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ticke fortunes, nor banishment from their natiue soile, nor any experimented dangers haue broken their noble resolution.

And therefore, he that desireth to purchase infallible hope of priuate vtility; hee that aimeth at the honor & wealth of his natiue country; he that esteemeth his owne repute as deere as his owne eies; he that endeauou reth to enlarge the dominions of his Prince, and the Kingdome of his God: let him remember what hee hath already spent, which is all buried; let him consider the consequences of state, which are all vanished into smoake; let him conceiue what a scorne we shall be made to the maligners of our state abroad, and our il affected at home; let him meditate, the external riches of other Kingdoms, able to buy and sell the monarch of the west; let him heare the triumphant boasting of the Beast of Rome, as though God would not suffer our schismaticall and hereticall Religion, to be infused into a new conuerted Region: O all ye worthies, follow the euer-sounding trumpet of a blessed honour; let Religion be the first aim of your hopes, & cætera adijcientur, and other things shall be cast vnto you: your names shall be registred to posterity with a glorious title; These are the men, whom God raised to augment the State of their countrey, and to propagate the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Neyther ought any man to liue vnder Augustus, as if he liued vnder Domitian, quibus inertia est pro sapientia; to whom sluggishnes & priuacy is imputed for wisedome and pollicy. The same God that hath ioyned three Kingdomes vnder one Cæsar, wil not be wanting to adde a fourth, if wee would dissolue that frosty Icinesse which chilleth our zeale, and maketh vs so cold in the action. But is a meere Idaa, speculation and fancy, to sow sparingly, and yet expect for to reape plentifully; when a penurious supply is like the casting on of a little water vpon a great fire, that quencheth not the heat, but augments it: when procrastinating delayes, and lingring counsels, doe lose the opportunity of flying time; whereby we rather bewray our Colony then releeue them: let no man adore his golde as his God, nor his Mammon as his Maker. If God haue scattered his blessings vpon you as snow, will you retnrne no tributary acknowledgement of his goodnesse? If you will, can you select a more excellent subiect, then to cast downe the altars of Diuels, that you may raise vp the Altar of Christ: to forbid the sacrifice of men, that they may offer vp the sacrifice of contrite spirites; to reduce Barbarisme and infidelity, to ciuill gouernment and Christianity? Si frigido loquor, nihil loquor; If I speake to a man void of piety, I speake but the words of winde and vanity;

vanity; otherwise how doth that man groane vnder the worlds corruption, that doth not actually or vocally hasten the worldes conuersion? Doubt ye not but God hath determined, and demonstrated (by the wondrous preseruation of those principal persons which fell vpon the Bermudos) that he will raise our state, and build his Church in that excellent climate, if the action be seconded with resolution and Religion.

Nil disperandum Christo Duce, & Auspice Christo.


The Colony in Virginea


Lavves Diuine, Morall and

Martiall, &c.

Alget qui non Ardet.

Res nostræ subinde non sunt, quales quis optaret,

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Force's Collection of Historical Tracts.

VOL. III.-No. 2.

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