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Partly collected out of his Maiesties

Letters Patents, and partly ordained vpon
mature deliberation, by the TREAS VROR,
VIRGINIA, for the better gou-
erning of the Actions and affaires
of the said COMPANIE here
in England residing. An-

no 1619. and 1620.




HERE are foure great generall Courts, commonly called Quarter Courts, appointed to be held by the Treasuror, Counseil and Companie of Virginia, vpon the foure last Wednesdayes saue one of euery Tearme : which onely haue and shall haue power to choose Counseilours and Officers, as well for the Companie here, as also for the Colonie and Planters in Virginia: to make Lawes and ordinances to distribute and dispose of the Lands in Virginia: and to settle matter of Trade for the behoofe of the Companie and Colonie.


Very Munday before a Quarter-Court, shall be held a Court to prepare all kinde of businesse reserued to the power of the Quarter Court to determine.

VOL. III.-No. 6.




Very Wednesday fortnight, reckoning from the great Courts, shall also be held an ordinary Court for this Company, for dispatch of ordinary and extraordinary businesse. And it is not to be counted a perfect Court, vnlesse there be five of the Counseil there (the Treasuror or Deputie being one) and fifteene of the Generality.



[T shall be in the power of the Treasuror, or the Deputie in ry Court.


T shall not be in the power of any other then a Quarter Court, to make any contract whereby to binde the Company for any continuance of yeares. In which case it shall be proposed also in the Preparatiue Court next preceding..

V I.

Vblique businesse shall haue the precedence in the Courts before priuate, vnlesse there be extraordinary important cause to the contrary.


[F any thing ordered in an ordinary or lesser Court, be afterward reuersed in one of the great and generall Courts: It shall be from thence forward as though it had neuer beene so ordered.


LL Courts shall begin at two of the clocke in the after

Anone, and dissolue at the rising of the Treasuror, or of the Deputie in his absence.


TОthing shall be put to the question after sixe of the Clocke in the after-noone.


N regard of the great businesse for Virginia yearely en


see it so necessary) to assemble the Quarter Courts both in the fore-noones and after-noones of the dayes appointed for them.

X I.

He Companie shall be summoned to the Quarter Courts,

Tand extraordinary, by the Officer. But of the or

dinary Courts themselues shall take notice. And the Secretary shall keepe a booke of the proceedings of the Courts: who with the Booke-keeper, Husband, and Bedle, shall at all Courts giue diligent attendance.



T shall be lawful at a generall Court, and with consent thereof, to dispence with all meetings in long Vacations, or in such part of them as may be spared; vnlesse some extraordinary matter befall, in which case may be called extraordinary Courts.


He Treasuror and Company, being a Body and Commonaltie perpetuall, shall haue one faire and common Seale, to be kept by the Treasuror; and not to be affixed to any Grants or Instruments whatsoeuer, otherwhere then in publique Courts, or by warrant from thence.



He Treasuror and the Counseil, or the Court, haue power to admit any into this Society.


X V.

AQuarter Court, in Easter Terme, all Offices of this Com

T the great and generall Court, commonly called the

pany (excepting the Counseil) shall be voide: And the Court shall proceede to an election of new Officers, in manner following.

X V I.

TH HE Treasuror in the beginning of the Court, at the giu

ing vp of his Office, shall declare by word or writing the present estate of the Colonie and Planters in Virginia. And


deliuer into the Court a Booke of his accounts for the yeere past, examined and approued vnder the Auditors hands: Declaring withall the present estate of the Cash.


Fter the choise of a Treasuror, a Deputie shall be chosen; then the Auditors, and Comitties; and lastly the Secretarie, Booke-keeper, Husband, and Bedle.


T the choise of each Officer, the persons nominated for the

A election, shall withdraw themselues till the party chosen be

publiquely so pronounced. And generally no man shall be present in the Court, whilst himselfe or his matter passeth the judgement of the Court.


IN regard of the weighty and manifold businesse of this Com

panie, which is also like daily to encrease: No man shall be chosen Treasuror of the Company of Virginia, who at the time of his election is Gouernor of any other Company; but vpon condition that before the next Quarter Court hee effectually resigne that other Gouernement: except it seeme good for the behalfe of both Companies, that the same man be also Gouernour of the Somer Ilands Company.

X X.

T is for weighty reasons thought very expedient, that no man continue in the place of Treasuror or Deputie, aboue three

yeares at once.


X X I.

Or the auoiding of diuers inconueniences, It is thought fit, that all elections of principall Officers in or for Virginia, as also of the Treasuror and Deputie here, be performed by a Ballating box, as in some other Companies.



Very Officer as he is chosen, shall openly in Court take his Moath: or if he be absent, at the next Court he commeth to.



He Treasuror, Deputie, Auditors, and Comitties, hauing no certaine allowance for their cares and labours: the reward

ward of these former Officers according to their deserts, is referred to the pleasure of the Court wherein new Officers are chosen.



He Treasurors duetie is to keepe the ordinary Courts of Virginia and vpon cause extraordinary, to call Courts extraordinarily. And in all Courts, and other meetings, hee is to haue a casting voyce.

X X V.

Hand to cause gatuity, order

E is to moderate the Courts in qualitie of a President :

serued: And for breach thereof, after a graue admonition, first giuen, and not preuailing; to proceede to reformation by the judgement of the Court.

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E is to propound and put all things to the question which the Court requires, vnder paine of being immediately put from his Office, if he refuse. In which case the Deputie shall doe it, vnder the like paine. And if he refuse, then any of the Counseil there present.


W is: explained

Hereas the Treasuror is to put to the question all things

of such things as are not contrary to his Maiesties Letters Patents or Instructions, nor to the standing Lawes and Orders of the Companie.


He is to have care that stuerall businesse, doe prosecute the

E is to haue care that the extraordinary Comitties appoint

same; and giue seasonable account of their doings to the Court.


E is also to haue an especiall care, that no Grant or Patent doe passe from the Companie, but upon examination


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