The Year's Work in Classical Studies, Issue 22J.W. Arrowsmith, 1929 - Classical antiquities |
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... Scavi . = Num . Chron . Num . Zeit . Paul . Wiss . = Philol . Phil . Woch . = Практ . - = Jahresbericht d . philol . Vereins zu Berlin . Jahreshefte d . österr . archäol . Instituts in Wien . Journal of Egyptian Archaeology . Journal ...
... Scavi . = Num . Chron . Num . Zeit . Paul . Wiss . = Philol . Phil . Woch . = Практ . - = Jahresbericht d . philol . Vereins zu Berlin . Jahreshefte d . österr . archäol . Instituts in Wien . Journal of Egyptian Archaeology . Journal ...
Page 55
... 1 Comptes rendus , 1928 , p . 274 sqq . 2 Arch . Anz . , 1929 , col . 129 sqq . 3 ̓Αρχ . Δελτ . х . , p . 1 sqq . ( nominally 1926 , really 1929 ) . 4 See Y.W. , 1924 , p . 52 . 1 Not . Scavi , 1928 , p . 487 GREEK AND ROMAN RELIGION 55.
... 1 Comptes rendus , 1928 , p . 274 sqq . 2 Arch . Anz . , 1929 , col . 129 sqq . 3 ̓Αρχ . Δελτ . х . , p . 1 sqq . ( nominally 1926 , really 1929 ) . 4 See Y.W. , 1924 , p . 52 . 1 Not . Scavi , 1928 , p . 487 GREEK AND ROMAN RELIGION 55.
Page 56
... Scavi , 1928 , p . 487 sqq . 2 Ibid . , p . 133 sqq . I disagree with his interpretations on one or two minor points , which I discuss in a forthcoming article in C.Q. The paintings are of mythological scenes , which he rightly supposes ...
... Scavi , 1928 , p . 487 sqq . 2 Ibid . , p . 133 sqq . I disagree with his interpretations on one or two minor points , which I discuss in a forthcoming article in C.Q. The paintings are of mythological scenes , which he rightly supposes ...
Page 121
... Scavi , 1928 , 133-175 . 2 A few inhumation burials are found in them , and the contem- poraneity with the urns is in one case clear from the inscription of the tombs which speaks of aediculae cum ollis et sarcophagis ( p . 147 ) . 3 ...
... Scavi , 1928 , 133-175 . 2 A few inhumation burials are found in them , and the contem- poraneity with the urns is in one case clear from the inscription of the tombs which speaks of aediculae cum ollis et sarcophagis ( p . 147 ) . 3 ...
Page 122
... Scavi , 1928 , 175-180 ; cf. his original article in Ann . d . Inst . , 1885 , 286 sqq . 8 C.I.L. , xiv . , 2867 ; cf. Ovid , Fast . , vi . , 61 sqq . inspice Tibur | et Praenestinae moenia sacra deae , | Iunonale leges tempus . 1 ...
... Scavi , 1928 , 175-180 ; cf. his original article in Ann . d . Inst . , 1885 , 286 sqq . 8 C.I.L. , xiv . , 2867 ; cf. Ovid , Fast . , vi . , 61 sqq . inspice Tibur | et Praenestinae moenia sacra deae , | Iunonale leges tempus . 1 ...
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