We'll borrow place of him :-Sir, by your leave: Ang. O my dread lord, I should be guiltier than my guiltiness, When I perceive, your grace, like power divine, Hath look'd upon my passes: Then, good prince, No longer session hold upon my shame. Duke. Come hither, Mariana : Say, wast thou e'er contracted to this woman? Ang. I was, my lord. Duke. Go take her hence, and marry her instantly. Do you the office, friar; which consummate, Return him here again :-Go with him, Provost. [Exeunt ANGELO, MARIANA, PETER, and PROVOST. Escal. My lord, I am more amaz'd at his disThan at the strangeness of it. [honour. Duke. Come hither, Isabel : Your friar is now your prince: As I was then Isab. Oh! give me pardon, That I, your vassal, have employ'd and pain'd Your unknown sovereignty. Duke. You are pardon'd, Isabel : Make rash remonstrance of my bidden power, That life is better life, past fearing death, [fort, Re-cnter ANGELO, MARIANA, PETER, and PROVOST. Isab. I do, my lord. Duke. For this new-married man, approaching here, Whose sa't imagination yet hath wrong'd Mari. Isabel, Sweet Isabel, do yet but kneel by me; Let him not die: My brother had but justice, In that he did the thing for which he died: His act did not o'ertake his bad intent; Mari. Merely, my lord. Duke. Your suit's unprofitable; stand up, I say. I have bethought me of another fault : Prov. It was commanded so. Duke. Had you a special warrant for the deed ? Prov. No, iny good lord; it was by private message. Duke. For which I do discharge you of your Give up your keys. [ollice: Prov. Pardon me, nobles lord: I thought it was a fault, but knew it not; Duke. What's he? Prov. His name is Barnardine. Duke. I would thou had'st done so by Claudio. Go, fetch him hither; let me look upon him. [Exit PROVOST. Escal. I am sorry, one so learned, and so wise As you, lord Angelo, have still appear'd, Should slip so grossly, both in the heat of blood, And lack of temper'd judgment afterward. Ang. I am sorry that such sorrow I procure : And so deep sticks it in my penitent heart, That I crave death more willingly than mercy; 'Tis my deserving, and I do intreat it. Re-enter PROVOST, BARNARDINE, CLAUDIO, and JULIET. Duke. Which is that Barnardine? Duke. There was a friar told me of this For better times to come : -Friar, advise him ; | And he shall marry her: the nuptial finish'd, Let him be whipp'd and hang'd. I leave him to your hand.-What muffled fellow's that? Prov. This is another prisoner, that I sav'd, That should have died when Claudio lost bis head; As like almost to Claudio, as himself. [Unmufles CLAUDIO. One all of luxury, an ass, a madman; Lucio. 'Faith, my lord, I spoke it but according to the trick: If you will hang me for it, you may, but I had rather it would please you, I might be whipp'd. Duke. Whipp'd first, Sir, and hang'd after.— Proclaim it, Provost, round about the city; If any woman's wrong'd by this lewd fellow, (As I have heard him swear himself, there's one Whom he begot with child,) let her appear, Lucio. I beseech your highness, do not mariy me to a whore; Your highness said even now, I made you a duke: good my lord, do not recom. pense me, in making me a cuckold. Duke. Upon mine honour, thou shalt mair her. Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal Lucio. Marrying a punk, my lord, is pressing to death, whipping, and banging. Duke. Sland'ring a prince deserves it.She, Claudio, that you wrong'd, look you restore. Joy to you, Mariana!-love her, Angelo : ness: There's more behind, that is more gratulate.+ So, bring us to our palace; where we'll show What's yet behind, that's meet you all should [Exeunt. know. WINTER'S TALE. LITERARY AND HISTORICAL NOTICE. TO the story-book, or Pleasant History (as it is called) of Dorastus and Pawnia, written by Robert Greene, M.A we at indebted for Shakspeare's Winter's Tale. The parts of Antigonus, Paulina, and Autolycus, are of the poet's own invention; and many circumstances of the novel are omitted in the drama. Mr. Walpole ranks it among the historic plays of Shakspeare, and says it was certainly presented, (in compliment to Queen Elizabeth) as an indirect apology for her mother, Anne Boleyn; the unreasonable jealousy and violent conduct of Leontes, forming a true portrait of Henry VIII. who generally made the law the engine of his pas sions. Several passages, it must be confessed, strongly favour this plausible conjecture, and seem to apply to the real history much closer than to the fable. But Malone and Sir William Blackstone refer to other passages, which would strengthen a contrary opinion; to one, in particular, which could scarcely be in. tended for the ear of her, who had put the Queen of Scots to death. It was, however, probably written immediately upon Elizabeth's death; nor could it fail of being very agreeable to James her successor. An Inattention to dramatic rules, so common with Shakspeare, is perhaps more glaringly apparent in this than in any other of his productions; and Pope and Dryden have made it the subject of some ill-advised censure. But had Shakspeare been acquainted with these rules, (which he certainly was not,) the exquisite talent displayed in his writings, is a sufficient apology for the freedom with which he has set them aside. His inexhaustible genius was not to be restrained, nor the restless disposition of an English audience to be gratified, by a close and reverent adherence to the classical unities of the stage. Hence such a breach in time and probability, as producing, at a rustic festival, a lovely woman, fit to be married, who but a few minutes before, had been deposited on the sea-shore, an infant in swaddling clothes. Hence the celerity with which seas are crossed, countries traversed, battles fought, and marriages accomplished. The Winter's Tale, however, with all its contradictions---with a mean fable, extravagantly conducted---is scarcely inferior to any of Shakspeare's plays. It contains much excellent sentiment, several strongly-marked characters, and a tissue of events fully justifying the title ;---for a jumble of improbable incidents, some merry and some sad, is the legitimate feature of a Christmas story. Still it must be observed, that though the origin and progress of jealousy are always unaccountable, the sudden transition of Leontes from a state of perfect friendship and affection to that of hatred and vindictive rage, is not accompanied by any apparent circumstances to render it probable or natural. Paulina's character is novel, and very pleasingly imagined; and Hermione's defence is not less beautiful and pathetic than its prototype in Henry VIII. Autolycus, the king of beggars and of pedlars, is one of the most arch and amusing scoundrels ever designed by our poet. His songs are all exceedingly spirited. An old Shepherd, reputed father of Perdita. Servant to the old Shepherd. AUTOLYCUS, a Rogue. TIME, as Chorus. HERMIONE, Queen to Leontes. PERDITA, Daughter to Leontes and Hermione. PAULINA, Wife to Antigonus. EMILIA, a Lady Attending the Queen. Two other Ladies, MOPSA, Shepherdesses. Lords, Ladies, and Attendants; Satyrs for a dance. Shepherds, Shepherdesses, Guards, &c. SCENE--sometimes in Sicilia; sometimes in Bohemia. ACT I. SCENE 1.-Sicilia.-An Antechamber in Enter CAMILLO and ARCHIDAMUS. have said, great difference betwixt our Bobemia, and your Sicilia. Cam. I think, this coming summer, the king of Sicilia means to pay Bohemia the visitation which he justly owes bim. Arch. Wherein our entertainment shall shame us, we will be justified in our loves: for, in deed, Cam. 'Beseech you →→ |