The reason firm, the temperate will, Poems of Imagination. Queen Elizabeth, 1533. Earl of Leicester, 1533. September 8. Even such a shell the Universe itself Ariosto, 1474. September 9. I have felt The Excursion. A presence that disturbs me with the joy Archbishop Trench, 1807. Often would he leave his home And journey far, revisiting the scenes That to his memory were most endeared. Vigorous in health, of hopeful spirits, undamped By worldly-mindedness or anxious care; Observant, studious, thoughtful, and refreshed By knowledge gathered up from day to day; Thus had he lived a long and innocent life. Mungo Park, 1771. September 11. The Excursion. While yet a child, and long before his time, While yet a child, with a child's eagerness On all things which the moving seasons brought. James Thomson, 1700. September 12. The food of Hope The Excursion. Is meditated action; robbed of this, The Excursion. |