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KNOW YE THEREFORE, That we (favouring the Petition and gcod Purpose of the said William Penn, and having Regard to the Memory and Merits of his late Father in divers Services, and particularly to his Conduct, Courage, and Discretion under our dearest Brother JAMES Duke of York, in that signal Battle and Victory fought and obtained against the Dutch Fleet, commanded by the Heer Van Opdam, in the Year 1665: In Consideration thereof, of our special Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion) have given and granted, and by this our present Charter, for us, our Heirs and Successors, do give and grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, all that Tract or Part of Land in America, with the Islands therein contained, as the same is bounded on the East by Delawar River, from twelve Miles Distance Northwards of Newcastle Town unto the three and fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, if the said River doth extend so far Northward: But if the said River shall not extend so far Northward, then by the said River so far as it doth extend, and from the Head of the said River the Eastern Bounds are to be determined by a Meridian Line, to be drawn from the Head

of the said River, unto the said forty-third Degree. The said Land to extend Westward five Degrees in Longitude, to be computed from the said Eastern Bounds; and the said Lands to be bounded on the North by the Beginning of the three and fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and on the South by a Circle drawn at twelve Miles Distance from Newcastle Northward, and Westward unto the beginning of the fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and then by a strait Line Westwards to the Limits of Longitude abovementioned.


WE do also give and grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, the free and undisturbed Use and Continuance in, and Passage unto, and out of all and singular Ports, Harbours, Bays, Waters, Rivers, Isles, and Inlets, belonging unto, or leading to and from the Country or Islands aforesaid, and all the Soils, Lands, Fields, Woods, Underwoods, Mourtains, Hills, Fenns, Isles, Lakes, Rivers, Waters, Rivulets, Bays, and Inlets, situated or being within, or belonging to the Limits or Bounds aforesaid, together with the Fishing of all Sorts of Fish, Whales, Sturgeon, and all royal and other Fishes, in the Seas, Bays, Inlets, Waters, or Rivers within the Premisses, and all the Fish there

in taken; and also all Veins, Mines, Minerals, and Quarries, as well discovered as not discovered, of Gold, Silver, Gemms, and precious Stones, and all other whatsoever, be it Stones, Metals, or of any other Thing or Matter whatsoever, found or to be found within the Country, Isles, or Limits aforesaid.


AND him, the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, we do by this our Royal Charter, for us, our Heirs and Successors, make, create, and constitute, the true and absolute Proprietary of the Country aforesaid, and of all other the Premisses: Saving always to us, our Heirs and Successors, the Faith and Allegiance of the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, and of all other Proprietaries, Tenants, and Inhabitants, that are or shall be within the Territories and Precincts aforesaid; and saving also, unto us, our Heirs and Successors, the Sovereignty of the aforesaid Country, to have, hold, possess, and enjoy the said Tract of Land, Country, Isles, Inlets, and ther the Premisses, unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper Use and Behoof of the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, for ever, to be holden of us, our Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, as of our

Castle of Windsor in our County of Berks, in free and common Soccage, by Fealty only for all Services, and not in Capite or by Knights Service: Yielding and paying therefore to us, our Heirs and Successors, two Beaver-skins, to be delivered at our Castle of Windsor on the first Day of January in every Year; and also the fifth Part of all Gold and Silver Oar, which shall from Time to Time happen to be found within the Limits aforesaid, clear of all Charges. And of our further Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, we have thought fit to erect, and we do hereby erect the aforesaid Country and Islands into a Province and Seignorie, and do call it Pensylvania, and so from henceforth will have it called.


AND forasmuch as we have hereby made and ordained the aforesaid William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, the true and absolute Proprietaries of all the Lands and Dominions aforesaid, KNOW YE THEREFORE, That we (reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity, Wisdom, Justice, and provident Circumspection of the said William Penn) for us, our Heirs and Successors, do grant free, full, and absolute Power (by Virtue of these Presents) to him and his Heirs, to his and

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their Deputies, and Lieutenants for the good and happy Government of the said Country, to ordain, make, and enact, and under his and their Seals to publish any Laws whatsoever, for the raising of Money for publick Uses of the said Province, or for any other End, appertaining either unto the publick State, Peace, or Safety of the said Country, or unto the private Utility of particular Persons, according unto their best Discretion, by and with the Advice, Assent, and Approbation of the Freemen of the said Country, or the greater Part of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom for the enacting of the said Laws, when, and as often as Need shall require, we will that the said William Penn and his Heirs, shall assemble in such Sort and Form, as to him and them shall seem best and, the same Laws duly to execute, unto and upon all People within the said Country and Limits thereof.


AND we do likewise give and grant unto the said William Penn, and to his Heirs, and their Deputies and Lieutenants full Power and Authority, to appoint and establish any Judges and Justices, Magistrates and other Officers whatsoever, for what Causes soever, (for the Probates of Wills, and for the grant

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