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Jung 5.

June 6.

Sir Plume of amber snuff-box justly vain,
And the nice conduct of a clouded cane.

Rape of the Lock.

Jung 8.

A verier monster than on Afric's shore

The sun e'er got, or slimy Nilus bore,

Or Sloane or Woodward's wondrous shelves contain, Nay, all that lying travellers can feign.

Cagliostro, 1743.

June 9.


You too proceed! make falling arts your care,
Erect new wonders, and the old repair;
Bid the broad arch the dangerous flood contain,
The mole projected break the roaring main;
These honours peace to happy Britain brings,
These are imperial works, and worthy kings.
Moral Essays.

George Stephenson, 1781.

Jung 8.

Jung 9.

Oh! be thou blest with all that Heaven can send, Long health, long youth, long pleasure, and a friend! Not with those toys the female world admire,

Riches that vex, and vanities that tire.

June 11.

To Martha Blount.

A vile encomium doubly ridicules;
There's nothing blackens like the ink of fools.
If true, a woeful likeness; and if lies,
"Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise."

June 12.

Imitations of Horace.

Be one poet's praise,

That if he pleased, he pleased by manly ways;
That flattery, even to kings, he held a shame,
And thought a lie in verse or prose the same.

Epistle to Arbuthnot.

C. Kingsley, 1819. Harriet Martineau, 1802.

Jung 11.

June 12.

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