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Fac-simile of the Droeshout portrait which appeared in the First Folio.


English Classics - Star Series

English Required for College
Entrance Examinations

Edited by College Professors fully acquainted both with
the subject matter and with the requirements for college
entrance, as well as with the weak spots continually dis-
covered. Full explanatory notes, suggestions for study and
interpretation, bibliography, typical examination questions,
illustrations and maps are provided wherever necessary.

ADDISON AND STEELE. The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from The
Spectator. (Wylie)

xlvi + 207 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.

BURKE. Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies.


lxxxviii+152 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
Essay on Burns. (Brewster)



108 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
Ixviii+75 pages.



List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.

COOPER. The Last of the Mohicans. (Strunk)

xviii +446 pages. List price, 50 cents; mailing price, 60 cents.

ELIOT. Silas Marner. (Quinn)

xxiv +231 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
GOLDSMITH. The Vicar of Wakefield. (Browne)

xiv +226 pages.

List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.

MACAULAY. Essays on Milton and Addison. (Parrott)

1x + 208 pages.

List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
MILTON. L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas. (Hale)
1+140 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
РОРЕ. The Iliad of Homer. Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV. (Lawton)
xxix+152 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
SCOTT. Ivanhoe. (Maxcy)

xl+547 pages. List price, 50 cents; mailing price, 60 cents.
SHAKESPEARE. Julius Caesar. (Tolman)

Ixvi + 158 pages.

List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.

SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. (Cross)

xxviii+144 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.
SHAKESPEARE. The Merchant of Venice. (Cone)

xxii+137 pages. List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.



The Princess.

xxii +138 pages.


List price, 30 cents; mailing price, 36 cents.


Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York

Copyright, 1901, by World Book Company. All rights reserved

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THIS little book contains an edition of Julius Cæsar and provides an elementary introduction to the study of Shakespeare. It is hoped that the book will stimulate those who use it to read other plays of the great dramatist. The editor has tried to arrange his material so that one topic can be taken and another left, as the plans of the teacher or the time at his disposal may dictate. For this reason, the indebtedness of the play to Plutarch and the matter of versification, for example, have been kept out of the Notes almost entirely; but each of these subjects is fully treated elsewhere.

Among the separate editions of this play, the editor is under especial obligation to those of Wright, Odell, Rolfe, Craik, and Verity. Mr. G. F. Reynolds, Fellow in English of the University of Chicago, has contributed valuable. suggestions. The editor is deeply indebted to his good friend Professor W. D. MacClintock for some searching criticism.


September 2, 1901.

A. H. T.

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