Gon. Holloa, holloa! Gon. Mean you to enjoy him? Alb. The let-alone + lies not in your good will. Edm. Nor in thine, lord. Alb. Half-blooded fellow, yes. thine. On capital treason; and, in thy arrest, I bar it in the interest of my wife; And I, her husband, contradict your bans. Gon. An interlude ! Alb. Thou art arm'd, Gloster :-Let trumpet sound: Edg. What's he, tha. speaks for Edmund earl Edm. Himself;-What say'st thou to him? That, if my speech offend a noble heart, Despite thy victor sword, and fire-new fortune To prove upon thy heart, whereto I speak Edm. In wisdom I should ask thy name : + If none appear to prove upon thy person, Ere I taste bread, thou art in nothing less Reg. Sick, O, sick! [Aside. Gon. If not, I'll ne'er trust poison. Alb. A herald, ho! Edm. A herald, ho, a herald ! diers, for thy sol All levied in my name, have in my name Took their discharge. Reg. This sickness grows upon me. Enter a HERALD. Alb. She is not well; convey her to my tent. Off. Sound, trumpet. [A Trumpet sounds. If any man of quality or degree, within the lists of the army, will maintain upon EDMUND, supposed earl of GLOSTER, that he is a manifold traitor, let him appear at the third sound of the trumpet: He is bold in his defence. [Alarums. They fight.-EDMUND falls. Alb. O save him, save him! Gon. This is mere practice, § Gloster: By the law of arms, thou wast not bound to Alb. Most monstrous ! Know'st thou this paper? Gon. Ask me not what I know. [thine: [Exit GONERIL. Alb. Go after her: she's desperate; govern her. [To an OFFICER, who goes out. Edm. What you have charg'd me with, that [out; have I done; And more, much more: the time will bring it 'Tis past, and so am I: But what art thou, That hast this fortune on me? If thou art noble, I do forgive thee. Edg. Let's exchange charity. am no less in blood than thou art, Edmund; Cost him his eyes. Edm. Thou hast spoken right, 'tis true; Alb. Methought, thy very gait did prophesy I know it well. that my heart would | Speak, Edmund, where's the king? and where's That very dogs disdain'd: and in this habit heart, flaw'd (Alack, too weak the conflict to support!) Edm. This speech of your's hath mov'd me, you on; You look as you had something more to say. Cordelia ? See'st thou this object, Kent ? [The Bodies of GONERIL and REGAN are brought in. Kent. Alack, why thus ? Edm. Yet Edmund was belov'd: Alb. Even so.-Cover their faces. Edm. I pant for life :-Some good I mean to Despite of mine own nature. Quickly send,- Alb. Run, run, O run Edg. To who, my lord ?-Who has the office ? send Thy token of reprieve. Edm. Well thought on; take my sword, Alb. Haste thee, for thy life. [Exit EDGAR. To hang Cordelia in the prison, and Alb. If there be more, more woeful, hold it That she fordid herself. * in ; He fasten'd on my neck, and bellow'd out Told the most piteous tale of Lear and him, And there I left him tranc'd. Alb. But who was this? Edg. Kent, Sir, the banish'd Kent: who in disguise Follow'd his enemy king, and did him service !mproper for a slave. awhile. Alb. The gods defend her! Bear him bence [EDMUND is borne off. Enter LEAR, with CORDELIA dead in his Arms; EDGAR, OFFICER, and others. Lear. Howl, howl, howl, howl!-O you are men of stones; Had I your tongues and eyes, I'd use them so I know when one is dead, and when one lives ; Kent. Is this the promis'd end? + Lear. This feather stirs : she lives! if it be so, Kent. O my good master! Edg. 'Tis noble Kent, your friend. [Kneeling. Lear. A plague upon you, murderers, traitors all! [ever! I might have sav'd her; now she's gone for Enter a GENTLEMAN hastily, with a bloody What is't thou say'st?-Her voice was ever Knife. Kent. Nor no man else, all's cheerless, dark, | And thou no breath at all 10 thou wilt com and deadly. no more, Your eldest daughters have fore-doom'd them-Never, never, never, never, never!— You lords, and noble friends, know our intent. The wages of their virtue, and all foes Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, Pray you, undo this button: Thank you, Sir.Do you see this? Look on her,-look,-her lips, Look there, look there!— [He dies Edg. He faints !-My lord, my lord,- Kent. Vex not his ghost: O let him pass. That would upon the rack of this tough world Edg. O he is gone, indeed. Kent. The wonder is, he hath endur'd so long: He but usurp'd his life. Alb. Bear them from hence.-Our present business Is general woe. Friends of my soul, yon twain Alb. The weight of this sad time we must obey; • Dic. |