Prothalamion Or A Spoufall Verfe made by IN HONOVR OF THE DOV- AT LONDON. I Alme was the day, and through the trem Cbling ayre, Sweete breathing Zephyrus did softly play Through discontent of my long fruitlesse stay Against the Brydale day, which is not long : Seem'd foule to them, and bad his billowes spare To wet their silken feathers, least they might Soyle their fayre plumes with water not so fayre, And marre their beauties bright, 51 That shone as heauens light, Against their Brydale day, which was not long: Sweete Themmes runne softly, till I end my Song. Eftsoones the Nymphes, which now had Flowers their fill, 59 Ran all in haste, to see that siluer brood, For sure they did not seeme To be begot of any earthly Seede, But rather Angels or of Angels breede: So fresh they seem'd as day, 70 Euen as their Brydale day, which was not long: Sweete Themmes runne softly, till I end my Song. From those high Towers, this noble Lord issuing, Like Radiant Hesper when his golden hayre Aboue the rest were goodly to bee seene That like the twins of Ioue they seem'd in sight, Which decke the Bauldricke of the Heauens bright. They two forth pacing to the Riuers side, Receiued those two faire Brides, their Loues delight, Which at th'appointed tyde, Against their Brydale day, which is not long: 180 MISCELLANEOVS SONNETS. I To the right worshipfull my singular good Frend, W II Like a great lord of peerelesse liberty; For Life, and Death, is in thy doomefull So thy renowme liues euer by endighting. Dublin, this xviij. of July, 1586. Your deuoted frend during life, EDMVND SPENCER. Prefixed to Nennio, or A Treatise of Ho so wil seeke by right deserts t'attaine, | And, when thou doost with equall insight see And not by painted shewes and titles vaine, The ods twixt both, of both them deem aright, III Upon the Historie of George Castriot, alias Scanderbeg, king of the Epirots, translated into English. W Herentientinovaine as ofmightie peres, Lo one, whom later age hath brought to light, Herefore doth vaine antiquitie so vaunt | Their huge Pyramids, which do heauen threat. And old Heroes, which their world did daunt Matchable to the greatest of those great; With their great deedes, and fild their childrens | Great both by name, and great in power and eares? Who, rapt with wonder of their famous praise, might, And meriting a meere triumphant seate. ED. SPENSER IV Prefixed to The Commonwealth and Government of Venice. He antique Babel, Empresse of the East, | Yet shewing by their heapes how great they TV antique Bubel, Empress of the East skie : And second Babell, tyrant of the West, And buried now in their own ashes ly, were. But in their place doth now a third appeare, Fayre Venice, flower of the last worlds delight, And next to them in beauty draweth neare, But farre exceedes in policie of right. Yet not so fayre her buildinges to behold As Lewkenors stile that hath her beautie told. EDM. SPENCER. |