The Year's Work in Classical Studies, Issue 22J.W. Arrowsmith, 1929 - Classical antiquities |
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Page 14
E. Fraenkel's brief and good remarks should be read . 1 This discovery settles also the old controversy about unigena in 1. 53 in favour of its being Zephyrus and not the ostrich , confirms the emendation Locricos in 54 , and probably ...
E. Fraenkel's brief and good remarks should be read . 1 This discovery settles also the old controversy about unigena in 1. 53 in favour of its being Zephyrus and not the ostrich , confirms the emendation Locricos in 54 , and probably ...
Page 30
... discovery . Similarly the writer on Poliorcetics ( E. Shramm ) points out that the Roman praefecti fabrum merely exploited Greek inventions . A special feature of this book consists in the excellent illustrations of siege - engines ...
... discovery . Similarly the writer on Poliorcetics ( E. Shramm ) points out that the Roman praefecti fabrum merely exploited Greek inventions . A special feature of this book consists in the excellent illustrations of siege - engines ...
Page 105
... discovery has been reported since my last account . The re - erection of the north colonnade of the Parthenon has made progress , and the partial removal of the scaffolding permits of a better view of the work , now completed to a point ...
... discovery has been reported since my last account . The re - erection of the north colonnade of the Parthenon has made progress , and the partial removal of the scaffolding permits of a better view of the work , now completed to a point ...
Page 106
... discovery is reported from Souvala in Phokis , where , some 30 kms . from Lilaea Dr. Karouzos has found a sanctuary of Demeter , identified by a fourth - century votive stele with her name ; hitherto the principal structure found is a ...
... discovery is reported from Souvala in Phokis , where , some 30 kms . from Lilaea Dr. Karouzos has found a sanctuary of Demeter , identified by a fourth - century votive stele with her name ; hitherto the principal structure found is a ...
Page 108
... discovery of two blades of obsidian on the site also deserves record , as the first examples hitherto known from Macedonia . A preliminary report of Professor D. M. Robinson's excavations in. 1 Cf. Y.W. , 1927-28 , p . 105 . 1 A.J.A. ...
... discovery of two blades of obsidian on the site also deserves record , as the first examples hitherto known from Macedonia . A preliminary report of Professor D. M. Robinson's excavations in. 1 Cf. Y.W. , 1927-28 , p . 105 . 1 A.J.A. ...
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Altinum ancient appeared Arch archaeological archaic Athens Beiträge belge Berlin bibliography bronze Bronze Age Brugmann Budé Bull Cambridge century B.C. Cicero collection commentary Comparative Philology contains cult dealing detail discovery discussion E. R. Dodds early edition excavations fifth century finds fragments German Gnomon Greek Hellenistic Hermes Homer Ibid illustrated important Indo-European languages Indo-Germanic Indogermanische Indogermanische Forschungen inscription interesting J. P. Postgate Journ Journal Klio languages Latin Leipzig linguistic lire literature London mentioned metres Milford Mnem Munich Neolithic Neue Jahrb notes origin Ovid Oxford paper papyri Paris Pauly-Wissowa period Phil Philol Plato pottery praetor Press Professor published religion Revue röm Roman law Rome Scavi scholar Seckel Storia Streitberg temple Teubner Thucydides tombs translation Univ University valuable vases verb Vilhelm Thomsen volume Woch writing