The Farfarers: Before the NorseCanadian writer. VIkings, Europeans to reach norhern Canada, Albans, Celt, Norse. |
Chapter Five ALBANS AND CELTS | 46 |
Chapter Six ARMORICA | 56 |
Chapter Seven WAR IN THE NORTH | 65 |
Copyright | |
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Alba Alba-in-the-West Alban amongst archaeologist Armoricans ashore Baffin Basques beach beacons Beothuks boat-roofed boats Britain brochs cairns called Cape caribou Celtic Celts century CHAPTER clan coast crew crofters crofts Crona east eastern Erik Erik's Estotiland European Farfarer Farfarer's feet Fetlar fiords Firth fish George's Bay Greenland Gudleif harbour high Arctic houses Hudson Strait hunting Iceland Ingólf inhabitants Inuit Irish Isle ivory Kane Basin Karlsefni Labrador land Landnámabók lived longhouses mainland miles mountains musk ox natives Newfoundland Norse Northern Islands Northmen Norway Okak Orkney Pamiok Payne Lake peninsula Picts Port Pytheas raiding reached region River Roman saga sailed seal seems Shetland ships shore skin skipper Skraelings southern southwestern stone Strait summer Thule Tilli took tower trade Tunit tuskers Ungava Ungava Bay valuta seekers vessels Viking Vinland voyage walrus waters weather Western Settlement Westviking westward winter لا