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Musca Volitantes. See Amaurosis, | Nerves, Roots of, II., 476.

II., 120.

Muscular Contraction and Convul

sions, II,, 526.

Muscular Power, Comparative, 208,


Muscular and. Fibrous System, In-
flamed, II, 156, Exercise in
Scrofula, 268.

Muscles, Diseases of, II., 526.
Muscular Twitching of the Face,
II. 636.

Musk, in Sleeplessness, 712.
Mustard and Counter-irritants, II.,

Mycelium, II., 860.
Mycrosporon, 11., 863.
Myopia, II., 138, 140.
Myotica, II., 526.


Nævus Materni, 11., 997.

Nails, Diseases of, II., 891, In-Growing,
II., 892, Fungous Growths, II.,
893, Perchlorure de Fer, 11., 893.
Names of Diseases, 212.
Napoleon I., II., 863.
Narcosis, 11, 650.

Nares, Symptoms, 430, Nasal pas-
sages, 430.

Nassau, Climate of, II., 238.
National Characteristics, II., 388.
Nausea, 268.

Natrum-mur., Dyspepsia, 305, 306,

in Ague, 504, in Urticuria, 614,
Splenitis, 516, Stomatitis, 741,
in Cardialgia, II., 514, in Hy-
datids, II., 824.

Nature of Disease, 37, 55.
Nature of Homœopathic Cures, 106.
Nebula, (Cornea,) II., 113.
Necrosis, Phosphor, II., 362.
Necrosis, Ustilaginea, 11., 345.
Nephralgia Calculosa, II., 775.
Nephritis, 11, 66, Treatment, 11., 68,

Scarlatinal, 600, Desquamative,
II., 21, Chronic, II., 44.

Nerves of the Stomach, 278, Cell
Formation of, II., 469.

Nerves, Extirpation of, II., 470, Irri-
tation of, Causing Disease, II.,
472, II., 497.

Nerve Force, Nature of, 11., 470.

Nervous Exhaustion, II., 226, I.,


Nervous System, Diseases of, IL, 388,

Pathology of, 471, Symptoms
in Diagnosis, 172, Anatomy
and Pathology of, II. 468.
Nervous Power and Electricity, II.,

Nervous Quinsy, 253.
Nervous Fluid, II., 471. 67.
Nervous Impressions, 71, in Diabetes,
II., 813, Nervous Irritation, II.,
472, II., 529, II., 736.
Nervous Influence, Physiology of, II.,
470, Loss of, II, 659.

Nervous Diseases of Women, II.,


Nervousness, II. 574, II. 777.

Nervous Fever, Typhoid, 555, 557.
Nettle Rash, 610, Diagnosis, 610,
Causes, 612, Treatment, 613.
Neuralgia, II, 477, Diagnosis, II.,

478, Reflex, II., 529, Causes,
II., 483, Pathology, II., 484.
Idiosyncracies, II., 487, Tic
Doloreux, II., 478, Treatment,
II., 485, Complications, II,
478, II., 494, Dysmenorrhoea,
II., 682, Local Irritation, II,
496, Injuries, II., 497.
Neuralgia Caliaca, II., 509.
Neuralgic Ophthalmia, 495.
New Diseases may sometimes Sus-
pend Old Ones, 80.

New-York, Climate of, II., 237.
Night-mare, 452, Causes, 453, Treat-
ment, 454, Ephialtes Apnoeatica,
454, 455.

Night, Influences of, 207.
Night-sweats, II., 587.
Nitro-mur.-acid, 249, in Croup, 781.
Nitrate of Silver, in Toothache, 236,

Yellow Fever, 579, in Ophthal-
mia, 96, 98, in Egyptian Oph-
thalmia, I., 109, in Yellow
Fever, 579, in Syphilis, IL,
311, Syphilitic Dyscrasia, II.,
328, in Gonorrhoea, I., 376,
in Chorea, II., 566, Tinea, IL,
664, in Inflammation of the
Cervix-uteri, II., 712.
Nitrate of Uranium a Remedy in

[blocks in formation]

Nitric-acid, in Effects of Mercury,

249, in Urticaria, 614, in Iritis,
II., 115, Scrofulous Ophthalmia,
II., 155, in Ptyalism, 249, in
Coryza, 425, in Diphtheria,
769, Dysentery, 909, 912, in
Syphilis, I., 316, I., 319, in
Orchitis, II, 324, in Gangre-
nopsis, II., 362, a Remedy for
Prolapsus Ani, in Leucorrhoea,
II., 701.

Nitrogen in Food, 225.
Nitro-muriatic-acid, 932.
Nitro-muriatic-acid, in Ptyalism,


Nitrous Oxide Gas, in Delirium Tre-

mens, II, 454.

Nodes, Venereal, II., 308, I., 321.
Non-restraint Treatment of Insanity,
II., 425.

Nose, Inflammation of, 735, Bleeding
from, 430, Cancer of, II., 287,
Lupus on, I., 289, Caries, II., 366,
Operations on the Nasa! Passages,

Nosology, 211.

Nostalgia, I., 462.

Nostrils, Foreign Bodies in, 734.
Notation, Homœopathic, 163.
Numb-feeling, I., 637, IL, 470.
Numerical Method, 63.
Nursing Sore Mouth, 740.
Nutmeg, 348, II., 592.

Nutritive Substances, Classification
of, 210.

Nutrition, 224, Results of Imperfect,
647, 648, Cell-formation, 647,
Perverted in Inflammation, 196,
Imperfect in Dyspepsia, 276.
Nux-vom., in Dyspepsia, 289, Asthma,

445, in Ague, 497, Sphere of
Action, 598, Ptyalism, 251, De-
praved Appetite, 267, in Yel-
low Fever, 577, in Bronchitis,
790, in Hepatitis, 930, in Quin- |
sy, 748, in Arthritic Dyspepsia,
in Ischuria, II., 86, in Iritis, II.,
116, Amaurosis, II., 128, in
Affections of the Mouth, 251,
in Colic, 319, 323, Constipa-

tion, 330, in Diarrhea, 347, in
Hæmorrhoids, 396, in Coryza.
425, Hoarseness, 435, Asthma,
445, Ephialtes, 454, Spotted
Fever, 529, Synocha, 532,
Blood to the Brain, 692, Ver-
tigo, II., 578, in Spinal Irrita-
tion, II, 717, in Softening of
the Brain, 717, Gastritis, 855,
Dysentery, 916, Spermator-
rhoea, II., 717, in Chlorosis,
II., 725, in Calcull, II., 801,
Gonorrhoea, II., 380, Orchitis,
II., 384, Effects of Passion, II.,
431, Insanity, II., 435, in Deli-
rium Tremens, IL, 453, Neu-
ralgia, II., 491, Neuralgia,
Coeliaca, II, 509, Gastralgia,
II., 511, II., 516, in Tetanus,II.,
535, Nux, an Antidote to
Woorara, II., 536, in Chorea,
II., 564, Hysteria, II., 591, Irri-
tability of Temper, II., 575,
Sleeplessness, II., 576, Vertigo,
579, Epilepsy, II., 608, Apo-
plexy, IL, 646, Palsy, II., 661,
Dysmenorrhoea, II, 685, in Leu-
corrhoea, II., 701.
Nux-moschata in Diarrhoea, 343, in
Hysteria, II.,


Obesity, II., 278, II. 837.
Obstipation, 340, 334.

Obstructed Menstruation, п., 774.
Obstruction of the Bowels, 334, 340,
of the Colon, 336.

Odontalgia, 230, Sycotic, II., 328.
Odontia, 230, Stuporis, 239.
Edema Glottidis, 749, 785.
Edematous Inflammation, 749,
Erysipelas, 678.

Edema of the Lungs, 796, After
Scarlatina, 602.

Esophagus, Constriction of, 252, Me-
chanical Injury of, 250.
Enanthe, II., 612.
Oinomania, II., 443.

Old Age, Decay of Mind from, II.

Old Age, Influence of, 216, on the
Brain, 702.


Old and New Schools, Points of Dif-
ference, 135.

Old Authors, 684.

Oleum Ricini, in Diarrhoea, 349.

Ol. Olive, in Gall-stones, 408, in Go-
norrhoea, II., 377.

Omentum, Congestion of, 412.

Onanism, II., 338.

Oneirodynia, Incubus, 452.
Onychia, 663, II., 894.

Opacity of the Cornea, II, 113.
Opththalmia, II., 87, II., 193, Acute,

II., 88, 89, Chronic, II., 99,
Nitrate of Silver in, D., 96, 98,
109, Sulph.-cupri., II., 98, 99.
Case of W. H. Prescott, II., 95,
Granular do., II., 103, Scrofu-
lous do., II., 150, Treatment, II.,
152. Purulent do., II, 101,
Gonorrhoeal, II., 102, Infantile,
II., 103, Egyptian do., 103,
Mercurial, II, 155, Neuralgic,
II., 495.
Opinions, Absurd, II., 398.
Opisthotonos, II, 531.
Opium, Abuse of, 96, 113, II., 651,
II., 100, Poisoning, 514, II., 652,
in Opthalmia, II., 101, in Pɛri-
tonitis, 893, Scarlatina, 597, in
Ague, 506, Constipation, 328,
Remittent Fever, 520, Spotted
Fever, 529, in Typhus, 545, in
Ephialtes, 454, in Small-pox,
633, in Varioloid, 634, in Dis-
ease of the Brain, 706, 710,|
712, in Perforation of the In-
testine, 894, in Coma, II., 407,
II., 651, Fear, II., 429, Fright,
II., 430, in Insanity, II., 435,
Delirium Tremens, II., 453, in
Alcoholism, II., 460, Dementia,
II., 461, in Causing Idiocy, II.,
468, Nervous Irritability, I.,
575, Convulsions, 11., 587, Epi-
lepsy, II, 608, Apoplexy, II.,
645, in Children's Diseases, II.,
652, in Galactorrhœa, IL, 718.
Optic Thalami, 11., 475.
Oppression of the Chest, 440.
Orbit, Affections of. See Ophthalmia,
II., 87.

Organic Disease, 640.

Organic Disease of the Colon, 919.
Orchitis, Syphilitic, I., 324, Gonor-

[blocks in formation]

Osteoporosis, II., 830.

Os-uteri, Ulceration of, IL, 701.
Otalgia, 725.

Otitis, 725, 728, 700.

Otorrhæa, 729, Treatment, 732.
Ovaries, Affections of, 11., 706, Inflam.
mation, I., 729.
Ovarialgia, II., 683.
Ovarian Dropsy, 11.,
Over-lifting, 662.


Oxalic-acid, in Gastromalacia, 868.
Oxygen Gas, in Resuscitation, II,, 624
Oysters, Ailments from eating, 612.
Ozana, simple Catarrh, 423, 734.
Pseudo Ozona, 734.

Ozana, from Phosphorus, II., 366.

Padded Room for the Insane, II.,


Paganini, Case of, II., 577.
Painful Menstruation, II, 681.
Pain, Indications of in Diagnosis, 122.
Painter's Colic, 316, Palsy, IL, 666.
Palpation, 834.

Palpitation, 842, IL, 576.
Palsy, 11., 656, Partial of the Face, IL,
495, II., 656, Prognosis, Treat-
ment, 11.660, from Lead,I., 666,
Mercurial, II., 671, with Kidney
Disease, 11. 669, Metallic, 11. 666.
Paludal Fever, 473.
Panaritia, Whitlow, 661.
Panaris, 660.

Pancreatic Fluid, 220.
Pancreatitis, 941.

Pancreas, 941, Diseases of, 941,
Treatment, 942,

Papulous Skin, 11., 856.
Paralis, 240.

Paracelsus, 47.

Paracentesis, Peritonitis after, 894.
in Dropsy, II., 750, IL, 751, II,

Paralysis of the Bladder, II., 84.
Paralysis, Diagnosis, 717, II., 636

from inflammation of the
Brain, 711.

Paralysis, II, 656, Diagnosis, II. 657,

Treatment, II., 660.
Paralysis of the Nerves by Strych-
nine, II, 637, the Lungs, II.,
650, Tongue, II., 650, from
Lead, II.. 666, Mercury, 11.,671.
Paralysis from Apoplexy, 11., 639.
Paralysis, Progressive, II, 326, II.,
459, II., 669, of the Insane,
II., 459, from Spinal Disease,
II., 668, with Kidney Disease,
II., 669,

Paraplegia, II, 659, Treatment, II.,
663, from White Softening of
the Brain, II., 659, from Spinal
Affection, 713.

Parabysma, 412.

Parasites within the Body, Hydatids,
II., 821.

Parasitic Vegetables on the Human
Skin, II. 843, II., 847, II., 858,
in other Positions, 739, II.,

Paracusis, Deafness, 727, 11. 663.
Parithmitis, 742.

Parotid Gland, 742, Inflammation of,
742, Mercurial, do., 744, Indu-
ration of, 745.

Paré, Ambrose, 49.

Paroniria, Somnambulism, 11. 633.
Paronychia, 661.

Paropsis. See Amaurosis, II., 120.
Paruria, 11., 807.

Paste for Chancre. 11., 312,
Parturition, Macrotin in, II., 688.
Par Vagum, 158, 418, Section of,
II., 659, Irritation of, II.,

Parostia, 11., 826.

L'arotid Gland, Inflammation, 745,

Induration of, 745.

Parotitis, 742, Mercurial, 744.
Passio Iliaca, 333.

Passions, Their Influence on Disease,
II., 427.

Passion, Ungovernable, I., 431.
Pathology, Observations on, 177, Al-
teration of Solids, 177, of
Fluids, 180.

Patience, Influence of, II., 427.
Pathology, 117, Solids, 117, Fluids.


Pau, Climate of, 236.

Peculiarities of Races and Individ
uals, II., 388.

Peevishness, 847, 842.
Pelagra, 525, Causes, 627
Pemphigus, II., 851.
Pepsine, 300.

Percussion, 421, 422.

Percussion, in Pneumonia, 805 to

Perforation of the Stomach, 867, of
the Intestine, 894.

Pericarditis, 838, 846.
Perineal Fistula, 11., 808.
Periodical Insanity, II., 397.
Periodicity in the Animal Economy,

204, Different Periods of the
Day, 206,204, of Life,208,199.
Periosteum,Sympathetic Disease of,It.,
308, Action of in Reproducing
Bone, II., 365.

Periostosis, 663, Diagnosis, Treat-
ment, 663, Incisions, 663, from
Phosphorus, II, 362, Treat-
ment, I., 36.4
Peri-pneumonia Notha, 785.
Peri-pneumonia, 803.
Peritoneum, Inflamed, 891.
Peritoneal Enteritis, 891.
Peritonitis, from rupture of Abscess,

Peritonitis, 891.

[blocks in formation]


Pharynx Constriction, 251, Foreign

body in, 254.
Philosophy of Drug Action in Cur-
ing Disease, 110.

Phimotic Phlegmon, II, 382, from
Gonorrhea, II., 382.

Plebitis, causing Disease of the Liver,

Phlegmon, 652.

Phlegmasia Dolens, Hamamelis,


Phlegmatic, Lazy, 11., 264. -
Phlogistica, 637.

Phosphates in the Urine, I., 21, II,
787, II., 800.
Phosphorus, in Apoplexy, It., 646, in
Palsy, II, 662, 11., 668, Leucor-
rhoea, I., 700, Spermatorrhea,
II., 717, Impotence, 718, Calcu-
lus, II., 801, Epilepsy, II. 608, in
Pneumonia, 812, Pneumo-Ty-
phus, 584, Pleuritis, 826, Amau-
rosis, II. 128, Cataract, II. 133,
Colic, 320, in Synocha, 532,
in Necrosis, II., 365, Scrofulous
Ophthalmia, II., 154, in Phthi-
sis, II., 247, Scrofula, II., 273,
Necrosis from, II., 362, Ozona,
II., 365, Alcoholism, II., 458,
in Cardialgia, Flatulence, II.,
512, in Gastralgia, II., 517, II.,
518, Strabismus, II., 560, Ver-
tigo, II., 578.
Phosphoric Acid in Bilious Typhoid,
530, in Pneumo-Typhus, 585,
in Pneumonia, 814, in Cholera,
366, 370, Gall-stones, 410,Grief,
11. 428, Menorrhagia, II. 694.
Phosphor Necrosis, II., 362, Treat-
ment, II., 364, 11., 365.

Photophobia, II, 88,
Phrenica, II., 388.
Phrenitis, 695.

Phthisis Pulmonalis, II., 205, Causes,

II., 225, Hereditary, II., 228,
Predisposition, Dyscrasia, II,
220, Treatment, II., 235, Acute,

II., 256. Also Iodide of Iron,
Kali-hydr., Amm.-carb.
Phyma, (Ecphyma,) II., 887.
Physical Deformities, II., 839.
Physical Reasoning Power, II., 394,

Symptoms of Insanity, II., 404.
Physical Education, 461, 462, Move-

[blocks in formation]

Pica, Depraved Appetite, 264.
Piarrhæmia, in Diabetes, II. 815.
Piles, 390.

Pimpernel, in Hydrophobia, II. 550.
Pimples on the Face, II., 854.
Pinel, M. 63.
Piorry M., 421.

Pituitary Gland, 11. 603.
Pityriasis, IL. 846, II. 863.
Plague, 637.

Plants, Diseases of, 11. 841.
Plastic Membranes, Diphtheria, 752,

Plasma, Contents of, II. 178, Diseased
States of, II. 180, a Receptacle of
the Corpuscles, II. 182, it sup-
ports them with the Air, II. 142,
Causes of changes in it, II. 182.
Platinum, in Grief, &c., II. 428, in
Suicidal Monomania, II. 440, IL
442, Dysmenorrhœa, 11. 685,
in Menorrhagia, II., 692, Uterine
Cancer, II. 692.

Plato, 40, 11. 432.
Plearthotonos, II. 531.
Plethora, II., 175, 177, Venous, of the
Portal Circle, 412, Abdominal,
II. 503.

Pleuralgia, Diagnosis, 823.
Pleuritis, 819, Acute, 820, Diagnosis,
821, Ausculation, 822, Chronic,
827, Diagnosis, 828, Retrospec-
tive Diagnosis, 830, Conse-
quences of Pleuritis, 830.

Pleurisy, 819, Diagnosis, 819, Causes,
820, Treatment, 824.
Pleurodynia, 823.
Pleximetre, 422.

Plica Polonica, 11. 899.

Plumbum, in Colic, 318, in Obstruc
tion of the Bowels, 344, in
Diarrhoea, 318, 347, in Apo-
plexy, 11. 647.

Plum.-diacetas, in Gonorrhœa, II. 378.
Pneumono-gastric Nerve, per Vagum,

158, 418, Section of, 11. 659,
in Diabetes, II. 813.

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