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Men shal rejoysen of a grete empryse

Acheved wel.

Troylus and Cryseyde.

In arte of love I write, and songes make, That may be song in honour of the Kyng And Quene of Love; and than I undertake, He that is sadde shall than fulle mery synge! Lord Bacon, 1561. Lord Byron, 1788. The Court of Love.

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January 23.

Allas, what harme doth apparence,

Whan hit is fals in existence ! ·

Hyt is not al golde that glareth.

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For, al-so browke I wel myn hede,
Ther may be under godelyhede
Kevered many a shrewde vice.

January 24.

The House of Fame.

That the is sent, receyve in buxhumnesse;
The wrestlyng for the worlde axeth a fal.
Here is non home, here nys but wyldernesse.

Forthe, pylgryme, forthe! forthe, beste, out of thi stal!
Knowe thi contre, loke up, thonk God of al.
Holde the heye weye, and lat thi gost the lede,

And trouthe shal delyvere, it is no drede.

Good Counseil of Chaucer.

January 23.

January 24.

No nede was hym biseche

To honouren them that hadde worthynesse,
And esen hem that weren in distresse.

Robert Boyle, 1627.

Troylus and Cryseyde.

January 26.

In holy writ ye may your self wel rede,
Ayens an old man, hoor upon his hede,
Ye schold arise: wherefor I yow rede,
Ne doth unto an old man more harm now,
Namore than ye wolde men dede to yow
In age, if that ye may so long abyde.

January 27.

The Pardoneres Tale.

Ful ofte,

Nexte the foule netle, rough and thikke,
The rose waxeth, swote and smothe, and softe;
And next the valay is the hille olofte,

And nexte the derke nyght the glade morwe,
And also joye is next the fyn of sorwe.

Troylus and Cryseyde.

January 26.

January 27.

Be war, for no man woot how God wol smyte
In no degré, ne in which maner wise
The worm of conscience wol arise

Of wickid lyf, though it so pryvé be,
That no man woot of it but God and he.

The Tale of the Doctor of Phisic.

January 29.

Alle thynge hath tyme, I dar avowe:
For when a chaumbre afire is, or an halle,
Wel more nede is it sodenly rescowe,
Than to disputen and axe amonges alle,
How is this candele in the straw ifalle?
A benedicite! for al amonge that fare,
The harme is don, and farewel feldefare.

January 30.

Troylus and Cryseyde.

The wise seith, Wo hym that is allone,

For, and he falle, he hath non helpe him to ryse.

Troylus and Cryseyde.

Of fortunes scharp adversité,

The worste kynde of infortune is this,

A man to han ben in prosperité,
And it remembren, when it passéd is.


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