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Security to be given. How chosen



curity, to be approved in the same manner as township constables now give.

SECTION 2. The qualified electors of the borough of Lewisberry, in the county of York, shall at the same time and place they elect their borough officers, elect two respectable citizens of said borough, and return the names of the persons so elected to the next court of Quarter Sessions, of the said county, one of whom shall be appointed by the court to serve as constable in the same manner with like power and authority, and subject to the same regulations, penalties, and give like security as are provided and contained in the laws now existing, or that may hereafter be enacted, concerning constables within this Commonwealth, and shall serve and execute all manner of process which may by law be directed to and served by township constables with like effect, and shall receive for the execution of process such fees as township constables now by law are enti tled to receive, and the constable so appointed shall do and perform all the duties required to be done by the high constable of said borough, in pursuance of the act of incorporation and of the by-laws and ordinances, and the election for officers of said borough is hereby changed after the next election is over, to the third Friday in March, in each and every year thereafter.

Election changed. SECTION 3. Hereafter the qualified voters of the borough of Marcus elect Marcus Hook, in Delaware county, shall elect four citizens, 4 citizens for who shall be the town council of said borough; the high contown council. stable of said borough shall hereafter possess like powers and

High const.

his powers.

authority, and be subject to the same regulations and penalties as are provided by the existing laws of the Commonwealth, relating to township constables, and so much of the act to incorporate sundry boroughs and for other purposes, passed the eighth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, as is hereby altered, be and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini, eigh

teen hundred and thirty-four..


No. 209.


To the act entitled, An act for the promotion of Agriculture and Domestic

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the act entitled, "An act for the promotion of Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures," passed the sixth day of Act extended March one thousand eight hundred and twenty, is hereby 7 years. extended for the further term of seven years from and after the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, so far as relates to the county of Huntingdon.

SECTION 2. The society for the promotion of agriculture and May elect 10 domestic manufactures formed in the county of Huntingdon un- directors in der the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, may addition. hereafter elect ten directors in addition to the number now authorized by the second section of said act.

SECTION 3. The agricultural society of Huntingdon county

which has been organized or may hereafter be organized con- County to formably to the act entitled, "An act for the promotion of ag- pay to the riculture and domestic manufactures," passed the sixth day of society ann'y March one thousand eight hundred and twenty, shall be and it for 3 years is hereby authorized and empowered to receive annually from $100. the county treasurer of said county out of the monies derived from the county taxes, the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid on warrants drawn by the president of said society in favor of the treasurer thereof, on the county treasurer, for and during the term of three years to commence on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, which sum shall be expended by said society according to the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement: Provided, That the county Proviso. commissioners of said county or a majority of them, shall before any payment shall be made as aforesaid express their assent in writing thereto, and communicate the same to the president of said society.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

APPROVED-The fifteenth day eighteen hundred and thirty-four.

Speaker of the Senate.
of April, Anno Domini,


No. 210.


To incorporate the Firemen's Insurance Company of the city of Pitts burg and vicinity.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That John Arthurs, Thomas Bakewell, George R. White, Commiss'rs. George W. Jackson, William Eichbaum, S. B. McKenzie, John B. McFadden, Samuel Roseburg, John Morrison, John D. Davis, Christian Anshultz, Benjamin Darlington, Peter Baird, H. Davis, Robert A. Campbell, Thomas Sample, John Hays, James Blakely, John H. Ralston, S. B. Darlington, Samuel Church, Mark Lowrie, Reuben Miller, Junior, Thomas Scott, Frederick Bausman, James Patterson, are hereby appointed commissioners for receiving subscriptions to the stock of a company to be called "The Firemen's Insurance Company," and shall open a book for that purpose in the city of Pittsburg, at a time and place by them to be appointed, of which they shall Public notice. give not less than two weeks notice in at least two newspapers of the said city; and the said book shall be kept open for two days, between the hours of ten and two o'clock on the day ap pointed, and until the number of ten thousand shares at twentyfive dollars for each share shall be subscribed, after which the books shall be closed, and all persons of lawful age, being Firemen belonging to any of the duly organized fire engine, hose, property, axe and hook and ladder companies of the city of Pinsburg and its vicinity, or the widows or orphans of any of the deceased members, shall have the exclusive privilege to subscribe to the said stock on the three first days on which the said books shall be opened; but if the whole stock shall not be subscribed on the said three first days,the commissioners shall thereafter permit any person or persons, company or corporation, to subscribe for any number of shares remaining: Provided, That the sum of five dollars on each and every share so subscribed, shall be paid at the time of subscribing for such share or shares.

Privilege to subscribe.


SECTION 2. When the whole number of shares in the capiWhen com'rs tal stock as aforesaid shall have been subscribed, the said com. shall certify to Governor. missioners, or a majority of them, shall certify to the Govern. or, under their hands and seals, the names of the subscribers and the number of shares by them subscribed respectively, and the Governor shall thereupon, by letters patent under his hand and the seal of the State, erect and create the subscribers into Style of one body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, corporation. Style and tide of "The Firemen's Insurance Company;" by

which name the said subscribers shall have perpetual succes- Powers and sion, and shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and be im- habilities. pleaded in all courts of record and elsewhere,and to purchase, receive, have, hold and enjoy, to them and their successors, lands, tenements hereditaments, goods, chattels, rights and credits, stocks and securities, of what nature, quality or kind soever, and the same from time to time to sell, demise, grant, alien and dispose of: Provided, That the said company shall only Proviso. hold such real estate as shall be necessary for its accommodation in the transaction of business, or such as shall have been in good faith mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealing, or purchased upon judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts, or purchased at sales on judgments of any other person, or body politic, when the purchase thereof may be necessary to secure any debt due the company; and the said company shall have authority to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at plea. sure; and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall appear necessary and convenient for the government of the said corporation, not being contrary to the constitution or laws of the United States or of this State, and generally to do all and singular the mat ters and things which to them shall lawfully appertain to do for the welfare of the said corporation, and the management and ordering of the affairs thereof.


SECTION 3. The capital stock of the Firemen's Insurance Company, may be hereafter increased to any sum not exceed. Increase of ing twenty thousand shares, of twenty-five dollars each, if the stock authori holders of two-thirds of the stock shall, at any meeting regu larly convened, so order, and the increase shall be subscribed in such manner and on such terms as they shall direct. The capital stock of the company by this act incorporated, and the stock which may be created in addition to it, by the increase How transaforesaid, shall be held by the proprietors thereof, and be trans- ferable. ferable by them or their assigns, respectively, on the following terms, that is to say, cach and every subscriber shall, within two weeks after public notice given in any two of the papers printed in the city of Pittsburg, pay or cause to be paid, to the officer of the corporation designated in such notice, the amount of the shares so subscribed, in such sum or sums and at such time or times as the president and directors shall in their discretion direct or appoint, and if any subscriber, his, her or their assignee, shall refuse or neglect to pay the first or any subse quent instalment, called for as aforesaid, such subscriber, his, her or their assignee, shall forfeit each and every share, to said company, on which the payment shall not be duly made, and all monies paid or profits accrued therefrom; and new subscriptions may be opened and received for the share or shares so for feited, at the discretion of the directors of said corporation.

Penalty on


er to have

more than 10 votes.

SECTION 4. For the proper management of the affairs of 13 directors. the said corporation, there shall be thirteen directors, who shall be citizens of this commonwealth, and stockholders of the said corporation, each holding in their own right at least five shares, who shall be elected, annually, on the first Monday in July, by the stockholders, at their stated meeting for that purpose assembled. Each stockholder having one share, and not exceeding No stockhold ten shares, one vote for each share of stock, but no stockholder, either by himself or by proxy, shall be entitled to more than ten votes, whatever number of shares he or she may be entitled to, nor shall any stockholder vote at any election for direc tors, unless the share or shares on which he or she may claim to vote shall have been standing in his or her name, on the books of the said corporation, for at least three months previous to such election, of which stated or extra meetings, public notice of the time and place of holding the same shall be given, in at least two newspapers in the city of Pittsburg, not less than two weeks previous to holding the same, and the directors, at their first meeting, shall choose one of their number as president, but in case it should happen, at any time, that an election of directors should not be made upon any day, when pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be dissolved, and it shall be lawful, on any day within thirty days thereafter, to hold and make an election of directors, in such manner as shall be regulated by the by-laws of the corporation, and in case of the death, resighow supplied. nation or inability of the president or any director, the vacancy shall be supplied by the board of directors, for the term they were elected to serve: Provided, That the first election shall be held at a time and place to be appointed by the commissioners before mentioned, they giving notice thereof, in the manner aforesaid, and the directors, so chosen, shall hold their offices until the first Monday of July, eighteen hundred and thirtyfour, and every board of directors duly elected, after the first, shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others are chosen, and no stockholder shall vote at any election for directors, (except the first,) unless the share or shares, on which he, she or they may claim to vote, shall have been standing in his or her name, on the books of the company, for at least 2d proviso. three months previous to the election: And provided also, That not less than two-thirds of said directors, shall be from among the fire-engine, hose, property, axe, hook and ladder companies of the city of Pittsburg and its vicinity.



how vested.

SECTION 5. The capital stock and the funds of the company Funds of co. may, from time to time, be vested in the public securities of the United States or of this State, or in the stock of any incorporated bank or banks in Pennsylvania, or in the stock of the bank of the United States, or in stock of any incorpo rated institution or city within this Commonwealth, or may be

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