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of great utility-A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, by the late S. B. Platner and T. Ashby.

Histories of Rome and Works of a General Character.

The new edition of Pais's Storia critica, 2 now called Storia di Roma, is finished (Y.W., 1927-8, p. 35). Except for the addition of pictures and the subtraction of the index, I cannot discover that it differs seriously from its predecessor. The same author's Histoire romaine3 to 133 в.с. (Y.W., ibid.), useful for its quite copious references, is completed by the appearance of fasc. 4. In Vol. VII. of The Cambridge Ancient History 4 the affairs of Rome are carried down to the eve of the second Punic War. As a general sketch L'empire romain 5 by E. Albertini is good. There may also be mentioned the first volume of the American translation of A. A. Vasiliev's History of the Byzantine Empire, which covers the period from Constantine to 1081.

H. F. K. Günther's Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes is not impressive: Ce qu'il faut connaître de la Rome antique & by A. Petit I have not seen. The Lesson of Imperial Rome is a popular lecture by J. W. Mackail. From J. Vogt comes an interesting sketch of the history of the phrase Orbis Romanus 10 and its congeners. L. Castiglioni has an article on Motivi antiromani nella tradizione storica antica, 11 and G. Schnayder a paper called Quibus conviciis alienigenae Romanos carpserint. In the final chapter of his Epochs of Greek and Roman Biography 2 D. R. Stuart argues that biography at Rome was derived from laudationes and is not of Greek origin.

1 Oxford, 1929; 35s. or, in two volumes interleaved, 42s.

2 Rome: "Optima"; 5 vols; 400 lire.

3 Les presses universitaires; 4 fascicules; 12.50 francs each.

4 Cambridge, 1928; 37s. 6d.

5 Alcan, 1929; 50 francs.

• Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in the Social Sciences and History,

No. 13. Madison; 1928; 457 pp.

" Munich: Lehmann; 1929; 8s. bound.

• Boivin, 1928; 7 francs.

10 Tübingen: Mohr; 1929; IS. Iod.

• Murray; IS.

11 Rendiconti d. Reale Ist. Lombardo, 1928.

In Bull. com. arch. LV. 1-4 A. M. Colini publishes a new fragment of fasti triumph. for 189/7, and G. Mancini a piece of the Arval acta from the time of Commodus. The first volume of O. Cuntz's edition of Itineraria Romana, 3 containing It. Ant. and It. Burdig., is welcome.

Local Italian History and Archaeological Aids.

In Italy before the Romans D. Randall MacIver gives a popular summary of what is, roughly, the material contained in his Iron Age in Italy. Gli Etruschi by P. Ducati is a restatement of the author's views, much more valuable than its unpretentious format would suggest : this is not to be neglected. Studi etruschi Vol. II. contains numerous papers of varying value among them Sulla costituzione degli Etruschi by R. A. L. Fell and La malaria e la storia dell' Italia antica by P. Fraccaro. Über die Herkunft der Etrusker by H. Mühlestein is an attempt to show that Herodotus and Dionysius are both right. F. Messerschmidt's Beiträge zur Chronologie der etruskischen Wandmalerei I have not seen. In Gli Etruschi ebbero una letteratura? B. Nogara answers with a qualified affirmative: this is an interesting article. From U. Antonielli comes a short paper on Le origini di Roma alla luce delle scoperte archeologiche. 10 A. W. Van Buren reports the results of excavation in New Items from Rome, 1 and T. Ashby and G. Lugli have a long article on imperial properties near the city-La villa dei Flavi Cristiani “ ad duas lauros" e il suburbano imperiale ad oriente di Roma.2 Forma Italiae (Y.W., 1926-7, p. 33), Vol. I., Part 23 also by G. Lugli-deals with Circeii. Pompei by A. Maiuri is a valuable survey, and A. J. Rusconi's Pompeii has admirable pictures. M. L. Gordon examines the composition of The Ordo of Pompeii. There may also be mentioned a short study of Torino romana" by G. Bendinelli.

1 Cracow: Gebethner u. Wolff; 1928; 70 pp.

2 Univ. of California Press (England: Cambridge); 16s. 6d.

3 Leipzig: Teubner; 1929; 14s. bound.

4 Oxford, 1928; 6s.

5 Rome: Cremonese, 1928; 6.50 lire.

Florence: "Rinascimento del libro," 1928; 180 lire.

7 Berlin: Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, 1928; 5s.

8 Diss. Halle-Wittenberg; 64 pp.

• Rassegna nazionale, July, 1927.

10 Atti del I. congresso naz. di Studi Romani, 1928.

E. Strong's Art in Ancient Rome is distinctly useful. In Triumph und Triumphbogen F. Noack derives the latter from the porta triumphalis and finds a religious significance.

Public Law.

I fasci littorî e gli ordinamenti antichissimi 10 by G. De Sanctis is an attempt to show that the original number of a consul's lictors was six, and of a dictator's twelve. These were doubled when the levy was increased from two legions to four. The praetor urbanus, like his two colleagues, originally had six, but these were reduced by custom to two inside the city-a number formally fixed by the lex Plaetoria, which instituted the praetor

1 A.J.A., 1928.

2 Memorie della pont. Acc., Serie III., Vol. II., 1928.

3 Rome: Danesi; 150 lire.

4 Rome: De Agostini; 100 lire in Italian; 125 lire in English,

French or German.

5 Bergamo: Ist. it. d'arti grafiche, 1929; 75.

J.R.S., 1927.

7 Turin: Paravia, 1929; 9 lire.

• Heinemann, 1929; 2 vols; 20s.

• In Vorträge d. Bibliothek Warburg V. Leipzig: Teubner, 1928 125. Cf. also E. Löwy, Die Anfänge des Triumphbogens in Jahrb. d. Kunsthist. Samml. in Wien, 1928, Sonderheft II.; and E. Weigand, Propylon u. Bogentor in d. östlichen Reichskunst in Wiener Jahrb. f. Kunstgesch., 1928.

10 Riv. fil., 1929.


peregrinus. Two articles-both probably of value and both called La riforma dell' ordinamento centuriato are inaccessible to me at present: one is by V. Arangio-Ruiz1 and the other by P. Fraccaro. 2 Encore un mot sur l'organisation centuriate au IIe siècle av. J.-C., 3 by E. Cavaignac, says that the basis was, not a number of citizens, but a mass of capital, which determined the number of centuries. T. Frank in "Dominium in solo provinciali” und “ager publicus "4 denies that the general doctrine of state-ownership of provincial land was asserted before Claudius. H. Hill disproves the existence of Equites of Senatorial Rank. 5 Elaborate studies of the Cyrene material come from J. Stroux and L. WengerDie Augustus-Inschrift auf dem Marktplatz von Kyrene, 6 V. Arangio-Ruiz-L'editto di Augusto di Cirene, and V. Groh. 8 D. Macfayden tries to deny that the edicts prove Augustus to have exercised an imperium maius over the public provinces. Finally, there should perhaps be mentioned A. Hajje's Histoire de la justice seigneuriale en France: les origines romaines, Vol. I.--La justice privée dans les domaines des empereurs. 10


Lief. 5 of Kromayer-Veith, Schlachtenatlas 11 contains four sheets dealing with Caesar's Gallic War. W. Voigt in Kleine Bemerkungen zum römischen Heerwesen 12 tries to explain why soldiers are right-handed yet step off with the left foot, and similar problems. A. Schulten's note Zur Heeresreform des Marius 13 proposes to read uelites in Festus p. 274 L. M. Philonenko has a short article on Le collège des "officiales tabularii legionis” dans le camp de Lambèse, 1 and E. von Nischer examines Das röm. Heer und seine Generale nach Ammianus Marcellinus (353378 n. Chr.). 2

1 Modena: Univ. degli Studi, 1928.

2 In Studi Bonfante I.

3 Rev. belge de philol. et d'hist., 1928. 4 J.R.S., 1927.

5 C.Q., 1929.

Riv. fil., 1928.

C.P., 1928.

• Abh. Munich Ak., 1928.

8 Listy filol., 1928.

10 de Boccard, 1927; 16 francs.

11 Leipzig: Wagner u. Debes, 1929; 8s. 5d.

12 Phil. Woch., 1928.

13 Hermes, 1928.


T. Frank has published a useful review of Recent Work on the Economic History of Rome, 3 and C. Barbagallo three articles on Economia antica e moderna. Das Wirtschaftsleben der antiken Welt, 5 by L. Brentano, is an interesting sketch, old-fashioned in its attitude towards archaeological material but well documented from the literary sources. Two works on maritime history I have yet to see, R. Honnig's Abhandlungen zur Gesch. d. Schifffahrt and Roma antica e il mare" by E. Bolaffi. Overseas trade is discussed by R. Scalais in Le développement du commerce de l'Italie entre la première guerre punique et la deuxième, 8 and the same author examines the (transient) Influence de la première guerre punique sur l'économie agraire de l'Italie. 9 A popular paper by W. L. Westermann On Inland Transportation and Communication in Antiquity 10 deals towards the end with Roman roads, canals and cursus publicus. Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire11 by A. M. Duff is a useful collection of material. Beiträge zur Gesch. d. Bergbaurechts 12 by E. Schönbauer is a valuable study, developed out of the author's papers on Vipasca (Y.W., 1927-8, p. 48). Le régime de la terre dans la société étatiste du Bas-Empire 13 by J. Brissaud, though an unattractive

1 Rev. afr., 1928.

2 Hernes, 1928.

3 Journ. of Economic and Business History, I., I (Nov., 1928). 4 Nuova riv. storica, 1928, v.-vi. and 1929, i.

5 Jena: Fischer, 1929; IOS.

6 Jena: Fischer, 1928; 9s.

''Polimnia,' 1928; Is. 3d.

8 Mus. belge, 1928.

9 Ibid.

10 Political

Science Quarterly, Sept. 1928.

11 Oxford, 1928; 125. 6d.

12 Munich: Beck (Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung u. Rechtsgesch. xii.),

1929. xv.+208 pp.

13 de Boccard, 1927; 20 francs.

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