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Dwight, Walter.

Étienne Brulé, explorer and discoverer. AM. CATH. REV., XXXI July) 485-493. [306a Fischer, Jos. Die kartographische Darstellung der Entdeckungen der Normannen in Amerika. INTERNAT. AMER.-KONG., XIV, STUTTGART 1904, 31-39. [307 Flateyjarbók. The Flatey book and recently discovered Vatican manuscripts concerning America as early as the tenth century. Documents now published for the first time, which establish beyond controversy the claim that North America was settled by Norsemen five hundred years before the time of Columbus. Sagas that describes the voyages to, and character of, the new country, and letters from several popes directing bishops in their government of the church in the western world. All reproductions are by royal Danish sanction and the papal secretary of state. London, N. Y. [etc.], Norræna society. 176 p. facsims. 32 cm.

[307 a

"The Flatey book manuscripts (p. 5-8) signed: Rasmus B. Anderson.

The Hauk book: p. 117-125; Vatican manuscripts concerning the church in America before the time of Columbus: p. 127-176. Joutel, Henri. Joutel's journal of La Salle's last voyage, 1684-7, with a frontispiece of Gudebrod's statue of La Salle and the map of the original French edition, Paris, 1713, in facsimile. New ed., with historical and biographical introduction, annotations and index by Henry Reed Stiles, to which is added a bibliography of the discovery of the Mississippi, by Appleton P. C. Griffin. Albany, N. Y., J. McDonough. (4), 258 p. front., fold. map. [308

Rev. in: Dial, XLII (May 1, 1907) 283-285. Foix, V. L'Amérique découverte par les Basques. REVUE DE GASCOGNE, n. s. VI (June) 257-262. [308a

Memoire touchant la découverte l'isle de Terre-Neuve

fourni par

de les

négocians de Saint-Jean-de-Luz et de Siboure à M. de Planthion, sindic général du pais de Labourt, en mars 1710.

Lavell, Cecil F. Beginning of England's sea power. CHAUT., XLIV (Sept.) 17[309


Imperial England, No. 1. Popular account of Elizabethan seamen.

Maine historical society. Tercentenary of Martin Pring's first voyage to the coast of Maine, 1603-1903. Portland, Me., [Nathan Goold, Libn.,] Maine hist. soc. xi, 73 p. [309a

Contents: The avant couriers of colonization, by James Phinney Baxter; Captain Martin Pring, last of the Elizabethan seamen, by Alfred L. P. Dennis; A pioneer voyager of the sixteenth century: Sir Humphrey Gilbert, by Henry O. Thayer; Some historical opinions regarding the wreck of

the flagship, The Delight, after sailing from St. John's.

Marsden, R. G. The early career of Sir Martin Frobisher. ENG. HIST. REV., XXI (July) 538-544. [310 Morris, Charles. Heroes of discovery in America. Phila. and London, Lippincott. 344 p. front., plates. [310a

Brief sketches of voyagers and discoverers from "Leif the Lucky to "the gallant explorers of the frozen seas.'

Mulloy, Martin J. The Irish in America one thousand years before Columbus. Boston, Mass., Angel guardian press. (2), 146 p.

[311 The Norse discovery of America. A compilation in extenso of all the sagas, manuscripts, and inscriptive memorials relating to the finding and settlement of the new world in the eleventh century. With presentations of freshly discovered proofs, in the form of church records supplied by the Vatican of Rome, never before published. Translations and deductions by Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, and Rasmus B. Anderson. London, Norroena society. xxii, 343 p. colored front., plates, facsimiles, folded maps. (Norroena, the history and romance of Northern Europe. Viking ed.) [311a

The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 9851503: The voyages of the Northmen, ed. by Julius E. Olson. The voyages of Columbus and John Cabot, ed. by Edward Gaylord Bourne, with maps and a facsimile reproduction. N. Y., Scribner. xv, 443 P. fold. maps, facsim. (Original narratives of early American history. General editor, J. Franklin Jameson.)


Contents: Original narratives of the voyages of the Northmen: Introduction. The saga of Eric the Red. The Vinland history of the Flat Island book. From Adam of Bremen's Descriptio insularum Aquilonis. From the Icelandic annals. Papal letters concerning the bishopric of Gardar in Greenland during the fifteenth century.-Original narratives of the voyages of Columbus: Articles of agreement between the lords, the Catholic sovereigns, and Christóbal Colon. Title granted by the Catholic sovereigns to Christóbal Colon of admiral, viceroy, and governor of the islands and mainland that may be discovered. Journal of the first voyage of Columbus. Letter from Columbus to Luis de Santangel. Letter from Columbus to Ferdinand and Isabella concerning the colonization and commerce of Española. Letter of Dr. Chanca on the second voyage of Columbus. Narrative of the third voyage of Columbus as contained in Las Casas's history. Letter of Columbus to the nurse of Prince John. Letter of Columbus on the fourth voyage. Original narratives of the voyage of John Cabot: Letter of Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers Alvise and Francesco, merchants in Venice. The first letter of Raimondo de Soncino, agent of the Duke of Milan, to the duke. The second letter of Raimondo de Soncino to the Duke of Milan. Despatch to Ferdinand and Isabella from Pedro de Ayala,

junior ambassador at the court of England, July 25, 1498.

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Apr. 1907) 654-656; Nation, LXXXIV (Mar. 14, 1907) 245-246.

Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Relación de los naufragios y Comentarios de Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, ilustrados con varios documentos inéditos. Madrid, V. Suárez. 2 v. XXX, 388; xii, 428 p. facsims. (Colección de libros y documentos referentes á la historia de América, t. vVI.) [312a

Advertencia signed: M. Serrano y Sanz.

A reprint of the edition published at Valladolid in 1555 under title: La relacion y Comentarios del gouernador Aluar Nuñez Cabeça de' Vaca, de lo acaescido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias.

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The first volume contains the "Relación " relating the author's wanderings from Florida to the Pacific Ocean, and the Comentarios,' written by Pedro Hernández, "scriuano y secretario de la prouincia," narrating Cabeza de Vaca's experiences in South America. The second volume contains the varios documentos inéditos."

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 173-174. Ober, Frederick Albion. Columbus the discoverer. N. Y. and London, Harper. v, 299 p. front., pls. (Heroes of American history.) [313 Ober, Frederick Albion. Ferdinand De Soto and the invasion of Florida. N. Y., Harper. (5), 290 p. plates, ports., map. (Heroes of American history.) [313a Ober, Frederick Albion. Pizarro and the conquest of Peru. N. Y., Harper. (5), 295 P. plates, ports. (Heroes of American history.)

Prud'homme, L. A. Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de la Vérendrye, Capitaine des troupes de la Marine, Chevalier de l'Ordre militaire de Saint Louis, découvreur du Nord-Ouest, 1685-1749. ROYAL SOC. CANADA PROC., 2d series, XI, Sec. I, 9-57. [316

Rev. in: Hist. pub. Canad., XI (1907) 48-51. Purchas, Samuel. Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes: contayning a history of the world in sea voyages and lande travells by Englishmen and others. Glasgow, J. MacLehose, 1905-07. Vols. XI-XIX, 1906. illus., ports., fold. maps, fold. facsims. (On cover: Hakluyt society. Extra series.) [316a

Reprint of the 1625 edition, with folded fascimiles of title-pages; illustrations, maps, etc., reproduced in facsimile.

Vol. XX. 1907. Index by Mme. Marie Michon, 139-415 p.

Raleigh, Walter Alexander. The English voyages of the sixteenth century. Glasgow, J. MacLehose. (4), 204 p. port.


"First printed as introduction to Messrs. MacLehose's edition of Hakluyt's Voyages, April, 1905. Now revised and reissued sepa rately, 1906."

Contents: The voyagers.-Richard Hakluyt. -The influence of the voyages on poetry and imagination.

Ray, John Arthur. Drake dans la poésie
espagnole (1570-1732) Thèse pour le
doctorat d'Université, présenté à la Fac-
ulté des lettres de l'Université de Char-
tres, Durand. xiv, 264 p.

Roncière, Charles de La. [314

Ober, Frederick Albion. Vasco Nuñez de Balboa. N. Y. and London, Harper. (5), 285 p. port., plates, map. (Heroes of American history.) [314a

Original accounts of De Soto's journey through Arkansas and of Marquette's entertainment by Arkansas Indians. ARK. HIST. ASSOC. PUB., I, 466-502. [315

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Extracts from B. F. French's Historical collections of Louisiana. I. Extract from translation of a recently discovered manuscript of the expedition of Hernando De Soto into Florida by Luis Hernandez De Biedma, [1544]. II. Extract from a narrative of an expedition into Florida of Hernando De Soto by a gentleman of Elvas, [1557]. III. An extract taken from An account of the discovery of some new countries and nations in North America in 1673," by Père Marquette and Sieur Joliet. Pigafetta, Antonio. Magellan's voyage around the world; the original text of the Ambrosian ms., with English translation, notes, bibliography, and index, by James Alexander Robertson. Cleveland, A. H. Clark. 2 vols. port., maps, charts, facsims. [315a First

Italian and English on opposite pages. complete version in English.

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 125-126.
Index. Cleveland, A. H. Clark. 88 p.

Histoire de la marine française. v. III. Les guerres d'Italie: Liberté des Mers. 1494-1550. Paris, Plon-Nourrit. 612 p.


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"The second part of the volume throws light on French enterprise in American waters. Am. hist. rev. XII: 711.

Ruge, W. Ein Globus von Gemma Frisius. In INTERNAT. AMER.-KONG., XIV, STUTTGART 1904, 3-10. [318a Smith, Walter George. Christopher Columbus. AM. CATH. HIST. REC., XVII (Dec.) 374-398. [319 Sociedad astronómica de México. Velada en conmemoracion del cuarto centenario de la muerte de Cristóbal Colón. Mexico, Imp. de J. I. Durán y. cía. 52 p. port. [319a

Contents: Cristobal Colon: discurso pronunciado por el Sr. magistrado D. Julio Zárate. -Algunas reminiscencias sobre la navegacion maritima después der descubrimiento de América [por Jesus Galindo y Villa]-A Cristobal Colon en el cuarto centenario de su muerte. Oda [por Manuel Miranda Marrón]-El Señor ingeniero D. Antonio Garcia Cubas [por Luis G. Léon]-Contestacion del Sr. ing. Garcia Cubas.

Sparks, Edwin Erle, ed. The last two journeys of Father Marquette (16731675). With an introduction and notes

by Edwin Erle Sparks. Chicago, Boston, Atkinson, Mentzer and Grover. Copyright 1906. 19 p. (Old North-West leaflets, Vol. I, no. 1.) [320 From the Jesuit Relations and allied documents,-Thwaites. Spears, John R. The Buccaneers. OUTING, XLVIII (Aug.-Sept.) 523-527, 742746. XLIX (Oct.-Dec.) 57-64, 383-388.


I. When Pierre Le Grand set the pace. II. Drake and the "Golden Hind." III. Half forgotten captains of the Buccaneer crews. IV. Buccaneer Morgan's first bid for fame. Speilbergen, Joris van. The East and West Indian mirror, being an account of Joris van Speilbergen's voyage round the world (1614-1617), and the Australian navigations of Jacob Le Maire. Translated, with notes and introduction, by J. A. J. de Villiers. London, Hakluyt soc. lxi, 272, 40 p. facsim., maps, plates, port. (Hakluyt soc. works, Ser. 2, no. 18.)

[321 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, ed. Early western travels, 1748-1846; a series of annotated reprints of some of the best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the aborigines and social and economic conditions in the middle and far West, during the period of early American settlement, ed. with notes, introduction, index, etc. v. XXII-XXX. Cleveland, O., A. H. Clark. illus., plates, ports., fold. maps, facsims. [321a


Contents: v. XXII. Part I of Maximilian, prince of Wied's, Travels in the interior of North America, 1832-1834. v. XXIII. Part II of Maximilian, prince of Wied's, Travels in the interior of North America, 1832-1834. v. XXIV. Part of Maximilian, prince of Wied's, Travels in the interior of North America, 1832-1834.-V. XXV. Comprising the series of original paintings by Charles Bodmer, to illustrate Maximilian, prince of Wied's, Travels in the interior of North America, 1832-1834.-v. XXVI. Part I of Flagg's The far West, 1836-1837.-v. XXVII. Part II of Flagg's The far West, 1836-1837; and De Smet's Letters and sketches, 18411842. v. XXVIII. Part 1 of Farnham's Travels in the great western prairies, etc., May 21October 16, 1839.-v. XXIX. Part 11 of Farnham's Travels in the great western prairies, etc., October 21-December 4, 1839; and De Smet's Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846.-v. XXX. Palmer's Journal of travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846.-XXXI-XXXII. Analytical index to the series, pub. in 1907.

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 179-180, (Jan. 1907) 430-431; Dial, XLI (Aug. 16) 84-85.

Vignaud, Henry. Sophus Ruge et ses vues sur Colomb. JOUR. SOC. DES AMÉR. DE PARIS, n. s. III, no. 1, 7-14.


Ybarra, A. M. Fernandez de. A forgotten worthy, Dr. Diego Chanca of Seville, Spain. No imprint. 15 p. [322a

Extrait de "Janus," Archives internationales pour l'histoire de la Médecine et la Géographie Médicalé XI année, livraison 8, 1906.

(Parts of letter from Dr. Chanca (physician with Columbus on his 2d voyage), describing the flora, fauna, etc., of the West Indies.) Young, Filson i. e. Alexander Bell Filson. Christopher Columbus and the New world of his discovery; a narrative by Filson Young, with a note on the navigation of Columbus's first voyage by the Earl of Dunraven. Phila., Lippincott. 2 V. Vol. I. xxi, 323 p. Vol. II. ix, 399 p. illus., plates, ports., maps. [323

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Apr. 1907) 656-659. Dial, XLII (June 1, 1907) 342-343; Nation, LXXXIV (Mar. 21, 1907) 271.

Later Discovery and Exploration -Arctic Explorations and Others.

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Scott, G. Firth. The romance of polar exploration; interesting descriptions of Arctic and Antarctic adventure from the earliest time to the voyage of the "Discovery," with twenty-four illustrations. Phila., Lippincott. 350 p. plates, maps.

[327a Stolpe, Hjalmar. Ueber die Forschungsergebnisse der schwedischen Grönland-Expedition vom Jahre 1899. INTERNAT. AMERKONG., XIV, STUTTGART 1904, 101-105. [328

Hubbard, Mina B. Labrador, from Lake Melville to Ungava Bay. AM. GEOG. SOC. BUL., XXXVIII (Sept.) 530-539. [328a Hubbard, Mina B. My explorations in unknown Labrador. HARPER'S, CXII (May) 813-823[329 Tolmie, W. F. First attempt to ascend Mount Rainier. Extracts from the diary of W. F. Tolmie, 1833. WASH. HIST. QUAR., I (Oct.) 77-81. [329a


Description and Travel.

Audubon, John Woodhouse. Audubon's western journal: 1849-1850; being the ms. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey through Mexico and Arizona to the gold fields of California, by John W. Audubon, with biographical memoir by his daughter, Maria R. Audubon; introduction, notes, and index by Frank Heywood Hodder. Cleveland, A. H. Clark. 249 p. port., plates, fold. map. [330 Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 149-152. Baumgartner, Andreas. Erinnerungen aus Amerika. Zürich, Orell Füssli. 224 P. illus. [330a Bourne, Edward Gaylord. The Travels of Jonathan Carver. AM. HIST. REV., XI (Jan.) 287-302. [331

Review of the Travels and containing historical memoranda.

Diarium einer Reise von Bethlehem, Pa., nach Bethabara, N. C. Edited by William J. Hinke. GER. AM. ANN., VIII (Jan.) 16-32.


Oct. 8-Nov. 23, 1753. Original ist ein Manuskript im kleinen Quartoformat, 48 Seiten umfassend. Es wurde wahrscheinlich von Bernhard Adam Grube, dem ersten Prediger der Colonie, geschrieben. Fordham, Elias Pym. Personal narrative of travels in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky; and of a residence in the Illinois territory: 1817-1818; with facsimiles of the author's sketches and plans; ed. by Frederic Austin Ogg. Cleveland, A. H. Clark. 248 p. illus., plates, map, plans. [332

"Selected list of contemporary travels": p. [239]-242.

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 149-152. Gerstäcker, Frdr. In Amerika. Amerikanische Lebensbild aus neuerer Zeit. Im Auschluss an "Nach Amerika!" Neu durchgesehen und hrsg. v. Carl Döring. Berlin, Neufeld u. Henius. 654 p. [332a Hewitt, Randall H. Across the plains and over the divide; a mule train journey from East to West in 1862, and incidents connected therewith, with map and illustrations. N. Y., Broadway. (3), iii, 521 p. illus., plates, ports., fold. map.


Lamprecht, Karl Gotthard. Americana. Reiseeindrücke, Betrachtungen, geschichtliche Gesamtansicht. Freiburg im Breisgau, H. Heyfelder. 147 P. illus. [333a

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Jan. 1907) 432433; Nation, LXXXIII (Aug. 2) 107.

Legler, Henry Eduard. Narratives of early Wisconsin travellers, prior to 1800. Wis. HIST. SOC. PROC., LIII, 157-193. [334 The lost man in the wilderness of Oregon. AM. ANTIQ., XXVIII (Jan.-Feb.) 4-8.


Story of a trip across the continent, taken by Charles Farnum 1807-1808, his return and his capture by the Indians.

Mair, John. Journal of John Mair, 1791. AM. HIST. REV., XII (Oct.) 77-94. [335 Narrative of American travel.

Maynard, David S. Diary of Dr. David S. Maynard while crossing the plains in 1850. Contributed by Thomas W. Prosch. WASH. HIST. QUAR., I (Oct.) 50-62.

[335a Meeker, Ezra. The ox team; or, The old Oregon trail, 1852-1906; an account of the author's trip across the plains, from the Missouri River to Puget Sound, with an ox and cow team in 1852, and of his return with an ox team in the year 1906, at the age of seventy-six, a narrative of events and descriptive of present and past conditions. Omaha, Neb., Pub. for the author. 284 p. port., illus. [336 Pittman, Philip. The present state of the European settlements on the Mississippi, with a geographical description of that river illustrated by plans and draughts. An exact reprint of the original edition, London, 1770; ed., with introduction, notes, and index, by Frank Heywood Hodder, with facsimiles of the original maps and plans. Cleveland, A. H. Clark. 165 p. facsim., fold. maps., fold. plans. [336a

Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XII (Oct.) 149-152. Pleasants, William James. Twice across the plains, 1849, 1856. San Francisco, W. N. Brunt co. 160 p. front., plates, ports. [337 Indian geographical Ruttenber, E. M. names. In the valley of Hudson's River, the valley of the Mohawk, and on the Delaware. Their location and the probable meaning of some of them. Pub. under the auspices of the N. Y. state hist. assoc. 241, (2) p. maps, plates. [337a Bound with the Proceedings, Vol. VI. Sanborn, F. B. The American farmer," St. John de Crèvecœur and his famous "Letters" (1735-1813). PA. MAG. HIST., XXX (July) 257-286. [338 Singleton, Esther, ed. Historic buildings of America as seen and described by

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