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20. Present Register to have liberty to retire, with

the Commis

sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.

Register and Filacer, or as such Barons or Baron may think fit to examine touching the same.

Provided always, and be it Enacted, That wheresoever, and So often as it shall appear by any account to be delivered by such Register, Assistant Register or Filacer, in pursuance of this Act, and by the certificates of the Barons of the said Exchequer, or any one of them to be made in pursuance of this Act, that the sum so received by or payable to said Register, Assistant Register and Filacer respectively, in any quarter of a year ending on such days as aforesaid (after deducting thereout the sums paid to copying clerks and for salaries and other necessary official expenses as aforesaid), shall exceed the clear sum of Three hundred Pounds, in the case of the Register, and of Two hundred Pounds to the Assistant Register and Filacer respectively, the said Register, Assistant Register and Filacer respectively shall, within Seven Days next after the date of auch certificate, pay or cause to be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer in Ireland the amount of such sum or sums of money as shall have been received by them respectively, exceeding such sum as aforesaid, and which sum so to be paid shall be carried to and made part of the Consolidated Fund.






AND whereas Gerald Tench, esquire, Register of the said Court of Exchequer, has held office during a period of Forty-seven years, consent of the and holds his said office of Register by Letters Patent during good Barons and of behaviour, and it is expedient to provide for his peculiar case; BE it therefore Enacted, That the said Gerald Tench shall be at liberty, with the sanction and under the authority of the Lord Chief Baron and other Barons of said Court, or any Two of them, and of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, to resign his office, and be entitled to receive yearly, during his life, and there shall therefrom be paid and payable to the said Gerald 30. Tench, free and clear of all deductions, in four quarterly payments, on every Fifth of April, Fifth of July, Tenth of October and Fifth of January, the amount of the net compensation to which the said Gerald Tench was declared entitled under the provisions of the said Act of the sixth and seventh year of the reign of Her present Majesty 35 by the Lord Chief Baron and other Barons of the Court, and the same shall be charged upon and paid out of the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain and Ireland: Provided always, and be it Enacted, That so much, if any, of every such quarterly payments which shall be so paid to the said Gerald Tench as 40 shall exceed the amount of the fees of said office of Register, as ascertained for the same quarter in the accounts to be rendered thereof by the future Register as aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken as paid to him under the provisions of the said Act of the sixth and seventh





year of the reign of Her present Majesty, and as an advance out of the Consolidated Fund in aid of and to be repaid out of the Suitors' Compensation Fee Fund of the said Court of Exchequer, in the same manner as is therein provided in regard to the compensation payment under said Act.


And be it Enacted, That in case, by the operation of this Act, or Clerks. with a view to future saving, or the more effectual discharge of the official business, any clerk appointed in the offices at the equity or revenue side of the said Court, before the passing of the said Act of the sixth and seventh year of the reign of Her present Majesty, and now employed therein, shall be deprived of or removed from his situation, the said person if not re-appointed to some other situation of greater emolument may, within Three calendar Months from such deprivation or removal, make a claim for compensation for his loss of income to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury; and the said Commissioners shall investigate the claim, and may award to the claimant such compensation, if any, by way of annuity, or in a gross sum, as they shall think him entitled to, chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.


And be it further Enacted, That this Act may be altered or repealed Act may be by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament.

altered this Session.

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For the Abolition of the exclusive Privilege of
Trading, or of regulating Trades, in Cities,
Towns or Boroughs in Ireland.

[Note.-The Words printed in Italics are proposed to be inserted in the Committee.]



HERCAS in certain counties of cities, counties of towns, Preamble. cities, towns and boroughs in Ireland, the members of certain Guilds, Crafts, Incorporations or Fraternities, possess or claim to possess exclusive privileges of dealing in certain merchandize, and of carrying on or exercising certain trades, occupations, mysteries or handicrafts, or of regulating, controlling or restraining persons in the use or exercise of such trades, occupations, mysteries or handicrafts, and the admission of apprentices to learn and practise the same or other matters relating thereto respectively, within their respective cities, 10 towns or boroughs, as well by making bye-laws in relation thereto, as otherwise; and such Guilds, Crafts, Incorporations or Fraternities have or claim to have rights and powers entitling them to prevent persons not being members, or not conforming to the regulations thereof, from dealing in such merchandize, or from carrying on or exercising 15 such trades, occupations, mysteries or handicrafts, or from being apprenticed to learn the same, within such cities, towns or boroughs; and also have or claim to have rights, powers and authorities enabling them to impose pains, punishments, penalties, forfeitures, fines and imprisonment, in respect of the said matters or some of them:



c. 55.

ransacted as part of the business of the Second Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, as fully and effectually as if the said last-mentioned Act were enacted and expressly applied to the said documents and each of them when so transacted, and as if the said Second Remembrancer had been expressly named 5 in the said Act and Schedule; and thereupon and from thenceforth the several fees enacted and provided in an Act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King WILLIAM 5 & 6 Will. 4, the Fourth, intituled, "An Act for facilitating the Appointment of Sheriffs in Ireland, and for the more effectual audit and passing of their 10 Accounts, and for the more speedy Return and Recovery of Fines, Fees, Forfeitures, Recognizances, Penalties and Deodands, and to abolish certain Offices in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, and to amend the Laws relating to Grants in Custodium and Recovery of Debts in Ireland, and to amend an Act of the second and third years of his 15 present Majesty, for transferring the Powers and Duties of the Commissioners of Public Accounts in Ireland to the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts in Great Britain," and by the Second Schedule thereto annexed, shall cease and determine, and be no longer legally receivable by the said Second Remembrancer, or any person 20


Salaries of


Clerks and other persons to be fixed, and power for

Second Remembrancer

to appoint an Examiner if


6 & 7 Vict., c. 78.

for him or on his behalf.

AND whereas since the passing of the said recited Act of the sixth and seventh years of the reign of Her present Majesty, the business of the offices of the Chief and Second Remembrancers has been greatly increased; BE it therefore Enacted, That the Commissioners 25 of Her Majesty's Treasury for the time being, or any Three or more of them, are hereby authorized and empowered by their warrant to make such addition to the existing salaries or income of the said Chief and Second Remembrancers respectively, as the said Commissioners may think expedient and reasonable; and the Lord Chief 30 Baron of the said Court of Exchequer and any Three or more of the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall and they are hereby authorized and empowered, from time to time, to regulate the establishments of the said offices of the Chief and Second Remembrancers respectively, and in so doing, if deemed necessary, to estab- 35 lish the office of an Examiner, to be attached to the office of the Second Remembrancer, as hereinafter mentioned, and to fix the Salaries of the Clerks and other persons whom it may be necessary to employ in the said respective offices; and all such Salaries of the Chief and Second Remembrancers, and of the Clerks and other persons em- 40 ployed in their offices, shall be charged and chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at such times and in such manner as the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall think fit.


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