Mrs. Page. Hang him, dishonest rascal ! I would And that, my state being gall'd with my expense all of the same strain were in the same distress. I seek to heal it only by his wealth : Mrs. Ford. I think my husband hath some spe- Besides these, other bars be lays before me, cial suspicion of Falstaff's being here ; for I never My riots past, my wild societies; saw bim so gross in his jealousy till now. And tells me, 'tis a thing impossible Mrs. Page. I will lay a plot to try that: And we I shou'd love thee, but as a property. will yet have more tricks with Falstaff: his disso- Anne. May be, he tells you true. lute disease will scarce obey this medicine. Fent. No, Heaven so speed me in ing time to Mrs. Ford. Shall we send that foolish carrion, come! mistress Quickly, to him, and excuse his throwing Albeit, I will confess, thy father's wealth into the water; and give hiin another hope, to be- Was the first motive that I woo'd thee, Anne . tray him to another punishment ? Yet, wooing thee, I found thee of more value Mrs. Page. We'll do it; let bim be sent for to- Than stamps in gold, or sums in sealed bags; morrow eight o'clock, to have amends. And 'tis the very riches of thyself That now I aim it. Re-enter Ford, Page, Caius, and Sir Hugh Eyans. Anne. Gentle master Fenton, Ford. I cannot find him: may be the knave vet seek my father's love; still seek it, sir bragged of that he could not compass. If opportunity and humbleśt suit Mrs. Page. Heard you that? Can not attain it, why then.-Hark you hither. Mrs. Ford. Ay, ay, peace : - You use me well, [They converse apirt. master Ford, do you? Ford. Ay, I do so. Enter Shallow, SLENDER, and Mrs. QUICKLY. Mrs. Ford. Heaven make you better than your Shal. Break their talk, mistress Quickly; my thoughts! kinsman shall speak for himself. Ford. Amen. Slen. I'll make a shaft or a bolt on't: slid, 'tis Mrs. Page. You do yourself mighty wrong, mas. but venturing. ior Ford. Shal. Be not dismay'd. Ford. Ay, ay; I must bear it. Slen. No, she shall not dismay me: I care not Eva. If ihere be any pody in the house, and in for that,,but that I am afeard. the chambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses, Quick. Hark ye; master Slender would speak a Heaven forgive my sins at the day of jud, ment ! word with you. Caius. By gar, nor I too ; dere is no bodies. Anne. I'come to him. - This is my father's Page. Fie, fie, master Ford! are you not ashamed ? choice. What spirit, what devil suggests ihis imagination ? O, what a world of vile ill-favour'd faults I would not have your distemper in this kind, for Looks bandsome in three hundred pounds a year! the wealth of Windsor Castle. [Aside, Ford. "Tis my fault, master Page : I suffer for it. Quick. And how does good master Fenton ? Prav Eva. You suffer for a pad conscience : your wife you, a word with you. is as lionest a 'omans, as I will desires among five Shal. She's coming; to her, coz. O boy, thou thousand, and five hundred too. hadst a father! Caius. By gar, I see 'tis an honest woman. Slen. I had a father, mistress Anne ;--my uncle Ford. Well;—1 promised you a dinner :-Come, can tell you good jests of him :- Pray you, uncle, come, walk in the park : I pray you, pardon me; tell mistress Anne the jest, how my father stole I will hereafter make known to you, why I have two geese out of a pen, good uncle. done this.-Come, wife ;-come, mistress Page ; Shal. Mistress Anne, my cousin loves you. I pray you, pardon me ; pray heartily, pardon me. Slen. Ay, that I do; as well as I love any wom:n Page. Let's go in, gentlemen ; but, trust me, in Gloucestershire. we'll mock him. I do invite you to-morrow morn- Shal. He will maintain you like a gentlewoman. ing to my bouse to breakfast, after, we'll a birding Slen. Ay, that I will, come cut and long tail, together; I have a fine hawk for the bush : Shall under the degree of a 'squire. it be so? Shal. He will make you a hundred and fiflv Ford. Any thing. pounds jointure. Eva. If there is one, I sball make two in the Anne. Good master Shallow, let him woo for company. himself. Cuius. If there be one or two, I shall make-a de Shal. Marry I thank you for it; I thank y u fris turd. that good comfort. She calls you, coz: l'il lavo Eva. In your teeth : for shame. you. Ford. Pray you go, master Page. Anne. Now, master Slender. Eva. I pray you now, remembrance to-morrow Slen. Now, good mistress Anne. on the lousy knave, mine host. Anne. What is your will ? Caius. Dat is good; by gar, vit all my heart. Slen. My will?' 'od's heartlings, that's a pretty Eva. A lousy Inave; to have his gibes and his jest, indeed! I ne'er made my will yet, 1 thank mockeries. (Eseunt. 'Heaven; I am not such a sickly creature, I give Heaven praise. SCENE IV.A Room in Page's House. Anne. I mean, master Slender, what would you with me? Enter FENTON and Mistress Anne Page. Slen. Truly, for mine own part, I would little or Fent. I see, I cannot get thy father's love ; nothing with you: Your father, and my uncle, Therefore no inore turn me to him, sweet Nan. have made motions: if it be my luck, so: if not, Anne. Alas! buw then ? haipy man be bis dole! They can tell you how Fent. Why, thou must be thyself. things go, better than I can : You may ask your Ho dotb object, I am too great of birth ; father; Tiere he comes. with you. Enter Page and Mistress Page, may know by my size, that I have a kind of alacrity in sinking; if the bottom were as deep as ball, I Page. Now, master Slender :-Love him, daugh. should down. I had been drowned, but that the ter Anne. shore was shelvy and shallow ; a death that I abhor; Why, how now! what does Master Fenton here? for the water swells a man; and what a thing You wrong me, sir, thus still to haunt my house : should I have been, when I had been swelled! I I told you, sir, my daughter is dispos'd öf. should have been a mountain of mummy. Fent. Nay, master Page, be not impatient. Bard. Here's mistress Quickly, sir, to speak Fal. Come, let me pour in some sack to the Page. No, good master Fenton. Thames water; for my belly's as cold as if I had Come, master Shallow ; come, son Slender; in:- -swallowed snow-balls for pills to cool the reins. Koowing my mind, you wrong me, master Fenton. Call her in. (Eseunt PAGE, SHALLOW, and SLENDER. Bard. Come in, woman. Quick. Speak to mistress Page. Fent. Good mistress Page, for that I love your Enter Mrs. QUICKLY. daughter In such a righteous fashion as I do, Quick. By your leave; I cry you mercy : Give. Perforce, against all checks, rebukes, and your worship good-morrow. manners, I must advance the colours of my love, Fal. Take away these chalices, Go, brew me a And not retire: Let me have your good will. pottle of sack finely. Anne. Good mother, do not marry me to yond' Bard. With eggs, sir? fool. Fal. Simple of itself; I'll no pullet-sperm in my Mrs. Page. I mean it not; I seek you a better brewage - [Exit BARDOLPH.]—How now? husband. Quick. Marry, sir, I come to your worship from mistress Ford. Quick. That's my master, master doctor. Anne. Alas, I had rather be set quick i’ the earth, was thrown into the ford : I have my belly full of Fal. Mistress Ford! I have had ford enough: I And bowl'd to death with turnips. ford. Mrs. Page. Come, trouble not yourself : Good Quick. Alas the day! good heart, that was not master Fenton, I will not be your friend, nor enemy: ber fault: she does so take on with her men ; they My daughter will I questi n how she loves you, mistook their erection. And as I find her, so am I affected, Fal. So did I mine, to build upon a foolish wo'Till then, farewell, sir:-She must needs go in; man's promise. Her father will be angry. Quick. Well, she laments, sir, for it, that it (Eseunt Mrs. Page and Anse. would yearn your heart to see it. Her husband Fent. Farewell, gentle mistress ; farewell, Nan. goes this morning a birding; she desires you once Quick. This is my doing now ;-Nay, said I, will more to come to ber between eight and nine ; I you cast away your child on a fool, and a physician ? must carry her word quickly: she'll make you Look on master Fenton :- this is my doing. amends, I warrant you. Fent. I thank thee; and I pray thee, once to her think what a man is: let her consider his frailty, Fal. Well, I will visit her: Tell her so; and bid night Give my sweet Nan this ring: There's for thy pains. and then judge of my merit. (Esit. Quick. I will tell her. Ful. Do so. Between nine and ten, say'st thou ? Quick. Now leaven send thee good fortune! A kind heart he hath: a woman would run througb Quick. Eigbt and pine, sir. fire and water for such a kind heart. But yet, I Fal. Well, be gone : I will not miss her. would my master bad mistress Ance ; or I would Quick. Peace be with you, sir. [Ezil. master Slender had ber; or, in sooth, I would mas Fal. I marvel, I bear not of master Brook; he ter Fenton had her: I will do what I can for them sent me word to stay within : I like bis money well, all three; for so I have promised, and I'll be as good O here he comes. as my word; but speciously for master Fenton. Enter FORD. Well, I must of another errand to sir John Falstaff from my two mistresses; What a beast am I to Ford. Bless you, sir : slack it [Erit. Fal. Now, master Brook? you come to know what hath passed between me and Ford's wife. SCENE V.-A Room in the Garter Inn. Ford. That, indeed, sir Jolin, is my business. Fal. Master Brook, I will not lie to you; I was Enter FALSTAFF and BARDOL VII. at her house the hour she appointed me. Fal. Bardolph, I say, Ford. And how sped you, sir ? Bard. Here, sir. Fal. Very ill-favouredly, master Brook. Fal. Go fetch me a quart of sack; put a toast Ford. How so, sir ? Did she change her deterin't. [Exit Bard.) Have I lived to be carried in a mination ? hasket, like a barrow of butcher's offal; and to be Fal. No, master Brook ; but the peaking corthrown into the Thames? Well, if I be served nuto her husband. master Brook, dwelling in a consuch another trick, I'll have my brains ta'en out, tinual 'larum of jealousy, comes me in the instaut of and butter'd, and give them to a dog for a new our encounter, after we bad embraced, kissed, proyear's gift. The rogues slighted me into the river tested, and, as it were, spuke the prologue of our With as little remorse as they would have drowned comedy; and at bis heels a rabble of his compaa hitch's blind puppies, fifteen i’the litter: and you nions, thither provoked and instigated by his dis. temper, and forsooth, to search his house for his the devil that guides him should aid him, I will wife's love. search impossible places. Though what I am I Ford. What, while you were there? cannot avoid, yet to be what I would not, shall not Fal. While I was there. make me tame : if I bave horns to make one mad, Ford. And did he search for you, and could not let the proverb go with me, I'll be horn mad. (Exit find you? Fal. You shall hear. As good luck would have it, comes in one mistress Page ; gires intelligence of Ford's approach; and, by her invention, and Ford's wife's distraction, they conveyed me into a buck-basket! ACT IV. SCENE 1.-The Street. Enter Mrs. PAGE, Mrs. QUICKLY, and WILLIAM. the rankest compound of villanous smell that ever offended nostril. Mrs. Page. Is be at master Ford's already, think'st thou? Ford. And how long lay you there? Fal. Nay, you shall bear, master Brook, what I Quick. Sure he is by this; or will be presently : have suffered to bring this woman to evil for but truly he is very courageous mad, about his your Mistress Ford desires good. Being thus crammed in the basket, a couple throwing into the water. of Ford's knaves, his binds, were called forth by you to come suddenly. Mrs. Page. I'll be with her by-and-by; I'll but their mistress, to carry me in the name of foul clothes to Datchet-lane: they took me on their bring my young man here to school; Look, where shoulders; met the jealous kvave their master in bis master comes; 'tis a playing-day, I see. the door ; who asked them once or twice what they Enter Sir Hugh Evans. had in their basket: 1 quaked for fear, lest the lunatic knave would have searched it; but fate, or- How now, sir Hugh ? no school to-day? daining he should be a cuckold, held his hand. Eva. No; master Slender is let the boys leave Well: on went he for a search, and away went I to play. for foul clothes. But mark the sequel, master Quick. Blessing of his heart! Brook : I suffered the pangs of three several Mrs. Page. Sir Hugh, my husband says, my son deaths: first, an intolerable fright, to be detected profits nothing in the world at his book; I pray with a jealous rotten bell-wether: next, to be you, ask him some questions in his accidence. compassed, like a good bilbo, in the circumference Eva. Come bither, William ; hold up your head ; of a peck, hilt to point, heel to head: and then, to come. be stopped in, like a strong distillation, with stink- Mrs. Page. Come on, sirrah: bold up your head, ing clothes that fretted in their own grease: think answer your master, be not afraid. of ihat, -a man of my kidney,-think of that : that Eva. William, bow many numbers is in nouns ? am as subject to heat, as butter; a man of continual Will. Two. dissolution and thaw; it was a miracle, to 'scape Quick. Truly, I thought there had been ono suffocation. And in the height of this bath, when number more ; because they say, od's nouns. I was more than half stewed in grease, like a Eva. Peace your tattlings. What is fair, Wil Dutch dish, to be thrown into the Thames, and liam ? cooled, glowing hot, in that surge, like a horse- Will. Pulcher. shoe; think of that,--hissing hot, -think of that, Quick. Poulcats! there are fairer things thar. master Brook. poulcats, sure. Ford. In good sadness, sir, I am sorry that for Eva. You are a very simplicity 'oman ; I pray my sake you have suffered all this. My suit then is you, peace. What is lapis, William ? desperate ; you'll undertake her no more, Will. A stone. Fal. Master Brook, I will be thrown into Etna, Eva. And what is a stone, William ? as I bave been into Thames, ere I will leave her Will. A pebble. thus. Her husband is this morning gone a birding : Eva. No, it is lapis ; I pray you remember in I have received from her another embassy of meet your prain. ing: 'twixt eight and nine is the hour, Master Will. Lapis. Brook. Eva. That is good, William. What is he, Wil. Ford. 'Tis past eight already, sir. liam, that does lend articles ? Fal. Is it? I will then address me to my ap. Will. Articles are borrowed of the pronoun; and pointment. Come to me at your convenient leisure, be thus declined, Singulariter, nominativo, hic, hæc, and you shall know how I speed; and the conclu- hoc. sion shall be crowned with your enjoying her: Eva. Nominativo, hig, hag, hog ;-pray you, Adieu. You shall bave her, master Brook; master mark : genetivo, hujus: Well, what is your accuBrook, you shall cuckold Ford. [Erit. sative case ? Ford. Hum! ha! is this a vision! is ihis a Will. Accusativo, hinc. dream? do I sleep? Master Ford, awake; awake, Eva. I pray you, have your remembrance, child; master Ford; there's a hole made in your best coat, Accusativo, hing, hang, hog. master Ford. This 'tis to be married ! this 'tis to Quick. Hang hog is Latin for bacon, I warrant bave linen, and buck-baskets !--Well, I will pro- you. claim myself wbat I am: I will now take the Eva. Leave your prabbles, 'oman. What is the lecher; he is at my house : he cannot 'scape me; rocative case, William ? 'tis impossible he should; he cannot creep into a Will. 0--vocativo, () balfpenny purse, nor into a pepper-box; but, lest Eva. Remember, William, focative is, caret Quick. And that's a good root. and hath drawn him and the rest of their company Eva. 'Oman, forbear. from their sport, to make another experiment of Mrs. Page. Peace. his suspicion ; but I am glad the knight is not Eva. What is your genitive case plural, William ? here : now he shall see his own foolery. Will. Genitive case ? Mrs. Ford. How near is be, mistress Page ? Eva. Ay. Mrs. Page. Hard by ; at street end; he will be Will. Genitive,-horum, harum, horum. here anon. Quick. 'Vengeance of Jenny's case ! tie on her! Mrs. Ford. I am undone !-the knight is bere. -Dever name her, child, if she be a whore. Mrs. Page. Why then you are utterly ashamed, Eva. For shame, 'oman. and he's but a dead man. What a woman are you? Quick. You do ill to teach the child such words : -Away with him, away with him; better shame he teaches him to hick and to back, which they'll than murder. do fast enough of themselves, and to call horum :- Mrs. Ford. Which way should he go? how fie upon you ! should I bestow him? Shall I put him into the Eva. 'Oman, art thou lunatics? hast thou no basket again ? understandings for thy cases, and the numbers of the genders ? Thou art as foolish Christian crea Re-enter Falstaff. tures as I would desires. Mrs. Page. Pr’ythee, bold thy peace. Fal. No, I'll come no more i’ the basket : May Eva. Show me now, William, some declensions I not go out ere he come ? of your pronouns. Mrs. Page. Alas, three of master Ford's brothers Will. Forsooth, I have forgot. watch the door with pistols, that none shall issue Era. It is, ki, he, cod ; if you forget your kies, out; otherwise you might slip away ere he came. Four kæs, and your cods, you must be preeches. Go But what make you bere ? your ways, and play, go. Fal. What shall I do?—I'll creep up into the Mrs. Page. He is a better scholar than I thought chimney. he was. Mrs Ford. There they always used to discharge Eva. He is a good sprag memory. Farewell, their birding pieces : Creep into the kiln-hole. mistress Page. Fal. Where is it? Mrs. Page. Adieu, good sir Hugh. [Erit Sir Mrs. Ford. He will seek there, on my word. Hugs.] Get you home, boy.--Come, we stay too Neither press, coffer, chest, trunk, well, vault, but long. (Eseunt. he hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places, and goes to them by his note: There is no SCENE II.-A Room in Ford's House. hiding you in the house. Fal. I'll go out then. Mrs. Page. If you go out in your own semblance, Fal. Mistress Ford, your sorrow hath eaton up you die, sir John. Unless you go out disguised, my sufferance: I see, you are obsequious in your Mrs. Ford. How might we disguise him? lore, and I profess requital to a hair's breadth, not Mrs. Page. Alas the day, I know not. There is only, mistress Ford, in the simple office of love, no woman's gown big enough for bim; otherwise, but in all the accoutrement, complement, and cere- he might put on a bat, a mufiler, and a kerchief, mony of it. But are you sure of your husband and so escape. now? Fal. Good hearts, derise something: any ex• Mrs. Ford. He's a birding, sweet sir John. tremity, rather than a mischief. Mrs. Page. [Within.] What hoa, gossip Ford! Mrs. Ford. My maid's aunt, the fat woman of what hoa ! Brentford, has a gown above. Mrs. Ford. Step into the chamber, sir John. Mrs. Page. On my word, it will serve him ; she's [Exit Falstaff. as big as he is : and there's her thrum'd hat, and her muffler too : Run up, sir John. Enter Mrs. PAGE. Mrs. Ford. Go, go, sweet sir John: mistress Mrs. Page. How now, sweetheart? who's at Page and I, will look some linen for your head. home beside yourself? Alrs. Page. Quick, quick; we'll come dress you Dirs. Ford. Wby, none but mine own people. straight : put on the gown the while. Mrs. Page. Indeed ! [Exit FalstAFT Mrs. Ford. No, certainly ;-Speak louder. Mrs. Ford. I would, my husband would meet [Aside. him in this shape : he cannot abide the old woman Mrs. Page. Truly, I am so glad you have no- of Brentford; he swears, she's a witch ; forbade body hrre. her my bouse, and bath threatened to beat her. Úrs. Ford. Why? Mrs. Page. Heaven guide him to thy husband's Mrs. Page. Why, woman, your husband is in his cudgel; and the devil guide his cudgel afterwards ! cld luges again : he so takes on yonder with my Mrs. Ford. But is my husband coming ? husband ; so rails against all married mankind; Mrs. Page. Ay, in good sadness, is he; and he so curses all Eve's daughters, of what complexion talks of the basket too, howsoever he hath nad in. soever, and so buffets himself on the forehead, telligence. crying Peer-out, peer-out ! that any madness, I ever Mrs. Ford. We'll try that; for I'll appoiot my yet beheld, seemed but tameness, civility, and men to carry the basket again, to meet him at the patience, to this his distemper he is in now ; I anı door with it, as they did last time. glad the fat knight is not here. Mrs. Page. Nay, but he'll be here presently : Mrs. Ford. Why, does he talk of him ? let's go dress him like the witch of Breatford. Mrs. Page. Of none bat him; and swears, he Mrs. Ford. I'll first direct my men, what they Fas carried out, the last time be searched for him, shall do with the basket. Go up, I'll bring lined i a basket : protests to my busband he is now here; for him straight. (Fru come Mrs. Puge. Hang him, dishonest varlet! we can Ford. Help to search iny house this one wille : not misuse him enough. if I find not what I seek, show no colour for my We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do, extremity, let me for ever be your table sport ; let Wives may be merry, and yet honest too : them say of me, As jealous as Ford, tbat searched We do not act, that often jest and laugh; a hollow walnut for his wife's leman. Satisfy me 'Tis old but true, Still swine eat all the draff. once more; once more search with me. [Erit. Mrs. Ford. What hoa, mistress Page ! come you, and the old woman, down; my husband will come Re-enter Mrs. FORD, with two Servants. into the chamber. Mrs. Ford. Go, sirs, take the basket again on Ford. Old woman! What old woman's that? your shoulders; your master is hard at door ; if he Mrs. Ford. Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brentbid you set it down, obey him : quickly, dispatch. ford. [Eait. Ford. A witch, a quean, an old cozening queau ! 1 Serv. Come, come, take it up. Have I not forbid her my house? She comes of 2 Serv. Pray heaven, it be not full of the knight errands, does she? We are simple men; we do again. not know wbat's brought to pass under the profes1. Serv. I hope not; I had as lief bear so much sion of fortune-telling. She works by charnis, by lead. spells, by the figure, and such daubery as this is; beyond our element: we know nothing. Come Enter Ford, Paar, Shallow, Calls, and Sir down, you witch, you hag you ; come down I say, Hugh Evans. Mrs. Ford. Nay, good, sweet husband ;-good Ford. Ay, but if it prove true, niaster Page, gentlemen, let him not strike the old woman, have you any way then to unfool me again ?-Set down the basket, villain :—Somebody call my wife : Enter Falstaff in woman's clothes, led by Mrs. Pace -You, youth in a basket, come out here !-0, you panderly rascals ! there's a knot, a ging, a Mrs. Page. Come, mother Prat, come, give me pack, a conspira«y against me: Now sball i he devil your band. be shamed.' What! wife, I say! come, Ford. I'll prat ber :- Out of my door, you forth ; behold what honest clothes you send forth witcb, [beals him.) you rag, you baggage, you poleto bleaching. cat, you ronyon! out! out! I'll conjure you, I'll Page. Why, this passes ! Master Ford, you are fortune-tell you. [Exit FALSTAFF. not to go louse any longer ; you must be pinioned. Mrs. Page. Are you not ashamed ? I think, you Eva. Why, this is lunatics ! this is mad as a mad have killed the poor woman. dog! Mrs. Ford. Nay, he will do it:—'Tis a goodly Shal. Indeed, master Ford, this is not well; in- credit for you. deed. Ford. Hang her, witch ! Eva. By yea and no, I think, the 'oman is a witch indeed: I like not when a 'oman has a great Ford. So say I too, sir.—Come hither, mistress peard ; I spy a great peard under her muffler. Ford; mistress Ford, the honest woman, the modest Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen ? I beseech wife, the virtuous creature, that hath the jealous you, follow; see but the issue of my jealousy : if fool to her husband !-I suspect without cause, I cry out thus upon no trail, never trust me when mistress, do I ? I open again. Mrs. Ford. Heaven be my witness, you do, if Page. Let's obey his humour a little further : you suspect me in any dishonesty. Come, gentlemen. Ford. Well said, brazen-face; hold it out. [Exeunt Page, FORD, SHALLOW, and Evans. Come forth, sirrah. Mrs. Page. Trust me, he beat him most pitifully. [Pulls the clothes out of the basket. Mrs. Ford. Nay, by the mass, that he did not ; Page. This passes ! he beat bim most unpitifully, methought. Mrs. Ford. Are you not ashamed ? let the clothes Mrs. Page. I'll have the cudgel hallow'd, and alone. hung o'er the altar ; it hath done meritorious serFord. I shall find you anon. vice. Eva. "Tis unreasonable! Will you take up your Mrs. Ford. What think you? May we, with the wife's clothes? Come away. warrant of womanhood, and the witness of a good Ford. Empty the basket, I say. conscience, pursue bim with any further revenge ? Mrs. Ford. Why, man, why, Mrs. Page. The spirit of wantonness is, sure, Ford. Master Page, as I am a man, there was scared out of him ; if the devil have him not in feeone conveyed out of my house yesterday in this simple, with fine and recovery, he will never, I basket: Why may not be be there again? In my think, in the way of waste, attempt us again. house I am sure he is: my intelligence is true; Mrs. Ford. Shall we tell our busbands how we my jealousy is reasonable : Pluck me out all the have served him? linen. Mrs. Page. Yes, by all means; if it be but to Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there, he shall die scrape the figures out of your husband's brains. If a flea's death. they can find in their hearts, the poor unvirtuous Page. Here's no mao. fat knight shall be any further afflicted, we two will Shul. By my fidelity, this is not well, master still be the ministers. Ford ; this wrongs you. Mrs. Ford. I'll warrant, they'll have him pubEva. Master Ford, you must pray, and not follow licly shamed : and, methinks, there would be no the imaginations of your own heart: this is jea- period to the jest, should he not be publicly vusies. shamed. bord. Well, he's not here I seek for. Mrs. Page. Come, to the forge with it then, Page. No, vor now bere else, but in your brain. shape it. I would not have things cool. (Eseunt. |