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of their Brethren. There was one circumstance connected with his returning thanks, which had cast a gloom over the Grand Stewards. He was not the person to whom the right to acknowledge the toast belonged; it had pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to visit the President of the Board of Grand Stewards with a severe domestic affliction, which precluded his attendance on the present occasion, but they had not permitted that to interfere with the conviviality of the evening; he was sure their Brother would have the sympathy of every Brother present, for during his year of office no man could have devoted himself with more zeal or greater ability than Bro. Webb, to the duties which had devolved upon him. He would also say, that the Festival would have been nothing without the music, and they were greatly indebted to Bro. Ransford for his exertions.

The GRAND MASTER then gave the Ladies, and, accompanied by many of the Brethren, retired to the Glee Room, where a very pleasant half hour was passed.

We cannot conclude without observing that the Grand Stewards were particularly active in their endeavours to promote the happiness and comfort of the Brethren.


Present. The Right Hon. the Earl of Zetland, M.W.G.M., on the throne; Lieut.-Col. Vernon, Prov. G.M. for Staffordshire, as D.G.M.; B. Dobree, S.G.W.; E. Baldwin, J.G.W.; J. Fawcett, Prov. G.M. for Durham; the Rev. J. Bowles, Prov. G.M. for Herefordshire; S. Rawson, Prov. G.M. for China; C. Purton Cooper, Prov. G.M. for Kent; A. Dobie, Prov. G.M. for Surrey, and G.R.; W. H. Smith, P.J.G.W.; F. Pattison, P.J.G. W.; the Chevalier Hebeler, P.S.G.W., and Rep. for the G.L. of Berlin; the Rev. E. Moore, G. Chaplain; S. Tomkins, G. Treas.; W. H. White, G. Sec.; H. L. Crohn, G. Sec. for German Correspondence, and Rep. from the G.L. of Hamburgh; J. Hervey, S.G.D.; H. Faudel, J.G.D.; C. Baumer, P.S.G.D.; J. H. Goldsworthy, P.S.G.D.; B. Lawrence, P.S.G.D; J. Havers, P.S.G.D.; J. Nelson, P.S.G.D.; J. Hodgkinson, P.S.G.D.; R. White, P.S.G.D.; S. C. Norris, P.J.G.D; T. Parkinson, P.J.G.D; J. B. King, P.J.G.D; G. H. K. Potter, P.J.G.D.; G. Leach, P.J.G.D.; R. W. Jennings, G. Dir. of Cer.; T. Chapman, Asst. G. Dir. of Cer.; G. Biggs, G.S.B.; J. Masson, P.G.S.B.; G. P. de Rhé Philipe, P.G.S.B.; J. L. Evans, P.G.S.B.; E. H. Patten, P.G.S.B.; R. J. Spiers, P.G.S.B.; A. A. Le Veau, P.G.S.B.; W. Farnfield, Asst. G. Sec.; E. Ransford, G. Organist; G. G. Elkington, G. Pur. ; F. W. Breitling, P.G. Pur.; the Rev. W. J. Carver, Rep. from G.L. of Massachusetts; the Master, Past Masters, and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge; and the Masters, Past Masters, and Wardens of many other Lodges.


The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form, and with solemn prayer.

The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication, of March 1, were read and confirmed. The minutes of the Grand Lodge held April 26, and of the Adjourned Grand Festival April 29, were read and confirmed.

The M.W. the G.M. moved that of which he had given notice at the Grand Festival, that Bro. M. Costa, who had filled the office of Grand Organist for three years, and Bro. F. W. Breitling, who had filled the office of Grand Pursuivant for four years, should in future take their seats in G.L., and wear the clothing of Past Grand Officers.

The officers of the Castle Lodge (No. 36), having been called upon to show cause why that Lodge should not be erased from the Register of the United Grand Lodge of England, and having respectively addressed the G.L., it was moved and seconded, that the said Lodge be erased, which passed in the affirmative.

The Report of the Board of Benevolence for March, April, and May was read; when, on the recommendation of the Lodge of May, it was proposed and seconded that the sum of 307. be granted to the widow of Bro. Charles L. Price, No. 177, Manchester, when an amendment was proposed and seconded that 201. be granted to the said widow, instead of 30l. The amendment having been put, was carried after some discussion.

The Report of the Board of General Purposes was read, received, and ordered to be entered on the Minutes.

The Report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows was then read, and ordered to be entered upon the Minutes.

This being the period fixed for the appointment of the Board of General Purposes, a list of the names of the several Masters and Past Masters put in nomination was printed, and delivered to the members of the G.L. upon their entrance into the Hall; and eight Brethren having been appointed,-four by the M.W. the G.M., and four by the G.L.,-they collected the ballotting lists, and afterwards retired for the purpose of casting up, and ascertaining the numbers for the respective candidates.

The Brethren, having performed their duties, now returned and announced the result of the ballot. The Board of General Purposes will therefore consist, for the ensuing year, 1854-5, of the following Brethren, viz:-A. Dobie, President; W. F. Beadon ; Rev. J. E. Cox; H. L. Crohn; J. B. King; T. Parkinson; J. Hervey; H. Faudel; J. L. Evans; R. W. Jennings; E. H. Patten, nominated by the M.W. the G.M.

Masters-J. N. Tomkins, G. Stewards' Lodge; M. Palmer, No. 19; T. Pratt, No. 21; S. Oram, No. 40; J. Johnston, No. 227; D. Gooch, No. 453; E. Roberts, No. 915. Past Masters:-W. Young, No, 11; H. Lloyd, No. 14; A. J. Duff Filer, No. 30; N. Bradford,

No. 54; G. Barrett, No. 188; A. Attwood, No. 212; J. W. Long; No. 257 elected by the G.L.


The following were declared the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows :

Nominated by the M.W. the G.M.-A. Dobie, Prov. G.M. for Surrey, and G.R.; F. Pattison, P.J.G.W.; R. Davis, P.S.G.W.; Rev. J. E. Cox, G. Chaplain; W. H. White, G. Secretary; T. Parkinson, P.J.G.D.; J. B. King, P.J.G.D.; G. Biggs, G.S.B.; J. L. Evans, P.G.S.B. Elected by Grand Lodge-J. T. Archer, P.M. No. 23; H. S. Cooper, P.M. No. 276; T. Gole, P.M. No. 18; G. Marriott, P.M. No. 12; J. Smith, P.M. No. 206; J. Symonds, P.M. No. 275; J. Taylor, P.M. No. 21; T. Tombleson, P.M. No. 25; J. N. Tomkins, W.M. G.S.L.; W. Wright, P.M. No. 329. Elected by the Subscribers-J. N. Bainbridge, M.D., P.M. No. 329; L. Lemanski, P.M. No. 778; H. Lloyd, W.M. No. 14; W. Stephenson, P.M. No. 14; J. Stohwasser, W.M. No. 8; J. Vink, P.M. No. 66; J. F. White, P.M.; T. E. Davies, W.M. No. 812; A. A. Le Veau, W.M. No. 4; W. Young, P.M. No. 11.

All business being concluded, the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form and with solemn prayer, and adjourned.


THE amount of relief granted by the Lodge of Benevolence during the months of March, April, and May last, was 2197. 158.; viz.:— On Wednesday, March 29, W. Bro. J. Masson, P.G.S.B., in the chair, twelve petitioners were relieved, to the extent of 1067. 158.

On Thursday, April 27, V.W. Bro. H. L. Crohn, G. Sec. for German Correspondence, and Rep. from the G.L. of Hamburgh, in the chair, six petitioners were relieved, to the extent of 431.

On Wednesday, May 31, W. Bro. John Hervey, S.G.D., in the chair, seven petitioners were relieved, to the extent of 707.

On the recommendation of the Lodge of Benevolence, on the 31st of May, the petition of Marian, widow of the late Bro. Charles S. Price, No. 177, Manchester, was, in consideration of the widow's distress, recommended to the G.L. for relief to the extent of 301., which recommendation, as will be seen by the Report of the G.L., was not sanctioned, an amendment having been moved and carried that 201. should be voted.



The annual meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to this excellent Institution, established to grant annuities to aged Freemasons and their Widows, was held in the Freemasons' Hall, on Friday, May 19. In the absence of the M.W. the G.M., the Earl of Zetland, who sent a letter apologising for his non-attendance, in consequence of the pressure of private business, Bro. E. H. Patten, P.G.S.B., and one of the Vice-Presidents, was called to the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the Report of the auditors was read, from which it appeared that on the male fund there had been brought forward from the last account £328. 19s. 10d.; there had been since received, in donations and subscriptions, £1,738. ls. 4d.; making a total of £2,067. 1s. 2d. The disbursements had amounted to £1,278. 19s. 2d., and there had been invested in Three per Cent. Stock £412. 9s.; leaving a balance in hand of £375. 13s. On the Widows' Fund there was a balance brought from the last year's account of £2. 178., and there had since been received £574. 7s. 10d., making a total of £577. 4s. 10d. The disbursements had amounted to £220. 2s., leaving a balance in hand of £357. 2s. 10d. On account of the Building Fund the balance on the year in favour of the fund was £804. 88. 3d.

Bro. WILLIAM FARNFIELD, the Secretary, next proceeded to read the Report of the Committee of Management, which stated that the Institution still continued to receive very general support from the Brethren, but, in consequence of an alteration in the rules last year, by which a fixed annuity was given in all cases to the annuitants, according to age, and which had had the effect of augmenting the expenditure of the Institution, the number of annuitants could not for the present be increased. At the period of the last annual meeting the number of annuitants was fifty-three, of whom seven had since died; and it was now proposed to elect six more from the list of thirty-one candidates, which would make the number of male annuitants on the funds of the Institution fifty-two. Of the fiftythree annuitants on the funds last year, forty-one had been members of country Lodges, and had received 8497., whilst twelve had belonged to London, and received 2501. There were eleven widows on the funds, who had received during the past year 1907., and it was now proposed to add two more to the number from the list of nine candidates. During the past year the legacy of 500l. towards the Building Fund from the late Bro. Colvile Brown had been received, and the Grand Lodge of England had voted 350l. to the same purpose, which, however, would not become payable until after the con,

firmation of the minutes in June.* These sums, with the monies in hand, would be sufficient to enable the building to be completed with the exception of some internal fittings, which would cost about 3501., and a contract had been entered into with four contractors for its completion for 2,4757.-credit being given for the 3507. at interest for three years, by which time there was every reason to believe that the amount required would be obtained. Since the last annual meeting, Bro. Rowland Gardner Alston had resigned the office of Trustee for the Widows' Fund, which office was now to be filled up. The report then went into a variety of financial details (principally explained in the auditors' report), from which it appeared that the amount invested and balance in hand on account of the Aged Freemasons' Annuity Fund now amounts to about 7,6007.; on account of the Widows' Fund, 7957.; on account of the Asylum Sustentation Fund, 5801.; and the Building Fund, 1,6607.

The Report was adopted; Br. G. Barrett was elected a Trustee to the Widows' Fund; thanks were voted to the Honorary Surgeon to the Asylum, Bro. Henley, for his invaluable services; the retiring Auditors were re-elected; and the vacancies in the Committee of Management were filled up.

Some alterations were then proposed in the Bye-laws of the Institution, and negatived.

The ballot was next proceeded with, when those elected were as follows:-On the Male Annuitants' Fund, C. J. Whitaker, John Hogg, Henry Buckingham, John Korn, T. Preston, and W. Goodall; and on the Widows' Fund,-Phillis Ward, and Elizabeth Orpin.

A vote of thanks having been passed to the Chairman and scrutineers, the Brethren separated.


THE Sixty-sixth Anniversary of this admirable Institution," the brightest jewel" of the Order, was held on Wednesday, the 17th of May, at the Freemason's Tavern, under the very able presidency of the Right Hon. the Lord Londesborough.

The cloth having been withdrawn, and grace sung,

The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of our Most Gracious Queen (cheers). This toast was always received by the Craft with enthusiasm, but never was that enthusiasm more called for than at this moment, when we compared our own most glorious constitutional Queen with that of foreign despots (cheers).

The toast was drunk with great applause and affection.

* This vote was confirmed at the last Q. C.-ED. F. M. Q. M.

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