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his dominions ;" and my lord Herbert tells us, that De Luines the prime minifter of France, when he was embaffador there, demanded, whether Bohemia was an inland country, or lay 66 upon the fea?"There is a fimilar mistake in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, relative to that city and Milan. FARMER.

The Winter's Tale may be ranked among the hiftoric plays of Shakspeare, though not one of his numerous criticks and commentators have difcovered the drift of it. It was certainly intended (in compliment to queen Elizabeth) as an indire& apology for her mother Anne Boleyn. The addrefs of the poet appears no where to more advantage. The subject was too delicate to be exhibited on the ftage without a veil; and it was too recent, and touched the queen too nearly, for the bard to have ventured fo home an allufion on any other ground than compliment. The unreafonable jealoufy of Leontes, and his violent conduct in confequence, form a true portrait of Henry the Eighth, who generally made the law the engine of his boisterous paffions. Not only the general plan of the story is most applicable, but feveral paffages are fo marked, that they touch the real history nearer than the fable. Hermione on her trial fays:

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for honour,

'Tis a derivative from me to mine, "And only that I stand for."

This seems to be taken from the very letter of Anne Boleyn to the king before her execution, where fhe pleads for the infant princefs his daughter. Mamillius, the young prince, an unneceffary character, dies in his infancy; but it confirms the allufion, as queen Anne, before Elizabeth, bore a ftill-born fon. But the moft ftriking paffage, and which had nothing to do in the tragedy, but as it pi&ured Elizabeth, is, where Paulina, defcribing the newborn princess, and her likeness to her father, fays: "She has the very trick of his frown." There is one fentence indeed fo applicable, both to Elizabeth aud her father, that I fhould fufpe& the poet inferted it after her death. Paulina, fpeaking of the child, tells the king:

'Tis yours;

"And might we lay the old proverb to your charge,

"So like you, 'tis the worse.".

The Winter's Tale was therefore in reality a fecond part of Henry the Eighth. WALPOLE.

Leontes, King of Sicilia:

Mamillius, his fon.





Sicilian Lords.

Another Sicilian Lord.

Rogero, a Sicilian Gentleman.

An attendant on the young Prince Mamillius.
Officers of a Court of Judicature.
Polixenes, King of Bohemia:

Florizel, his fon.

Archidamus, a Bohemian Lord.
A Mariner.


An old Shepherd, reputed Father of Perdita :
Clown, his Son.

Servant to the old Shepherd.

Autolycus, a Rogue.
Time, as Chorus.

Hermione, Queen to Leontes.

Perdita, Daughter to Leontes and Hermione.

Paulina, Wife to Antigonus.

Emilia, a Lady, attending the Queen.

Two other Ladies,



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} Shepherdeffes.

Lords, Ladies, and Attendants; Satyrs for a dance; Shepherds, Shepherdeffes, Guards, &c.

SCENE, fometimes in Sicilia, fometimes in Bohemia.

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Clo. Iwould, you did but see how it chafes, how it rages,

how it takes up the shore: but thats not to the point: Oh the most
piteous cry of the poor souls: sometimes to see 'em, and not to see em:
now the ship boring the moon with her main-mast; and anon
swallow'il with yest and froth, as you'd thrust a cork into a hogshead
And then for the land service. To see how the bear tore out

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Sicilia. An Antechamber in Leontes' Palace.


ARCH. If you fhall chance, Camillo, to vifit Bohemia, on the like occafion whereon my fervices are now on foot, you fhall fee, as I have said, great difference betwixt our Bohemia, and your Sicilia.

CAM. I think, this coming fummer, the king of Sicilia means to pay Bohemia the vifitation which he juftly owes him.


ARCH. Wherein our entertainment fhall fhame us, we will be justified in our loves: for, indeed,→ CAM. 'Befeech you,

ARCH. Verily, I fpeak it in the freedom of my knowledge we cannot with fuch magnificencein so rare-I know not what to fay.--We will give you fleepy drinks; that your fenfes, unintelligent of our infufficience, may, though they cannot praife us, as little accufe us.

CAм. You pay a great deal too dear, for what's given freely.


our entertainment, &c.] Though we cannot give you equal entertainment, yet the confcioufnefs of our good-will fhall justify us. JOHNSON.

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