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ORR, ALEXANDER E.-Remarks on the death of JAMES M. BROWN, page
20. On the death of the Hon. WILLIAM WINDOM, Secretary of the
Treasury, page 84.

PHELPS, Hon. WILLIAM WALTER-Communication of, page 60.

PORTER, General HORACE.-Address on the death of General WILLIAM T.
SHERMAN, page 93.

President of the United States.-Communications of, pages 27, 59.

Rapid Transit Facilities, pages 72, 116.

REED, Hon. TпомAS B., Speaker of the House of Representatives. — Communi-
cation of, page 27.

Re-Incorporation of the Chamber of Commerce, Act of, page 156.

Revenue Cutter Service.-Proposed transfer from the Treasury to the Navy
Department, page 6.

RHOADES, J. HARSEN.-Address on the death of JACKSON S. SCHULTZ,
page 110.

ROBERTS, Hon. ELLIS H.-Address on the death of JACKSON S. SCHULTZ,
page 104.

ROBERTSON, Hon. WILLIAM H.-Communication of, page 120.

Sailors' Hotels or Boarding Houses, Commissioners for Licensing, pages 32, 64,


ST. JOHN, WILLIAM P.-Remarks on the death of the Hon. WILLIAM
WINDOM, Secretary of the Treasury, page 85.

School, Nautical, Report of the Sixteenth Annual Examination of the, pages
30, 61.

SCHULTZ, JACKSON S.-Death of, page 102.

Mrs. MARY F.-Communication of, page 120.

SCHURZ, Hon. CARL.-Speech at the Annual Banquet of the Chamber,
page 49. Address on the death of General WILLIAM T. SHERMAN,
page 91.

SHERMAN, Hon. JoпN.-Election as an Honorary Member of the Chamber,
page 112. Communication of, page 118.

SHERMAN, Rev. THOMAS E.-Communication of, page 118.

SHERMAN, General WILLIAM T.-Speech at the Annual Banquet of the
Chamber, page 58. Death of, page 89. Committee to represent the
Chamber at the Funeral of, page 99.

Shipping and Tonnage Bill, page 71.

Shipping Commissioners, Law, page 31.

Silver Legislation pending in Congress, pages 2, 72, 76, 80, 81, 88, 112.
SIMMONS, J. EDWARD.-Remarks on the death of the Hon. WILLIAM
WINDOM, Secretary of the Treasury, page 84. Resolutions offered by,
on the death of General WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, page 91.

SMITH, CHARLES S., President of the Chamber.-Remarks at the Annual
Meeting, page 11. Speech at the Annual Banquet, page 34. Remarks
on the death of the Hon. WILLIAM WINDOM, Secretary of the Treasury,
page 83. On the death of General WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, page 90.
On the death of JACKSON S. SCHULTZ, page 102.

SNOW, AMBROSE.-Remarks on the death of the Hon. WILLIAM WINDOM,
Secretary of the Treasury, page 85.

SPAULDING, HENRY F.-Resolutions offered by, on the death of JAMES M.
BROWN, page 20.

page 102.

STRACHAN, W. M.-Communications of, pages 29, 70.

STRANAHAN, JAMES S. T.-Remarks on the death of JAMES M. Brown,
page 24.

Tariff Bill, McKINLEY, pages 18, 19.

Tax Bills pending in the Legislature of the State, page 116.

TORREY Bankrupt Bill, page 88.

Treasurer's Accounts, page 9. Special Committee to audit the, page 117.

Treaties existing with Japan.-Revision of, page 30.

TUPPER, SAMUEL Y.-Communication of, page 88.

WATROUS, CHARLES.—Remarks on the death of the Hon. WILLIAM WIN-
DOM, Secretary of the Treasury, page 86.

WHARTON, Hon. WILLIAM F., Assistant Secretary of State.-Communication
of, page 69.

WIENER, LUDWIG, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Cape Town,
S. A., page 27.

WILSON, RICHARD T.-Resolution offered by, on the death of the Hon.
WILLIAM WINDOM, Secretary of the Treasury, page 83.

WINDOM, Hon. WILLIAM, Secretary of the Treasury.-Communications of,
page 72. Interconvertible Bond Scheme of, pages 72, 73, 81. Death of,
page 83.

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WE herewith submit the Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York for the consideration of its members. In its preparation the usual methods have been followed. Divided into two parts, the first contains the Proceedings of the Chamber during the official year which closed May 1, 1891, being the one hundred and twenty-second since its institution in 1768, together with the Charter and By Laws and its Roll of Membership, which now reaches one thousand. The second part is wholly given up to the various reports of staple trades of export and import, and the usual financial and economic tables. Attention is again called to the character of these tables, which present a progressive view of the march of our National, State and City commerce and trade, selected from the authorized reports of the several bureaux, and stated in the form which has been adhered to in these reports for a long period of years.

The year through which we have lately passed has been one of intense interest, and in many ways of a painful and dramatic character. The deaths of the last of the great military and naval heroes of the civil war in quick succession, and within the same short space the still more sudden taking away of the respected Secretary of the Treasury, in the discharge of what may be termed an ex-officio duty, (the development of his financial schemes,) have been to us startling in their nearness; and within the ranks of our own membership we have to mourn the loss of one who has presided over our deliberations, and of another who had no superior in the strength of his intellect or the

resolution of his character. Of these, more fitting notice may be found in our own death record.

On the other hand, the Chamber has placed upon its roll of honor the names of the Hon. JOHN SHERMAN, in recognition of his long devotion to the cause of a sound financial system, and the Hon. GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS, in gratitude for his many graceful services on public occasions in which the Chamber has been concerned.

Our Chamber has grown to be a large body, and in various ways has risen into national prominence. In its wide ranks are men of conflicting political opinions, of different ideas as to economic policies, whether of revenue or finance. Fortunately for our harmony, the Chamber holds fast to its old practice of non-interference with matters purely political and governmental, and in its discussions on economic questions, favors the freedom of opinion and expression. To this and to this only it owes its commanding influence. Narrow majorities only show a division of opinion, and are of little weight, but when on subjects of either National, State or City legislation, its well considered judgment is of common accord, its power is unquestionable, and its influence has often determined and will often determine legislation.

The coming year promises to be one of tentative experiment. The commerce of the nation has entered upon new conditions, and it behooves us to watch its direction and note its progress. There is more logic to be learned from facts than from theories.

International Relations.-In October, the subject of the Maritime Canal of Nicaragua was brought before the Chamber, and a report submitted from the authorities of the Company with regard to the probable tariff and tonnage. The report was referred to the Committee on Foreign Commerce and the Revenue Laws, which later expressed their opinion of the value of the document, but recommended no specific endorsement by the Chamber.

In November, the subject of the existing treaties between the United States and Japan was considered, and especially the rumor, that among other provisions it was proposed to


relinquish the territorial rights now existing by which foreigners now resident in Japan are subject to the laws of their own country." The Chamber unanimously resolved, that such relinquishment would imperil the interests of American citizens resident in the Treaty Ports of Japan, and protested against such action as inexpedient and unwise. It is proper to add that the foreign residents in Japan are a unit in this opinion.

National Relations.-The chief subjects of consideration in our National Legislation have been those which have agitated the country during the last session of Congress, and upon which it is not surprising to find that our members, who belong to both political parties, are not in perfect accord.

Our last report stated the opinions of the majority of the Committee on Finance and Currency on the pending silver legislation; at the May meeting, Mr. ST. JOHN submitted a minority report, which is of interest for the information it contains, but did not receive the consideration of the Chamber. In January, the Standing Committee on Finance and Currency, of which Mr. GEORGE S. COE is Chairman, reported adversely to the PLUMB amendment to the Senate Bill, proposing the cancellation of all existing national bank notes, legal tender notes, and gold and silver certificates, and the issue of one uniform description of legal tender notes, receivable for customs and all public and private dues, based upon a redemption fund to be held in the Treasury of twenty per cent. in gold and twenty per cent. in silver; this, combined with an authorization of free coinage of gold and silver. In the opinion of the Committee, the free coinage of silver without the concurrence of foreign nations was held to be dangerous, and at best not at present to be considered. Mr. ST. JOHN presented a minority report favoring such legislation, but the Chamber supported the opinions of their Committee, and afterwards, alarmed at the condition of legislation on the subject, appointed a Committee to proceed to Washington, and protest in behalf of the business interests of

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