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Whether she's Miss, Mrs., or Ms., our loans to women are
an important and valuable part of our Silver Star Service.
We talk with our women customers with the same courtesy.
the same businesslike confidence, and the same easy
informality we show all our customers. And when it comes
right down to extending credit, our qualifications for women
are exactly the same as for all of our customers

And now we're offering them something extra, a new
booklet called Credit for Women. It carefully explains all
a woman may wish to know about borrowing money, and
we'll gladly send a copy to anybody who asks for one
Right now, we invite you to consider four points
1. Wouldn't you like your own Republic Master
Charge card? It works at thousands of places in and
around Dallas and the world. The same card will also
work our Automatic Teller "24"-and 14 others
conveniently located around Dallas and Austin
Teller "24" works 24 hours a day, you can get cash
from checking, savings or Master Charge any time,
any day-and you can also perform many other
banking transactions, all automatically.

2. Or what about your own Silver Star Auto Charge card? With one in your hand, you can buy a car:

it makes you a VIP at the dealers, a Very Important Purchaser.

3 Wouldn't you like reserve coverage on your checking account-the right to write a check for more money than you have on deposit? We'd be glad to explain how that works.

4. Could you use some bill-paying money at this time
of the year? We have some to lend.

If you find yourself answering "yes", just mail us
the handy coupon below, and we'll send you your copy
of Credit for Women, along with information about our
many Silver Star credit services. Or come by the Personal
Banking Center at the top of the St. Paul Street escalators
Or, give us a call at 749-5741 and ask to speak to a
personal banker

Republic National Bank Personal Banking Center
Bryan and St. Paul, Dallas, Texas 75201

Please send me your new booklet.


and information on Republic Master Charge-Teller 24, Silver Star Auto Charge Card. 1-2-3 Checking. Silver Star Savings and Republic Zip Loans Thank you





36-910 074 pt. 1 - 23

The Republic National Bank
of Dallas


Wouldn't you like your own Republic Master Charge card? It works at thousands of places in and around Dallas and the world

Wouldn't you like reserve coverage on your checking account-the right to write a check for more money than you have on deposit? We'd be glad to explain how that works


The same card will also work our Automatic Teller 24-and 14 others conveniently located around Dallas and Austin Teller 24" works 24 hours a day. you can get cash from checking savings or Master Charge any time, any day-and you can also perform many other banking transactions, all automatically

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This booklet has been prepared to assist Werner?
in arhiblishing credit is the work of a special com
mittee of the Consumer Credit Association of Dallas,
a group founded for the purpose of providing educa-
tion to consumers and cooperation among credit


After much research into the typical problems ex-
perienced by women in obtaining credit, the com-
mittee is of the opinion that perhaps, instead
discrimination, many women are experiencing a
communication problem. A communication problem
that primarily is existing in firms regarding the
necesary mechanics to handle requests for the
opening of accounts in variable situations.

We do not question that women should be con-
sidered on the same basis as men in the extension
of credit The qualifying factors are the same, and
determination is made from these factors

The extension of credit is not a right. It is a service
from the firm and a courtesy to the consumer For a
firm to operate it must have a profitable operation
Therefore, certain guide lines are necessary in all
areas of store management including the credit op-
eration. These policies must insure a profit to the

This guide is not designed to become policy at
any given firm it is intended to aid in averting mis-
understandings and assist women in the opening of
charge accounts.

The Consumer Credit Association of Dallas, whose
members represent banks. retail merchandsing
firms, medical and consumer service firms, has
brought to the attention of all its members, the ques-
tions which have been raised in this area In recent
years, legislation has been enacted in the form of
the Truth-In-Lending Act and the Fair Credit Re-
porting Act Credit grantors have adapted to these
laws as required. Legislation concerning women's
rights is currently being considered by various state
legislatures and the United States Congress. With
or without this legislation, progress in this area will
be made through the cooperation of the credit man-
agement industry.

Most firms welcome every opportunity to open a
charge account. This function is the prime responsi-
bility of the credit manager, who will be pleased to
discuss specific credit situations as they relate to his
firm's policies

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2. Establish stability in your employment and resi-

3 Open a checking and savings account if possible.
This indicates to a credit manager that you are a
good money manager An account is an extra in-
debtedness to be handled by a customer, there-
fore, she should have this amount of payment in
her budget before opening an account

4. Don't open too many accounts at once An ex-
cessive number of accounts frequently causes a
young person many problems

5. Always deal with reputable firms.

6. Be sure you understand the terms of your con-
tract as to amount of payment. percent finance
charge, when due, etc. Credit grantors are re-
quired to give this information when an account
is opened

7. One of the credit manager's jobs is credit coun-
seling. If you have a problem, go to him at once

THE MARRIED WOMAN - The usual practice for a
firm is to handle the account as a family account
under the husband's name. Most families prefer one
account and the practice helps avoid unnecessary
confusion. It is also less expensive for the firm to
service one rather than two accounts.

However, in certain circumstances most firms are
willing to open accounts in the wife's name. The re-
quirements for this are usually the same as the
requirements for opening a male account, i e the
ability to handle the account, her own income and
credit worthiness.

It would be unrealistic for a firm to open accounts
for anyone without a proper basis for doing so.

[blocks in formation]

request Most of the fums involved in this study
are willing 10 cooperate with requesta of this

THE DIVORCEE - When a woman becomes di
vorced. even though she has had accounts at
various stores in the husband's name. it becomes
necessary to reapply for a charge account The firms
must act in accordance with Truth-In-Lending re-
quirements by disclosing terms This can be done
only by a new agreement with the party applying
for the account it is also a personal advantage to
open an account in your own name to transact

The credit manager uses the same general guide-
lines in granting credit to divorcees If you are estab-
lished in your profession, and your accounts pre-
viously have been handled in a satisfactory manner,
then there will be no problem in opening the account
in your name

Circumstances can vary in each particular situa-
tion The credit manager will be happy to review your
problem with you, and offer counseling. Be sure to
ask for the credit manager in requests of this nature
since most firms only have one credit person fully
qualified to handle this counseling and he is willing
to cooperate whenever possible.

who is separated but not divorced has been one of
the most difficult areas for both the credit manager
and the separated person because circumstances
can be so variable.

Usually, but not always, there is a bit of animosity
on the part of both male and female during separa-
tion and divorce. Frequently you are advised not to
pay any accounts until the divorce is final Therefore,
because of their experience in dealing with problems
of this nature, some firms suspend additional credit
during this time.

It is very important for payments to be made as
agreed to during this time, however. Most firms are
required by policy to report the performance of
customers to the credit bureau. Delay of payment
can only impair future credit granting

The credit manager will review your particular
circumstance if you will avail him of all the informa-
tion regarding your situation He will offer explana-
tions in accordance with company policy

THE WIDOW -When a person becomes a widow it
will be to her advantage to change existing accounts
just as soon as possible.

Usually all that is necessary to make the change
is just to complete a new application form with the
notation that the account was previously carried in a
former name The credit performance of the past
will be sufficient, providing your financial position
meets the requirements of the firm

[From the Dallas Morning News]


(By Cheryl Hall)

Republic National Bank feels Dallas professional women deserve a lot more credit, and would like to grant them just that.

Recently, Republic launched a large advertising campaign designed to let area women know their credit business is welcome. The response has been termed "outstanding" to "phenomenal," depending on which mastermind vice-presidentHomer L. Stewart Jr. or Morris Shannon-is describing it.

In the three weeks the program has been in effect, Republic has received more than 500 written requests for its free packet, chockfull of credit brochures for


This figure does not include people who have picked up the packets at the bank. "We even have had inquiries from men concerning our packets," Shannon said, adding that these requests usually come from husbands, who want their wives to become credit oriented. "These men want their wives to have credit experience in case something happens to the husband," Shannon said.

"I've had numerous telephone calls," Stewart said. "I have issued two credit cards this week that I dare say I couldn't have issued five years ago."

Stewart and Shannon view women as a new credit market, relatively untapped in the past due to state laws and remnants of social stigma. But the laws have been amended, and Stewart and Shannon would like to make it a profitable change.

"In the past," Shannon said, "we have made loans to women, but we never really went out and solicited their business. There is a tremendous market we are now trying to reach."

Stewart said the market has always been there, but "there was no push for that market."

Shannon said some other bankers feel Republic "has opened a Pandora's box. If we have if that's what they consider it-then it was something that needed to be opened. The people who think this is what we have done may need to take another look at the situation."

Stewart does not think Republic's approach should be considered unusual, "For an aggressive business institution, it isn't." He said Republic is in business to make loans, and “our loan officers had better have spring-loaded chairs to get up and help our customers."

Republic marketing specialist Dennis Blackstone said the ads for the campaign were not designed with a "feminine touch."

The bank, Shannon said, does not want to separate women customers from men, and does not have a separate department or officers for women, as some banks do. “We feel." he said, "a woman would like to come in just like anyone, when she comes in for a loan or to open an account or anything else."

"We need the professional woman," Stewart said. "We attempted to appeal to the business woman, the woman who really deserves her credit.”

Over 30 per cent of the requests for packets have been sent in business envelopes. Blackstone said he feels this "is a good sign" that the advertising is achieving its goal. Blackstone said requests have come from as far away as New York.

Stewart and Shannon said it is important for women to know about credit, and said many women come to them after divorce or their husband's death and do not even know how to write a check.

"Where people are beginning credit," Stewart said, "we (bankers) have an obligation to educate them on wise credit practices.”

He said everyone has apprehensions about getting credit. "We want to make them feel at ease."

In the past. Stewart said, it was usually up to the husband to borrow money. He said this has changed to a joint decision,

In the future it may become an independent decision, he said, with both the wife and the husband borrowing money when either needs it.

"The woman has demanded more," Stewart said. "She has come to the forefront and demanded she be considered responsible just as anyone else." Stewart quoted the saying that there are three types of people: those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who say, “What happened

We want to make things happen," he said.


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