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James II, IIn.I

Jameson, J. F., 141n.

Jay, John, 77n., 99, 119, 126, 129, 143,
150, 199, 306

Jay-Gardoqui treaty, 127 f.
Jay's Treaty, of 1794, 175f., 178f., 187f.
Jefferson, Thomas, on grievances of
American colonies, 58, 66 n., 70 and
n., 72n.1, 74, 77 n., 78; and Decla-
ration of Independence, 80; on Union,
109; on Articles of Confederation,
110; and Western land claims, 115;
minister at Paris, 121f.; on Con-
stitution, 135; on Washington, 149 n.,
Secretary of State, 150, 157, 169,
326; on Bank, 159; opposes Hamil-
ton, 165, 166n.2, 185; organizes
Republicans, 186f.; vice president,
189, 193; and Kentucky Resolutions,
194; elected president, 195f., 201;
policy, 204f., 209f., 212; on New
Orleans, 214f.; on West Florida, 220,
225f., 234; reëlected, 222; and
Chesapeake affair, 239f.; criticisms
of, 242 f.; on War of 1812, 260; on
manufactures, 286; and Marshall,
308; on slavery, 311, 314; ordinance
of 1784, 312f.; on states' rights, 337;
Jeffersonian Democracy, 348 f.; birth-
day dinner of 1830, 356f.

Jena, battle of, 235
Johnson, Arthur, 88 n. 1
Johnson, H. V., 520

Johnson, General R. M., 249, 269, 393
Johnston, General A. S., 558f.

Johnston, General J. E., 552f., 565,

[blocks in formation]

Kalm, Peter, 42, 56 and n.
Kansas, 492 f., 498f., 504 f., 507
Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 484 f.
Kaskaskia, 100n.

Kearny, General S. W., 426 f.

Kearsarge, the, 618

Kendall, Amos, 384, 389

Kenesaw Mountain, battle of, 587
Kentucky, admitted, 313; loyalty of,

548, 556f.; invaded, 573
Kentucky Resolutions, 194 f.
King, Rufus, 212, 232, 244, 288f., 316

King's Mountain, battle of, 94
"Know-Nothings," 470 f., 492
Knox, Henry, 150, 152

Kossuth, Louis, 460

Labor, in thirties, 359f.; in Civil War,
612 f.

Lafayette, Marquis de, 88, 97, 103
Lake Champlain, battle of, 271
Lake Erie, battle of, 268f.
Lakes, Great, 481f.
Lamar, president of Texas, 414
Land sales, 223, 293
Lane, Joseph, 520
La Salle, 36

Latin America, 338f.
Laud, Archbishop, 11, 17, 73
Laurens, Colonel John, 97
Lawrence, Amos, 493
Lawrence, Captain, 267
Lawrence, Kansas, 495
Le Boeuf, Fort, 47

Lecky, W. E. H., quoted, 58f., 63, 79, 83,


Le Clerc, General, 215

Lecompton, Judge, 495, 499

Lecompton Constitution, 504 f.

"Lecompton Junior," 506

Lee, Charles, 89

Lee, Richard H., 78, 80, 110, 142
Lee, General Robert E., 516, 545f.,
565f., 571f., 576n., 578, 590f., 601n.
Lee, William, 81

Leisler, Jacob, 38n.

Leonard, Daniel, 70n.

Letcher, Governor, of Virginia, 549
Lewis and Clark expedition, 221 and n.,


Lexington, battle of, 75
Liberator, the, 380
Liberty party, 401

Lincoln, Abraham, in Congress, 440;
in convention of 1856, 498; debates
with Douglas, 508f.; Cooper Union
speech, 518 f.; nominated in 1860, 521;
on Compromise, 526; on secession,
536f.; first inaugural, 540f.; cabinet,
541 and n.; call for volunteers, 544;
and McClellan, 567f.; opposition to,
in 1862, 570f.; on Gettysburg, 578;
on the freeing of the Mississippi,
580n.; criticism of, in 1863, 584 and
n. 2, 598 f.; reëlected, 588; at Hampton
Roads, 589; war powers, 592 f.; op-
position to, in war, 598f.; on Re-

construction, 599; on the Treasury,
608; on war relief, 612n.; assassi-
nation, 620; character, 620f.
Lincoln, General Benjamin, 94
Lincoln, Levi, 201 n. 2, 206
Linn Bill, 437

Livermore, T. L., 552

Livingston, Edward, 219, 360

Livingston, R. R., 213

Locke, John, 73

Lodge, H. C., 153 and n.

Logan, General J. A., 589

Longstreet, General James, 570, 576

Lookout Mountain, battle of, 583
Lopez expedition, 463

Louis XIV, 3, 34, 38, 45
Louis XVI, 83, 93
Louisburg, 50

Louisiana, ceded to France, 213; pur-
chased, 214f., 304; admitted as state,
219, 298, 309, 313 n. 1

Louisville, 573

Lovejoy, Elijah, 397, 509

Lowell, J. R., 422, 434, 450, 452, 528,

530f., 615n.

Lowndes, William, 249, 287, 330
Lundy's Lane, battle of, 270

Lyon, Captain Nathaniel, 548f.
Lyons, Lord, 616f.

McClay, Senator, 151

McClellan, General G. B., 549 and n.,
555f., 558, 564f., 567f., 570f., 588
McCulloch บธ. Maryland, 160n.1,

MacDonough, Thomas, 271

McDowell, General Irving, 553, 565
McDuffie, George, 345, 360, 367 f.
McKay, Donald, 477 n.

McLane, Louis, 360, 383

McLean, John, 497 f., 502

McLean, Thomas, 197

McLeod, Alexander, 409
McMaster, J. B., quoted, 105
Macon Bill No. 2, 248f.
Madison, James, 107; on Mississippi,

127; work for Constitution, 129, 136,
143; party affiliations, 163 n.1; on
Virginia Resolutions, 194; Secretary
of State, 206, 237, 243; president,
244f.; and War of 1812, 251f,, 254,
275f., 280f.; reëlected, 266; on ex-
pansion, 282 f., 296; vetos Bank bill,
Magoffin, Governor, of Kentucky, 548

[blocks in formation]

Marshall, John, 117, 133, 143n., 160n. 1,
180 f., 230, 306 f.

Martin, Luther, 139

Martin vs. Hunter's Lessee, 306
Martineau, Harriet, 381 n.
Martinique, 61

Mason, George, 138
Mason, Jeremiah, 359
Mason, John M., 464, 616f.
Maysville veto, 358

Maximilian of Austria, 619 f.

Meade, General George, 577 f.
Mercantile theory, 27

Merchant marine, 478

Merry, Anthony, 229

Metternich, 215, 459

Mexican War, 421f., 434f.

Mexico, 322, 412, 414n., 422f., 514,

"Middle passage," the, 311
Milan Decree, 236

Mill Spring, battle of, 557
Minden, battle of, 50
Minutemen, 75

Miranda, 182 n.

Missionary Ridge, battle of, 583 f.

Mississippi, admission, 299

Mississippi River, 126f., 556 f., 580

Missouri, slavery in, 304n.; territory,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

481, 561

Newport, 93

Niagara, 50, 263

Nicaragua, 461, 474 n.

Nominating conventions, 360 f.

Nonintercourse Act, of 1794, 188n.; of
1806, 235; of 1809, 242, 246; of 1811,
248; of 1861, 593

Nootka Sound controversy, 169, 212
North, Lord, 58, 69, 73, 79, 88 n.1, 92,
98, 109

Northwest Ordinance, 131 f., 313
Nullification, in 1798, 195; in 1832,
367f., 371f., 375f.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

72, 75, 79, 8in.

Plantation system, 473 f.
"Pocket veto," 600n.
Poinsett, Joel R., 372

Polk, James K., Speaker of the House,
389; in campaign of 1844, 418f.; and
Mexico, 423, 426f.; and Oregon,
438f.; on Cuba, 463

Polk, General Leonidas, 556 f.
Polly case, 233 n.
Pondicherry, 51
Pontiac, 59f.

"Pony express," 530

Pope, General John, 561, 569 f., 570n.
"Popular sovereignty," 445 f., 505
Population, in 1790, 104 n.1, 313n.2;
in 1850, 468; in 1860, 529, 550
Porter, Admiral, 579

Porter, General Fitz-John, 566
Porter, Peter B., 249, 251, 263, 269, 296
Port Hudson, 561, 580 and n.
Port Royal, 34 n.
Pottawatomie, 496 f.

Prevost, Sir George, 259, 270f.

Price, General Sterling, 549
Princeton, battle of, 89
Privateers, 278n.
Proclamation Line, 60, 113
Procter, General, 267, 269
Public lands, 218n., 295, 391
Pulaski, Count, 88
Puritans, 11, 15 f.

Putnam, General Israel, 84
Pym, John, 23

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ray, P. O., 488 n.

Red Cross, 611 and n.2
Redemptioners, 9 n. 1
"Red Sticks," 273
Reeder, A. H., 493 f.
Reid, Whitelaw, 55
Religion in colonies, 16 f.
Removal of deposits, 383 f.

Renaissance, 5

Republicans, of 1791, 163 n.2; of 1815,

282; of 1854, 490f., 498, 537

Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 424
Restoration of 1660, 23

Revolution, American, 55f.

Revolution, English, 40

Revolution, French, see French Revolu-

Reynolds, General J. F., 577
Rhea letter, 300 and n. 1
Rhett, R. B., 457, 524n.

Rhode Island, 13, 38f., 61n.2, 65, 119,
122, 148n., 349 and n.2

Rhodes, J. F., quoted, 453 n., 460, 487,

489, 505n., 527n.3, 538, 581, 614n.
Richmond, 550, 553, 564f., 586f., 591
Rives, W. C., 379

Robertson, James, 104, 113
Robinson, Charles, 494 f.
Rochambeau, General, 96f.
Rochefoucauld, Duke of, 16
Rockingham, Marquis of, 65, 98

Rodgers, Commodore, 250

Rodney, Admiral, 100

Roosevelt, Theodore, 150

Rose, George, 241

Rosecrans, General W. S., 573, 582 f.

Ross, Betsy, 309 n.

Ross, General, 272

Rousseau, L. H., 548

Rule of 1756, 173, 233n., 245
Rush, Richard, 324

Rusk Bill, 480

Russell, John, 254

Russell, Lord John, 616, 618
Russell, Jonathan, 275 f.
Russell, W. H., 532

Russia, treaty with, 323, 327n.
Rutledge, Edward, 111f., 306
Rutledge, John, 86 n., 151

St. Augustine, 300 and n.2

St. Clair, General Arthur, 167, 174
St. Leger, General, 90 f.

Sandford, John, 501
Sanitary Commission, 611
San Jacinto, battle of, 412

San Pascual, battle of, 427, 429

Santa Anna, General, 412, 423, 430f.
Santa Fé, 426

Santo Domingo, 215
Saratoga, battle of, 91
Savannah, 94, 589
Savannah, the, 329
Schenectady, 46

Schuyler, General Peter, 91
Schwab, J. C., 610n. 2

Scotch-Irish, 2

Scott, Dred, 501f.

Scott, Sir William, 233n.

Scott, General Winfield, 269 f., 397,429 f.,

432f., 458, 525, 528 n. 1, 532, 54on.2,
542, 547, 552 f.

Secession, 523 f., 527, 534f.
Sedition Act, 192 f.

Seminole War, 300 f.

Semmes, Captain Raphael, 618
Sequestration Act, 554

Seventh-of-March speech, 450f.
Sewall, Samuel, 17

Seward, W. H., governor of New York,
395; on Texas, 436; and Tyler, 445;
on Compromise of 1850, 453; on
Kansas, 492; in campaign of 1856,
497; in campaign of 1860, 520f.;
offers compromise, 538; Secretary of
State, 541 and n.2, 542f.; on war,
551 n. 2; at Hampton Roads, 589; on
Trent affair, 617; warns Napoleon
III, 619

Seymour, Governor Horatio, 577
Shannon, Wilson, 494 f.
Sharpsburg, see Antietam

Shays's Rebellion, 122, 129, 136
Shelburne, Lord, 99
Shenandoah, the, 618
Shenandoah campaign, 565 f.

Sheridan, General Philip H., 583 f., 588,


Sherman, John, 517

Sherman, General W. T., 579f., 586,
588 and n.2, 590f.
Shields, General, 566
Shiloh, battle of, 560 f.
Shipbuilding, 476, 562 and n.
Slade of Vermont, 388f.

Slave trade, abolished in 1808, 244; in
colonies, 311; on African coast, 409;
in the fifties, 448, 473, 514f.; abol-
ished in District of Columbia, 454
Slavery, introduction of, 310; and
nullification, 376; in New Mexico,
440f., 446f.; status in 1850, 456;
trend to lower South, 473 and n.1
and n.2; in Lincoln-Douglas debates,
510f.; and business, 531f.; discus-
sion of, 539; during Civil War, 594f.
Slidell, John, 423 f., 514, 581 n. 2, 615 f.
Sloat, Commodore, 427
Smith, Caleb, 541 n.2
Smith, Goldwin, 546n.
Smith, Justin H., 423, 435 n.
Smith, General Kirby, 573, 591

Smith, Robert, 206, 244f., 249
Smith, Samuel, 206

Smith, General W. F., 583
Smythe, General Alexander, 263
Soulé, Pierre, 464 f.

"Southern Rights" associations, 457
Spain, explorers, 6f.; in Revolution, 96;
disputes with, in West, 124f., 168f.;
Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795), 177;
sells Florida, 303; relations with, in
1850-1854, 462 f.

Sparks, Jared, 411n.
Specie Circular, 392 f.
Spoils system, 353

Spottsylvania, battle of, 587
'Squatter sovereignty," 445 f., 486
Stamp Act, 62 f., 67, 79

Stanton, Edwin M., 527 n.1, 541n.2,
556, 582f., 591n., 620
Star of the West, the, 529
Stars and Bars, 546
Star-Spangled Banner, 272

Stockton, Commodore R. F., 428

Stoddard, Benjamin, 181

Story, Justice, 13 n.2

Stephens, Alexander H., 77, 423, 485,

514, 527, 535, 589, 601
Stephenson, George, 381
Steuben, Baron, 88, 129
Stuarts, 1, 9
Subtreasury, 395

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