GLOSSARY. The Faerie Queene is referred to by book, canto, and stanza, thus: III. iv. 41. Cross-references are not as a rule given to variant spellings showing the following interchanges of letters: i,y; e, ee, ea; o, oa, oo; u, w; s, z; c, S. A a, in a Gods name p. 418, S. C. Sept. 100, Hubberd 111, Three Lett. pp. 611, 626, 629, Two Lett. p. 639. aband, to abandon, 11. x. 65. abase, to lower, 11. i. 26, 1v. vi. 3, vI. vi. 31, viii. 5. abashed, pa. part. astonished, 1. xii. 29; discomfited, 11. iv. 8. abashment, fear, astonishment, 11. viii. 16, 34. abate, to diminish, decrease, tr., 1. iii. 7, 11. ii. 19, v. ix. 35; to depress, Hubberd 256. abeare, refl. to comport oneself, v. xii. 19, VI. ix. 45. abet, sb. instigation, abetment, IV. iii. II. abet, vb. to support, uphold, 1. x. 64, 1v. iii. 6, VI. V. 22. abide, to attend, 1. v. 17; to await, remain, rest, stop, III. v. II, v. viii. 5, Two Lett. p. 635; pret. (1) abid, III. iv. 32, (2) abode, III. xii. 37; to abide by, accept, v. i. 25; to endure, suffer, 11. i. 20, Thest. 154. abie, see aby. abiect, to cast down, throw down (with idea of degradation), III. xi. 13, v. ix. 9. abode, sb. delay, II. viii. 19; stay, II. i. I. abolish, to annul, destroy, 11. iv. 45. abord, aboord, alongside, 111. x. 6; abroad, adrift, astray, Hubberd 324, R. R. 185; abroad, across, Gnat 46. abouts, about, I. ix. 36. aboue, upstairs, IV. xii. 20. abray, for abrayd (see next), to awake (intr.), IV. vi. 36. abrade, abrayd, pret. abrayd, to awake, arouse, startle, . 61, x. 50, xi. 8, Iv. iv. 22. abridge, to cut off, cut short, Daphn. 445. abridgement, cutting short, III. viii. 2. abuse, sb. injury, wrong, II. v. 21. abuse, vb. to deceive, 1. i. 46, 11. i. Arg. 19, Muiop. 277; to ill-treat, misuse, VI. i. 22. abusion, deception, II. xi. II, Iv. i. 7, v. xii. 40, Hubberd 1363; disgrace, discredit, Hubberd 220. aby, abie1, to pay the penalty for, expiate, II. iv. 40, viii. 33, Iv. vi. 8; to endure, suffer, III. iv. 38, R. T. 101; to endure, to remain, III. vii. 3, x. 3, vII. vi. 24. aby', for abide (q.v.), abide by, submit to VI. ii. 19. abysse, gulf, interior, Worlds Vanitie 66. accident, attribute, Two Lett. p. 639. accloy, to clog, choke; to encumber, render heavy, II. vii. 15, S. C. Feb. 135; accloid, pa. part., Elegie 2. accompt, accoumpt, sb. account, VI. viii. 22, p. 419, Hubberd 307, S. C. Oct. Arg. 7. accompted, pa. part. accounted, considered, i. x. 6. accord, sb. consent, agreement, 11. iv. 21, ix.2. accord, vb. to agree, S. C. Feb. Arg. 7; pa. part. iv. ix. 40; to reconcile, IV. V. 25. accordaunce, agreement, I. iii. 30, v. viii. 14. according, according to, I. x. 50, xii. 15, II. iv. 26, xi. II; accordingly, II. x. 71. accoste, accoaste, to adjoin, border on, iv. xi. 42; to fly near to or skim along the ground, VI. ii. 32. accoumpt, vb. to take into account, consideration, Amor. Son. 26. accouráge, accóurage, to encourage, II. ii. 38, III. viii. 34. accourting, pres. part. entertaining (courteously), 11. ii. 16. accoustrement, apparel, Hubberd 672. accoy, pa. part. accoyd, accoied, to appease, soothe, iv. viii. 59; to daunt, subdue, S. C. Feb. 47. accoyl, to gather together, assemble, 11. ix. 30. accrew, to collect, combine, 1V. vi. 18; to increase, v. v. 7, R. R. 207; to come as an addition or increase, S. C. p. 417, Clout 655. accusement, accusation, v. ix. 47. accustom, to be used, wont, III. i. 13. achates, provisions, II. ix. 31. acquainted, pret. became acquainted, Elegie 131. acquit, to free, release, deliver, v. iv. 39, viii. 6; pa. part. (1) acquit, 1. vii. 52, Amor. Son. 42; (2) acquight, II. xii. 3; to perform, act, refl. vi. ii. 24. adamant, diamond (fig.), crystal, Iv. xi. 31. · adamant rocke, hard rock, 1. vii. 33. adaw, to daunt, subdue, III. vii. 13, v. ix. 35, S. C. Feb. 141; to become subdued, Iv. vi. 26; adawed, adaw'd, pa. part. daunted, terrified, aegide shield, the aegis or shield of Minerva, v. v. 45, S. C. Feb. 141. adayes, daily, S. C. March 42. Muiop. 321. æmule, to emulate, rival, Clout 72, 73. addeeme, to award, adjudge, v. iii, 15, vi. viii. aerie, aerial, in the air, II. iii. 19. 22. addoom, to adjudge, vII. vii. 56. adioyned, pret. approached, drew near, III. vii. 42. admirable, wonderful, 1. vii. 36. admiraunce, admiration, v. x. 39. Aetion, pseudonym Drayton, Clout 444. afeared, affeard, ppl. adj. frightened, afraid, affeare, to frighten, 11. iii. 20. affect, vb. to like, have a preference for, vi. vi. affection, passion, II. 1v. 34, x1. I, III. iii. I, VI. vi. 7. admire, to wonder, wonder at, II. Prol. 4, IV. affectionate, pa. part.: well a. = v. 38, vi. viii. 27. adnihilate, to annihilate, destroy, Two Leit. p. 635. adore, to adorn, IV. xi. 46. adorne, adornment, III. xii. 20. adowne, adv. down, 1. vii. 24, VI. viii. 49, Past. Aeglogue 132, Hubberd 1186; prep. 1. vii. 31. adrad, adred (de), pa. part. frightened, 1:1. i. 62, iv. iii. 25, viii. 47, Gnat 304, R. R. 232; adrad, pret. was afraid, v. i. 22. aduantaged, pret. benefited, Three Lett. p. 612. aduaunce, to extol, praise, 1. v. 16, S. C. Oct. 47, Nov. 7; to claim, 11. iv. 36; aduaunst, pa. part. moved, impelled, 11. i. 20. aduenture, sb. enterprise, 1. ix. 6; chance, accident, iv. ii. 20, iii. 20, v. viii. 15. aduenture, aduenter, vb. to attempt, venture, v. iv. 31, Hubberd 1005, Three Lett. p. 623. aduewed, pa. part. viewed, surveyed, v. iii. 20. aduise, auise, -ze, to perceive, view, notice, aduizement, advice, counsel, consideration, having become very affectionate, well beloved, . affiance, betrothal, 11. iv. 21, affixed, fixed, set, I. ii. II. afflicted, ppl. adj. cast down, humble, Amor. afford, affoord, to bestow, give, 11. viii. 19, affray, pa. part., frightened, afraid, v. ix. 24. affret, encounter, onslaught, 111. ix. 16, 1v. ii. 15, iii. 6, 11. affright, sb. fear, fright, 11. iii. 19, xi. 16. affright, pa. part. frightened, II. v. 37. affront, to face, confront, oppose, attack, I. viii. 13, 111. iv. 7, IV. iii. 22. affy, to betroth, espouse, vi. iii. 7; affide,-yde, pa. part. iv. viii. 53, v. iii. 2, vi. iii. 49; entrusted, v. v. 53. aflot, in a state of overflow or submersion, afore, before, beforehand, in front, 1. xii. I, IV. after-send, to pursue, send after, 1. v. 10. age, Iv. iii. 43. See quiet age. almner, almoner, 1. x. 38. almóst, v. v. IO. along, without interruption, throughout, 111. iv. 3. agent, one who acts, Three Lett. p. 621. agree, to settle, 11. iv. 3. alow, vb. to praise, p. 409. Al Portugese, in the Portuguese fashion, als, alls, also, II. i. 7, IV. iv. 2, xi. 31, VI. xii. agreeable, in accord, similar, Three Lett. p. alsoone, as soon, S. C. July 101. 620. agreeably, similarly, vi. vii. 3. agreeue, to cause to grieve, R. T. 91, Elegie 82. agrise, agrize, to cause to shudder, horrify, II. vi. 46, 111. ii. 24, vII. vii. 6; Impers. v. x. 28; agryz'd, ppl. adj. of horrible appearance, IV. viii. 12. aguise, aguize, to array, deck, equip, fashion, 11. i. 21, 31, vi. 7, 111. ii. 18, v. iii. 4, Hubberd 656. a hungered, hungry, Three Lett. p. 618. aime, to guess, conjecture, H. Beautie 33. Alabaster, pseudonym, Clout 400. alablaster, alabaster, 11. ii. 42, vI. viii. 42, Bellay 45. alaid, pa. part. allayed, Daphn. 173. Albanese-wyse, after the manner of the Albanese (Albanians ?), III. xii. 10. albe, albee, although, 1. x. 44, S. C. Jan. 67, Apr. 99; in spite of, v. viii. 3, S. C. May 265. Alcon, pseudonym, Clout 394. Alcyon, pseudonym, Clout 384. .... altogether, without exception, S. C. July, P. 447. alwáy, always, v. ix. 24, Clout 888. amain, amayne, at once, hastily, 1. vi. 41; with force, violently, III. xi. 41, Iv. iii. 47, v. 38, vi. vi. 27, viii. 27. amarous, lovely, II. xii. 64. Amaryllis, a shepherdess, Clout 435, 540. amate1, to dismay, daunt, cast down, 1. i. 51, III. iv. 27, vii. 35, xi. 21, vII. vi. 19. amated, pa. part. dismayed, overwhelmed, 11. ii. 5, v. xi. 64. amate2, to keep company with, 11. ix. 34. amaze, amazement, III. vii. 7, IV. ii. 17, v. vii. 25, Amor. Son. 16, Epith. 181. ambássage, embassy, Hubberd 472. ambúshment, ambush, iv. x. 30, Gnat 532. amearst, pa. part. punished, amerced, Amor. Son. 70. ámenage, to domesticate, control, 11. iv. II. amenance, amenaunce, bearing, conduct, behaviour, II. viii. 17, ix. 5, III. i. 41, Iv. iii. 5, Hubberd 781. amend, to retrieve, restore, 111. iii. 23. alegge, allegge, alleviate, assuage, 111. ii. 15, amendment, amends, 11. i. 20. aleggeaunce, alleviation, III. v. 42. ámiáble, iv. x. 31, 56. amis1, hood, cape (orig. an article of costume of the religious orders, made of, or lined with, grey fur), 1. iv. 18. amis2, misdeed, fault, 11. i. 19. amisse, wrongly, in mistake, Daphn. 234. amounted, pret. mounted, ascended, 1. ix. 54. amoue, ammoue, to move, stir, cause emotion, 1. iv. 45, ix. 18, 111. ix. 24; to touch, III. xi. 13; to arouse (from sleep, &c.), Daphn. 545. Amyntas, pseudonym, Clout 434. and, if, Three Lett. p. 632. anduile, anduyle, anvil, 1. xi. 42, IV. iv. 23, Amor. Son. 32. ángelick, angelic, Astrophel, p. 550 1. 76. annexe, to add, iv. viii. 35. annoy, anoy, grief, annoyance, 1. vi. 17, II. ii. | arew, in a row, v. xii. 29; in order, consecu43, ix. 35, R. T. 305, 322, Petrarch 82, Daphn. 514, Amor. Son. 62. anon, anone, again, v. viii. 9; at once, immediately, v. xi. 37. answer, aunswere, to make a responsive sound, re-echo, II. xii. 33; to repeat (correspondingly); iv. v. 33; to return, requite, v. i. 24. ánticke, sb. antique, relic; ancient or strange figures or designs, 11. iii. 27, vii. 4, III. xi. 51. ánticke, ántique, adj. former, ancient, olden, R. R. 232, 266, Amor. Son. 69. apace, copiously, IV. xi. II; fast, v. viii. 5. apay, appay, pa. part. apaid, apayd, to please, satisfy, 11. xii. 28, 1v. ix. 40, S. C. Aug. 6, Daphn. 70; to repay, requite, v. v. 33; ill apaid ill requited, 11. ix. 37, v. xi. 64. appall, to check, quell, weaken, II. ii. 32, iii. 44, III. i. 46; to fail, falter, iv. vi. 26. apparaunce, appearance, 11. i. 52. apparition, appearance, semblance, Hubberd 1290. appeach, to accuse, be an accusation to, 11. viii. 44, xi. 40, v. v. 37, ix. 47. appeale, appele: praiers to a. = to say prayers, III. ii. 48; to remind, v. ix. 39. appease, to check, cease, 1. iii. 29. appellation, appeal, vII. vi. 35. apply, pa. part. applide, applyde, to employ, use, 1. i. 38; to ply, follow, 1. x. 46; to steer, direct, II. v. 10 (refl.), vi. 5, vii. 1, v. iv. 21, xi. 6; to administer, II. xii. 32; to prepare, make ready, Muiop. 84. appose, to examine, question, v. ix. 44. approuance, approval, 11. xii. 76, Epith. 144. approue, approuen, to prove, demonstrate, test, 1. vi. 26, ix. 37, III. i. 27, IV. X. 1, v. x. 5, VI. viii. 14, Elegie 152; to commend, approve, III. i. 26. approved ppl. adj. tested, ii. v. 8. arboret, small tree, shrub, II. vi. 12. arck, arke, box, chest, Iv. iv. 15; arch, R. R. 89, 368, Bellay 46, Misc. Sonn. iii, Epigrams р. 607. aread, areed, pa. part. ared, to counsel, advise, teach, 1. Prol. 1; to tell, make known, proclaim, describe, show, 1. viii. 31, 33, ix. 23, 28, x. 17, II. iii. 14, 111. iv. 59, v. xii. 9, vII. vi. 46, Love 11, Clout 15; to divine, guess, discover, detect, understand, II. i. 7, Iv. v. 15, v. iii. 35, xii. 9, vi. vii. Io; to decide, adjudge, VII. vii. Arg.; to take, assume, vi. ix. 33. areare, arere, back, backward, behind, behindhand, 11. xi. 36, III. vii. 24, x. 23, vi. iv. 5, Gnat 468. aret, see arret. tively, Thest. 186. argument, theme, subject, I. ix. 1; proof, token, manifestation, VI. vii. I. aright, rightly, vi. vii. 31; direct, Epitaph (i) 13. a rights, aright, rightly, v. x. 4. arise, to rise, Hubberd 419, 426. arming: a. sword=sword forming part of arms or armour, II. vi. 47. armorie, armour, 1. i. 27, III. iii. 59. arras, tapestry, 1. iv. 6, ш. xi. 39. arraught, pret. of arreach, to seize, II. x. 34. array, aray, to afflict, v. ii. 25, VI. ii. 42. arreare, to raise, vi. viii. 23. arret, aret, to entrust, deliver, consign, 11. viii. 8, xi. 7, 111. viii. 7, IV. V. 21. as as, as if, as though, 1. viii. 23 l. 9, xi. 21 l. 4, II. ix. II, III. vii. 36, S. C. Dec. 110. that, in such a manner as ..., , I. i. 30. as then, till then, v. iv. 36. ascértaine, Daphn. 504. askaunce, sideways (with idea of disfavour), 11. vii. 7, III. i. 41, S. C. March 21. askew, askewe, sidelong (cf. askaunce), asquint, angrily, III. x. 29, v. xii. 29, S. C. Mar. Glosse, Amor. Son. 7. aslake, to assuage, appease, 1. iii. 36, Amor. Son. 44, Beautie 4. aslombering, pres. part. slumbering, I. xii. 72. aslope, aslant (fig.), III. iv. 52. aspéct, II. xii. 53, III. vi. 12, vii. 22, xii. 7, 14, iv. x. 39. aspire, pa. part. aspyred, to inspire, iv. x. 26; to desire, aim at, v. ix. 41; to ascend, rise up, R. T. 408. assaile, to attack, 1. vii. 6. assay, sb. value, quality, 1. ii. 13, III. iv. 18, v. viii. 37; tribulation, affliction, i. vii. 27, Petrarch 25; trial, attempt, assault, attack, 11. iii. 12, 15, v. iv. 23, v. 52, Beautie 88; to all assayes at every juncture, on every occasion, v. ix. 39. assay, vb., pa. part. assaid, to try, test, touch, I. iv. 8, viii. 2, II. iii. 4, VI. ix. 33; to assail, assault, afflict, 1. ii. 24, vi. II, IV. ix. 30, Gnat 491; to affect, v. xi. 64, S. C. Aug. 5. assemblaunce, assembly, v. iv. 21. assieged, besieged, II. xi. 15. assignment, design, I. xi. 10 assize, measure, Bellay 16. assot, to befool, besot, bewilder, beguile, II. x. 8. pa. part. assott, S. C. Mar. 25; assotted III. viii. 22. assoyle, assoile, to absolve, free, release, 1. x. 52, II. v. 19, III. viii. 32, vi. v. 37, viii. 6, R. R. 263, Daphn. 259; to dispel, I. i. 58, IV. v. 30. |