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which shall be sent by the secretary to each member; but special meetings of the members shall be called by the board of direetors at any time, and shall likewise be called by the president, at the request, in writing, of fifteen members; one week's notice of such meeting shall be previously published in at least two newspapers, of the city of Pittsburg, by the secretary, as afore

said. Membership Section 10. That every original subscriber shall be a member;

but no transfer of stock shall confer the right of membership upon the transferree, or entitle him to vote at any meeting or election of said company, except such transfer shall be approved by the board of directors, in such manner as the by-laws shall

provide. Reeerration. Section 11. That the legislature reserve the right to alter or

revoke this charter, whenever its continuance shall become injurious to the interests of the public ; in such manner, however,

as no injustice shall be done to the stockholders. May be trans- Section 12. If at any time, within three years from the passferred to city of age of this act, the select and common councils of the city of Pisteburg

Pittsburg, by ordinance, duly recorded, shall provide for the payment to the said association, for the use of the stockholders thereof, the full amount which said association shall have paid or agreed to pay for said grounds and the improvements thereon, together with six per cent. interest thereon, and all necessary expenses incurred in the organization of said association and in the conduct of their business, then and in that case the said association shall surrender, transfer and make over to the city of Pittsburg, all their right, title and interest in and to the said grounds and improvements thereon, and other property of whatsoever kind, belonging to said association, for the use and free enjoyment forever of the inhabitants of said city; and after said surrender and transfer, all the rights, powers and privileges granted to said park association by the provisions of this act, shall vest in the city of Pittsburg; and it shall be the duty of the select and common councils of said city to establish all sueb rules and regulations, and pass such ordinances as may be necessary for carrying out the objeets of this bill, which are hereby declared to be to secure forever to the inhabitants of said city of Pittsburg, ornamented squares, parks and public grounds for the recreation, lawful amusement and promotion of the health of said inhabitants.

W. C. A. LAWRENCE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JNO. CRESSWELL, JR.,

Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The thirty-first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


No. 677.


To change the name of the Denuska Gas Company, of Allentown, Lehigh

county, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the name, style and title of the Denuska gas company, of Allen- Titlo changed. town, Lehigh county, be and the same is hereby changed to the Alen gas company, of Allentown, and shall have privilege, whenever it may be deemed expedient, to increase its capital stock to the sum of sixty thousand dollars, or, in lieu of said increase of capital, to borrow money, to an amount not exceeding the amount said capital stock may be increased.

Section 2. The said company shall have privilege and authori- May extend ty to lay gas mains and pipes beyond the limits of the borough works of Allentown, and supply with gas light such individuals, corporations or companies as may desire the same, with all the powers, privileges and authorities it had under the former name, and be subject to all the restrictions and liabilities to which the said corporation was subject to under the same.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The thirty-first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and 6fty.pine.


No. 678.


To incorporate the Towanda Water Company. SECTION 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Represen. tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That G. F. Mason, John Laporte, J. D. Montayne, Charles Wells and corporators. Jesse Spaulding, and their successors, associates and assigns, be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic,


Purposes and powers.

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Real estate.

Capital stock.



by the name, style and title of the Towanda water company, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a canal, from the pool of the Towanda dam, down to the west side of the Susquehanna river, not to exceed one mile, and to use the same as a water power; and the same corporation, by the same name, shall have perpetual succession, and is hereby declared and made capable in law, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at pleasure, to make rules and by-laws for the regglation and management of the said corporation, consistent with the laws of the United States and this commonwealth, and geoerally to do and execute, for the well being of said company, whatever shall lawfully pertain to such bodies politic.

Section 2. That the said company shall have ihe right to hold, either by purchase or lease, not exceeding fifty acres of land at any one time, the whole to be within the county of Bradford, in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the same or any part thereof to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of, as the interests of the company may require.

Section 3. That the capital stock of the said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, and be divided into one thousand shares of fifty dollars each, with the right to increase the capital from time to time, to one hundred thousand dollars.

Section 4. That the officers of said company shall be managed by five directors, to be chosen annually by the stockholders of said company, the first election for which shall be held at Towanda, at such time as the said Gordon F. Mason, Joha Laporte, J. D. Montayne, Charles Wells and Jesse Spaulding, or a majority of them, shall appoint, giving at least ten days' notice in a newspaper at Towanda, and the subsequent elections shall be held annually, as the by-laws shall direct, and at all elections each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote : Provided, That in a failure to hold an election, the former directors may continue in office until new ones are elected.

Section 5. That the directors shall, as soon as convenient after their election, choose one of their members to act as president, to serve one year or until another is elected; they shall also have power to appoint, as may require, all other officers and agents of the company, and to supply vacancies in the board, arising from death, resignation or otherwise; at all meetings of the board, a majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6. That the said Towanda water company shall have authority to borrow any sum or sums of money, not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, in bonds secured by the mortgage of the whole, or any part of the property belonging to the company, and the corporate privileges thereto belonging, upon such interest as shall be agreed upon; and the said company are authorized to sell and dispose of the said bonds at such rates, above or below par, as may be agreed upon between the parties, and such sale shall be as valid as if sold at par: Provided, That no bond shall be issued by said company for a less sum than one hundred dollars.

Section 7. That it shall and may be lawful for said 'Towanda water company, by its officers or agents, to coniract and


Officers, agents, &o.


May borror money


Contracts with owners of land, relative to.

water of North

agree with the owner or owners of any lands or tenements, for
the purchase of so much thereof as shall be necessary for the
purpose of making, digging and perfecting the said canal and
water power, and erecting and establishing all necessary locks,
works, buildings and devices to such canal and water power.

SECTION 8. That the said Towanda water company shall have May purchase power to purchase from the North Branch canal company, or

Branch canal
their assigns, all the surplus water at the Towanda dam not company
used for their canal: Provided, That it be so used that it shall Proviso.
not at any time impede or interrupt the navigation of the North
Branch canal, and the same or any part thereof to use, sell,
lease or otherwise dispose of, as the interest of the company
may require.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.
APPROVED— The thirty-first day of March, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


No. 679.


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Supplementary to the several acts heretofore passed, relative to the Dau

phin and Susquehanna Coal Company. Whereas, By virtue of proceedings under a certain mortgage, Preamble. given by the Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, the railroad of the said Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, from its terminus at Rockville, to its intersection with the Reading railroad at Auburn, together with its appurtenances, and all the mines, tracts of land, and other property of the said company, have been or may be sold at public sale under the said proceedings; therefore,

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the person or persons for and on whose account the railroad, Corporators. mines, tracts of land and property of the Dauphin and Susque. hanna coal company, have been or may be purchased, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, under the name and style of the Schuylkill and style. Susquehanna railroad company, with the rights, powers, privi. Powers. leges, iminunities, franchises and appurtenances heretofore granted to or conferred upon the said Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, by any act or acts of assembly whatsoever, and

subject to all the restrictions now imposed on said company by virtue of any such act or acts, except so far as such rights,

powers, franchises or restrictions are increased or modified Capital.

hereby; the capital of the said company to be one million fire hundred thousard dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dol

lars each ; with full power and authority, on the part of said May borrow mo. company, to borrow such sums of money, not exceeding one ney and issue million of dollars, at such rates of interest, not exceeding ten bonds..

per centum per annum, and issue the bonds of the company in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, and mortgage the corporate franchises and estate, real or personal, or any part

thereof of said company, to secure the same. When and where Section 2. That the persons who are or may become parpurchasers to chasers and owners of said road, estate and property, sold or to meet.

be sold under the said proceedings, shall meet in the city of Philadelphia, within fifteen days after they shall have received the conveyance for the said property and premises, due notice thereof having been given five days previously, in two daily

papers published in the city of Philadelphia, and elect a presi. Blection of presi- dent and six managers, who shall continue in office until the dent and mana- first Monday in May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred gers.

and sixty, when, and annually thereafter, on the same day, an election of president and six managers, to serve for one year, shall be held as prescribed in the several acts relating to the said

Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, which were in force Proviko. at the time of the said sale: Provided, That the purchasers of

said railroad and property of the Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company hereby incorporated, shall be liable to pay all debts contracted by the said the Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, for materials furnished, and all claims of workmen for work and labor done in the construction and repair of said railroad.

W. C. A. LAWRENCE, Speaker of the House of Representatires. JNO. CRESSWELL, JR.,

Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.


No. 680.


To incorporate the Eastern Iron Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen. tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That

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