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Index to Volume 45-July to December 1937

NOTE. This is a SUBJECT INDEX. Names of authors do not appear as main entries


Absence from work. Penalties. Policies in factories of 348 companies......

Accident prevention:

Building-construction industry. I. L. O. safety code adopted by June 1937 conference..
I. A. I A. B. C. Proceedings of annual convention June-July 1937..

Accident statistics:

Great Britain. By industry and by sex, 1928 and 1935.

Railroads. Experience 1935, Interstate Commerce Commission report..

Works program, 1935-36. Frequency rate and compensation, and comparison with
former experience of C. W. A. and F. E. R. A..

Actors. Employment through W. P. A. projects, status April 1937..
Adult education. W. P. A. program, status March 1937..
Age distribution:


July 66

Aug. 352-3
Sept. 637-9

Nov. 1156-7

July 195-7

July 197-8
Dec. 1364-5
July 140-2

Applicants and persons placed, U. S. Employment Service offices, 1936-37; and all gain-
ful workers, 1930 census.___

Oct. 973-5

Great Britain. Unemployed applying to Unemployment Assistance Board for voca-
tional training....

Oct. 844

Rhode Island. Gainful workers and job seekers, State census of January 1936...... Nov. 1117, 1119-20
Unemployed persons and W. P. A. workers, Cincinnati, May 1937..
Wisconsin. Employment service active file of applicants, July 1937.

Oct. 872

Nov. 1104

Agriculture, United States:

Farm laborers (bired), distribution of, by geographic division, and number per farm

Sept. 561-8

Farm tenants from Cotton Belt, relocation problems...

Labor supply and demand (percent of normal), specified dates 1936-37.

Migratory labor, Yakima Valley, 1935-36 (Landis)....

Yakima Valley farms, distribution by type, size, and crops

July 12

Oct. 955

Aug. 301-11

Aug. 302

Agriculture, foreign countries:

Canada. Government assistance, law of 1937.

July 191-2

Great Britain (Scotland). Wage-fixing system extended from England to Scotland.....
Alien labor. (See Employment of foreigners.)

American Arbitration Association. Voluntary Industrial Arbitration Tribunal created
October 1937...

American Federation of Labor. (See under Labor organizations.)

Apprentice training. Federal Committee transferred to National Youth Administration...
Apprenticeship. Upholsterers and floor-covering trades, provisions in agreements..
Artists. Employment through W. P. A. projects, status April 1937..

Automobile ownership. Families in 5 California cities, 1934-35.

Automobiles and bodies; automobile parts and equipment:

Labor turn-over. Monthly and annual rates, 1930-36..

Oct. 953-4

Dec. 1411-13

Oct. 882
Nov. 1127-8

Dec. 1364-9
Sept. 671

July 159-61

Monthly rates, April to September 1937. July 178; Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464

Banks, labor. (See under Cooperation.)

Benefits and benefit funds, United States:

Disability from nonoccupational illness or accident, plan of E. I. du Pont de Nemours..
Trade-union, 67 A. F. of L. affiliates and 4 railroad brotherhoods, 1936..

July 105-6

Dec. 1360-2

Benefits and benefit funds, foreign countries:

Canada. Payments by 5 labor organizations, 1936..

Dec. 1362-3

Netherlands. Health (sickness) insurance payments, by type, 1930-34..
Bituminous Coal Commission, National (U. S. Government). Legislation providing for,


Dec. 1354

Oct. 901

Blind persons, aid to:

Canada. Pensions provided for, legislation of 1937..
Social security. State plans approved to June 30, 1937..

Bonuses. Shipping industry, Great Lakes, policies of 3 companies..

July 192-3
Sept. 583-4
Aug. 276

Japan. Survey 1935-36..

[blocks in formation]

Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464
"Bootleg" mining, anthracite. Survey in southern Pennsylvania, 1936–37.
Brick-manufacturing industry:

Labor turn-over. Monthly and annual rates, 1931-36.
Monthly rates, April to September, 1937.

Budgets, cost-of-living:

Family, including statement of assets and liabilities. 5 California cities, B. L. S. study,

Building-construction industry, United States:

Dec. 1323-6

July 162-3

July 178;

Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464

Sept. 663-9
Sept. 689

Federal and State buildings, principal cities, value of contracts awarded, May to October,
July 235; Aug. 487; Sept. 753; Oct. 1004; Nov. 1267; Dec. 1554
Statistical review first half 1937, long-time trend first half each year, 1922–37..
Statistics, number and kinds of buildings, families provided for, and estimated cost,
principal cities, May to October 1937..

Oct. 1005-13

July 232-5;

Aug. 484-7; Sept. 750-3; Oct. 1001-4; Nov. 1263-7; Dec. 1550-4
Working week, prevalence of 40-hour or less, 1936–
Oct. 791-9
Building-construction industry, foreign countries:

Great Britain. Handicaps experienced by small contractors..

Oct. 810

Housing policies of Government, 1919-37.....


Building-construction industry, general. Safety standards, code adopted by 1937 I. L. O.

Building trades. Hours of labor, 1936, B. L. S. survey.------

Oct. 800-15

Aug. 352-3

Oct. 791-9

Camps. Educational, for young women. N. Y. A. program.

Capital goods, production of. Effect of changes upon employment..

Chemical industry. 40-hour week, discussion, I. L. O. conference, 1937.

Child labor and welfare, United States:

Minimum wage. State laws in effect as of July 1, 1937..

Newsboys declared employees of publishers by Wisconsin law..

Oct 881

Nov. 1072-3

Aug. 348-9

Aug. 381-93
Sept. 539

Schooling of children going to work, and effect of employment-certificate system upon
school attendance.....

Social security, aid to dependent children. State plans approved to June 30, 1937...
Standards during and following N. R. A. period......................

Dec. 1888-90
Sept. 583-4

Dec. 1372-80, 1390

Statistics, work certificates issued by State and city, sex and occupational distribution of
applicants, 1927-36...

Trend, 1927-36 (Merritt)..

Child labor and welfare, foreign countries:

Dec. 1373-88
Dec. 1371-90

French Indo-China. Labor code, decree of December 30, 1936..

Aug. 379

Latvia. Children of agricultural laborers, provisions of act of May 1, 1937.

Sept. 649

Portugal. Provisions concerning, in law of August 24, 1936..

Sept. 643

Syria. Restrictions imposed by legislative decree No. 32..

July 193-4

Child labor and welfare, general. I. L. O. 14-year minimum-age convention, industrial and
nonindustrial, revision by conference of June 1937..

Aug. 351-2

Children's allowances (See Family allowances.)

Cigar and cigarette industry. (See Tobacco industry.)

Civil Works Administration, U. S. Government. State and local expenditures, 1933–36...
Clay products industries. Labor requirements, processes and methods of production (Top-
Clothing industry, men's:

Cities. Labor and other problems and suggestions for solving, U. S. National Resources

Nov. 1130-2
Sept. 605

Dec. 1391-1410

Collective agreements. Suit and coat, shirt, and custom- and alteration-tailoring branches,

Collective bargaining. Custom and alteration tailors with Amalgamated Clothing

Labor turn-over. Monthly and annual rates, 1931-36..

Monthly rates, April to September 1937...

July 24-8

July 17,27-8
July 170-1
July 178;

Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464
Coal, anthracite. "Bootleg" mining, Pennsylvania survey, 1936-37..
Coal, bituminous, interstate commerce in. Federal legislation providing for regulation...

Dec. 1323-6

Oct. 901

Collective agreements, United States:

Clothing Workers, Amalgamated. History since 1910 and outline of provisions......
Upholstery and floor-covering trades. General provisions (61 contracts), and union scales.
Collective agreements, foreign countries:

Canada (Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan). Industries and trades
covered by legalized contracts...

France. Concluded between September 7, 1936, and March 15, 1937, by industry; and
résumé of law covering....


July 17-28

Nov. 1121-8

Oct. 948-9

Oct. 861-3
Oct. 959-60

Great Britain. Engineering trades, affecting 500,000 workers, August 23, 1937.
Netherlands. Footwear industry, family allowances pro ided....

South Africa. Gold mining, closed shop policy, effective June 1, 1937.
Yugoslavia. Labor law, February 13, 1937, provisions....

Collective bargaining:

Clothing industry (men's). Amalgamated Clothing Workers, history of agreements
since 1910...

French Indo-China, labor code, decree of December 30, 1936.
Conciliation and arbitration, United States:

Department of Labor, work of. May to October 1937.

Sept. 650-1

Sept. 635-6

July 136-7

July 17-24

Aug. 380

July 152-3;

Aug. 402-4; Sept. 661-2; Oct. 933-5; Nov. 1178-9, Dec. 1441-3
Industrial Arbitration Tribunal, Voluntary. Creation (1937), structure, and purposes..
Railroad situations. Services of National Mediation Board, August and October 1937.
Conciliation and arbitration, foreign countries:

Australia. Commonwealth Court decision establishing minimum-wage increase..
Denmark. Laws of 1934, 1936, and 1937.....

Dec. 1411-13

Nov. 1219-22

Sept. 697-9

Sept. 572-7

Sept. 577-8

Dec. 1413-14

Estonia. Methods established, law of March 12, 1937..

France. Compulsory. Law of December 31, 1936, and decrees January 16 and September
18, 1937.

Sweden. Laws of 1906 and later years including 1936..

Conservation, soil. Great Plains-relation to migration from section..

Construction industry:

July 58, 61-4

July 11

Federal funds. Value of contracts awarded and force account work started, by Govern-
ment agency, May to October 1937.... July 235; Aug. 487; Sept. 753; Oct. 1004; Nov. 1267; Dec. 1555
State-financed public buildings, May to October 1937....

July 235;
Aug. 487; Sept. 753; Oct. 1004; Nov. 1267; Dec. 1555
July 235;
Aug. 487; Sept. 753; Oct. 1004; Nov. 1267; Dec. 1555

State-financed roads (highways), May to October 1937...

(See also Building-construction industry.)
Contracts, U. S. Government, for equipment and material purchased. Minimum-wage de-
terminations July 1937..

Conventions, meetings, etc.:

American Bar Association, annual, September 1937, summary of labor-legislation dis-

Sept. 694-7

Nov. 1162

American Federation of Labor, 57th annual, 1937, proceedings..
Family allowances, seventeenth French congress on, reports... -
Governmental Labor Officials, International Association of (I. A. G. L. O.), Toronto, 1937.
Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, International
(I. A. I. A. B. C.), June-July 1937, proceedings.....
International Labor Organization. Governing body, October 1937 session, work of......
1937 conference, results of..

[blocks in formation]

Labor Legislation, Fourth National Conference on, October 1937, summary of proceedings. Nov. 1159-61
Convict labor. (See Prison labor.)

Cooperation, United States:

Apartment residents. Philadelphia (Carl Mackley houses).

Banks, labor. Condition as of June 30, 1937, and development 1920 to 1937.

Boarding-houses for single men. 2 associations, northern Wisconsin..

Buying clubs, Cleveland. Purposes and policies.....

California. Federal and State grants to self-help agencies, as of June 30, 1936.
Self-help activities, membership statistics, and real incomes of workers, 1935-36.
Chicago area. Consumers' societies (Gubin).

Consumers' activities and operating policies, Chicago area..

Consumers' societies. Cleveland, federated activities as of 1937.

Cleveland survey in 1937 (Wilke)..

Northern Wisconsin survey May and June 1937 (Mermin)..........

Credit unions. Apartment residents' organization (Carl Mackley houses, Philadelphia).

- Findings of study by Princeton University, 1937...

Education concerning cooperatives. Federated associations in northern Wisconsin,
survey May-June 1937..

Aug. 312-15

Oct. 911-12

Dec. 1330

Sept. 551-3

Aug. 376
Aug. 373-6
Oct. 816-38
Oct. 819-29
Sept. 554-7
Sept. 541-60
Dec. 1327-44
Aug. 313
Sept. 609-12

Dec. 1334

Cooperation, United States-Continued.

Education Work of Chicago Cooperative Federation...

Educational and recreational activities, consumers' societies, Cleveland, Ohio..
Federations, northern Wisconsin. Kinds, organization, and operation, survey 1937.
Housing, 1936, data from B. L. S. general survey of cooperative societies.
Idaho. Emergency Relief Administration, self-help activities, 1934–36...

Ohio (Cleveland). Consumers' organizations, as of June 1937 (Wilke).
Oil-distributing associations, northern Wisconsin, survey May-June 1937.
Park association, Brule, Wis. Membership and activities....

Problems and sociological significance of movement, northern Wisconsin. Survey May-
June 1937.......

Publishing associations, northern Wisconsin. Survey May-June 1937..

Regional associations, Chicago area...

Store societies (5), northern Wisconsin. Operation, employment, and summary statis-
tics 1930-36..

Students' eating clubs, Chicago area.

Wage policies, Chicago area..

Wholesale regional associations, Chicago Area. Status, 1937-

Wholesale societies, northern Wisconsin. Survey May-June 1937..

Wisconsin, northern. Consumers' cooperatives, survey 1937 (Mermin)..

Cooperation, foreign countries:

Great Britain. Cooperative newspaper....

Cooperative Union, its work, departments, and congresses..

Retail and wholesale societies, operation and position in national economy..
Working conditions of employees......

Cost of living, United States:

California (5 cities). Money disbursements of wage earners and lower-salaried clerical
workers, B. L. S. study, 1934-35.


Oct. 837-8

Sept. 553-4

Dec. 1331-5

Nov. 1146-54

Sept. 620-3
Sept. 541-60

Dec. 1333-4
Dec. 1335

Dec. 1336-44

Dec. 1334-5
Oct. 832-8

Dec. 1328-30
Oct. 818-19

Oct. 830

Oct. 832-6

Dec. 1331-3

Dec. 1327-44

Oct. 916
Oct. 917

Oct. 913-17

Oct. 916

Sept. 663-75
Sept. 685-8; Dec. 1457-60

Indexes. Food and general expenditures, specified periods, March 1935-37, comparison
with foreign countries....

(1913 base), by items of expenditure, 32 cities combined, specified periods December
1914 to September 15, 1937..

Dec. 1455

(1923-25 base), by cities (32) and by items of expenditure, specified periods from
December 1914 to September 15, 1937..
Sept. 680-4; Dec. 1448-54
Nov. 1075

(1926 and 1932 bases), by items, 32 large cities combined, yearly 1926–37..
Percentage changes. By cities (32) and by item of expenditure, specified periods from
June 1920 to Sept. 15, 1937...

Sept. 676-80; Dec. 1444-8

19 cities, from December 1914, and 13 cities from December 1917, by item of expendi-
tures, to Scptember 15, 1937..

Philippine Islands. Manila and Provinces, compared, for family of five, 1936.----------
Cost of living, foreign countries:

Indexes. Food and general expenditures, specified periods March 1935 to September 1937,
for following countries: Australia (36 towns), Austria (Vienna), Belgium, Canada,
China (Shanghai), Czechoslovakia (Prague), Estonia (Tallinn), Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary (Budapest), India (Bombay), Irish Free State, Italy (Milan),
Netherlands (The Hague), New Zealand, Norway, Peru (Lima), South Africa, Sweden
Switzerland, United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Yugoslavia

Dec. 1456-7
Sept. 721-2

Sept. 685-8; Dec. 1457-60

Japan. Family budget survey, 1935-36

Latvia (Riga and 19 provincial cities). 1935, 1936, and January 1937.
Cotton Belt farm tenants. Migration of, and problem of relocation..

Sept. 689

July 207

Cotton-textile manufacturing:

Cotton garment and allied industries. Public contracts, minimum-wage determination is-
sued July 1937...

July 12

Sept. 695-6

Labor requirements, by departments, 1910 compared with 1936..

Labor turn-over. Monthly and annual rates, 1930-36...

Aug. 321-36

Occupational requirements to produce identical amounts of cloth, 1910 and 1936-

Monthly rates, April to September 1937...July 178; Aug. 408; Sept. 693; Oct. 939; Nov. 1183; Dec. 1464
Mechanical changes, 1910-36 (Stern)...

July 164-5

Aug. 316-41
Aug. 337-41

Decisions of courts, United States:

Picketing provisions of Wisconsin labor code upheld May 24, 1937 (U. S. Supreme Court).

Old-age pension provisions of Federal Social Security Act upheld May 24, 1937 (U. S.
Supreme Court).......

July 179, 182-4

July 187-91

Decisions of courts, United States-Continued.

Social security acts declared constitutional May 24, 1937, (U. S. Supreme Court).
Tipping practice, review of......

Unemployment insurance. Federal Social Security Act and Alabama law upheld May
24, 1937 (U. S. Supreme Court).----

July 179-87

Dec. 1315-18

July 179-82, 184-7

Workmen's compensation. Award for nervous break-down, District of Columbia (U. S.
Court of Appeals)..

Death by shot from robber held compensable (Indiana Appellate Court).__
Illness from draft from electric fan held compensable (New York Court of Appeals)...
Refusal of employee to undergo operation upheld (Massachusetts Supreme Judicial

Skin infection held compensable as industrial accident (Maine Supreme Judicial

State fund act upheld (Oklahoma Supreme Court)...

Tuberculosis contracted by meat-market clerk held compensable (appellate division,
New York Supreme Court)..

Decisions of courts, Australia. Minimum-wage increase, June 1937 (Commonwealth Court of
Conciliation and Arbitration)..

Sept. 645-6
Oct. 909-10
Nov. 1164-5

Oct. 908-9

Nov. 1163-4
Oct. 906-7

Nov. 1165-8

Sept. 697-9

Depression and recovery period. Labor, economic changes affecting, 1929-37 (Bowden)....... Nov. 1045-81
Discharge of workers. Factories (348 companies), survey by National Industrial Conference

Dismissal compensation:

July 67

Chile. Legislation of 1937, provisions.....

National Industrial Conference Board study, findings of...........

Domestic service, Sweden. Training courses, with and without State subsidy, review of
I. L. O. survey...

Drought area relief. Student aid, additional, granted by National Youth Administration...
Drought refugees. Exodus from Great Plains, 1935-37, and relocation problem...--

Economic conditions:

Depression and recovery period, 1929-37 (Bowden).
Industrial growth, New York City, since 1933....


Camps for young women, National Youth Administration..

Portugal. National Board established May 19, 1936.

Nov. 1115
Dec. 1355-60

Dec. 1415-19
Nov. 1112
July 11

Nov. 1045-81
Nov. 1129-30

Oct. 881

Nov. 1143-4

Workers. Retail salesmanship training.....

Oct. 892-4

Works Progress Administration program and student enrollment, March 1937...
Efficiency of workers. W. P. A., skilled (brick and stone masons, carpenters, and painters),
study made January 1937..

[blocks in formation]

Employable persons, proportion employed, Philadelphia, by year 1929-37-.
Employment agencies:

Denmark. Operation under law of March 1937..

Junior placement offices of National Youth Administration..

Sept. 606

Aug. 360

Oct. 882

United States Employment Service. Activities, May to October 1937.

[blocks in formation]

Federal Work Relief Act, June 29, 1937, provisions..
Latin-American countries (18). Legislation restricting..
Employment opportunities. Construction work in railroad grade-crossing elimination, man-
hours of labor created..

Sept. 641
July 114-24

Employment plans. Public works, I. L. O. discussions-conferences of 1935, 1936, 1937..
Employment prospects. Mineral industry in future, as affected by mechanization......
Employment provided. Rail transportation of construction materials, labor requirements..
Employment statistics, United States:

Building construction. Private industry, May to October 1937..

Sept. 581-2
Sept. 596-602
July 124-6
Oct. 846-53

July 218, 225;

Aug. 464, 472; Sept. 735, 743; Oct. 986, 993; Nov. 1244, 1251; Dec. 1538, 1545
Cities (500,000 population or over). Industrial and business employment and pay rolls
(except building construction), April to September 1937..

July 231;

Aug. 478-9; Sept. 749; Oct. 1000; Nov. 1257


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