fires. They don't care one bit about what they do, just so long as they are having fun.

The hikers who come into the area now, are experienced campers. They have enough sense and enough love for nature, that they will leave the area as it was when they arrived.

Once man occupies a wilderness area, it no longer remains that way. Wildlife disappears. First get started and destroy timber and watersheds. The area will eventually become a littered-up mess, just like much of the rest of our country has become.

It is my opinion, that if the area were opened, it would only benefit a few: the few who can afford the facilities, and a few who want to earn a “quick dollar" on their investment.

Lastly, if this is allowed, other demands will merely take advantage of the situation. As the saying goes: "If you give them a finger, they'll take a hand." I think it would be more wise for the benefit of the people and America, if the area were kept as it is now. The important thing is that the area not be tampered with by man. I am sure that I speak for all conservation-minded future citizens. Some of my friends have asked to join me in making this appeal.1

Yours truly,

Longworth House Building,
Washington, D.C.


Vista, Calif.. December 13, 1965.

GENTLEMEN: I wish to express my view as a citizen of California and also as a Director in the field of Camping concerning the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area. I definitely feel that this area should not be developed into a recreation area. At the present time it is open to the public and those who enjoy a real outdoor experience do take advantage of the area. By developing a recreational area the wilderness atmosphere will be lost forever and it will become just another resort.

It is my feeling there is sufficient mountain resort areas open now and that which is open could further be developed. But those of real wilderness are slowly vanishing and I object.




San Bernardino County, November 8, 1965.

Chairman, House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

DEAR MR. ASPINALL: I had hoped that the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area controversy was settled last year when the House rejected Amendment to the Wilderness Act which would have allowed commercial development.

I hope "San Gorgonio" will be saved from commercial exploitation, as there is little else left of wilderness areas in Southern California. If this last mountain sanctuary is despoiled and exploited, so that a few people can "make a few bucks," it cannot be replaced.

I respectfully urge your Committee to reject, once and for all, proposals to weaken the Wilderness Act.

Very respectfully yours,

1 Names in committee files.

STEWART HINCKLEY, State Assemblyman.

To Whom It May Concern:

LOS ANGELES, CALIF., November 15, 1965.

I have been skiing in Southern California for 27 years and have seen the sport grow here almost from the beginning. Skiing has become so popular with the youth of Southern California that something should be done to give all those who want to ski the opportunity to do so. This is the American way of doing things, but there is always a small group of people who are opposed to progress.

The young people who are in school or who are working cannot be heard here today, as they are unable to attend; but I have seven grandchildren who want me to represent them. They and all their friends like to ski, but can seldom do so as the ski areas in Southern California are not adequate.

Why should we not give the youth of Southern California the facilities to participate in outdoor winter sports and so help to eliminate juvenile delinquency. All the arguments of the opposition do not justify the keeping of the only large and dependable area in Southern California closed and I believe the welfare of our youth is important enough to deserve full consideration. Most sincerely yours,

Jos. Ross.


San Bernardino, Calif., October 29, 1965.

Chairman, Interior and Insular Committee,

House Office Building,

Washington, D.C.

DEAR SIR: I have enclosed for your information a copy of a resolution adopted by the San Bernardino Junior Chamber of Commerce on September 21, 1965, and pursuant to this resolution, we urge you to support H.R. 6891.

If you have any questions or comments concerning our resolution, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours,

BRUCE D. VARNER, Secretary.


Whereas Southern California is one of the fastest growing regions in this country, with a vast expansion expected in the future; and

Whereas there is a vast number of skiers and would-be skiers in this region;


Whereas San Gorgonio would provide one of the finest ski areas near to a large population center in the world; and

Whereas a heavily used ski area at San Gorgonio would be of great economic benefit to the surrounding area; and

Whereas the diminishing wilderness areas in this country must be protected, and the proposed bill (H.R. 6891) will protect to the fullest extent possible the wilderness advantages of the San Gorgonio area while providing needed family recreational entertainment for many thousands.

Therefore, be it resolved: That we, the San Bernardino Jaycees, in meeting assembled, support to the fullest extent the passage of H.R. 6891, to assist those who are urging its passage, and encourage others to support its passage.

November 28, 1964.

House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee,
Longworth House Office Building,

Washington, D.C.

DEAR SIR: Although I was not able to attend the recent field hearings of your Subcommittee in San Bernardino, I would like to make the accompanying statement, and respectfully request that it be made part of the record of those hearings.

Yours truly,


Although an enthusiastic skier myself, making full and frequent use, with my family, of the many skiing facilities available in the Los Angeles-San Bernardino area, I am opposed to H.R. 6891 and the other related bills whose intent is to open the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area for winter recreational use and for development of facilities for that purpose. Much more important than another developed recreation area is for this great population center to have, within easy reach, at least one primitive area, where highways and all they bring with them do not intrude. Having made many summer hiking and winter skiing trips into the Wilderness Area, I am certain that it is fulfilling an important role in providing the citizens of this congested area a place of "recreation" in the most fundamental sense of that term, and that this role will become ever more important as this metropolitan continues to develop. It is precisely the point of the Wilderness Bill to protect our few wild areas against the ever-increasing pressure of population growth, and it would be an unfortunate precedent indeed to have the principles of that Bill undermined by passage of H.R. 6891 or the related bills.

Congressman BARING,

Public Lands Subcommittee,



Hesperia, Calif., November 15, 1965.

House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee.

DEAR CONGRESSMAN BARING: Attached is a copy of our editorial expressing our position in support of the proposal under consideration to open a specified section of San Gorgonio Wilderness Area to skiing use.

We wish this letter and attached editorial to be entered as testimony in the hearings.

Valley Report is an 18,000-plus circulation weekly newspaper serving the Greater Victor Valley of San Bernardino County.

The editorial attached is the position of the editorial staff and may be considered to reflect widespread public opinion in Greater Victor Valley.

Sincerely yours,

JACK PINARD, General Manager.


A proposal to open 3,500 acres of the 35,000 acre San Gorgonio Wilderness Area for winter skiing is drawing heated debate in Victor Valley and throughout Southern California. Center of the controversy is centered on whether Wilderness Areas should be preserved in their natural state or opened for wider use by wider segments of the population.

Hearings will be held in San Bernardino City Hall by the Public Lands Subcommittee of the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee. Proponents will appear on November 16 and opponents on November 17.

The opening of ten per cent of San Gorgonio for skiing would be a recreation and business boost to San Bernardino County and Victor Valley would share certain benefits. It is a good ski area as proposed and would increase the Southern California ski season.

If strict controls and safeguards are placed on the development as proposed, the Wilderness Area's use by hikers and campers would not be infringed upon to any major degree.

The key point in the fight is preservation of wilderness for use and study by present and future generations. As California's population mushrooms, less undeveloped land remains for those who enjoy nature "in the raw". What we as individuals and as a nation must decide in this battle-and in future battles over wilderness areas-is whether we are willing to sacrifice a few acres of our wilderness to serve the growing need for recreation.

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