Come forth ye Nymphes come forth, forsake your watry bowres 550 Comming to kisse her lyps, (such grace I found) 573 Cuddie, for shame hold vp thy heauye head 456 I but once loued before, and shee forsooth was a Susanne 629 I Ioy to see how in your drawen work 574 I saw a fresh spring rise out of a rocke 608 I saw a Phœnix in the wood alone 526, 606 I saw a riuer swift, whose fomy billowes 524 I saw a spring out of a rocke forth rayle 524 I saw a Wolfe vnder a rockie caue 523 I sing of deadly dolorous debate 516 If so be goods encrease, then dayly encreaseth a goods friends 626 If the blinde furie, which warres breedeth oft. 512 In Summers day, when Phœbus fairly shone 521 In that proud port, which her so goodly graceth 564 In vain I thinke right honourable Lord 412 In vaine I seeke and sew to her for grace 565 In youth before I waxed old 577 Innocent paper, whom too cruell hand 570 Ioy of my life, full oft for louing you. Is not thilke same a goteheard prowde It chaunced me on day beside the shore It fell vpon a holly eue It was the month, in which the righteous Maide It was the time, when rest soft sliding downe It was the time when rest the gift of Gods Lackyng my loue I go from place to place Looking far foorth into the Ocean wide 522 Loue is a thing more fell, than full of Gaule, than of Honny 627 Loue, lift me vp vpon thy golden wings 593 Maruell not, what I meane to send these Verses at Euensong Me thought I saw the graue, where Laura lay My hungry eyes through greedy couetize 568,576 567 My Song thus now in thy Conclusions. 606 Ne may I, without blot of endlesse blame 413 New yeare forth looking out of Ianus gate 562 Noble Alexander, when he came to the tombe of Achilles 627 One day, whiles that my daylie cares did sleepe 521 Our merry dayes, by theeuish bit are pluckt, and torne away 643 Penelope for her Vlisses sake 566 Piers, I haue piped erst so long with payne 628 Soone after this I saw an Elephant 522 Soone said, soone writ, soon learnd: soone trimly done in prose, or verse 643 Such as the Berecynthian Goddesse bright 509 Sweet is the Rose, but growes vpon a brere 566 Sweet smile, the daughter of the Queene of loue 569 Sweet warriour when shall I haue peace with you? 572 That same is now nought but a champian wide 514 That which I eate, did I ioy, and that which I greedily gorged 611 The antique Babel, Empresse of the East 604 |