Finding Your Wings: A Workbook for Beginning Bird WatchersGuttman provides a step-by-step workbook that guides readers through the challenges of bird watching. This workbook is filled with quizzes and exercises that prepare the reader for birding and help beginners develop a sense of accomplishment and progress. |
Learning How to | 11 |
Exercise | 16 |
Exercise | 22 |
Drawing Helps a | 24 |
Easy Birds First | 43 |
Plumage and Topography | 56 |
Exercise | 59 |
Eight Passerine Families | 69 |
Diurnal Raptors Hawks | 117 |
Exercise | 121 |
Shorebirds | 129 |
Exercise | 134 |
Gulls | 143 |
Sparrows | 149 |
Fun and Games | 159 |
Watching Birds in Flight | 78 |
Field Exercise | 87 |
Vocalizations | 90 |
Exercise | 168 |
202 | |
Other editions - View all
Finding Your Wings: A Workbook for Beginning Bird Watchers Burton S. Guttman No preview available - 2008 |
Common terms and phrases
American Goldfinch auricular beginners belly binoculars bird's birders black-and-white Black-throated Black-throated Sparrows blackbirds Blue Blue Grosbeak breeding brown Buntings buteos California Gulls called chapter Coast color common birds crown stripe crows curlews dark diagnosis distinctive distinguish ducks Dunlin easily egrets EXERCISE eye relief eye-ring eyebrow feathers feed female field guides field marks finches flight focus Fox Sparrows genus godwits Goldfinch gray grebes Grosbeak gulls habitat hawks head herons House Sparrows identify insects Jays jizz Killdeer kinglets look malar stripe male migration move neck Northern notice numbers observe olive back orioles passerines patch pattern perched Peterson Piping Plovers Plovers plumage prairies recognize rump rusty Sandpiper shape shorebirds silhouette small birds Song Sparrows species spot Steller's Jays Stilt Sandpipers streaked tail tanagers thin bills tree Vireo Warbler watching Western Whimbrels White wing bars wingtips winter woodpeckers Wren Yellow throat Yellow