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Acontius-A youth of Cea, who gained Cydippe to wife by writing verses on apples. Admetus-King of Phere, who had his flocks tended for nine years by Apollo. Adonis-Son of Amyras, by his daughter Myrrha; was the favourite of Venus, and the type of beauty. Egerie-The nymph who inspired Numa.

Egina-Daughter of Asopus, and favourite of Jupiter. Eneas-Son of Anchises and Venus. Eolus-The god of the winds. Agdistes-Name of each one's guardian genius.

Alcides-A title of Hercules. Alcmena-Daughter of Electryon, king of Argos, and wife of Amphitryon.

Alexander-The Great.

Amaranthus and Amintas-Lovers

turned into flowers.


is a name for Sir P. Sidney. Antiopa-Daughter of Nycleus, king of Thebes, beloved by Jupiter.

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that it was supposed the heavens rested on its top.

Aurora-The goddess of the morning.


Bellona-The goddess of war.
Biblis-A woman who became ena-

moured of her brother, and when he refused to gratify her passion, destroyed herself. Bisaltis A patronymic of Theophane, by whom Neptune had the golden ram.

Cadmus-Inventor of letters, and founder of Thebes. Camilla-Queen of the Volsci, educated in the woods, and famous for her warlike courage. Celano-One of the Harpies. Centaurs-A people of Thessaly,

half man and half horse. Cephisus-A river god, father of Narcissus, confounded by Spenser with his son.

Ceres-The goddess of agriculture. Climene-Mother of Phaethon, by Apollo.

Clio-The first of the Muses, daugh

ter of Jupiter. She presided
over history.

Cnidus-A promontory of Doris in
Caria, sacred to Venus.
Cocytus-A river of Epirus, and from

its proximity to the river Acheron, called by poets a river of hell. Coronis-Daughter of Phlegias, loved by Apollo. Cynthia-The moon. Cytheron Hill-In Boeotia, sacred to Jupiter and the Muses.

Danae-Daughter of Acrisius, king

of Argos, of whom Jupiter was enamoured.

Daphne-A daughter of the river Peneus, by the goddess Terra, of whom Phoebus became enamoured.

Delos, Isle of-One of the Cyclades, at the north of Naxos, which made its sudden appearance on the surface of the sea by the power of Neptune. Deucalion-A son of Prometheus,

who reigned over part of Thessaly, and outlived the great flood-supposed an alias of


Diana-The goddess of hunting. Dioclesian-A Roman emperor.

Enceladus-A giant destroyed by Bellona.

Erebus-An infernal deity, son of Chaos and Nox; also a river of hell. Erigone-A daughter of Icarius, who hung herself on hearing of her father's death being caused by shepherds he had intoxicated; beloved, Spenser says, by Saturn, who became a Centaur to gain her. Europa-Daughter of Agenor, sister of Cadmus, beloved by Jove, who changed himself into a white bull to gain her; gave her name to Europe.

Flora-The goddess of flowers.

Hector-Son of Priam, bulwark of Troy.

Heliconian Maids-The Muses. Helle-Sister to Phryxus, who was

carried through the air on a golden ram, and fell into that

part of the sea called after her Hellespont. Hemus-A mountain which separates Thrace from Thessaly. Hercules-Son of Jupiter and Alcmena, famous for his strength and twelve labours.

Herebus-Erebus, or hell. Hesperus-The evening star. Hyacinthus-Son of Diomede, and greatly beloved by Apollo ; changed into a flower. Hylas-Son of the king of Mysia, and greatly beloved by Hercules. Hypsiphil-An ancient heroine and female conqueror.

Ida-A celebrated mountain in the

neighbourhood of Troy. Idaan Ladies-The three goddesses -Juno, Minerva, and Venuswho contended on Ida for the golden apple.

Inachus-Son of Oceanus and

Tethys; founder of the royal race of Argolis; father of Io. Iphimedia-A daughter of Triopas, who married the giant Alous. Iris-One of the Oceanides, messenger of the gods, and particularly of Juno; name for the rainbow.

Isse-A daughter of Macareus, to whom Apollo was attached.

Jason-Son of Alcimedes, who married Medea, daughter of the king of Colchis. Jove-Son of Saturn; father of gods

and men. Juno-Daughter of Saturn and Ops, and sister to Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, &c.

Laomedon-Son of Ilus, king of Troy, who, with the assistance

of Apollo and Neptune, built the walls of Troy; famous as a breeder of horses. Lapithees-The grandchildren of Lapithus, who quarrelled with the Centaurs at a festival. Latium-An old kingdom in Italy. Latona-A daughter of Cous the Titan, who granted favours to Jupiter. Leda-Wife of Tyndarus, king of

Sparta, who was deceived by Jupiter coming to her embrace in the form of a swan. Liagore-One of the daughters of Nereus; mother of Pæon by Apollo.

Lyaus-A name of Bacchus.

Mars-The god of war.

Medusa-One of the three Gorgons, remarkable for the beauty of her locks.

Mnemosyne-Mother of the nine
Muses, by Jupiter.
Mulciber-A name of Vulcan, the
god of fire.

Narcissus-A beautiful youth of Thespis, who saw his image reflected in a fountain, and finding his efforts to gain it fruitless, killed himself. Neptune-The god of the sea. Ninus-The warlike son of Belos, who founded the Assyrian monarchy. Numa-The wise lawgiver, king of Rome.

Enone-A nymph of Mount Ida, deceived by Paris.

Olympus-The residence of the gods, and the court of Jupiter.

Orcus-A name of the god of hell. Orsilochus-A Trojan killed by Ca

milla in the Rutunan wars. Ossa-A lofty mountain of Thessaly, once the residence of the Centaurs.

Paon-A physician who cured the wounds the gods received in the Trojan war. Panope-One of the Nereides. Paphos The famous island of Venus.

Paris-Son of Priam, and seducer of Helen. Parnassus-A mountain in Phocis, famous for a temple of Apollo, and for being a favourite residence of the Muses. Pasiphae-Wife of Minos, king of

Crete, who disgraced herself by her unnatural passion for a bull. Pegasus-A winged horse belonging to Apollo and the Muses. Penthesilee-Queen of the Amazons, who was killed by Achilles when assisting Priam. Phao-Mistress

to one of the

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Typhoeus-A giant who had a hun

dred heads like those of a serpent or a dragon.

Venus-Daughter of Jove, wedded to Vulcan; goddess of love, beauty, &c.

Xanthus-A river of Troas, in Asia Minor.

Zephyrus-Son of Eolus and Aurora; the west wind. Zeuxis-A Grecian painter, who flourished 397 B. C.


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