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THIS issue of the Year's Work includes articles on Roman Law and Comparative Philology, which subjects have not been treated recently.

It should be understood that the Year's Work does not profess to deal with matter published later than June in the year in which the volume appears.

I take this opportunity of thanking, among others who have sent me copies of new classical publications, the Oxford and Cambridge University Presses, the editor, J. W. Hewitt, of the Transactions of the American Philological Association, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, the editor, Dr. Charles Knapp, of the Classical Weekly, published by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (New York), the firm of Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, the Association Budé, publishers of the "Les Belles Lettres" series (Paris), and the Fundació Bernat Metge (Barcelona).

I have also received from the Toronto University Press a volume, Honours Classics in the University of Toronto by a group of classical graduates with a foreword by Sir Robert Falconer. The book gives an interesting account of the elaborately organized methods of the Honour Classical Course of that University, the inspiration and development of which has been largely due to the energy of Professor and Principal Dr. Maurice Hutton, to whom the work is dedicated.

S. G. O.



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