THE THIRDE BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QUEENE CONTAYNING THE LEGEND OF BRITOMARTIS, CANTO VI. The birth of fayre Relphabe and ELL: may Iweene, faire Ladies, all this while Ye wonder how this noble Damozell So great perfections did in her compile, Sith that in salvage forests she did dwell, So farre from court and royall Citadell, The great schoolmaistresse of all courtesy: Seemeth that such wilde woodes should far expell All civile usage and gentility, And gentle sprite deforme with rude rusticity. But to this faire Belphœbe in her berth The hevens so favorable were and free, Looking with myld aspect upon the earth In th' Horoscope of her nativitee, That all the gifts of grace and chastitee On her they poured forth of plenteous horne: Jove laught on Venus from his soverayne see, And Phoebus with faire beames did her adorne, And all the Graces rockt her cradle being borne. 2 Her berth was of the wombe of Morning dew, Her mother was the faire Chrysogonee, She bore Belphobe; she bore in like cace 3 [share These two were twinnes, and twixt them two did The heritage of all celestiall grace; That all the rest it seemd they robbed bare Of bounty, and of beautie, and all vertues rare. It were a goodly storie to declare By what straunge accident faire Chrysogone But wondrously they were begot and bred 5 6 And all the sweetest flowers that in the forrest grew: |