QVEENE. Difpofed into twelue bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. LONDON Printed for VVilliam Ponsonbie. ΤΟ THE MOST HIGH, MIGHTIE MAGNIFICENT EMPRESSE RENOVV. MED FOR PIETIE, VERTVE, AND ALL GRATIOVS GOVERNMENT ELIZABETH BY THE GRACE OF GOD QVEENE OF ENGLAND FRAVNCE AND IRELAND AND OF VIRGINIA, DEFENDOVR OF THE FAITH, &c. HER MOST HVMBLE SERVAVNT EDMVND SPENSER DOTH IN ALL HV MILITIE DEDI CATE, PRE- AND CONSECRATE THESE HIS LABOVRS TO LIVE VVITH THE ETERNI TIE OF HER FAME. THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning THE LEGENDE OF THE I OR OF HOLINESSE. Lo I the man, whose Muse whilome did maske, As time her taught,in lowly Shepheards weeds; Am now enforst a far vnfitter taske, For trumpets sterne to chaunge mine Oaten reeds, And sing of Knights and Ladies gentle deeds; Whose prayses hauing slept in silence long, Me, all too meane, the sacred Muse areeds To blazon broad emongst her learned throng : Fierce warres and faithfull loues shall moralize my song. 2 Helpe then, O holy Virgin chiefe of nine, That I must rue his vndeserued wrong: 3 And thou most dreaded impe of highest Ioue, In loues and gentle iollities arrayd, After his murdrous spoiles and bloudy rage allayd. And with them eke, O Goddesse heauenly bright, Mirrour of grace and Maiestie diuine, Shed thy faire beames into my feeble eyne, O helpe thou my weake wit, and sharpen my The which to heare, vouchsafe, O dearest dred dull tong. a-while. |