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Laws and legislation, foreign countries-Continued.

France. Placement of employable persons from unemployment lists, decree September

Social-insurance law amended October 1935 and August 1936, provisions as to wage
limits, etc..--

French Indo-China. Labor provisions, decree of December 30, 1936...
Germany. Unemployment insurance, decree of June 3, 1937..
Great Britain. Factories Act, 1937, coverage and provisions..


Dec. 1369-70

July 106-7
Aug. 379-80

Housing, acts of 1919, 1923, 1924, 1930, 1933, and 1935, provisions...
Training for work on land, schemes of Unemployment Assistance Board.
Unemployment insurance, amending act of June 28, 1934, operation under.
(Scotland). Wage-fixing act for agriculture (extension of English system).
Greece. Hotel industry, training school, decree establishing, April 24, 1936...
Youth Organization, National, act establishing, November 7, 1936..
Guatemala Employment of aliens, restrictions on...
Haiti. Employment of aliens, restrictions on.....

Iran. Building construction and industrial establishments, provisions for safety and

Honduras. Employment of aliens, restrictions on..

health, welfare of workers, and industrial relations, August 1936..

Jamaica. Housing law approved April 15, 1937, provisions..

Latin America. Aliens, restriction on employment of..

Aug. 362-4
Dec. 1421-3
Oct. 801-4

Oct. 845
Oct. 842-5
Oct. 953-4

Nov. 1142

Nov. 1142

July 120-1

July 121

July 121

Oct. 902-5

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Family allowances, supplementary, to agricultural laborers, act of May 1,1937...
Luxemburg. Children's allowances, civil servants and railwaymen, rates in effect June

Mexico. Aliens, restrictions on employment of...

Netherlands. Health (or sickness) insurance. Legislation 1929, and amendments
April 22, 1937, and previous dates...

Nicaragua. Aliens, restrictions on employment of..

Panama. Aliens, restrictions on employment of..

Peru. Aliens, restrictions on employment of..

[ocr errors]

Teachers' social insurance, order of August 30, 1936, amending 1931 act...
Poland. Technical schools and vocational high schools, orders and decrees concerning..
Portugal. Education Board, National, established by decree of May 19, 1936.


Hours of labor, decree August 24, 1936...

Rumania. Social insurance, general, law of April 2, 1937, provisions..

Vocational education regulated by decree April 29, 1936; training center for admin-
istrative careers established by order September 18, 1936.

Oct. 922-4
July 114-24

Sept. 649

Sept. 649-50

Sept. 650
July 121-2

Dec. 1345-54

July 122

July 122
July 122-3
Sept. 589-91

Nov. 1143

Nov. 1143-4
Sept. 642-4

Sept. 591-12

Salvador. Employment of aliens, restrictions on..

Nov. 1144
July 123

South Africa (Union of). Old-age pensions. Amendment 1937 to law of 1928.
Sweden. Labor organization, conciliation, mediation, collective agreements, review to
January 1937...

Sept. 592-3

July 56-64

Switzerland. Vocational training. Federal orders to give effect to Federal Act of 1930..
Syria. Woman and child labor, decree of 1937..

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Yugoslavia. Apprentices, ratio to skilled workers, order of May 13, 1936, fixing..

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Characteristics of, as to sub-industries, equipment and output (Arnold)................
Productivity increase per man-hour, indexes yearly 1923-36, and for census periods 1849-
1935, and causes (Arnold)....

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Legislative sessions, United States. State and Federal, 1938, date of convening and length of

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Management, employment:

Personnel practices in factory administration. (National Industrial Conference Board


July 64-7

Shipping industry, Great Lakes, August 1935..

Aug. 270-80

Management, industrial. Factory administration, personnel practices (National Indus-
trial Conference Board survey)..

July 64-7

Man-hours. (See Productivity of labor.)

Manufacturing industries, New York City. General reasons stated by 476 establishments
for leaving locality 1931-35..

[blocks in formation]

Cotton-textile manufacturing, 1910-36, influence on labor requirements (Stern).

Mineral industries, effect on employment and living conditions of workers..--
Mining, gold placer, study in 1935..

Technological changes affecting employment (National Resources Committee report,

Medical and hospital service. Expenditures of families in 5 California cities, 1934-35--------

Cotton Belt and Great Plains. Probabilities of further exodus from.............
Labor, between States. Survey by B. L. S. and Children's Bureau (Tolles).
Miners, gold-placer, Western States. 1935 study...

Philippine labor to Hawaii, 1932-36.-

Seasonal. Agricultural, fruit, and vegetable-crop workers..

Agricultural labor, Yakima Valley, Washington (Landis).

Minimum wage, United States.

Contracts, public. Determinations for 7 industries.

Massachusetts. Awards, enforcement of..

Minnesota. Board created June 8, 1937..

Nov. 1130

July 109-110

Aug. 316-41

July 124-6

Aug. 367-8

Sept. 615-19

Sept. 671-3

July 11-12

July 3-16

Aug. 365-8
Sept. 613
July 12-13
Aug. 301-11

Sept. 694-7

Sept. 537

Sept. 537-8

New Jersey. Laundry industry. Woman workers. Investigation by State wage board
November 1936, and resulting directory order.

Oct. 885-9

Law-enforcement measures, status 1937....

Sept. 538

New York. Law of 1937, reorganization under....

Sept. 538

Nurses. Public health associations, health departments, and boards of education, rates
in effect in 1937...

Aug. 449-50

Philippine Islands. National Government employees and others, under legislation of

July 135-6

Rhode Island. Clothing industry. Survey of conditions September 1936, and order
effective October 1937..

Oct. 880-91

State legislation. Provisions in effect, by States, as of July 1, 1937..

Aug. 381-93

Washington State law validation (U. S. Supreme Court, 1937), effect upon administering
agencies, other States..

Sept. 537-8

Woman workers, District of Columbia. Comparison 1937 rates with standards set by
former Minimum Wage Board..

Sept. 626-31

Minimum wage, foreign countries:

Australia. Increase in, June 1937, decision by Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and

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Coal. Anthracite. "Bootleg" enterprises, Southern Pennsylvania, survey May-June

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Gold-placer. Small-scale operations. Employment, production, and living conditions,


Mechanization. Influence upon employment and living conditions of workers..
Mining industry, foreign countries:

Aug. 365-8

July 124-6

Welfare work. Pithead baths, status 1936....

Great Britain. Coal. Depressed condition and its effect on other industries, as of March

France. Coal. Average output per man per day, for nation and by district, yearly

July 103-4

Sept. 607-8

South Africa. Compulsory labor union membership policy, effective June 1, 1937..
Musicians. Employment through W. P. A. projects, status April 1937.

Nov. 1157-8

Sept. 635-6

Dec. 1364-5

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Provisions for, under Work Relief Act of June 29, 1937.

Recreation activities, 1936..

Neckwear industry (men's). Public contracts. Minimum-wage determination issued July



District of Columbia. Social-economic status, from 1930 census data..
Retail trade, proprietors and employees, by kind of business, 1935....
Night work. French Indo-China.

Labor code, decree of Dec. 30, 1936.



Sept. 640-1

Aug. 372

Sept. 694

Sept. 612

Nov. 1136-8

Aug. 380

Occupational distribution:

Applicants to U. S. Employment Service, by race and sex, April and July 1937.... Oct. 972; Nov. 1109
Persons placed by U. S. Employment Service, by race and sex, July 1936 to March 1937...
Old-age pensions and retirement, United States:

Railroad employees. Federal Act of 1937.

Social Security. State plans approved to June 30, 1937

Tax levy under Federal Socia! Security Act, decision of U. S. Supreme Court upholding

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[blocks in formation]

Maximum hiring age in factories (National Industrial Conference Board survey)
National Conference on Labor Legislation, October 1937, resolution of
Overpasses. Railroad grade-crossing eliminations. Labor and material involved
Overtime. Upholsterers and floor covering trades, provisions in agreements..

[blocks in formation]

Efficiency of experienced skilled-trades workers on W. P. A. projects, study made Janu-
ary 1937

[blocks in formation]

Personal care. Expenditures for, by families in 5 California cities..

Personnel policies. Factories. Survey by National Industrial Conference Board, findings..
Personnel problems. Discussion by International Association of Governmental Labor
Officials, 1937 Conference

[blocks in formation]

Placement work. (See under Employment agencies.)
Placer mining. Gold. Employment and living conditions, small-scale mines, study by
W. P. A. and U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1935..

Population, United States. Economic significance of growth, changes 1929-36
Printing industry, general. 40-hour week. Discussion, I. L. O. Conference, 1937
Prison Industries Reorganization Administration (U. S. Government). Progress report,
May 1937, reviewed....

Aug. 365-8
Nov. 1068-72
Aug. 348-9

Aug. 369-70

Prison labor:

Investigations by Prison Industries Reorganization Administration on invitation of
respective States....

Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, progress report, May 1937, review of
Road work, use of advised by Prison Industries Reorganization Administration

State regulations concerning sale of goods produced, and discussion of prisoner-employ-
ment problem..

Aug. 369-70
Aug. 369-70
Aug. 369


Prison-made goods. State regulations concerning sale, and discussion of prisoner-employ-
ment problems..

Production, industrial. Depression and recovery period, 1929-37 (Bowden)..
Productivity of labor:

B. L. S. studies of labor requirements in clay-products industry, scope and method.....
Clay-products. Man-hours required for raw-material production, power production.
transportation of raw and finished material, manufacturing, and distribution... Dec. 1397-1410
Used in Federal construction projects..

Cotton-textile manufacturing. Man-hour output in pounds and yards, and labor-time
requirements for identical output, 1910 and 1936.

Mechanical changes 1910-36, influence on man-hour output (Stern).
Depression and recovery period, indexes by years, selected industries..

Aug. 319
Aug. 316-41
Nov. 1078-81

Productivity of labor-Continued.

Fluctuations during depression and recovery period, 1929-37 and indexes by year, selected


Nov. 1047, 1065-8, 1078-81

Freight-car construction, man-hours required, 1935..

Oct. 849-50

Grade-crossing eliminations, labor and material involved, 1935-37 (Byer)....
Leather industry. Increase per man-hour from 1923 to 1935, causes for, and indexes by
subdivision of industry (Arnold)...

Sept. 579-82

Railroads. Freight service, man-hour requirements, 1935..

July 68-77
Oct. 848

Traffic units, man-hours worked, and indexes of man-hour output, 1916-36; ratio of
aggregate revenue-traffic units to man-hours, 1926, 1933-36..

July 80-4

Technological trends. National Resources Committee report, 1937, findings and recom-

Sept. 615-19

Transportation (rail). Materials for Federal construction programs, 1933-37, man-hours

[blocks in formation]

France. Mining, coal, average output per man per day, by districts, yearly 1907-36....
Soviet Union (U. S. S. R.) Efficiency gain in 1936 and 1937.

July 103-4

Aug. 342-3

Public contracts. (See Contracts, U. S. Government.)

Public service, foreign countries:

Great Britain. Salary differentials between women and men reduced, 1937.
Luxemburg. Family allowances, rates June 1937..

Peru. Teachers' insurance, order of Aug. 30, 1936..

Sept. 631-2
Sept. 650
Sept. 589-91

Public works. I. L. O. Conference, June 1937, recommendations and resolution.
Public Works Administration (U. S. Government):

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Planning in relation to employment, I. L. O. Conferences 1935, 1936, 1937.

Sept. 594-602

Youth. Recommendation adopted by I. L. O. Conference 1935..

Sept. 597, 600

Racial distribution, United States:

Applicants to and persons placed by U. S. Employment Service offices, 1936-37, and all
gainful workers (1930 census)..

Applicants to U. S. Employment Service, by occupation, July 1937.
Employed and unemployed persons, Cincinnati, May 1937..

Oct. 970, 972
Nov. 1109

Oct. 872

Radio and phonograph industry. Labor turn-over, monthly rates, July to September 1937..

Railroads, United States:

Nov. 1183;

Dec. 1464

Accident experience, 1935, report of U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission..
Accident prevention and safety program, appropriation 1937.

July 195-7

Oct. 899

Block signals and other safety devices. Authority given I. C. C. to require installation..
Employees' Retirement Act, June 1937..

Oct. 899

Aug. 377-9

Grade crossing eliminations, labor and material involved, 1935-37, program under Federal

Sept. 579-82

Labor requirements for transportation of construction materials used in Federal pro-
grams (Ball)........

[blocks in formation]

Rolling-stock efficiency, technological changes, and fluctuations in traffic, 1926, 1933-36

Aug. 379

July 84-92

Great Britain. Railway Staff National Tribunal, award of August 1937 affecting work-
ing conditions.

Oct. 960-2

Luxemburg. Family allowances, rates effective June 1937.

Rayon industry. Labor turn-over, monthly rates, July to September 1937......

Raincoat industry (men's). Public contracts. Minimum-wage determination issued July

Sept. 650

Sept. 693

Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464

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Families and single persons, number aided by public agencies, 1936–37.

Federal Act of June 29, 1937, provisions........

Federal, State, and local expenditures, 1936-37....

Grants in supplement to wages, and problem of underemployment and under-earning..
Migratory workers, Yakima Valley, income status of recipients..

New Jersey. Supplementary to wages, 1934.

Sept. 604

Sept. 640-2

Sept. 603-5

Oct. 861-7

Aug. 310-11

Oct. 866-7

Pennsylvania. Supplementary to wages, 1936–37.
Wisconsin. Supplementary to wages, 1935-36.

Resources Committee, National (U. S. Government). Urbanism committee, findings and


Retail prices, United States:

Oct. 865-6
Oct. 867

Nov. 1130-2

Coal, anthracite and bituminous. Average, by cities, specified dates July 1936 to Sept.
15, 1937..
Sept. 760-4;

Indexes, yearly, 1929-36, on 1922-25 basis..

Dec. 1564-8
July 242-3


Coal, anthracite (Pennsylvania). Revised base, pricing periods October 1922 to Septem-
ber 1925..

Electricity. Changes in prices and in net monthly bill, 7 cities, March 15 to June 15, 1937.
Food. Indexes, yearly 1926-31, quarterly or monthly 1932-37, comparison with foreign

July 244

Aug. 494-6

July 245; Oct. 1021

Gas. Changes in prices and in net monthly bill (10 cities), March 15 to June 15, 1937;
and method of computing data...

Indexes (1923-25 base), March 1935 to June 1937; and by city (19) March 1936 to June


Objective rate plan, Mobile and Charleston...

Tobacco products (5), 32 cities, March 1935 to September 1937--
Retail prices, foreign countries: Food, indexes, yearly 1926-31, quarterly or monthly 1932-37,
for following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czecho-
slovakia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Nether-
lands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United King-
dom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)..

Rubber-tire industry:

Labor turn-over. Monthly and annual rates 1931-36..

Aug. 496-9

Aug. 500-4
Aug. 505
Dec. 1568

July 244-7; Oct. 1020-3

July 172-3

- Monthly rates, April to September 1937..July 178; Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464

French Indo-China. Labor code, decree of December 30, 1936..

Aug. 380

Iran. Legislative provisions August 1936 (industrial establishments)..

Oct. 902-3

(See also Accident prevention.)

Savings. Employees' plans, various types. Experience during depression, Princeton Uni-
versity study, 1937..

Sept. 609-12

Sawmills. (See under Lumber industry.)

Seamen. Great Britain. Improved living conditions, regulations established by Board of

Nov. 1133


California. Cooperative activities and membership, 1935-36.

Federal and State aid to cooperatives, 1935-36.

Real incomes of cooperative workers, 1935-36....

-State program, policies and accomplishments, 1934-36.

Shipping industry:

Great Lakes. Labor conditions, August 1935 (Mann).

Shirt industry. Collective agreements, provisions.....

Idaho, cooperatives. Membership, labor cost, and goods produced, 1936.

New York (Monroe County). Subsistence gardens, 1932-36.

Personnel on average bulk-freighter, packet-freighter and passenger boats.

Shoe industry. (See Boot and shoe industry.)

Aug. 373-6
Aug. 376
Aug. 375-6
Sept. 623

Sept. 620-3

Sept. 623-5

Aug. 269-80

Aug. 270-71
July 26-7

Shorter working time:

40-hour week. I. L. O. Conference action, Geneva, 1937..

Aug. 345-9, 353

(or less). Building-construction industry, 1936..

Oct. 791-9

France. Forty-hour week, progress under law of June 21, 1936, various occupations and

[blocks in formation]

Monthly rates, April to September 1937. July 178; Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464

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