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Hahnemann's Treatment. 363, | Cod-liver Oil, 11. In Consumption,


Allopathic do. 362. 375. II. 179.

Cholera Morbus, 352.

Cholerine, 376.

Cholerine Ague, 499.

Cholera Infantum, 883.

Cinchona, Abuse of, 99. 117. Symp-
toms produced by it, 487.
Quinine. Its action, 498. In-

jurious Effects, 490.

Cinnabar, in Gonorrhoea, II. 379.
in Skin Diseases, II. 849.

Circocele, 801. II. 344.

Circulation of the Blood, 48. 457.
Cirrhosis, 925. Cities, Miasms of, 558.
Citric-acid, in Scurvy, II. 336.
Civilization, Perverted, II. 226. II. 683.
Clairvoyance, II. 630.

Classification of Diseases, 211.

Clap, 300.

of Fevers, 467. Of Skin

Diseases, II. 845.

of Nutritive Substances, 210.

Clematis, in Ophthalmia, II. 96.
in Scrofula, I., 271.

in Iritis, I., 117.

in Cancer, II., 297.

in Syphilis, 11., 320.
Orchitis 11, 384.

in Irritable Testis, II., 385.
Skin Disease, II., 847.

Clergyman's Sore Throat, 749.
Climacteric Decay, 217. The Brain,

Climate, Choice of, 11., 235.

Effects of Cold, 190.

Increase of Animal Food re-
quired, 191.

Clothing, 197.

Club Foot, 11., 730.

Coagulation of the Blood, 11., 178.
Coagulable Lymph, 640.

Cocculus, in Ague, 502. Dysphagia,


in Iritis, II., 116.
in Vomiting, 270.
Grief, &c., ., 428.
Chorea, 11., 565.
Vertigo, II., 578.
Sleeplessness, II., 576.

in Dysmenorrhoea, I., 685.
Leucorrhoea, II., 700.
Ovarian Disease, II, 707.

II. 240.

in Scrofula, II. 272.
in Syphilis, II. 320.

in Palsy, II. 660.

Caliac Neuralgia, II. 509.
Cœliaca, 213.

Coffea, Nervousness, &c., II. 574.
in Ague, 507. Teething, 228.
in Apoplexy, II. 645.

in Toothache, 228.

in Diarrhoea, 350. Pertussis, 440.
in Sleeplessness, 712.

in Irritability, II. 575.

in Alcoholism, II. 460.

in Opium Poisoning, II. 652.
in Neuralgia, II. 487. II. 494.
in Hemicrania, II. 505.

Cohash, II. 592. II. 686.
Colchicum, in Rheumatism, II. 159.

in Gout, I. 167, IL. 172.
in Dyspeptic Gout, IL. 171.
in Colic, 320, Gastritis, 856.
in Dropsy, I. 775.

Cold Dash, in Apparent Death from
Lightning, I., 655.

Cold as a Cause of Disease, 184, 464.
Recovery from Extreme, 660.
Effects of Intense, 190, 466.
Effects on Different Persona, 196.
in Ophthalmia, II., 92.

Susceptibility to, II., 633. 11., 723.
Cold Water Bandage in Croup, 783.
Cold Water in Typhus, 543. Brain
Disease, 704. Alcoholism, II.,
460. in Chlorosis, II., 724.

Cold Plague, 582.

Colic, Bilious, 311. 314. Malarious,
315. Flatulent, 313. Treat-
ment, 317. Painter's, 316. In
Children, 322. Various Forms
of, 322.

[blocks in formation]

Colon, Obstruction of, 336, Malignant
Ulceration of, 920, State of, in
Dysentery, 899.

Color of Clothing, 198.

Coma, from Uramic Poisoning, II., 769.
Coma, 11., 634. II., G42. II, 650.
Coma Aramic, 11., 650.
Compression, in Disease of Joints, II.,
176, in Aneurism, 11., 343.
Concussion of the Spine, 11., 522.
Concussion of the Brain, 687, Treat-
ment, 689.

Condylomata, II., 326.

Congestion in general, 180, 638.
Congestion, 464. 465, Preceding In-
flammation, 638, of the Sto-
mach, 414, of the Spinal Cord,
II., 524.

Congestion of the Chest in Children,
803, Brain, 694.

Congestive Fever, 522.

Congestive Intermittent, 510.
Concretion, Salivary, 250, Intestinal,

Confidence in one's self, Want of, 842,


Conium, in Ischuria, 11., 86, in Cata-

ract, 11, 133, in Iritis, t., 116,
in Scrofula, II., 270, in Neural-

gia, 11., 489, in Palsy, I., 662.
Conjunctiva, Granulations on, II., 104.
Conjunctivitis, II., 89. II., 95. Con-

tagious do., 103 Chronic, II., 99.
Constantinople, Medicine in, 14.
Constrictive Dysphagia, 252.
Consanguinous Marriages, 11., 663.
Consanguinity, II, 663.
Constipated Colic, 314, 323.
Constipation, 323, Causes, 324, Pa-

thology, 326, Treatment, 327,
Bryonia, 329, Nux-vom., 330,
Adjuvantia, 328, Enemata,
329, complicated with He-
patic Disease, Graphites, 332,
Lycopodium, 333, Intestinal

Obstruction, Headache from,
II., 508.
Constipation in Children, 333.
Constitution, Feeble, 186. Inherited,
II., 187.

Consumption,11.205, Diagnosis, 11.205,
Causes, II., 225, Treatment, II., 235.
Contagion, 186. 539. 542. 558, 588.

do. of Typhoid, 557, Yellow

[blocks in formation]

Convolvulus, in Dropsy, II., 758.
Convulsions, in Small-pox, 633.

From Religious Excitement,
II., 567.

Convulsive Affections in Sleep, 454.
From Brain Affection, 11., 580.
From Carb.-ammonia, 11., 768.
Convulsions, II., 580, Treatment, II.,

Convulsions of Children, 11., 582, Pe-
riodical, II., 585, Puerperal, II.,

Convulsive Affectums, after Injury,
II., 584, After Small-pox, 633,
Epileptiform, 11., 586.
Convulsive Diseases, Theory of, II.,
526, Caused by Debility, 11., 526,
By Hæmorrhage, 11., 527..

Cookery, Effects of, 209.
Cool Air and Water in Gonorrhoea, II.,

Copaiva, Balsam, in Bright's Disease,

II., 35, in Nephritis, I., 68, in
Gonorrhea, II, 379.

Copostatris, Constipation, 323.
Copper-acetate, of, in Purpura, II.,
200, Cases, II., 201, in Phthi-
sis, II., 251.

Corn, 11, 887, Festered, II., 888,
Nervo-vascular, II., 888, Fibrous,
II., 890, Laminated, II., 890,
Hard, 11, 883, Ammonia-muriati
cum, II., 883, Vascular do., II. 889.
Cornea, Ulcer of, I., 113.

Opacity of, II., 113.
Corneitis, II., 113.
Cornea, Conical, II., 114.
Corpora Striata, II., 475, II., 639.
Corpuscles of the Blood, II., 182.
Corpulency, ., 837.

Correllation of Forces, 473.
Corrosive Poison, 857.

Coryza, 423, Diagnosis, 423, Patho-

logy, 424, Prognosis, 424,

[blocks in formation]

mia, II., 96, 98.

Creatine, I., 19, 11., 790, Creatinine,
Il., 19.

Creosote, in Toothache, 236, in Hæ-

morrhage, (Kreosote) in Phthi-
sis, II, 252, Gangrene, II.,

Cretinism, II., 278, II., 889.
Critical Days, 476.
Crocus in Menorrhagia, IL, 694.
Crotalus-horridus, in Yellow Fever,

580, inoculation, 580, Bite of, 666.
Croup, 774, Croupal Diphtheria, 793.
Croton-tigl., Diphtheria, 771.

Summer Complaint, 890.

Crowded Apartments, 484.

See Typhus, 540, 541.

Crowing Disease, 448, Causes, 449,
Pathology, 450, Treatment,


Crusta Lactea, II., 849.
Cryptogamic Theory of Yellow Fever,

570, of Thrush, 739, Ague, 482.
Crystalization of Calculi, 11, 788.
Cubebs, in Gonorrhœa, II., 380.
(ullen, 52.

Curative Power of Drugs, 12.
Cures, Nature of Homeopathic, 134,

Accidental, 74.

Curvature of Bones, Syphilitic, II.,


Cuprum, 320.

Aceto-nitrate of, 772.

Sulphate of Copper in Ophthalmia,
96, 98, 99, in Phthisis, II., 251,

Colic, 320, in Diarrhoea, 349,
in Cholera, 368, Scarlatina,
598, in Gangrenopsis, II., 359,
in Diabetes, II., 815, Chorea,
II., 566, Epilepsy, II, 609, in
Dropsy, I., 759.

Cuprum, in Gastrodynia, II., 519, in
Impotence, II., 717, Convul-
sions, II., 587, Hysteria, II.,
592, Apoplexy, II, 648.
Cuprum-aceticum in Heart Disease,
845, in Porrigo, II., 861.

in Hydrophobia, II., 550.
Curare, or Woorara in Tetanus, 11. 536.
Curvature of the Spine, 11., 525.
Cutaneous Blush. Erysipelas 673.
Vermination, II., 886.

Cutaneous Diseases, 587.

[blocks in formation]

Cystic Goitre, II., 275.

Cystitis, II., 75, II., 76.

Dampness, Effect of, II., 633.
Dance of St. Vitus, II., 561.
Dandruff, II., 846.

Dartre, Tetter, II., 187, II., 865.
Day-mare, Ephialtes, 452.
Deafness, from Inflammation


Meatus, 727, Paralysis of Au-
ditory Nerve, II., 663, Case of,
II., 664.

Death, Apparent from a Fall, 691.

Death from Lightning, 11, 655.
Death, Decision of the Question of
Life or Death, II., 629, Different
Modes of, 648, II., 420, As-
phyxia, II., 617.

Death, Evidences of, II., 629.

Debility, Convulsions of, II. 527.
Debility, 188, in Dyepepsia, 274, in
Phthisis, II., 208.

Decay from Old Age, II., 461.

[blocks in formation]

Deglution, 215, Difficulty of, 252.
Delirium Tremens, II., 449, Prophy-
lactics, II., 456.

Delirium Ebriosorum, II., 449.
Delirium, II., 407, 11., 409.
Delphinine, in Exciting Secretion, II.,

Delusions of Insane Patients, in-
dulged in some cases, II., 433.
Demagnetized State of Nerves, 11.577.
Dementia, II., 461, Pathology, II.,
462, Treatment, II., 462.

Democritus, II., 398.
Dental Neuralgia, II., 497.
Dentition, 226, Influence of, on Health,
227, Treatment, 228, Opera-
tions, 237.

Deobstruents, (Homœopathic,) 792.
DeOrsay, Case of, II., 669.

Depilatories, 11., 861.

Depraved Appetite, 264.

Depuration of the Blood by Diseased

Action, II., 181, Imperfect, a
Cause of Disease, II., 183.
DeQuincy, Case of, II., 461; II., 468.
Deranged Digestion, 271, Causes,
279, Treatment, 284.
Derangement, Mental, II., 388.
Dermis, II., 841.
Despondency, 842.

Desquamation, in Measles, 605, in
Scarlatina, 602.

Desquamative Nephritis, II, 21,
Chronic, II., 27.

Deteriorations of the Blood, II., 177.
Determination of Blood to the Head,
II., 602, II., 506.
Development of the Powers of Reme-
dies, 127, of Cells. See Cell
Formation, 589, 641, 647, II.,
223, II., 280.

Dewberry, in Diarrhoea, 350.
Diabetes, II., 808, Irritation of Nerves,
II., 472, II., 813, Treatment, II.,
814, Nitr.-uranium; Per-Mang.-

Diabetes with Piarrhæmia, I., 815.
Diagnosis, of Bright's Disease, II.,

59, of Chest Diseases, 834,
General, 166, Importance of,
175, Figure and Attitude, 168,
Fashionable Dress, 169, the
Tongue, 171, Nervous System,
172, Temperature, 175, of Fe-
vers, 460, Diphtheria, 757,
Pneumonia, 804, Pleuritis, 821.
Diaphragmatic Hernia, 337, Diag-
nosis, 338.

Diarrhea, 345, Feculent, 345, Treat-
ment, 345, Bilious, 346, Mer-
cury in, 346, Nux-moschata,
348, Purulent, 917, Serous,
350, Chronic, 351.
Diarrhea Adiposis, 349,
Diarrhea of Camps and Hospitals.
See Colitis, 917.

Diathesis, 646, Iodic, 646, Cancerous,
646, Gouty, II., 169.
Diary, Fever. See Fever, 467.
Diathesis, Hereditarily Impressed on

the Constitution, II., 187, Con-
firmations from Allopathic Au-
thorities, II., 188, Iodic, Can-
cerous, &c., 646, of Gout, II,
161, 169.

Dictamnus, in Leucorrhoea, II., 701.
Diet, Influence on Disease, 263, 258,

188, in Diphtheria, 773, in
Cholera, 366, in Phthisis, II.,
231, in Scurvy, II., 334.

Difficult Deglution, 252, 254.
Diffused Aneurism, 11., 340.
Digestibility of Food, 209.
Digestive Function, Diseases of, 213.
Digestion, Physiology of, 213, 215,
Mastication, 213, Saliva, 214,
Deglution, 215, Chymification,
215, Gastric Juice, 215.
Digestion, Derangement of, 256, Slow,

Digestive Organs, Diseased by Irrita-
tion, II., 471.

Digitaline in Spermatorrhea, II,

Digitalis in Heart Disease, 842,
Bright's Disease, II., 38, II., 63,
in Ophthalmia, II., 96, Scrofu-
lous, do., II. 155, in Bronchitis,
795, on the Brain, II., 407,
in Delirium Tremens, II., 454,

Epilepsy, II, 613, Dropsy, u.,

Dilatation of the Bronchi, 789.
Dimness of Sight, II., 193.
Dinus, II, 578.
Dioscorides, 14.

Diospyrus in Diarrhæa, 350.
Diphtheria, Diagnosis, 752, Distin-

guished from Croup, 757,
Scarlatina, 759, Erysipelas,760,
Prognosis, 763, Pathology,761,
Treatment, 763 to 772.
Diplopia, Sycosis, II., 329, II, 505,
II., 687.

Dipsosis, Thirst, 255.

Direct Action vs. Counter-irritation,

Discoveries, Mode in which they have
been made, 24.
Discovery of the Principle of Ho-
mœopathy, 20.
Discouragement, 842.

Diseases, Classification of, 211.
Disease, Nature of, 75, an Exaggeration
of the Nervous Function, II.,
473, Common Causes of, 185.
Diseases of the Cutaneous System,

Inflammatory, 637, Causes,649,
Digestive Function, 213, In-
Inflammatory, 852, Respiratory,
do., 418, 834, Circulatory, 457,
Brain and Nervous System, II,
388, Spinal Marrow and its
Membranes, II., 475, Urinary
Organs, II, 9, Infectious, II.,
366, Fibrous and Muscular
System, II, 156, Serous Ex-
halant Vessels, II. 739, of the
Eye and its Appendages, II.,

Disintegration, 224.
Disintegration of Nerve Tissue,
Action of Quinine, 488.
Dislocations, 662, Lower Jaw, 246.
Displacements of the Uterus, II.,


Dissection Wound, 667, II., 183, La-
chesis, 667. See Vol. II., 541.
Dissecting Aneurism, II., 660.
Dissonant Voice, 435.
Distemper in Cattle, II., 148, Conta-
gion, II., 184.

Divisibility of Matter, 139.
Dizziness, Vertigo, II., 578.

Doctrines, Medical, 8, 9, 40, 71,
Respecting a Vital Principle, 40.
Don Quixotte, II., 398, 11., 630.
Doses, Repetition of, 168, Size of, 149,
137, 147, 513, 650, Subordi-
nate Importance of the Question
of the Size of Doses, 162.
Small Doses have Remedial
Power, 123, of Quinine, 514.
Dress, Influence on Health, 169, 197,

Drivelling, 248, I., 278.
Dropsy, II., 738, Inflammatory, II,,
740, from Debility, II., 741,
from Kidney Disease, II., 46,
II., 21, II., 742, I., 820, of the
Brain, 719, Chest, II. 747,
Cellular, II., 744, Scrofulous of
the Spine, II., 765, Abdominal,
II., 745, Thoracic, II., 747, of
the Eye, II., 129, of the Joints,
II, 175, of the Ovaria, II., 748.
Testicle, II., 762, after Scarla.
tina, 600, Pathology, 602.
Drosera in Pertussis, 440, in Con-
sumption, II., 249.

Drowning, Death from, Asphyxia, II.,
615, Treatment, II., 619.
Drugs, Primary and Secondary Ac-
tion of, 112. See p. 650.
Drugs, Attenuations of, 154.
Drug Poisoning, II, 185. II., 202.
Druid Priests, 43.

Drunkards, Cardialgia of, п., 511,
Eruptions on the Face of,
Brain Fever of, 11., 449, In-
sanity of, II, 443, Epilepsy of,
II., 604.

Dry Gangrene, II, 345.
Dry Urethritis, I., 370.
Dry Rot in plants, II., 848.
Dulcamara, in Scrofula, II., 270, in

Infantile remit., 526, in Urtica-
ria, 614, in Rheumatism, II,
160, Diarrhoea, 345, in Coryza,
425, Synocha, 532, Dysentery,
912, in Dropsy, II., 756.

Dumbness, 433.
Duodenal Jaundice, 405, Catarrh,

Duodenitis, 875, Treatment, 873,

410, 574.

Dura Mater, Inflammation of, 672,
700, 709, Deposits from, 700.

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