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"Our baby had that dreadful complaint, Infantile Eczema, which afflicted him for several months, commencing at the top of his head, and at last covering his whole body. His sufferings were untold and constant misery, in fact, there

Southern College Women, and the South-
ern Library Association, will meet at the
same time and place.

The general program this year will be
of unusual interest. Among those
already secured by Pres. J. W. Abercrom-
bie to take part in the program may be
Tulane University, Pres. E. Y. Mullins,
of the Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary, Supt. Junius Jordan, of Pine
Bluff, Ark., Prof. Joseph S. Stewart, of

Just Published

mentioned Pres. E. B. Craighead, of Little Talks

was nothing we would not have done to the University of Georgia, Prof. R. H. on School Management

Besides the general program, there will be programs for each of the following departments: Superintendence, Administration, Child Study, Industrial and By Randall N. Saunders Manual Arts, and Normal Instruction.

have given him relief. We finally pro- Jesse, of the University of Missouri, Pres.
cured a full set of the Cuticura Remedies, J. H. Baskette, of the Carnegie Library
and in about three or four days he began Board, and Pres. E. L. Stephens, of the
to show a brighter spirit and really Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Set-
laughed, for the first time in a year. In tlement.
about ninety days he was fully recovered.
Praise for the Cuticura Remedies has
always been our greatest pleasure, and
there is nothing too good that we could
say in their favor, for they certainly
saved our baby's life, for he was the most
awful sight that I ever beheld prior to
the treatment of the Cuticura Remedies.
Mrs. Maebelle Lyon, 1826 Appleton Ave-
nue, Parsons, Kansas, July 18, 1905."

It is expected that the usual rate of one fare for the round trip will be made School Commissioner, First District, Glaverack, New York by all the railroads in the Southern Passenger Association. Montgomery is a place of much historic interest, and a large attendance is expected.

The programs will be published and distributed about December 1. For

EIMER & AMEND further information, those who are inter

205-211 Third Ave., New York
Manufacturers and Importers of

Chemicals, Chemical Apparatus,
Physical Apparatus, Scien-

tific Instruments.

Everything needed in the Laboratory.
Glass blowing done on the premises.
Metalware Manufacturing Depart-
ment in the House.



New York and New England

First-Class Passenger, Express and
Freight Service.


(via Providence or Fall River.) FALL RIVER, Direct Steamer. PROVIDENCE, Direct Steamer. EVERY WEEK DAY AT 5 P. M.

BOSTON-Outside Line.


For Freight Only.

ested should address the General Secre-
tary of the Association, R. J. Tighe,
Asheville, N. C.

Illinois Teachers' Association.

The Northern Illinois Teachers' Association, at its recent meeting, elected the

[blocks in formation]

following officers: President, S.
President, S. E. ation for teachers in pri-

Raines, Freeport; vice-president, O. E.
Taylor, East Dubuque; secretary, S. F.
C. E. Joiner,

Parsons, Dekalb, treasurer, Cetary SF mary schools. It contains
Rochelle; railroad secretary, E. F.
Austin, Sterling; executive committee full description of novel
H. E. Brown, Rock Island; J. N. Adee, and practical methods that

Kewanee; G. F. Hoffman, Lanark.

The Association put itself on record as

mission to revise and codify the school
laws of the State.

favoring the appointment of a com- have been employed to excellent advantage by the New Brunswick Kindergartens. author. In style, the work

The Free Kindergarten Committee of

St. John, New Brunswick, recently held is clear, concise, at times
its annual public meeting. The school
system of New Brunswick does not pro- epigrammatic, — but not

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

mittee, Mrs. H. H. Pickett, gave a most ment, and, while it is far interesting review of the work which has already been accomplished, and outlined too serious in intent for SAT. plans for the future." The report stated that the first kinder-humor, it is not without


From Piers 27 and 28, East River, foot Catharine St., N. Y.

garten had been established in December,
1903, the second in February, 1906, and

Rest and Health for Mother and Child.

an occasional flash that

MBS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used will be met by the teacher


First-class Service; Elegant Steamers; Fine Cuisine WITH PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the

[blocks in formation]

of experience with a smile

for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing of recognition.

Syrup." And take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a


"may be true what some men say

Irmaun be true what a'men say" 12mo. Cloth 50 cents Postpaid

It is a solid cake of scouring soap A. S. Barnes & Company


New York


31 Union Sq., New York Steady call for teachers. Fills best pos itions; four last year; average, $2900 each. Recommended by Eastern colleges and Normal Schools. 18th year. For quick work, cali, 'phone or wire.

Has good positions for good teachers with good records
HARLAN P. FRENCH, 81 Chapel St., Albany, N. Y.

Southern Railway Large Calen- THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES

dars, Year 1907

Are now being distributed. If you want one, send ten cents postage to Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Agent, 1200 Broadway, who will mail to your

New York, 156 Fifth Ave.
washington, D. C., 1505 Penn Ave.
Chicago, 203 Michigan Boulevard

Denver, 401 Cooper Bldg.
Minneapolis, 414 Century Bldg.
Spokane, 313 Rookery Block

address one of the most popular calendars AN AGENCY

ever issued.

Winter Homes in the South. A most interesting booklet issued by the Passenger Department of the South

of vacancies and tells
you about them
and recommends you
that is more. Ours


4 Ashburton Place
Boston : Mass.
Portland, Ore., 1200 Williams Ave
San Francisco, 217 Market St.
Los Angeles, 525 Stimson Block

is valuable in proportion to its influence. If it merely hears is something, but if it is asked to recommend a teacher


ern Railway, gives you all information The School Bulletin Agency, C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y. regarding the resorts of the South, price of board, etc. The book will be ready for distribution about November 20. Write to Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 1200 Broadway, for copy of same.


A. G. FISHER, Prop.


Florida and the South. The Southern Railway winter service THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY Points of Advantage: Larre clientage for Florida and the South, New York C. J. Albert, Mgr. 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago ed in 28 State Universities, in 90 per

result of twenty-two years' experience. Positions

and Florida Express, leaves New York cent, of all the Colleges, 300 in the State Normal Schools, large numbers in Secondary and Public daily at 3:25 P. M. Pullman drawing- Schools. We have the business. Results sure if you have the qualifications. Year Book FREE. room, sleeping, and dining-cars. New York to Jacksonville and Tampa, New York and Florida Limited, leaves New


York daily at 12:10 A. M. Pullman SCHERMERHORN TEACHERS' AGENCY Oldest and best known in United States

drawing-room, sleeping, and dining-cars. New York to Jacksonville, Florida, con

3 East 14th St., New York

Established 1855

necting with the Florida East Coast Line The Pratt Teachers' Agency 70 Fifth Avenue

for St. Augustine, Palm Beach, and Miami. The world's famous Southern Palm Limited resumes service January 7, 1907, and will be operated during the tourist season. For complete information regarding the service to all of the winter resorts, schedules and sleepingcar service, address the Southern Resort Bureau of Information, New York offices, 271 and 1200 Broadway, Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Agent. Hunting and Fishing in the South

This valuable book is now ready for distribution and copies of same can be had at the New York offices of the Southern Railway, 271 or 1200 Broadway.

New York

Recommends college and normal graduates, specialists, and other teachers to college, public and
private schools. Advises parents about schools.
W. O. PRATT, Manager.

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The book that makes teaching easier for you."

Management and Methods


We are glad to announce that we have just secured the publishing rights of Management and Methods, by Thomas E. Sanders. This book came from press only a few months ago and has met with splendid sales. It is plain, practical, pointed, and pedagogically sound. The author speaks from a wide experience. He hits the point on every topic. He discusses the problems of school management and methods of teaching from the standpoint of the great mass of teachersthose teaching in the rural and village schools. It is in reality what one teacher declared it to be, "the book that makes teaching easier for you."

Brown's Bronchial Troches are an excellent specific, giving immediate relief in cases of hoarseness, loss of voice, coughs, inflammation of the throat and bronchial irritations generally. They are especially good for the hoarseness and throat irriFor State or County Reading Circles, the teachers' institute or round table, or tations resulting from speaking, singing, for private reading or study, it will give satisfaction.

and teaching. Being free from any form of opiate they may be used whenever

required without fear of injury. Every

312 pages, cloth, $1.00 postpaid.

teacher ought to include these Troches in A. S. BARNES & COMPANY. 11-15 East 24th Street, New York

his medicine chest.

"Have We a Huxley Among Us"?

"The call goes up for a new Moses in the wilderness, a new Huxley who shall lead us out of darkness into light. But whither shall we turn?" says The New York Herald, in a.full page review of

The New Knowledge


Sir William Ramsay and M. Becquerel pronounce it one of the great books of the day. It makes the mysteries of science plain. It fascinates like a wizard's tale. It brings the knowledge of the world up to date.



"The author has the rare faculty of infusing life into scientific discussion."-The Outlook.

"Presented with system and clearness and with a style to attract the reader."-American Journal of


"The volume is a fascinating one; its author possesses the rare gift of lucid exposition, and the still rarer gift of scientific imagination."-London Daily News.

"Professor Duncan has the power of lucid exposition. There is no book on the market with the same aim which gives the required information so well as THE NEW KNOWLEDGE."-Westminster Gazette.

"The 'man in the street' when he finishes this book will have a more lucid idea of the recent advance in physics and the conclusions to which it has given rise than he can have at the present moment. * ** This book remains the best of its kind that we have read."-London Atheneum.

"THE NEW KNOWLEDGE is a book to be read with delight by all who take an interest in the progress of science. * * **There is not a paragraph that cannot be understood by any person of high school education. * * It is difficult to imagine how the work could be better done."-Chicago Record-Herald.

"Intended to give a general review of science in popular, but accurate, language, and so carry on the work left by Huxley and Tyndall. A well arranged, accurate and clear exposition-something to hold the mind fascinated. Science needs an interpreter, and Professor Duncan is trustworthy."-New York Evening Post.

"A need has been felt for a trustworthy treatise on the 'new science' written by a man competent for the task. This want is supplied in THE NEW KNOWLEDGE, by Robert Kennedy Duncan. * * * The book is thoroughly up to date, and its data possess an authority which cannot be looked for in popular magazine articles on the same subjects."-Chicago Tribune.

[blocks in formation]

A. S. Barnes & Co., 11-15 East 24th Street, New York

Don't Poison Baby.

FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is: "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.

Letters from Prominent Physicians

addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.

Dr. J. W. Dinsdale, of Chicago, Ill., says: "I use your Castoria and advise its use in all families where there are children."

Dr. Alexander E. Mintie, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria and have found it a reliable and pleasant remedy for children."

Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: "A medicine so valuable and beneficial for children as your Castoria is, deserves the highest praise. I had it in use everywhere."

Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria for children and always got good results. In fact I use Castoria for my own children."

Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily endorse your Castoria. I have frequently prescribed it in my medical practice, and have always found it to do all that is claimed for it."

Dr. C. H. Glidden, of St. Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prac titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it an excellent remedy for the young."

Dr. H. D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used your Castoria as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy."

Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria is a splen. did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints of infants and children."

Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castoria an excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs."


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